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Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.03.2011 01:05 PM

I have poor social skills. How about you?

Glice 01.03.2011 01:07 PM

Pretty good, as it happens. Though others may say differently. I have to say, for internet weirdos, the people I've met from this forum have been relatively well-adjusted.

knox 01.03.2011 01:10 PM

There's nothing a lobotomy can't fix.

floatingslowly 01.03.2011 01:12 PM

it depends upon the context and how many variables I wish to manipulate.

hexediting sectors.

knox 01.03.2011 01:13 PM

no, i'm pretty bad.

Derek 01.03.2011 02:07 PM

My problem is just having a hatred for everyone basically. Is that poor social skills?

jennthebenn 01.03.2011 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
My problem is just having a hatred for everyone basically. Is that poor social skills?

Yes. Your condition is also known as "sanity."

A Thousand Threads 01.03.2011 02:16 PM

I don't believe in the realness of others.
Sociality is the shadow of my expanding mind.

_slavo_ 01.03.2011 02:18 PM

i don't have good social skills, especially when hung over. glice and jon boy can tell, they met me in this state of mind.

Antagon 01.03.2011 02:58 PM

I guess it depends on who I have to deal with. There are people I can easily connect to and there are others I simply can't connect to at all. And the answer to the question "Introverted or extroverted?" may vary from person to person, it all depends on who you ask.

jennthebenn 01.03.2011 02:59 PM

To answer the actual question...I have to plead ignorance. Those who
know me could give a clearer picture.

noisereductions 01.03.2011 03:43 PM

try washing the paint of yr face.

Genteel Death 01.03.2011 03:50 PM

It all depends on how much I've had to drink.

nicfit 01.03.2011 03:56 PM

I'm really shy with girls I don't know and that I find interesting, unless they're the kind of girl who'd drink from your biodegradable papercup full of red wine instead of beer because you explicitly asked for that cup when in line for a drink at a festival instead of using the plastic glasses.

I'm pretty good with people I kinda like.
I'm not that good with people I find uninteresting on every level.
Selfish twat.
But sometimes I find myself IN NEED of being alone, even at awkward moments like at parties or when I'm out drinking something with friends, then I become nervous and go home usually.
and they think I'm an asshole and girls text me asking if I'm allright etc, and I don't reply coz I don't want to have "social interactions" in those moments and they get worried bu then they understand.
And so on.
So, yes and no, I'd rather be the dj than dancing with others on the dancefloor. But djs can make people happy too.

_slavo_ 01.03.2011 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
I'm really shy with girls I don't know and that I find interesting, unless they're the kind of girl who'd drink from your biodegradable papercup full of red wine instead of beer because you explicitly asked for that cup when in line for a drink at a festival instead of using the plastic glasses.

I'm pretty good with people I kinda like.
I'm not that good with people I find uninteresting on every level.
Selfish twat.
But sometimes I find myself IN NEED of being alone, even at awkward moments like at parties or when I'm out drinking something with friends, then I become nervous and go home usually.
and they think I'm an asshole and girls text me asking if I'm allright etc, and I don't reply coz I don't want to have "social interactions" in those moments and they get worried bu then they understand.
And so on.
So, yes and no, I'd rather be the dj than dancing with others on the dancefloor. But djs can make people happy too.

this is like i heard myself talking.
i think we're alike in this territory, only with the difference that i have these "phases" of year or life or whatever ... i don't know how they work or how i can predict them but sometimes i feel quite at ease around people and even can sense myself being charming to people, but other times i just feel awkward or even stupid around people and tend to loathe them.
the capricorn's fate, perhaps.

deflinus 01.03.2011 04:55 PM

if i can find some kind of subject or topic i can agree upon with someone, i'm not bad. otherwise, i suck at socializing

gast30 01.03.2011 06:06 PM

if i'm into my art or study of something, for some time, i need to pull myself out and get back to normal life and 'try' to socialize
mostly about that time years have passed
and it takes some orientation

i like a large amount of freedom
to socialize or not

SpaceCadetHayden 01.03.2011 11:04 PM

I'm a mother fucking social butterfly.

alteredcourse 01.03.2011 11:57 PM

nicfit and slavo, you're both capricorns? I relate to all that, I'm a cap also.

I've read that its because we're only interested in people that really excite us (while, if you could imagine, there are people who will indulge boring assholes just because they....I dont even know.)

I get extremely anxious if I'm in a group setting (I dont go to parties) because conversation tends to be meaningless and it feels like the fur on my back is being petted backwards.

Not to say I cant do chit chat here and there....I dont know. I cant examine those moments right now.

nicfit 01.04.2011 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
only with the difference that i have these "phases" of year or life or whatever ...

If you mean theese phases can be longer than just a moment/a few days, well, I have them too, kinda got out of a long one a few months ago.

alteredc, yep, we were born on "consecutive days", 22-23 dec, same year (I don't "believe" in astrology etc, but it could be an interesting case study for some hehe).

Stijn 01.04.2011 04:42 AM

i'd love to have a lobotomy some time

EVOLghost 01.04.2011 06:08 AM

Hey I have poor social skills too!

apparently they're improving.....slightly.

nicfit 01.04.2011 06:48 AM


gast30 01.04.2011 06:59 AM

the truth comes on the surface
you're all having some kinda social handicaps
the brain > tongue that speaks one

and then 'acting' hardcore alternative here and there on festivals
you know it's all sort of ego-defence of the youth or older ones that don't feel secure about themself

you have your hole life to improve yourself on any skills
ofcourse you have to do it
there is no one that is going to do it for you

invest your time and energy in yourself
that's the best thing you can do

nicfit 01.04.2011 07:33 AM

he's some sort of sentient fortune cookie genetically modified.

gast30 01.04.2011 08:10 AM

there was a man who was all alone
living faster then his rising grave stone
a voodoopriest lost an animal bone
the king in coma on his velvet throne
no one know what to do
a candle was burning in hermit avenue
the road the light fear to persue
a place for the end to continue

knox 01.04.2011 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Stijn
i'd love to have a lobotomy some time

they sort of made it illegal now (cunts)

gast30 01.04.2011 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
he's some sort of sentient fortune cookie genetically modified.

once you don't like what you read
then i'm sort of a entertainment clown
to relativate your intelligence towards MINE:p

Lamont Cranston 01.04.2011 08:17 AM


gast30 01.04.2011 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Lamont Cranston
I have no social skills
Or friends
Or etc

sounds like you're HONEST

nicfit 01.04.2011 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by gast30
once you don't like what you read
then i'm sort of a entertainment clown
to relativate your intelligence towards MINE:p

I never said he = you, but you're free to think what you want.
I don't "relativate" my intelligence.
internet skillz are social skillz coz of teh social networkz?

gast30 01.04.2011 08:49 AM

there are worst things then having no friends
like having no food or water

makes me pretty sad that there are 1 billion family members living in hunger, poverty and pollution

gast30 01.04.2011 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
I never said he = you, but you're free to think what you want.
I don't "relativate" my intelligence.
internet skillz are social skillz coz of teh social networkz?

ok, i wasn't sure about that 'he'
maybe it was an automatic protection system of my ego ( i sure can explain things )

can i know who is this 'he' your talking about?
and is tha you with the knife ?

nicfit 01.04.2011 08:57 AM

"he" is open to intrepretations (that's why I said you can think what you want) and that's not me in the pic.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.04.2011 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by gast30
there are worst things then having no friends
like having no food or water

makes me pretty sad that there are 1 billion family members living in hunger, poverty and pollution

Yeah, but at least they're hungry together.


Wanna chill guys? I'll bring chips 'n dip! =) <3

gast30 01.04.2011 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
"he" is open to intrepretations (that's why I said you can think what you want) and that's not me in the pic.

open to interpretations
i like that

like life it self
like our planet earth
like the universe
open to interpretations

gast30 01.04.2011 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Yeah, but at least they're hungry together.


Wanna chill guys? I'll bring chips 'n dip! =) <3

no life like that
it's the responsibility of the politicians [ you vote THEY SURVE ]
to make sure everyone has food and water and a home to live in

look at thepoliticians here in europe for example
they get about 6000 euro from their country + 4000 from europe
= about 10.000 euro in 1 month + benefits in tax, free homes to live ect..
and all the laws they have written for themself and shoved it through the mouth of the voters

i'm not going to beg somehere on the street for 1 euro in the cold
like a lost animal who is systematicly attact by the system of the wealthiest
and ended in the dead end where there are foodstamps to stealp the civilasation

and no way you politicians
1 euro for me and 10.000 euro every month for you
no way

gast30 01.04.2011 09:38 AM

anyway when you die
you won't be taken any money with you
you're body rots away here on earth
and what happens then no one knows
you probably won't need any social skills

what happens here on earth
everyone knows
now there are more camera's then human eyes
history recorded for the first time in high defenition
or blue ray (available where possible ;)

for the future this means
if i may translate for you
FOSSILISATION IN HD (or blue ray ;)

tesla69 01.04.2011 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by knox
they sort of made it illegal now (cunts)

no worries, electroconvulsive shock therapy is back in fashion in certain shrink circles.

SONIC GAIL 01.04.2011 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by SpaceCadetHayden
I'm a mother fucking social butterfly.

me too I like to talk alot and that pretty much mskes me oe of those ppl who will not shut up. PPL seem to br drawn to it though strangely.

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