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Genteel Death 08.05.2010 04:08 PM

BAD booze mixtures
Did you ever try some creative ones? I haven't. I've read or heard of some fancy ones, though, like cheap vodka + toothpaste, or bacardi + ketamine.

hevusa 08.05.2010 04:12 PM

life is too short for anything but pure, top shelf liquor. perhaps with ice.

Glice 08.05.2010 04:18 PM

Vodka and air freshener. Top tip: Air freshener will make you INCREDIBLY ill.

_slavo_ 08.05.2010 04:41 PM

An old traditional Czechoslovakian socialist-era longdrink, an efficient way how to get wasted in a short time, called "the Magic Eye"

How to: a shot of peppermint liqour into a pint of beer. mix it until the beer gets green colour.


jon boy 08.05.2010 05:28 PM

once had a mixture of everything all together in a jug (i was young) the mix included, beer cider, red wine, vodka and whisky. i was pretty ill.

i also did some pills and drank a liter of vodka in just under 30 minutes. hospital beckoned.

GeneticKiss 08.05.2010 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
once had a mixture of everything all together in a jug (i was young) the mix included, beer cider, red wine, vodka and whisky. i was pretty ill.

i also did some pills and drank a liter of vodka in just under 30 minutes. hospital beckoned.

Were you trying to kill yourself?

Anyway, this isn't extreme in the slightest, but I've found very few people have tried vodka in Dr. Pepper...I think it's pretty good, and I'm trying to start a trend I can take credit for...

jon boy 08.05.2010 05:44 PM

no it was at a festival and it rained all day and finally stopped so we hit the bottle and everything else all at the same time. the pills where e's.

atsonicpark 08.05.2010 05:45 PM

me and a friend tried to make a flaming Homer.. (replacing krusty brand cough syrup with a different kind)

Glice 08.05.2010 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
once had a mixture of everything all together in a jug (i was young) the mix included, beer cider, red wine, vodka and whisky. i was pretty ill.

i also did some pills and drank a liter of vodka in just under 30 minutes. hospital beckoned.

Did you ever play minesweeper? That was quite common the morning after at parties when I was in college. You get the dregs of every drink in the room, put it into a suitable container, and split it between the remaining hardy piss-heads. Suffice it to say, I attribute my iron stomach to keeping down this sort of thing.

I think I've probably done similar vodka/ pills combinations, but I've never been into speed drinking - so it'd be a similar amount over several hours. Still not clever, but saved me from conversations with nurses.

jon boy 08.05.2010 05:56 PM

mine sweeping was what we did in bars when we couldnt afford anymore booze. oh the memories.

EVOLghost 08.05.2010 06:11 PM

BUnny Ass: Strawberry Milk Mix, Orange Juice and Vodka.

dale_gribble 08.05.2010 08:08 PM

celtic cross and creme de menthe, not my choice but i wasn't being picky at the time. uber gross though.

radarmaker 08.06.2010 04:52 AM

Becherovka & Jif lemon. Not something I'd be in a hurry to repeat.

ann ashtray 08.06.2010 05:07 AM

I might have you all beat.....

It wasn't by choice, but once I was so stupid drunk that a friend thought it would be funny to make me a mixed drink. This concoction consisted of Bacardi 151 and Ajax, thrown into a blender with ice. I started drinking it, and oddly enough it did taste good UNTIL (I vividly recall stating "this tastes like christmas trees") another friend forced the cup out of my hand (about half a glass later).

Needless to say, I woke up in a pool of vomit w/ very little memory of anything that took place after that drink (I'd been chugging Bacardi 151 before this mixed drink was made, not rare for me to do at that time). That is the ONLY time I ever woke up in vomit.

Maybe this person was trying to kill me, I don't know. He's still by best friend so whatever.

atsonicpark 08.06.2010 05:56 AM

Holy fuck, AJAX?!

..That does sound like attempted murder!

You win!!

ann ashtray 08.06.2010 06:25 AM

Yeah, shit's poisonous. I'm assuming it's the Ajax that caused me to vomit.

akprodr 08.06.2010 06:40 AM

Yah, yr lucky that's all that happened!

atsonicpark 08.06.2010 06:57 AM

Actually, this brings up an interesting point, I'm sure someone can fill me in medically.. but I always wonder about people who (unintentionally) OD on drugs or alcohol.. because first of all, I know my limit, definitely, I think most people know when they're too fucked up... Second of all, if you swallow a bunch of stuff.. well, too much of anything, or a bad mix of things, will make you puke.. I've drank alcohol that settles well on my stomach but once too much gets in, I definitely throw it up.. now, granted, if you're shooting up or something, or even snorting, you probably won't have the option of puking.. But I guess what I'm saying is, the body is surprisingly intelligent and kinda lets you know what your limits are and takes measures to try to get things out that are going to hurt you. An unintentional drug overdose makes sense to me, but not so much alcohol.. how much alcohol would you have to drink? It's just odd to me. I hope I've properly explained my point..

I usually drink Everclear, btw, though I'm not much of a drinker anymore. I like hard shit!

Glice 08.06.2010 07:04 AM

In my case, I'm pretty sure my body over-rides the booze convulsions. I know some very hard drinkers and they say the same. I'm a wraith, but I have the booze tolerance of someone twice my weight. I suspect that throwing up is probably a good sign that you don't have a booze problem. Not that I have a booze problem, you understand.

atsonicpark 08.06.2010 07:12 AM

I was born 6 weeks early and have horrible acid reflux, have had it my whole life, my food "comes up" (I'm hesitant to say "vomit") 60-80 times a day on average, I spent a year of my life on home schooling and had to go to the hospital every week and sometimes stayed there for weeks at a time because doctors had never seen a problem as severe as mine as far as my food not digesting and it always wanting to ... come back up, if you will.

...So, naturally, I'm not a big drinker because I hate the taste of alcohol, and with the constant "coming up" it just .. ugh. The taste is bad enough, try tasting it over and over again. The older I've gotten, the more straight-up vomitting I do as well, so I just can't handle too much of anything anymore. I'm a party pooper.

But like I said, if I'm going to drink, just give me 2 shots of Everclear and I'm done for the night. It's 99% alcohol!

Satan 08.06.2010 07:26 AM

jagerbomb. never again.

atsonicpark 08.06.2010 07:50 AM

mmm jagerbomb

ann ashtray 08.06.2010 07:55 AM

Mixing energy drinks w/ booze is always a bad idea for me. I'm already far too high strung.

Honestly, I seldom drink any sort of mixed drink sans the occasional whiskey sour, which I adore.

Alcohol already contains a lot of sugar, mixing it with more sugar should is almost sinful. "least for me...I eat two zebra cakes and I feel sick.

Satan 08.06.2010 08:38 AM

jager is just fuck awful.

zebra cakes are awful, once i ate a whole box

!@#$%! 08.06.2010 10:44 AM

when i was a kid (15, 16) we used to drink cheap rum with coke or with orange-flavored shit (TANG). the tang would cut the nasty taste of the rum. we had little pocket money and we could stretch it this way, 2 bottles of rum a couple of packets of tang and we'd get very animated.

then my dad explained that i should only drink the good stuff, and i proceeded to pilfer his scotch. great lesson. thanks, dad!

anyway i don't mix shit these days, no. i stick to what i'm drinking-- if it's beer, beer, if it's wine, wine. with beer i can drink scotch (both from barley, yes?) and with wine i can drink brandy/cognac. vodka nights are vodka only, etc. mixing drinks is foul and stupid and you end up vomiting all over like a sick dog. well actually it's ok to mix cocktails, as you can measure the effect. but if you're getting drunk on say wine and you suddenly switch to rum you're going to regret it-- deeply-- and by deeply i mean in your colon, the next day, as you shit incessantly all that pizza gunk, at the same time that you cry off your headache.

GeneticKiss 08.06.2010 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
Mixing energy drinks w/ booze is always a bad idea for me. I'm already far too high strung.

Honestly, I seldom drink any sort of mixed drink sans the occasional whiskey sour, which I adore.

Alcohol already contains a lot of sugar, mixing it with more sugar should is almost sinful. "least for me...I eat two zebra cakes and I feel sick.

The only way I can stand liquor is if it's mixed with some sort of soft drink...Coke, Fanta, the aforementioned Dr. Pepper...

Satan 08.06.2010 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

then my dad explained that i should only drink the good stuff, and i proceeded to pilfer his scotch. great lesson. thanks, dad!

i used to steal my dad's scotch too.

Rob Instigator 08.06.2010 11:43 AM

I used to steal my dad's "agua ardiente"

blunderbuss 08.06.2010 11:50 AM

Southern Comfort and Blue Nun was my drink of choice for a while. Some friends and I "discovered" the combination on a day out in London to see Swans. I bought a cool DV69 t-shirt in the Virgin megastore, and it got totally destroyed at the Swans show. On the train home, my friend asked me how I got a bootprint shaped bruise on my back. I didn't know, and I'll be amazed if I ever do. Oh, those were the days.

lucyrulesok 08.06.2010 06:20 PM

you could always go for toulouse lautrec's earthquake - half absinthe half cognac (VOMIT)

batreleaser 08.06.2010 06:52 PM

im not a booze snob. flavored vodka really pisses me off though.

FreshChops 08.07.2010 02:47 PM

used vodka bong water, on rocks

chicka 08.07.2010 03:55 PM

I haven't drank in a few years but when I did I preferred a beer and a scotch. I have had nights though when anything goes one night in particular a friend and I had a shot of everything on the bar 35 bottles to be exact. I know because it was my friend's bar and I counted the bottle the next days. The first time I got drunk would I guess qualify as a mindsweeper (?) as my buddy filled a skippy peanut bar jar with a shot of every bottle his dad had. I've always had an iron stomach and rarely have I puked when drinking.

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