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floatingslowly 06.25.2012 02:52 PM

The OFFICIAL ask Stu66 Official Questions Thread
Now that Stu666 is an Official Sonic.Yute TeamMEMBER, it is very important that we keep our questions organized, so as not to disturb her WORKFLOW.


Stewey, you don't mind if we call you Stewey, do you?


Good, let's get down to business.....

in your opinion, officially speaking, what color panties is Kim wearing??

O,.god, pls say black...

stu666 06.25.2012 02:56 PM

she's not wearing any at this moment in time....

stu666 06.25.2012 02:56 PM

I prefer Stuey to Stewey

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 03:01 PM



When fighting over who gets the mirror, backstage, who gets the mirror, Lee or Thurstob???

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 03:03 PM

Can someone please move this tread upstairs???

stu666 06.25.2012 03:03 PM

They don't need to fight, Thurston always has his own room with his own mirror....

I like this thread floats. maybe I should do a sticky on it...

stu666 06.25.2012 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Can someone please move this tread upstairs???

I could do, but don't want to.

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 03:09 PM

Thanks, Stew!

We all know the more popular member's names, but who's the drummer? What's the deal with that guy (or gal)? Are they some friend of Mark Ibold????

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by stu666
They don't need to fight, Thurston always has his own room with his own mirror....

Sounds like a real prima donna, that one.

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 03:34 PM

Please, answer me promptly; I have deadlines to meet.


"I've seen Sonic Youth live, many times, but nothing beats the time I saw them ____________."

stu666 06.25.2012 03:36 PM

I don't know if I want to answer any more of yr questions, I've just read yr deleted post, I know yr type.

(btw a tip if you don't want anyone to ever read yr deleted posts is to edit it before you delete it or just edit it. otherwise I can still read them!)

The drummer likes to keep a low profile but he is a top guy. I think his name might be Harry?

stu666 06.25.2012 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Please, answer me promptly; I have deadlines to meet.

you think I have the time for this? I have spammers to decimate...

I'll try and answer all yr questions but can't say when.

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 03:49 PM

I only delete posts due to personal asthetics and rightly couldn't give a fuck who reads them,.least of all some sonic lackey.

Now, it's no secret that rockers "do it for the tits", but most Sonic Youth fans are men who prefer men, does Sonic Youth like manbooobs? What about you?

stu666 06.25.2012 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I only delete posts due to personal asthetics and rightly couldn't give a fuck who reads them,.least of all some sonic lackey.

Now, it's no secret that rockers "do it for the tits", but most Sonic Youth fans are men who prefer men, does Sonic Youth like manbooobs? What about you?

I can't speak for SY. I like men and women but I prefer boobs over moobs anyday.

stu666 06.25.2012 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by halfeatencake
stu on a scale from 1 to adele, how annoying is floaty?

0. floats rocks my boat. <3

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 04:08 PM

Don't try to make this hard for me. :mad:

In your own words, describe, as best as you can, the smell of Sonic Youth's locker room,.after a big game. Does Lee try to watch from dryland???

1/2essencaeks: I'm a full 10, toots. ;)

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 04:11 PM

I need an admin to page Lee, please.


stu666 06.25.2012 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by halfeatencake
stu can you rename me? i want to be halbaufgegessenerkuchen now. just so everyone knows i am from nazi germany

really? I can if you want...

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by halfeatencake
can you name me stu666? for floatingslowly?

It's not even my birthday!

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 04:43 PM

Hey, Sue666: what's the deal with THE DIVORCE? is it true that Thirston had "wiener problems"?

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by halfeatencake
no one cares about your birthday! except... we all do. because you are so cool and we all care about you and we want to be best friends with you. but sadly your best friend is paris hilton and, let's face it, who would to hang out with us when you can put your hand up paris' lady parts?

Im in it to get close to Lionel Richie. :o

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 05:10 PM

Much like that one song by Weezer (true story), the song "All Night Long" was written about, and for, ME.

Genteel Death 06.25.2012 05:12 PM

Will you be my bf at ATP?

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 05:23 PM

This thread has taken an unexpected turn....toward love. :o

Genteel: YES he WILL.

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 06:30 PM

STOO: is there truth to the rumour that Sojic Youth intend to play a benefit concert for jon boy, post atp, post death-666 wedding??? has there been any comment from swa(y)?

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 06:51 PM

Eh...she get around...

Although it's certainly true that the death-666 (666-death??) wedding news is going to rip her heart out, spit on it and mail it to france.

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 06:54 PM

Where is Lee, stewart??

I asked to have Lee paged.

floatingslowly 06.25.2012 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by halfeatencake
why to france?

Don't be so naive.

SONIC GAIL 06.25.2012 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by stu666
I don't know if I want to answer any more of yr questions, I've just read yr deleted post, I know yr type.

(btw a tip if you don't want anyone to ever read yr deleted posts is to edit it before you delete it or just edit it. otherwise I can still read them!)

The drummer likes to keep a low profile but he is a top guy. I think his name might be Harry?

hahahaha this shit is hillarious!!!!!

Stu do u think I will age as well as Kim?

SONIC GAIL 06.25.2012 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by halfeatencake
stu can you rename me? i want to be halbaufgegessenerkuchen now. just so everyone knows i am from nazi germany

that is whAt most Americans connect with Germany

SONIC GAIL 06.25.2012 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by halfeatencake
ok daddy
i will call you daddy from now on

i dont ever recall fucking floatz

stu666 06.26.2012 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
what's the deal with THE DIVORCE? is it true that Thirston had "wiener problems"?

The truth is that Thurston caught me and Kim together after the London New Years Eve show. So you can blame me for the split... :( sorry guys.


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Will you be my bf at ATP?

Maybe, I'd have to wait and see when I meet you though...


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
what are the responsibilities / perks of being a Super Moderator?

My main responsibility is to delete/ban all the new spam threads/bots. I'm not sure they're perks but I can edit/delete any post/thread/member, I can see what all of you are doing (even when you use invisible mode) and there's a fifth forum on the front page only for Admin + Mods.


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
Stu do u think I will age as well as Kim?

Yes dear, you and all of us who post here hold the secret to eternal youth..

EVOLghost 06.26.2012 04:35 AM

Dear Stu, can I please have some new shoes?

White ones please.

SonicBebs 06.26.2012 04:53 AM

there's an invisibility mode?!?!!

sonic sphere 06.26.2012 05:50 AM

hi stu, when are you going to fix the polls? :p
i think we should have a poll about it ;)

floatingslowly 06.26.2012 06:20 AM

Oh man secret forum.

When will they ever learn???

floatingslowly 06.26.2012 08:11 AM

Hey,.Stew, please be a lamb, go into admin.cp > users > Keeping it Simple.

Now look at the registered IP's for both Pookie and Glice. It's Pookie and Glice, isn't it?????

EVOLghost 06.26.2012 08:20 AM

Now THAT! is a good idea.

I too would like to konw who has double accounts.

floatingslowly 06.26.2012 08:37 AM

I am EVOLghost.

floatingslowly 06.26.2012 08:55 AM

Hey, Stuwbert, I'm pretty sure that Sonic Youth frowns upon pedofiles; is there any chance we can get louder banned?

Saying "no" means sonic youth supports the international sex trade.

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