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thindarkduke13 09.11.2006 03:36 PM

I want to start Final Fantasy VII again REALLY bad
but I'm too lazy and If I start to play it obsessively like I used to, my grades are going to hell. By the beard of Zeus, I'm in a pickle.

umjammer atomsk 09.11.2006 03:41 PM

FF7 is much more important than these "grades" you speak of. Go fight Shinra and uncover Cloud's dark history, yada, yada...

m^a(t)h 09.11.2006 05:57 PM

never played FF but just got a game cube and resident evil zero. ive got a ton of homework but fuck it, games are so much cooler.

DemonBox 09.11.2006 05:58 PM

FF7 rules all. Go on now, crank it up.

!@#$%! 09.11.2006 06:08 PM

yeah! listen to the advice of these people! and while you're at it, ask them how do they make a living or what are their career prospects.... ha ha ha. i don't mean "career" as in "corporate" by the way-- i mean having any kind of productive life-- making art or what not.

anyway ,i hope some of the advice was in jest!

don't get me wrong, i used to love certain games like civilizations, but i know better (or so i think, anyway, ha ha) & stay away from it these days. this shit can be too addictive (though i have to say i've never played final fantasy).

since your life is at stake, maybe you can wait for thanksgiving break to go on a playing rampage? that's a great way to avoid pestering relatives as well...

another option would be to put yourself on a timer & automatically electrocute your gonads if you exceed your quota.

cosmokramer 09.12.2006 12:01 AM

yes, ff7 rules all
yes, grades and homework are important
no, you cannot do both
CONCLUSION: do neither

fishmonkey 09.12.2006 04:12 AM

aww fuck me i love that game.

my friends were split down the middle with this game, we all loved Playstation, still do but only one other guy liked this game with me. when 8, 9 came out the whole group literally said goodbye to us for the length of time it took for us two to go away and complete it. t'was like we were going away to work on an oil rig for 2 or 3 months!! i suppose we were in a way..

mental fuckin daze.

..and the music when your going into the fight scene..

Lurker 09.12.2006 06:52 AM

I recently started playing ff7 again too. It's only the second time. I've gotten to gold Saucer. I love this game.

tip: in gold saucer that secret prize thats worth 500gp is only a carob nut. Completely not worth the hours playing that damn bike game. But now I have 500 gp to spend on the battle arena.

thindarkduke13 09.12.2006 03:44 PM

Aw, I guess I'll wait for some break

umjammer atomsk 09.12.2006 04:00 PM


finding nobody 09.12.2006 04:40 PM

I love Barret!

atsonicpark 04.03.2011 07:08 AM

I love FF7. There's really never been anything else like it, yet it's inspried every RPG since. weird, eh? It was also the last good FF (besides IX, which was pretty awesome, especially near the end, but was a bit hindered by the most unlikeable characters in any FF, plus it was WAY too easy).

XENOGEARS is probably the only other RPG I'd reccomend this highly. I mean, these are games even RPG haters can appreciate (Xenogears is all about killing God, and it involves a giant rat on a crucifix and the rest of the game is a ripoff of NEON GENESIS EVANGELION -- THIS GAME RULES!).

But yeah FF7. When Aeris bit the big one.. what a fucking moment.

Sephiroth... the motorcycle race.. the snowboarding.. sneaking into the Shinra building.. the apocalyptic ending.. fuck yes!

I also loved how YUFFIE and VINCENT (who is overrated as fuck) are secret characters.

My party was always RED XIII, Tifa, and Cloud.

Great fucking game.

noisereductions 04.03.2011 09:26 AM

Been playing thru it again for the first time in at least 8 years for an article I'm working on.

deflinus 04.03.2011 10:01 AM

i remember a friend of mine had the pc version. which intrigued me

play parappa the rappa instead!!

EVOLghost 04.03.2011 01:55 PM

yeah best game ever. I was just telling my cousin how it's due for another play through. But.....instead I'm goin' (err more)retro..

Silent Dan Speaks 04.03.2011 10:53 PM

When I was younger I'd play through it every summer. Man, those were good times.

floatingslowly 04.04.2011 09:58 AM

we never found out of thindarkduke went on to PLAY teh GAME.

suspense. has. killed.

Derek 04.04.2011 10:31 AM

I assume thindarkduke started to play the game, dropped out of school and is now working at Arby's to pay for his slum apartment in the middle of nowhere.

deflinus 04.04.2011 10:50 AM


aaah that sounds like the perfect life

floatingslowly 04.04.2011 11:44 AM

you negative nancys assume that he wasnt SO FUCKING GOOD that Cloud himself didnt descend from the sky in a giant 1058483-prop airship and explain than FFVII was just an intergalactic test designed to find the best and then recruited thindarkdude13 to save the universe by becoming The Last Chocobo Breeder.

Jeremy 04.04.2011 05:24 PM

I loved this game when I was younger, but when I tried to play it a couple years back I found myself more and more annoyed while playing it. The graphics REALLY haven't held up well and it's so frustrating to wander around before realizing "Oh wait, you can actually walk off screen and it leads you to a new area".

Still a good game, but time has not been kind to it, I think.

My party was Cloud, Cid, and Vincent (When you can first get Vincent; You find one of his guns that can do triple damage or something on critical hits, and if you equip him with the Deathblow materia, he's a machine early on), but then eventually dropping Vincent in favor of Tifa.


EVOLghost 04.04.2011 09:25 PM

^ dood. I only complained about the graphics when I first played the demo.

After that I simply accepted it and continue. I mean...if you think about it.....The game would be much larger if They did the graphics better in the roaming world.

deflinus 04.04.2011 11:39 PM

not impressed with the graphics? i remember being blown away by the cut scenes and backgrounds. i mean, the characters on screen looked like shit but i wouldn't consider it something that would downplay the whole game.

apparently there's a PERFECT GUIDE strategy guide for this game somewhere. i was never able to find a copy. the official strategy guide kind of sucked. it was full of typos and incorrect information on some parts.

EVOLghost 04.04.2011 11:54 PM

Hmmm last run through I used to get just about everything.

he's got a pretty good walkthrough. I like it.

deflinus 04.05.2011 12:08 AM

i have to play through the game again at some point. haven't played in ages. i'll use that guide though. looks good

here's the guide i was talking about

it's made by Versus Books. not sure if anyone here is familiar with these guides. but they're insanely detailed. there used to be one for Resident Evil 3 that was crazy. It actually counted how much ammo you needed to kill all of the enemies. but who buys strategy guides anymore?

EVOLghost 04.05.2011 12:08 AM


I actually had this guide no fucking joke.

I remember it was dismantled and "borrowed" by a cousin of mine. that fucker.

EVOLghost 04.05.2011 12:09 AM

I remember buying it from babbages at my mall before it became gamestop

EVOLghost 04.05.2011 12:10 AM

Holy Fuck It's Going For $50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!1111

deflinus 04.05.2011 12:12 AM

yea i know it's pretty nuts. it's out of print. damn! you had one? that's nuts

EVOLghost 04.05.2011 12:18 AM

Yeah. Fuck it was pretty thick. The back had images of all the characters with all their weapons....I remember taking this to grammar school all the fucking time. I was like in 4th grade when I actually beat FF7(with the help of me bro).

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.05.2011 01:57 AM

I have the PC version.

Hell yeah.

I wonder if it'll even run on Windows 7.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.05.2011 02:00 AM

Tutorial: Getting Final Fantasy VII to Work on Windows 7

Posted 8/21/2009 4:58:19 PM

For those of you who are planning on buying Windows 7, you may want to read this if you want to get Final Fantasy VII to work on it.

First of all, Windows 7 does not have the TrueMotion 2.0 codec, which is used to run the in-game movies. Without this, you will not be able to start the game because the game can't play the Eidos Interactive Presents movie. To download the codec, visit this site:

Next, you'll need patches, although this is well known in the entire Final Fantasy VII gaming community. The best site to get the patches is: (click downloads on the left and get the 1.02 patch, the chocobo patch, and the mini games patcher. First install the 1.02 patch, then the chocobo patch, and then the mini games patcher in that exact order).

Last, the save files located in the default directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\save will not be changed when you save in-game unless you run Final Fantasy VII as an administrator. To run Final Fantasy VII as an administrator without having to constantly right click on the icon and click "Run as administrator," right click on the Final Fantasy VII icon, click "Properties" and then the "Compatibility" tab. At the bottom, you should see a checkbox next to the words "Run this program as an administrator." Check that box and from now on, every time you run Final Fantasy VII, it will run as an administrator.

Most of this is well known except the first step because that only applies to Windows 7, so I thought I should let you know. I did all this and it ran perfectly on the Windows 7 Release Candidate, meaning it should run perfectly on the Windows 7 retail version.

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