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auto-aim 11.23.2009 09:05 PM

I fucking hate people and indiginous culture is on a major decline.

DeadDiscoDildo 11.23.2009 09:20 PM


auto-aim 11.23.2009 09:29 PM

i don't think grammar is important - especially when you're drunk. haha. Please don't call me an asshole for trying to express frustration and debate though. though though though i'm predicting that reaction... manners.

gualbert 11.23.2009 09:48 PM

I think Fugazi is boring.
Rock critics bless them, they seem to be a safe bet (I've never read any negative review about them)

jon boy 11.23.2009 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by gualbert
I think Fugazi is boring.
Rock critics bless them, they seem to be a safe bet (I've never read any negative review about them)

fugazi are one of the most overated and extremely boring bands on the planet.

demonrail666 11.23.2009 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by auto-aim
chatting away, tipping drinks, walking back and forth fingering a girlfriend.

It takes a while to get to but this bit is great.

flophousefloozie 11.23.2009 09:56 PM

I know what you're feeling about nothing being genuine.

knox 11.23.2009 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by auto-aim
This is going to sound harsh and unguided probably but fuck it, i think that my lifespan is finate and i probably shouldn't be sober in any situation ever to reserve myself anyway. errr. Tonight i went to go see Joe Lally play in cardiff but i didn't go to see him specifically. I went primarilo to go and see a couple of locals bands that i wanted to check out - but i knew of lallyno, know he's played ATP and been with fugazi and that, thought i'd take the oppertunity. What transpired pissed me off incredibly. The main thing that sparked me was outside after the show had ended i overheard a girl with about half a dozen people with her speak on the phone that she'd just seen fugazi - you know, fugazi that band. and that bands like that dont really get promoted or advertised this fucking day and age. What the fuck!? baring in mind that there's half a dozen people there with her who also think they've just seen fugazi as they didn't call her up on it. so I can only assume they were there for the same reasons. Also the show was packed for a monday night. packed for a monday night! In my opinion Lally was the weakest act of the night, you know, he wasn't bad, had some grooves and an andronigous guitar player and shit but for just having his name attached to fugazi which nobody really knew about but thought they knew about is complete bullshit! Even to the point where he said something like "I can see this is not the type of place you can talk about stuff" he wanted to attempt to get some kind of political message across or some crap, nobody cared and then they had a drum solo and then after lally sung something sans band and un-amplified... something about the word being what it isn't. it's justa child that is a lie or some piece of shit and every fucking cunt was sold. Then on in. Lally gave the impression was that he was a guy who believed in his own shit also - from noticing him doing yoga (or whatever that chinese slow marshal arts is.. tie chi?) behind the bar before the show and people completly ate it up but before that couldn't give a shit. chatting away, tipping drinks, walking back and forth fingering a girlfriend. I dont fucking understand people at all. I don't want to focus on lally so much or use him as an example of but it's apparent bullshit is prevalent and nothing, absolutly nothing seems genuine. I can't understand it. Maybe i could write more and i don't know if it makes any sense, but i'm pissed and feel like ranting. what do other people feel? Is there anyone who understands this?

no dear, not that.

artsygrrl 11.23.2009 11:00 PM

I'm trying to understand this, but one HUGE chunk of text is tough for me to process. Give it to me in bits and pieces (paragraphs) and yr story is much easier to assimilate. For me anyway.
But if something (or somebody) got you so pissed off that you had to rant on the board, I hope it makes you feel better.

terriblecanyons 11.23.2009 11:15 PM

pbradley 11.23.2009 11:47 PM

grumble grumble grumble grumble everybody's a phony grumble

Please write on, I seek to warm myself against your brilliant flame of authenticity.

Massenvernichtungswaffen 11.24.2009 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
grumble grumble grumble grumble everybody's a phony grumble

Please write on, I seek to warm myself against your brilliant flame of authenticity.

yr a right cunt.

phoenix 11.24.2009 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by auto-aim
speak on the phone that she'd just seen fugazi - you know, fugazi that band. and that bands like that dont really get promoted or advertised this fucking day and age.


the rest of it, eh, just move on. I would've asked her what she thought of the show though, and whether she thinks they'll ever really make it..

Keeping It Simple 11.24.2009 09:27 AM

Why is this board the most popular with drunks and junkies?

knox 11.24.2009 01:15 PM

i like it that he edited it but i had quoted.

ni'k 11.24.2009 01:23 PM

he sees someone do yoga and gets pissed off they aren't hiding away to do it because he's so self conciouss, he assumes everyone "ate it up" instead of - i dunno - cheering or being interested in what was said or how it was performed or just the whole experience. then he get's his panties in a twist because someone either makes the mistake or says that she saw fugazi when it was only one member.

this triggers off the realisation that "bullshit is prevalent and nothing, absolutely nothing seems genuine". is he angry about the political aspect of the show? is he pissed off the law of apolitical entertainment has been breached? is he pissed off that some girl made a phone call and didn't say what he considers to be the right reaction? who knows, who cares, why did i even type this much.

dude the only bullshit here is in your own head clogging up your perceptual aparatus.

auto-aim 11.24.2009 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by knox
i like it that he edited it but i had quoted.

yeah, damn you!

Rob Instigator 11.24.2009 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
fugazi are one of the most overated and extremely boring bands on the planet.

maybe now, but their first three LP's are fucking GOLD jerry, GOLD

auto-aim 11.24.2009 02:49 PM

yes, i have a problem expressing myself but the point is not that. It doesn't matter, I'm fine now. Thanks to the people that weren't jackasses towards me for being a twat and flaking out a bit. alas, if it were framed nicely.

Rob Instigator 11.24.2009 02:55 PM

Re: the scene described in the above "quote"

It is at times like those, when the new and the creative are squeezed out of our minds in reaction to the fucking tired bullshit.
as far as "genuine" or not goes, it is impossible to ascertain. You cannot and will never know what is in people's heads. the guy doing tai Chi may be very genuine, doing Tai Chi to get focused before gigs, and for all you know he does this every time, and has for years. No way to know. he could have been just fucking around, no wayto know.
the beauty of art, any art, is that there is alway a flux. There are always a few people who are just now catching on, just nopw discovering tasty shit like Picasso or Sonic Youth, or Fugazi if fugazi is yr cup o tea. There are always a few people who know so much, have heard/seen/experienced so much that they come off like smug assholes proclaiming that all the others are stupid and disingenious. The majority of everyone, fans of all the arts, are in themiddle.
they know a lot, but nowhere near enough to be "expert."
where do you falll?

the whole act of punk rock was that it was "genuine". but that is a relative term. even such a freak as GG Allin, or the Dwarves, who seemed reckless, breathtakingly of-the-moment performers were just going through the motions most of tyhe time. once you ahve played more than a few gigs, or are on tour, you end up playing nearly the same set of tunes every night for weeks, or months. yet it has to "seem" genuine and spontaneous to each new audience.

when I was 17 or so I saw dinosaur jr in austin TX and the the next day in Houston. They played the same set but for two songs. It made me a bit upset, but then I thought to myself, if I had to play many consecutive gis in front of what is essentialy a wholly new and different crowd every week, why would you change it up all that much?
It made me more appreciative of a band like Phish, who have never played the same set twice, who almost never play the same song the same w3ay twice, and who actively seek to engage a fanbase with constantly shifting and changing setlists.
this is hard to do for regular rock, or punk rock. the setlist is the setlist. No one wants to hear sonic youth do Hoarfrost in a bossanova style, (well, I would, and I know lots of opeople here would, but I am talking about the MEAT of the crowd who want to hear the songs they love like they always sound.)

if you become disappointed at the lack of genuineness (that's not a word rght?) maybe it is because you expected it where there should not be any to begin with.

rambling rant over

Rob Instigator 11.24.2009 03:03 PM

remember in the 80s when metal guitarists would play their guitar solos as if it was th hardest etude they had ever seen, making faces and straining to reach the notes and all that shit? all showmanship those fuckers could play every damn solo in their sleep. but the fans wanna see the metal gods work hard at their craft!

disingenious? maybe, but it is after all performance.
all performance contains within itself superficiality and irrelevance. The great performers make it look spontaneous.

sonic sphere 11.24.2009 03:05 PM

i went to see joe lally in dublin last friday night and i must say i thought the audience were one of the most non-receptive i've ever experienced. either they were too cool for school or just the biggest bunch of straight-edge lamos i've ever encountered. i had the audacity to break the silence in between some of the songs by saying something like "good stuff joe" to which he answered "it's not about who makes the music". :confused: i enjoyed the gig but the atmosphere was somewhat perplexing.

Rob Instigator 11.24.2009 03:08 PM

that sounds like the worst gig ever. I hate it when the crowd feigns indifference.

and what the FUCK does "It's not about who makes the music." mean?

that shit sounds like some fucking bullshit that the singer siongwriter WUSS FUCKS in the late 70's would ahve said, Croce, Taylor, those boring fucking assholes.

gualbert 11.24.2009 04:58 PM

Genuineness is the opposite of the rnr circus, music industry, show business, video clip etc.
So it means, "we wear jeans and t-shirts, we're normal, buy our records!": genuineness sucks.
(but I've never read or heard a band saying: "we're genuine", even Fugazi)

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.24.2009 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo


Rob Instigator 11.24.2009 05:18 PM

even Fugazi, as genuine as their fans claim them to be, were not truly straight edge. they had girfriends, children, drank, smoked cigs. . .

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.24.2009 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
even Fugazi, as genuine as their fans claim them to be, were not truly straight edge. they had girfriends, children, drank, smoked cigs. . .

ha! that shit is funny!


and for y'all straightedge gangster rappers


knox 11.24.2009 06:19 PM


knox 11.24.2009 07:43 PM

by the way i was going to see that at some point
but then i thought
his name is lally

amerikangod 11.24.2009 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

Various forms of nazis are important in maintaining various forms of purity.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.24.2009 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
Various forms of nazis are important in maintaining various forms of purity.

"Oh.. now i'm scared.."

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