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dead_battery 10.17.2013 08:58 AM

lost my jerb because of a cunt
Lost my "job" because of a cunt
The bosses wife, who never forgave me for asking her how long she worked at the firm when I was supposed to innately know she had co founded it got rid of me. Fair enough there was not enough work for the two of us doing slave labour as part of a tory gov course but she was still a stuck up cunt.

Got insulted by this cunt 3 times. 3 passive aggressive remarks including sarcastic remarks that were meant for me to hear as I was leaving the building after being dismissed by a nice and polite woman.

Then went back to the training centre that got me the job where I was insulted by a cunt behind a desk for asking a simple question. Now I have to go work for this cunt until she finds me a new placement which just like the last one will have no actual job at the end of it.

I worked hard did everything I was told was polite and got insulted 4 times by CUNTS even though I was being as polite and courteous as I possibly could.

So im socially awkward and nervous and things were not properly explained to me. Does not mean I deserve to be insulted.

Fucking capitalism

!@#$%! 10.17.2013 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
Lost my "job" because of a cunt
The bosses wife, who never forgave me for asking her how long she worked at the firm when I was supposed to innately know she had co founded it got rid of me. Fair enough there was not enough work for the two of us doing slave labour as part of a tory gov course but she was still a stuck up cunt.

Got insulted by this cunt 3 times. 3 passive aggressive remarks including sarcastic remarks that were meant for me to hear as I was leaving the building after being dismissed by a nice and polite woman.

Then went back to the training centre that got me the job where I was insulted by a cunt behind a desk for asking a simple question. Now I have to go work for this cunt until she finds me a new placement which just like the last one will have no actual job at the end of it.

I worked hard did everything I was told was polite and got insulted 4 times by CUNTS even though I was being as polite and courteous as I possibly could.

So im socially awkward and nervous and things were not properly explained to me. Does not mean I deserve to be insulted.

Fucking capitalism

you might not welcome this comment but since you posted publicly i'm offering a public comment. first-- that's not capitalism but a social program. in other systems it would be worse, you'd have to kiss the ass of entrenched bureucrats and party officials and commissars-- in markets you have choices ("i hate this job and i'm going elsewhwere".)

my suggestion therefore is that you become more capitalist than what the social democrat system requires of you ("employment"), and pursue some sort of entrepreneurial path instead and find your fortunes in the market.

perks: 1) your creativity is the limit, 2) you have no boss, 3) you can focus on selling product instead of service so you do not have to deal with people so much

challenges: 1) you won't get paid to warm a chair, 2) competition can eat you, 3) you'll have to consciously and purposely train yourself on social skills because you are now the boss-- even if it's email-only social skills (e.g., online business). actually that would be a plus.

anyway, hold a trial with defense prosecution to look at this possibility. think of the soylent guy. is he a billionaire yet? who knows, you could be the next chemical warlord. and no, i' m not talking about cooking meth. i'm in the empire business. but seriously, you could run your own pirate ship, even if it's a one-man canoe.

ghetto heaven.

dead_battery 10.17.2013 10:55 AM

but what would I sell or do?

!@#$%! 10.17.2013 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
but what would I sell or do?

Kindly refer to perks #1.

I'm out on errands but I'll write more later.

dead_battery 10.17.2013 12:51 PM

ive had variants of this conversation many times before and right now is the time you get aggressive with me and I am still clueless.

understand, I don't mean you personally, just everyone else whose ever had this type of convo with me. They get all excited at the start then when they find im not ecstatic at their unconsciously xtian fantasy of "creativity" as if I could ever do anything they get aggressive.

I feel like saying - sorry asshole I dont owe the world anything. I dont share your guilt. (Not saying that to you your advice is sound).

When I was working I felt half retarded or autistic or something I could barely handle it.

!@#$%! 10.17.2013 02:47 PM

i don't know what the fuck you're going on about but you can't read my mind-- it's your assumptions that are aggressive.

anyway i don't care to bicker. what i was meaning to say is that weirdos like you or me are not fit for employment. that shit is a highly social endeavor-- i can't stand it, and i suspect you can't either. people are fucking annoying and i don't want them around me all day. especially stupid people giving orders. i can't stand taking orders in general (though it's more tolerable for a specific fee and under contract) but stupid people are the worst.

economics however is not about "employment," although social programming would have you believe that. it's not about "jobs" and "job creators" and the government or any of that. you gotta deprogram.

economics is simply about the production and exchange of goods and services in a market. all you need to do is provide them for others to exchange. yes, the common "employment" arrangement is that you exchange your time and energy for cash, but there are other ways to exchange.

earlier i said "ghetto heaven" because that's what it felt like the first time i got a job where i had no boss. the money wasn't great but the exhilaration was infinite. i did great too. that's when i decided never to have a boss again. so i found something i could do and others couldn't, and started getting clients instead-- a job for a fee-- a contractor. pays a lot better. then the clients started getting annoying-- they want this and that and the other for less and less money-- they want to tell me how to do my job-- they want me to call them right back-- they need constant babying and handholding. it's social. so i got tired of it. i'm currently migrating to "product." you like it, you buy it; you don't, go buy something else. simple. the market decides.

anyway i don't know what you can offer besides half-retarded autistic labor (as you call it), but i'm sure there is something better. you're pretty smart and you have to be able to provide more to the market exchange than some government-assigned "employment" for some rude co-founder cunt. no?

figure out what you're good at, figure out what others want, find a way to make the two ends meet and make some money, then use that money intelligently so as not to squander and you can become independent of others. that's it in short, but the devil is of course in the details.

don't you have some entrepreneurial dna? i'm pretty sure you do. business can be a lot of fun. "jobs" on the other hand can and will kill you.

dead_battery 10.17.2013 03:43 PM

Thats the dream. Still dont know what to do or sell

!@#$%! 10.17.2013 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
Thats the dream. Still dont know what to do or sell

you can do anything from tutoring the illiterate to making sheep cheese to writing and selling pamphlets to selling fish to restaurants-- i don't know what you can do, where you are, who is around you, etc.

like i said, your creativity is the limit. nothing to do with any "christianity". call it inventiveness then. figure it out.

what's your market? what needs can you identify? where do you have a competitive advantage? can you find a different advantage in a different market? for example, when i moved from a large metro to a small town i suddenly became the web guy everyone needed to hire because while i was just a generalist with a couple of years part-time experience nobody else knew shit about it. i made good money with that gig and nobody even asked me for papers (which i didn't have).

when i moved back to a bigger town i was nobody again, but it didn't matter because i had developed a different more niche expertise and while location was important my network grew across geography. now i've moved to the sticks to cut expenses and relaunch, and i'm trying to get things where it doesn't matter where i am, my product is out there.

anyway, there are oodles of books on entrepreneurship, from how to compete in the big leagues to starting a microbusiness to how to have a four hour workweek to purple cows and so on and so forth. but you gotta start somewhere with the right attitude which is-- necessity is the mother of invention. so get the fuck inventin'. unless you like zombie "jobs." (puke). start reading.


ps- while a tract with libertarian tendencies might be repugnant to you ideologically, i highly highly highly recommend you read thomas sowell's "basic economics" to get a real sense of how markets work. because marxists don't get it and liberals don't get it and misread things and keep demanding that "someone" provides them with what they need. anyway, excellent book, you don't need to eat the man's opinions on everything, just hear him out on economics and see if that helps you see opportunity where before was none. e.g.-- the siege of antwerp-- hilarious story about the power of smuggling.

floatingslowly 10.17.2013 05:24 PM

sorry to hear this, you cunt.

me? I'm hoping for a job with the local Shire.


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.17.2013 06:52 PM



(on the real though, I know what you mean, work sucks, period.)

!@#$%! 10.18.2013 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Trama
it's gonna be interesting to see what happens to the entrepreneurship bubble within the next two years. better hurry.

yesterday i went to the hardware store and there was a man selling burritos in the parking lot.

i don't think entrepreneurship, is going anywhere unless you mean "awesome apps!" and lifestyle blogs. fads come and go, economic activity remains, and there will always be unmet needs.


dead_battery 10.18.2013 07:47 AM

The internet will make 40% of the US economies jobs obsolete over coming decades according to some report I read on the Internet.

Ps. Entrepreneur is code for twat

!@#$%! 10.18.2013 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Trama
funding is gonna get exponentially difficult, is all i'm saying. i've been on the startups ‘scene’ for some years now and i can see the writing on the wall.

yeah, startups. yet another bandwagon. that's an alien game for most of the world's population though.


somewhere on the internet there's a video of jason fried of 37 signals talking about how all he wants is a good italian restaurant, not the next google. he explains the metaphor. worth watching (about 30 minutes maybe?). a much better model.

!@#$%! 10.18.2013 08:16 AM

it's un unsustainable model. they want to work 80 hours a day on the chance that some megabeast buys their company-- just like winning the lottery. you can't build your life on future lottery winnings. investors will pull out.

there's that book about venture capital w/ the motorcycle and the monk guy who want to start you read it?

dead_battery 10.18.2013 08:18 AM

The majority of people in this country ive worked with or talked to are insane. There is a recession so the idea is to CUT DELETE DESTROY ERASE everything. All they can tell you are jobs that arent necessary, and they all see the economy as a magical manifestation of the human body itself, as if they are ashamed of their own faeces and think if they shit less theyd have more gold bricks in the big pile.

dead_battery 10.18.2013 08:25 AM

None of them understand that capitalism is a system designed and imposed by the rich who benefit from it at their expense. They have this religion of ultra irrational positive thinking for its own sake. And you cant go a minute without being aggressively excoriated to believe and dream in your follow the goals of your dream if you work hard! Or something equally as insane and incomprehensible as that. Its magical thinking but they dont realize it. At the same time, Ive noticed that uk media has now TOTALLY ABANDONED the idea of explaining anything in a systemic or structural manner. EVERYTHING is now explained as a human narrative. Everything is a story made up solely of things people say and it is impossible to even verify the existence of anything other than the the people involved. They even do this for stories about the fucking water supply. It becomes impossible to understand anything

!@#$%! 10.18.2013 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
The majority of people in this country ive worked with or talked to are insane. There is a recession so the idea is to CUT DELETE DESTROY ERASE everything. All they can tell you are jobs that arent necessary, and they all see the economy as a magical manifestation of the human body itself, as if they are ashamed of their own faeces and think if they shit less theyd have more gold bricks in the big pile.

i don't understand why that is necessary here. you might have read the phrase primum vivere, deinde philosophari. you've read a lot of books that tell you what's wrong with the world and how people are fucked and that maybe makes you better than everybody else; but you need knowledge that shows you how to function in that "wrong world" so you can eat and not freeze and live long enough to write your memoirs some day. people still make money during recessions (e.g., potato growers thrive while yatch makers suffer).

anyway, gotta go make breakfast. blueberry pancakes, from scratch. mmm-mmm-mmm!

dead_battery 10.18.2013 08:30 AM

They start every story with a quote then say "thats according to the health minister" or "a new study" or something. They do this with a big dopey dipshitted grin on their face. By the end of the story you dont understand what is happening or why only the fact that careerist clowns have been doing PR to promote themselves. It is nietzschean in the worst sense. There are no facts, only press releases. If you search too long for the facts careful the facts dont end up being used to sue you.

dead_battery 10.18.2013 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i don't understand why that is necessary here. you might have read the phrase primum vivere, deinde philosophari. you've read a lot of books that tell you what's wrong with the world and how people are fucked and that maybe makes you better than everybody else; but you need knowledge that shows you how to function in that "wrong world" so you can eat and not freeze and live long enough to write your memoirs some day. people still make money during recessions (e.g., potato growers thrive while yatch makers suffer).

anyway, gotta go make breakfast. blueberry pancakes, from scratch. mmm-mmm-mmm!

But you dont have that knowledge, it just comes down to pep talking me while trying not to sound aggressive

!@#$%! 10.18.2013 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
But you dont have that knowledge, it just comes down to pep talking me while trying not to sound aggressive

what knowledge do you mean? i know how to make and manage money. i am not economically deprived. took me years of getting over wrongheaded ideologies about money to start prospering. i know people who are already retired or near retirement and who still hold on to archaic patterns of thinking about money and they can't ever stop from being broke and in debt. they are poor managers with stupid ideas who keep waiting for the world to change to meet their needs.

and this is not a pep talk. i'm just offering an alternative mental model for you to deal with your problem. if your ideological stance and discourse are serving you well at this juncture then you don't need to read this and i'm wasting time and energy.

alright. busy day. take care.

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