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truncated 03.27.2006 03:36 PM

Stupid Netiquette Question
If you've made your first name known on this forum, do you prefer to be called by that, or your user name?

This doesn't really apply for me, since I know very few people's first names, but I'm curious. Sometimes it feels as though using someone's first name is taking a liberty of some sort.

Inhuman 03.27.2006 03:38 PM

I find that it gives people a sense of respect if they prefered to be called by their name. It lets people get to know people better on the board. If you'd prefer to call me Rob, go ahead

noumenal 03.27.2006 03:38 PM

Good question. The only person I've called by their real name is Hip Priest(Sebastian), but we sort of went back to calling each other by our user names.

I don't think there is a set rule, but it feels kind of awkward to use real names. Everyone should feel free to call me Jim if they want to. I don't care.

truncated 03.27.2006 03:59 PM

I don't have a preference one way or the other - I just wonder if people get offended if you know their real names, but don't use them, or vice versa.

This is just one of many reasons why I am in all respects socially retarded.

Hip Priest 03.27.2006 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by noumenal
Good question. The only person I've called by their real name is Hip Priest(Sebastian), but we sort of went back to calling each other by our user names.

I don't mind at all which namne it is that's used. I think we publicly used real names in only that 'what's your real name' thread on the old board. I suppose that unless you are directly quoting someone, it could make a thread a little hard to follow (it does in fact, I can think of instances where I didn;t know who was being referred to). I tend to sign any PM's with Sebastian though, as it's private communication. Anyone who wishes to address me by my real name is welcome to.

Glice 03.27.2006 04:21 PM

I like the idea of creating different identities on-line. Part of the reason I don't mind too much trolling is because I feel that it provides a certain catharsis for asshole-ish tendencies that otherwise would fester in a lonely person's psyche. I was surprised that so many people chose to keep their old names and be restricted by their existing net-identity when the board switched. But then I suppose if you've posted somewhere for so long it seems futile to change, especially those who have distinct writing styles. It would be interesting what would happen if one of the very well known chaps/ chappettes from the old board took on a new personality, how long before that got noticed?

(I'm Kev btw)

Savage Clone 03.27.2006 04:23 PM

I don't care about that; just don't type in all caps and you're cool with me.

Hip Priest 03.27.2006 04:24 PM

I'm a member ofa few forums, but I only use two on a daily basis. Of those, this is the only one where I think people know or usse my real name - I think there's something about the nature of the people on this board that feels more like a group of friends talking than vague identities swapping ideas. This board has a unique feel.

truncated 03.27.2006 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Hip Priest
I don't mind at all which namne it is that's used. I think we publicly used real names in only that 'what's your real name' thread on the old board. I suppose that unless you are directly quoting someone, it could make a thread a little hard to follow (it does in fact, I can think of instances where I didn;t know who was being referred to). I tend to sign any PM's with Sebastian though, as it's private communication. Anyone who wishes to address me by my real name is welcome to.

Good point about first names making a thread difficult to follow; as I said, I know very few first names, so I'd likely be lost.

Hell, I can't even keep up with the new user names.

Glice, who are you from the old board?

And will someone PLEASE tell me who whorefrost is??

Glice 03.27.2006 04:34 PM

I have been screamingbloodyfirechild.

Iain 03.27.2006 04:37 PM

Well, I have tried to avoid this confusion by using my actual name as my user name. Actually, it was more to do with the fact that I wanted to change my user name from the old board, couldn't come up with anything so I just used my name.

sellouteater 03.27.2006 04:39 PM

Its to hard to remeber all these first names.

truncated 03.27.2006 04:54 PM

The trouble is, I probably wasn't around long enough on the old board to get a good sense of the identity of some of the posters. Plus, I'm a complete retard.

!@#$%! 03.27.2006 04:58 PM

just call everybody juan

now whorefrost = hoarfrost, no?

and i was wondering about who truncated was. funniest poster as of late; never noticed in the previous board.

Hip Priest 03.27.2006 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
...and i was wondering about who truncated was. funniest poster as of late; never noticed in the previous board.

Really? truncated's human robots thread was one of my favourites of all time.

Toilet & Bowels 03.27.2006 05:02 PM

if i was sending someone a PM and i knew their real name i'd say "hi suchandsuch" rather than use their nickname because it seems kind of too formal to use their nickname in PM, it'd be like calling them mr or miss. if someone doesn't use their real name on the board i wouldn't use it on the main board either because maybe they want it to remain private.

truncated 03.27.2006 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
just call everybody juan

now whorefrost = hoarfrost, no?

I don't remember a hoarfrost...

and i was wondering about who truncated was. funniest poster as of late; never noticed in the previous board.

Thanks, but I think you and Diesel should join AA together.

truncated 03.27.2006 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
if i was sending someone a PM and i knew their real name i'd say "hi suchandsuch" rather than use their nickname because it seems kind of too formal to use their nickname in PM, it'd be like calling them mr or miss. if someone doesn't use their real name on the board i wouldn't use it on the main board either because maybe they want it to remain private.

Good point as well. You are all permitted to address me by my real name: Persius McJiggles, P.I.

truncated 03.27.2006 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Hip Priest
Really? truncated's human robots thread was one of my favourites of all time.

Hell if I remember that one!

Hip Priest 03.27.2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
Hell if I remember that one!

Then you'd best just click that dang ol' link before chabib deletes the ol' blue board now, hadn't you?

COngrats on 200, by the way.

schizophrenicroom 03.27.2006 05:15 PM

I don't really care either way. Over PMs I'll sign "jade", but I'm more used to schizo or my username.

Hip Sebastian has a good thought, this feels more.. tight than most places I've been to online.

truncated 03.27.2006 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Hip Priest
Then you'd best just click that dang ol' link before chabib deletes the ol' blue board now, hadn't you?

COngrats on 200, by the way.

Haha thanks! I do remember that one now, good quote from you in there. Makes me miss Atari a bit too.

!@#$%! 03.27.2006 06:06 PM

ah i never saw that post & never saw much of truncated; i come on and off to the board & in late 2005 i was mostly working

but im taking the day off today. finished a project yesterday and i am exhausted.

truncated 03.27.2006 06:21 PM

I used to have another name besides truncated when I first registered, but I don't think I posted overly much back then.

Dammit, I just realized I'd been screwing up your name. I didn't see the extra "!"

I might just call you Ned, whether you like it or not.

Glice 03.27.2006 06:24 PM

I think everyone should call him/her Ned for having such an untypable name. !@#$%! is hereby Ned.

!@#$%! 03.27.2006 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I think everyone should call him/her Ned for having such an untypable name. !@#$%! is hereby Ned.

:fuckyou: your mothers
you lazy bitches :mad:

no, seriously. i might take serious measures against you. i'll call you martha. or doris. :D

ps - & please stop being jealous or my awesome username. it's now my fault your usernames suck. :p

truncated 03.27.2006 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
:fuckyou: your mothers
you lazy bitches :mad:

no, seriously. i might take serious measures against you. i'll call you martha. or doris. :D

How do you know my name ISN'T martha or doris?

I was all good with your name until you threw that extra exclamation point in there. Now there's no typing fluidity.


HaydenAsche 03.27.2006 06:33 PM

!@#$%! is really easy. Its just shift + 123451


truncated 03.27.2006 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
!@#$%! is really easy. Its just shift + 123451


Bite me net-boy. The REST of us aren't up to 400+ posts. We haven't got the typing practice you have.

!@#$%! 03.27.2006 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
!@#$%! is really easy. Its just shift + 123451


thanks man. well put. :D

ps- doris, you manage to rack up 32 posts per day. that's a lot of practice ;)

truncated 03.27.2006 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
thanks man. well put. :D

ps- doris, you manage to rack up 32 posts per day. that's a lot of practice ;)

Perhaps, but I'm all about quality. I shit 24 kt gold.

Savage Clone 03.27.2006 06:54 PM

You and Duchamp.

HaydenAsche 03.27.2006 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
Bite me net-boy. The REST of us aren't up to 400+ posts. We haven't got the typing practice you have.

You may be right. I finished my 9 week keyboarding course in 4 days.

truncated 03.27.2006 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
You and Duchamp.

Fuckin' A!

noumenal 03.27.2006 07:19 PM

You could just highlight his name, right click it, choose copy, and then Ctrl + v it into your post. It gives you his name as a link that opens his profile:


!@#$%! 03.27.2006 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
i'll stick with ned hehe

listen fuckface, i don't call you edsel. or hansel. or easel. or weasel.

so dont go around giving me a fucked name. :fuckyou:

!@#$%! 03.27.2006 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
you dont call me edsel or whatever because i have a name you can pronounce??? makes sense eh ned

ok, you are a slow engine, i get it. you never learned to read in silence and you must mumble your words as your mind labors through a simple label. your lack of imagination or abstract thinking forces you to live in a simplified word that meets your special needs. a 6-character string of text challenges you beyond your capacities. it's not your fault.

so, please, call me what you must-- what you can. i apologize for interpreting your stupidity as malice. i won't make that mistake again. sorry again & best wishes.

HaydenAsche 03.27.2006 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ok, you are a slow engine, i get it. you never learned to read in silence and you must mumble your words as your mind labors through a simple label. your lack of imagination or abstract thinking forces you to live in a simplified word that meets your special needs. a 6-character string of text challenges you beyond your capacities. it's not your fault.

so, please, call me what you must-- what you can. i apologize for interpreting your stupidity as malice. i won't make that mistake again. sorry again & best wishes.

I like you. Best post of the new forum.

jheii 03.27.2006 08:09 PM

I actually read !@#$%! in my head as wordless pitces that rise and fall. Is that uncommon?

!@#$%! 03.27.2006 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
listen (insert malice here) i was kidding around, no need to get your knickers in a twist i never knew you were so sensitive. i had no problem with your name in the past or now, i never called you it in the first place and i wasnt planning on calling you it again but since your blowing it all out of proportion and calling me fucking names for a joke i made then FUCK YOU.

why do i have to explain this shit why?? where is your sense of humour ol' boy

!@#$%! the poster formerly known as prince...i mean ned

hah hah hah hah!!

ok man, peace!!! no worries.... i *do* have a sense of humor though it's often as incomprehensible as my username.

i was making my response over the top in part obviously (or maybe not) for the fun of it. yes, i true i lashed out the insults but it was in good fun. like driving in new york (i like it). used a little bit of hystrionics to make my point. so, you had fun at my expense, i had it at yours. now let's behave like people.

i went to high school in a place where after you exchanged blows w/ another person & beat each other's noses to a pulp you would shake hands & go have a beer.

is that cool or what? :D

or do you wanna have another go at it???? :mad:

hah hah hah no man. i'm joking. and i gotta go have real beer w/ real people in a while. so i'd have to forfeit this fight. but seriously, no hard feelings!


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