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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.02.2006 06:39 PM

You know how I know you're gay?
Your dick tastes like shit!

Glice 10.02.2006 06:41 PM

Women have assholes too man.

As do Dogs, cats, horses, cows BUT NOT FOXES I'M NOT SOME SICK FOX-FUCKER.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.02.2006 06:42 PM

Why you gotta go and be like that Glice?

You know how I know you're gay?

You gave me a reach around!

Hip Priest 10.02.2006 06:42 PM

You don't know any such thing. Holding Rupert Everett in high esteem does not mean I'm gay. Nor does being in touch with my feminine side.

porkmarras 10.02.2006 06:44 PM

Whow knows?I could pass for straight on a good day...............

Glice 10.02.2006 06:44 PM

I'm gay because I listen to Erasure and ride around town in pink PVC hotpants on top of a wheeled-rocky horse I call 'Mimsy-moo-moo' who is decorated with flowers and rainbows. And if you've got a problem with that, then Ex-cu-uuse me. Honey.

Hip Priest 10.02.2006 06:46 PM

Get her.

porkmarras 10.02.2006 06:46 PM

I'm more gay than you are because i faint.............

Hip Priest 10.02.2006 06:47 PM

I have a pink bracelet thingy, and the 'Groovy Chick' mug in work is mine.

porkmarras 10.02.2006 06:48 PM


porkmarras 10.02.2006 06:49 PM

I came back from a gay night where everything was.WOW!,gay.

golden child 10.02.2006 06:50 PM

i know your gay, because you know my dick tastes like shit!

Norma J 10.02.2006 06:52 PM

This board is more gay than a Scissor Sisters board, I'm sure. Every second post is about who is gay or what is gay. Is homosexuality going out of fashion?

Savage Clone 10.02.2006 06:54 PM

I own several pairs of leather pants...

Glice 10.02.2006 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I own several pairs of leather pants...

That's only gay because you mean pants in the English sense.

finding nobody 10.02.2006 07:05 PM

You know how I know your gay?

Cause you watched 40 year old virgin
(only joking)

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Your dick tastes like shit!

assuming that you, as a male, have tasted dick (gaaaaay) and shit, you're 79% correct.

Savage Clone 10.02.2006 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
That's only gay because you mean pants in the English sense.

As an American, had I said "trousers" I would have sounded at least 68% more gay.

Hip Priest 10.02.2006 07:11 PM

98% more gay if you'd said 'slacks'.

porkmarras 10.02.2006 07:13 PM

Nice to meet you all.Goodbye.

Savage Clone 10.02.2006 07:15 PM

"Slacks" is one of the worst words in the English language.
Please refrain from uttering it in my presence again.
Thanks in advance,

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 07:15 PM


Hip Priest 10.02.2006 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
"Slacks" is one of the worst words in the English language.
Please refrain from uttering it in my presence again.
Thanks in advance,


In Liverpool, they say 'keks'. God knows why.

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 07:17 PM


Cantankerous 10.02.2006 07:17 PM


Pookie 10.02.2006 07:18 PM


Cantankerous 10.02.2006 07:20 PM


Glice 10.02.2006 07:24 PM

Have you noticed that nothing about M Stipe is particularly gay apart from his chin? He has the gayest chin known to mankind.

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 07:26 PM


he hangs out with the biggest fag hag in america, which is pretty gay in and of itself. the chin is fucking gay though.

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 07:27 PM

and that HAT!

porkmarras 10.02.2006 07:28 PM

That's so 79 years ago...............

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 07:28 PM

last time i checked 12 does not equal 79.

atari 2600 10.02.2006 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I own several pairs of leather pants...

Yes, yes we know...and yet you vocally dislike the Lizard King. What are your feelings about Gerard Malanga?

porkmarras 10.02.2006 07:55 PM

Gerard Malanga was always too nice to Morrison on his arrival?

porkmarras 10.02.2006 07:56 PM


ni'k 10.02.2006 08:02 PM

I don't know why everyone says i'm gay, maybe it was because of that time i fucked all those guys?

static-harmony 10.02.2006 08:23 PM

People say I'm gay because I don't act like a guy, whatever that is supposed to mean.

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