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keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 12:13 PM

the problems of CANADA
there are none, it's fun. l'hockey! le sirop d'erable!



knox 10.12.2011 12:31 PM

it does look like a paradise for most of us.
they're still holding these conferences asking for people to apply to work there and this time i'm seriously considering? despite the fact that the application procedure is supposed to cost a lot.

startur 10.12.2011 12:54 PM

go flames go

vulva 10.12.2011 12:55 PM


floatingslowly 10.12.2011 01:01 PM

ice and snow.


vulva 10.12.2011 01:03 PM

snow is kinda gdlk

floatingslowly 10.12.2011 01:21 PM

- inferior tacos
- møøse bites
- Justin Bieber

jon boy 10.12.2011 01:30 PM

largest drug use in north america, hiv rates through the roof, largest gap between the rich and poor, poorest zip code in north america, standard of living below some third world countries.



keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by knox
it does look like a paradise for most of us.
they're still holding these conferences asking for people to apply to work there and this time i'm seriously considering? despite the fact that the application procedure is supposed to cost a lot.

what cities are they sending people to?

honestly you might as well try it, it's boring enough to induce psychotic depression in those of us who have been somewhere else.... but if you haven't been here before it could take years to get to that point

davenotdead 10.12.2011 01:30 PM

too much frenchtalk
too much syrup

keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
standard of living below some third world countries.

can you provide some details here? vancouver has a very high standard of living.

so i'm guessing when you say below some third world countries.... you must be comparing a homeless person in vancouver to an average person in the third world? that doesn't make sense

i definitely agree that being homeless and having hiv is pretty shitty, but anytime you compare canada to some third world countries you're talking out of yr ass. i'm not even from a third world country and i've seen plenty of people who would do anything to live as well as a far below-average person in canada (i'm saying 'i've seen' if you take out the actual observation part, i'm assuming the majority of the world population falls into that category)

it seems really sensationalist to me, can you point me to a country where the homeless live well? if no then i don't really see it as canada being shittier than anywhere else, although this particular country at least has the resources to fix those problems, assuming rich pricks ever decide it's worth it, in the third world they can't realistically fix any of their problems, because they're caused mostly by foreign exploitation, and because nato would free the fuck out of them if there was any whimper in the government of perhaps telling the world bank to fuck off

floatingslowly 10.12.2011 01:54 PM

- ice road truckers
- ice roads
- ice
- eskimos

jon boy 10.12.2011 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
can you provide some details here? vancouver has a very high standard of living.

so i'm guessing when you say below some third world countries.... you must be comparing a homeless person in vancouver to an average person in the third world? that doesn't make sense

i definitely agree that being homeless and having hiv is pretty shitty, but anytime you compare canada to some third world countries you're talking out of yr ass. i'm not even from a third world country and i've seen plenty of people who would do anything to live as well as a far below-average person in canada (i'm saying 'i've seen' if you take out the actual observation part, i'm assuming the majority of the world population falls into that category)

it seems really sensationalist to me, can you point me to a country where the homeless live well? if no then i don't really see it as canada being shittier than anywhere else, although this particular country at least has the resources to fix those problems, assuming rich pricks ever decide it's worth it, in the third world they can't realistically fix any of their problems, because they're caused mostly by foreign exploitation, and because nato would free the fuck out of them if there was any whimper in the government of perhaps telling the world bank to fuck off

as i work with the homeless, drug addicted and downtrodden i can say that it certainly sounds as if your 'talking out of your ass'. the hiv rate is astounding in this city as is the hep c infection rate. thanks to places like insite that has dropped, as has the overdose death rate. vancouver has the richest and the poorest.

perhaps you should come check it out and see for yourself before making knee jerk reactions that point out your obvious lack of knowledge on the subject. but hey this is the sy gossip forum.

At an estimated 40%, the HIV infection rate in the Downtown Eastside is the highest in the industrialised world, on par with the impoverished African nation of Botswana.

keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
as i work with the homeless, drug addicted and downtrodden i can say that it certainly sounds as if your 'talking out of your ass'. the hiv rate is astounding in this city as is the hep c infection rate. thanks to places like insite that has dropped, as has the overdose death rate. vancouver has the richest and the poorest.

perhaps you should come check it out and see for yourself before making knee jerk reactions that point out your obvious lack of knowledge on the subject. but hey this is the sy gossip forum.

check it out myself?

how long have you lived in canada? i was a day labourer for years and i've met plenty of vancouver hobos.

when you say the standard of living is lower than some third world countries it's insulting and priviledged as fuck

answer the first question now, where is this standard of living statement coming from

are you saying that vancouver is a bad place because homeless people have a worse standard of living than people with houses in other places? comparing the very worst in one country to the average in another makes no sense. poor people in vancouver have dudes like you who work to help them. the poorest people in iraq had saddam to gas them...which country would you rather live in?

i don't give a fuck about yr first hand experience as i have more than enough of my own.

as an actual immigrant(not a cutie from the colonial mothership like yrself) i can speak pretty confidently that the standard of living in canada is not worse than most places, let alone the third world.

the people you work with, have somebody to help them, if they didn't live in canada they would be probably be dead or in jail.

do your thing to make canada a better place to live, but doin't compare it to the third world because that shit is silly

jon boy 10.12.2011 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
check it out myself?

how long have you lived in canada? i was a day labourer for years and i've met plenty of vancouver hobos.

when you say the standard of living is lower than some third world countries it's insulting and priviledged as fuck

answer the first question now, where is this standard of living statement coming from

are you saying that vancouver is a bad place because homeless people have a worse standard of living than people with houses in other places? comparing the very worst in one country to the average in another makes no sense. poor people in vancouver have dudes like you who work to help them. the poorest people in iraq had saddam to gas them...which country would you rather live in?

i don't give a fuck about yr first hand experience as i have more than enough of my own.

as an actual immigrant(not a cutie from the colonial mothership like yrself) i can speak pretty confidently that the standard of living in canada is not worse than most places, let alone the third world.

the people you work with, have somebody to help them, if they didn't live in canada they would be probably be dead or in jail.

do your thing to make canada a better place to live, but doin't compare it to the third world because that shit is silly

sounds like you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder.

a day laborer, phhff too posh to work the night shift huh?

keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy

At an estimated 40%, the HIV infection rate in the Downtown Eastside is the highest in the industrialised world, on par with the impoverished African nation of Botswana.

do you see what you're doing here, you're comparing a small(and far from typical) part of a single city

to an entire country.

it's not a realistic way to look at things.

in botswana people have high hiv infection rates....everywhere, not just skid row


Originally Posted by jon boy
a day laborer, phhff too posh to work the night shift huh?


i did have a chip on my shoulder, since my pa had to give up his whole life (literally if caught) to emigrate to canada and be broke here. if you live in canada the society is definitely holding you back and fucking up yr life, but a lot less than it would anywhere else

jon boy 10.12.2011 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
do you see what you're doing here, you're comparing a small(and far from typical) part of a single city

to an entire country.

it's not a realistic way to look at things.

in botswana people have high hiv infection rates....everywhere, not just skid row

who said i was comparing an area of a city too an entire country?

read the reports on the subject and stop being such a victim.

so if you lived there and know all these people tell me where the portland is, where the carnegie is, where blood alley is. do you know, or have ever been in insite?

Inhuman 10.12.2011 02:22 PM

In comparison to the rest of Canada, vancouver is quite a drug-addicted place. Meth flourishes there where it's unheard of here - also the high availability of H. Canada's a great country and all, just Vancouver just happens to have more junkies and methheads.

jon boy 10.12.2011 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
do you see what you're doing here, you're comparing a small(and far from typical) part of a single city

to an entire country.

it's not a realistic way to look at things.

in botswana people have high hiv infection rates....everywhere, not just skid row

just look at the original post in your thread. go on just have a quick glance.

keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
just look at the original post in your thread. go on just have a quick glance.

and see what

that you think because there's a high hiv rate in the neighbourhood where the shelters are

that it's comparable to entire countries where hiv is equally every neighbourhood?

it doesn't really make sense to compare it to the third world, yes it does indeed show that there is a problem with in the borders of canada... but.... you know.... when i said canada is perfect and backed it up with pictures of big red trucks and beaver shaped pillows, i was only being like 86% serious

keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 02:35 PM

At an estimated 40%, the HIV infection rate in the Downtown Eastside is the highest i

Originally Posted by jon boy
who said i was comparing an area of a city too an entire country?

read the reports on the subject and stop being such a victim.

so if you lived there and know all these people tell me where the portland is, where the carnegie is, where blood alley is. do you know, or have ever been in insite?

you 100% absolutely wrote that the downtown eastside(an area of city) is "on par with the impoverished African nation of Botswana." (a country)

i can't say i've been in every building in vancouver, i can live with that, have been to every place in botswana where people have aids?

jon boy 10.12.2011 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
and see what

that you think because there's a high hiv rate in the neighbourhood where the shelters are

that it's comparable to entire countries where hiv is equally every neighbourhood?

it doesn't really make sense to compare it to the third world, yes it does indeed show that there is a problem with in the borders of canada... but.... you know.... when i said canada is perfect and backed it up with pictures of big red trucks and beaver shaped pillows, i was only being like 86% serious

lets try turning that chip into a warm salty pastes yeh?

once again i was pointing out that these problems exist and ignoring them/ becoming angry that someone brings them up is futile and doesnt help the matter. have you spent any time in the dtes? you mentioned talking to 'vancouver hobo's' i am not sure what you mean by that as exchanging a few words with someone could be considered that.

jon boy 10.12.2011 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
you 100% absolutely wrote that the downtown eastside(an area of city) is "on par with the impoverished African nation of Botswana." (a country)

i can't say i've been in every building in vancouver, i can live with that, have been to every place in botswana where people have aids?

merely reiterating official health study findings. check them out for yourself. you seem to have the time on your hands.

floatingslowly 10.12.2011 02:50 PM

- jon boy

keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
lets try turning that chip into a warm salty pastes yeh?

once again i was pointing out that these problems exist and ignoring them/ becoming angry that someone brings them up is futile and doesnt help the matter. have you spent any time in the dtes? you mentioned talking to 'vancouver hobo's' i am not sure what you mean by that as exchanging a few words with someone could be considered that.

i'm not mad you're pointing problems out, i'm mad you're comparing them to very different situations

if every part of yr life gets completely ruined in canada, you'll be as fucked as you would be simply being born in half the planet, it's disproportionate. and the sort of problems that lead people to living so badly in vancouver are understood and tolerated much better in canada than pretty much anywhere else, it's possible to turn yr life around and get away from that situation in canada, most places yr only chance would be to move to canada.

i've been to east vancouver of course, it's been awhile, definitely is fucked by canada standards but i'd be surprised if would be a considered a bad place by haiti standards.

as far as 'talking the vancouver hobos' i think it's cut and dry, i live in one of the closest major cities and people from vancouver come here to live or work constantly.

did you live in canada when alberta had a labour shortage and everyone was trying to get rich here? i met homeless dudes from vancouver every single day for a couple years as a construction labourer. so more than exchanging a few words(altho that happened thousands of times) i'm talking about working 8 hours with them, if not hanging out later, and as a co-worker i'm dealing with people on a more or less equal level (except in cases where i'm the loser because i'm not from canada)

i don't know why you would think vancouver is some sort of mystery to people who live in calgary?

and at the end of the day i'd rather be in the les than hobbema


Originally Posted by jon boy
merely reiterating official health study findings. check them out for yourself. you seem to have the time on your hands.

well then you're reiterating things that compare a part of town to a whole country, did they mention how many people in botswana are BORN with aids instead of contracting it?

jon boy 10.12.2011 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
i'm not mad you're pointing problems out, i'm mad you're comparing them to very different situations

if every part of yr life gets completely ruined in canada, you'll be as fucked as you would be simply being born in half the planet, it's disproportionate. and the sort of problems that lead people to living so badly in vancouver are understood and tolerated much better in canada than pretty much anywhere else, it's possible to turn yr life around and get away from that situation in canada, most places yr only chance would be to move to canada.

i've been to east vancouver of course, it's been awhile, definitely is fucked by canada standards but i'd be surprised if would be a considered a bad place by haiti standards.

as far as 'talking the vancouver hobos' i think it's cut and dry, i live in one of the closest major cities and people from vancouver come here to live or work constantly.

did you live in canada when alberta had a labour shortage and everyone was trying to get rich here? i met homeless dudes from vancouver every single day for a couple years as a construction labourer. so more than exchanging a few words(altho that happened thousands of times) i'm talking about working 8 hours with them, if not hanging out later, and as a co-worker i'm dealing with people on a more or less equal level (except in cases where i'm the loser because i'm not from canada)

i don't know why you would think vancouver is some sort of mystery to people who live in calgary?

and at the end of the day i'd rather be in the les than hobbema

well then you're reiterating things that compare a part of town to a whole country, did they mention how many people in botswana are BORN with aids instead of contracting it?

oh my god your right, i just checked and there are no problems here, non whatsoever. all the evidence to the contrary is just left wing propaganda.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 10.12.2011 03:39 PM

Ahhh Canada, the land that blessed my life with Avril Lavigne, Tom Green, Mike Myers, and Kids in the Hall.

Hats off to my beloved northern brethren.

keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
oh my god your right, i just checked and there are no problems here, non whatsoever. all the evidence to the contrary is just left wing propaganda.

sarcasm, that's what you get when canadian people have to actually think about things outside of north america

i get it when a redneck who has hasn't left saskatchewan is like that, but jonboy isn't even from canada.

okay you're right, vancouver which i know nothing about despite regular visits since i was five is basically identical to botswana but with worse quality of life.

Inhuman 10.12.2011 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
sarcasm, that's what you get when canadian people have to actually think about things outside of north america

That's it, it's built into our national genetic roots. We just happen to blurt out a cluster of sarcastic statements when we think about what's outside of NA. Our free medicare isn't funded enough to find a cure to it either

keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 04:09 PM

in canada every settled area has easy access to clean drinking water, you can walk in a tim hortons bathroom anytime and have water that won't make you sick.

alot of people have no toilet or tap within 100km so they shit in the same river they drink from.

don't compare canada to the third world because they can't be compared.

yr life can be unbearably awful in canada like everywhere else, but you'll always be able to talk to a doctor or use running water, even if you're homeless, there's lots of places where you can be at the top of society in yr town and still never be able to get a cup of water that isn't from the river where all the locals shit and where foreign companies have been secretly dumping dangerous waste

keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 06:30 PM

canada is the most diverse country in the world

in canada everyone is bi-lingual

the three things we care about most are; multiculturalism, democracy and hockey

this is what hockey looks like


boyle,keith, perry, richards. you need to speak about twenty languages to be able to pronounce that group of names correctly

this is what democracy looks like


(hey look we let a girl be prime minister once, for 5 months....sike)


you would be able to say the names of all prime ministers right knowing only english and french

except nobody says mulroney right the first time

keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 06:47 PM

despite being considered one of canada's most conservative prime ministers, brian mulrony actually married a freaking immigrant

how does some girl from yugoslavia get to know the future prime minister of canada?

was she

A) a promising elite herself


B) nineteen years old

EVOLghost 10.12.2011 06:50 PM

knox 10.12.2011 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
what cities are they sending people to?

honestly you might as well try it, it's boring enough to induce psychotic depression in those of us who have been somewhere else.... but if you haven't been here before it could take years to get to that point

I'm not sure, depends what you do for a living and if they consider they need some of you? The paper work costs a lot of money tho, and it's not refundable in case they say no. I don't have that kind of cash to spare. So I'm not sure... As for diversity, 'democracy' and free health care I already have it... with a lot more chaos and barely any snow.

davenotdead 10.12.2011 07:09 PM

-no based god
-no southern blacks
-no hip-hop
-no beaches
-too diverse
-bad tv shows

evollove 10.12.2011 07:14 PM

They way the say about (aboot) and been (beeeen)--pro or con?

evollove 10.12.2011 07:22 PM

^ From Quebec. Doesn't count.

keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
-no southern blacks

oh shit

i know of at least one southern black guy in canada, careful with yr stereotypes

canada always refutes the stereotypes

you think there's nothing to do here but play hockey?

have you ever tried ball hockey? table hockey? field hockey? floor hockey? street hockey???? we do alot more than play hockey, we even have another sport; ringette. it's like hockey but for young girls, after twelve they get excluded from sports people pay attention to again and go into field hockey. if you really want you can force yr young daughter into real hockey but people don't want to because they're sure they'll end being toothless and muscly with a mullet, at which point the boy hockey players won't want to marry them. and the boy hockey players get paid 85,000 times as much money as yr daughter will, so you need to make sure they don't do anything that endanger their chance of marrying a rich hockey player...

keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by knox
I'm not sure, depends what you do for a living and if they consider they need some of you? The paper work costs a lot of money tho, and it's not refundable in case they say no. I don't have that kind of cash to spare. So I'm not sure... As for diversity, 'democracy' and free health care I already have it... with a lot more chaos and barely any snow.

did you hear about it from someone in yr industry or something? because i don't know much at all about finding jobs, but i have been to most major cities in canada so i could give you a clue as to whether the sort of places people ending up in your line of work are kind of cool or too dull to even consider moving to. there's huge amounts of towns in the both categories, although the seemingly more insufferable towns are sometimes pretty cool(winnipeg)

basically it's really large and there are many areas that you should not move to.

keep poppin pimples 10.12.2011 07:37 PM

canada has good tv shows

puppets who kill

corner gas

the kids in the hall

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