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gmku 08.19.2009 07:47 AM

What would advertising have you believe?
This is different from the "Are you influenced by..." thread.

Of course we're influenced. That's the world we live in. But what I'm more interested in talking about is what advertising would have you believe, regardless of whether or not you think it's an influence.

For example, according to TV commercials, the average American male is overweight, dumb, and lazy. Also, most young kids 17-24 are out all the time doing really edgy things like filling empty pools with couch cushions and diving into them while drunk on vodka. There are still stay-at-home moms who do all the cleaning, cooking, and grocery shopping; men never grocery shop unless they're forced to or are buying beer, and if they're buying beer they're likely picking it up at the convenience store and not a grocery store or beer/wine specialty shop.

Talk about the dumb things advertisers want you to believe.

gmku 08.19.2009 08:16 AM

Nobody likes my thread.

Sonic Youth 37 08.19.2009 08:18 AM

That Axe products actually smell like something other than piss and fried food.

gmku 08.19.2009 08:28 AM

Ha ha. Those womens must love the bad smell.

gmku 08.19.2009 08:29 AM

Something else: According to TV advertisers, we Americans all live in huge-ass houses. Even the apartments on TV are huge.

artsygrrl 08.19.2009 08:43 AM

We are indeed a culture of excess. We are also a fast-paced, "want-it-NOW" society.
Since we are also into thin and outwardly beautiful, I would say:
All advertisements that promote instant weight loss: Take just 2 pills a day and drop 20 pounds within 2 weeks. FUCK OFF! I really hate those most of all.

gmku 08.19.2009 08:46 AM

What I'm interested in is not so much emotional reactions (I'm disgusted by advertising too!) but rather kind of a "looking through" them to see what they're assumptions are about us, the stereotypes they try to sell, etc.

gmku 08.19.2009 08:51 AM

In every restaurant commerical, everybody is always laughing and smiling hugely. How can they laugh so hard all the time and not choke on their food? This doesn't fit my reality. Whenever I eat out, I see mostly people who look very deadpan and even almost joyless. According to these commercials, if we're not having an over the top hilarious time while we eat, we can't be enjoying our meals.

artsygrrl 08.19.2009 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
We are indeed a culture of excess. We are also a fast-paced, "want-it-NOW" society.
Since we are also into thin and outwardly beautiful, I would say:
All advertisements that promote instant weight loss: Take just 2 pills a day and drop 20 pounds within 2 weeks. FUCK OFF! I really hate those most of all.

...see above response. Disregard everything after "FUCK OFF"...
So...thin and beautiful. I consider this a stereotype because if you're thin and beautiful then you of course must be happpppy.

gmku 08.19.2009 08:57 AM

This is true. Other observations: It's obviously OK for men to be slightly chubby but not their women. Notice how even grossly overweight men in commercials have very thin wives or girlfriends.

Also, men don't have to dress well. They can be slobs in ratty jeans and football jerseys, but women dress to the 9s all the time.

And according to TV commercials, most young men have at least some facial hair. However, middle-aged men are clean-shaven.

!@#$%! 08.19.2009 09:05 AM

99% of the population is white, well-off, and has perfectly shiny huge teeth

there are no gay people in this planet-- except on tv comedies

nobody reads books

shitty cereal is great for you

more is always better

if your house is not absolutely spotless you will become a social outcast

calling 1-1800-praise-god and giving money will get you into "heaven"

everybody can be a millionaire if they just want to be, even if there's nobody left to do the cleaning, cooking and maintenance after everyone becomes a millionaire.

nobody smokes

the army is really great! be all you can be!

soda, in spite of all the corn syrup in it, can actually (how?) quench your thirst

it's ok if you can't afford it, you can buy it now and pay later!

approved, approved, approved, approved!

most people are deaf, which is why commercials need to be so loud

the new palm pre allows white people to control their private armies of chinese slaves

etc, etc

gmku 08.19.2009 09:16 AM

Yeah, spotless houses. Never a spill.

Technology is everything, and if you don't have the latest, you're a loser. This makes up a huge part of TV commercial advertising.

Husbands are befuddled, clumsy, and dimwitted; wives are sharp as tacks. (Though sometimes I'm prone to think this is pretty realistic.)

I noticed on one of those insurance commercials where they do testimonials from agents about all the work they do for their clients, this one "agent" says, "We try to save you money, we really do," and shakes her head no while she says it. Oops, Freudian slip?

Everybody's a couple, too. No single people exist, or when they do, they're always in the process of meeting up with the opposite sex.

!@#$%! 08.19.2009 09:39 AM

one thing they don't tell you is that some day, very soon, the masses will rise and WHITIE WILL PAY FOR THIS

oh yeah blondie. the Red Army is coming for you!


SONIC GAIL 08.19.2009 09:46 AM

I must get skinnier even though I am a size 2...I need bigger boobs....I'm 30 so it's time for botox or some kind of wrinkle creams...everyone who trys pot turns into a deadbeat kids need antibacterial ointments for the smallest of scratches or they will get deathly ill....I need a new house with a picket fence and lots of weekend home improvement projects...Walmart will solve all of my problems if I shop there and buy thier shit

!@#$%! 08.19.2009 09:47 AM

oh yeah! the fucking antibacterials! we must disinfect EVERYTHING!!!

Shifty Prophet 08.19.2009 09:52 AM

I hate advertisements that promote medicine. They have you believe you need the drug, you have to have it and the symptoms are really just shit that everyone goes through during life. I stand firm by the fact that probable 75% of the money Americans spend on health care, doctors,hospital visits and medicine could be replaced by changes to your diet and more excercise.

gmku 08.19.2009 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
I must get skinnier even though I am a size 2...I need bigger boobs....I'm 30 so it's time for botox or some kind of wrinkle creams...everyone who trys pot turns into a deadbeat kids need antibacterial ointments for the smallest of scratches or they will get deathly ill....I need a new house with a picket fence and lots of weekend home improvement projects...Walmart will solve all of my problems if I shop there and buy thier shit

You're a size 2. Jesus. We gotta get some food in you, girl!

Yeah, the home improvement advertising is HUGE! It's on all the time. It's not so much about "fixing" anymore, it's all about "renovating," "making over," making prettier, bigger, fancier.

Yard work--another big one. Everyone needs a huge ass riding lawnmower even if your yard is the size of a postage stamp. And don't forget the fertilizer!

gmku 08.19.2009 09:56 AM

Ever notice how restaurant food portions in commercials look so much bigger and better than in real life? Those Red Lobster shrimp are huge on TV, for example.

gmku 08.19.2009 09:59 AM

It's interesting how every company has jumped on the "green" bandwagon.

Shifty Prophet 08.19.2009 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by gmku

Yard work--another big one. Everyone needs a huge ass riding lawnmower even if your yard is the size of a postage stamp. And don't forget the fertilizer!

I can't stand lawn mower ads. When I was a kid my mom and step-dad made me mow the lawn with a fucking blade mower, no motor just a blade that rotated and cut the grass. I'd have to sweep up all the clippings and make a compost pile, then I"D HAVE TO WALK UPHILL BOTH WAYS TO SCHOOL IN SIX INCHES OF SNOW WITH NOTHING BUT JEANS AND A PAIR OF CONVERSE ON!

No, but seriously, shit is silly, don't buy some big ass mower that costs more than some peoples cars, save your money and splurge on cologne or a fashionable monocle.

gmku 08.19.2009 10:00 AM

Boys and their toys. Big lawnmower's just another toy for overgrown boys. Notice how in those commercials it's only men riding those things, and only men shopping for them.

Similarly, only men use gas grills. Women apparently haven't been trained to cook on a grill. Besides they're too busy inside keeping the kitchen spotless.

What the commercials tell us is that American men spend their weekends riding their lawnmowers and fertilizing their yards and cooking outdoors on big gas grills, when they're not munching chips and drinking cheap beer in front of big-screen TVs watching The Big Game with their buddies.

SONIC GAIL 08.19.2009 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
It's interesting how every company has jumped on the "green" bandwagon.

I am so fuckin sick of the term "GREEN"!
I am an Interior Designer at a dealer that sells commercial office furniture that is considered "Green".
What the fuck ever man...IT IS MADE OF PLASTIC!!!!
I was pickin up coke cans off the side of the road when I was 12 and recycling them for money. Now you have to pay them to recycle shit.

If I have to talk to one more environmentaly concerned designer I am gonna puke up a big juicy steak on thier vegetarian ass.

If you could afford shit that was "GREEN" maybe it would have caught on 20 years ago.

gmku 08.19.2009 10:13 AM

OK, I'm not interested in emotional reactions though. I just want observances. What can we learn about the America that advertisers are trying to sell us?

I do agree "green" is overused and inaccurate, however.

SONIC GAIL 08.19.2009 10:14 AM

I get a little carried away

gmku 08.19.2009 10:15 AM

It's OK.

!@#$%! 08.19.2009 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
Ever notice how restaurant food portions in commercials look so much bigger and better than in real life? Those Red Lobster shrimp are huge on TV, for example.

hell yes. i tried the fucking wendy's "boneless chicken wings" and they are the size of little dog turds-- not sure about the texture (never tried divine's experiment), but it was awful too. not worth the 5 bucks or what have you.

on the other hand the 1/3 lb angus burger at macshits is quite acceptable. been doing a lot of road trips recently which has gotten me reacquainted with fast food.

the arby's pecan chicken salad sammich btw is fucking good fast food if you avoid the shitty "combo".

gmku 08.19.2009 10:24 AM

I have to agree re the angus burger. I tried it a couple weeks back and was pretty impressed. Got the mushroom swiss one.

So what's with the droney Hardees boy voice? Is that supposed to be like young-kid stoner-cool or edgy or something? It drives me nuts.

artsygrrl 08.19.2009 10:28 AM

Somebody run over your big toe? CALL SAM ! You will end up so rich you'll forget all about that big toe.

SONIC GAIL 08.19.2009 10:33 AM

This medicine will make you all better, but the following side affects may occur.............

infinitemusic 08.19.2009 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
Boys and their toys. Big lawnmower's just another toy for overgrown boys. Notice how in those commercials it's only men riding those things, and only men shopping for them.

Similarly, only men use gas grills. Women apparently haven't been trained to cook on a grill. Besides they're too busy inside keeping the kitchen spotless.

What the commercials tell us is that American men spend their weekends riding their lawnmowers and fertilizing their yards and cooking outdoors on big gas grills, when they're not munching chips and drinking cheap beer in front of big-screen TVs watching The Big Game with their buddies.

On that not,e there was this commercial I saw awhile ago that really infuriated me. It was about this guy who had a dandelion problem in his yard and he got rid of it with an overpriced, toxic substance that will wash into the groundwater and kill countless people, and at the end he said "Now I'm not THAT neighbor anymore".

Basically it implies that if your lawn isn't perfect and spotless, you're a bad neighbor and we all know people like this exist and they are SICK. They have no fucking concept of anything more important than their stupid little green lawn. They're the people who feel the need to wrap themselves in hours of yardwork consantly and make comments about the quality of your lawn compared to theirs. And this commercial validates that psychotic personality type.

EDIT: Non-emotional reaction, this commercial would have you believe that it's OK to be obsessive compulsive about your lawn and that anyone that isn't is sick and wrong. That you should pour toxic chemicals on your grass to get rid of a few harmless weeds.

gmku 08.19.2009 11:32 AM

I had a neighbor who mowed his lawn every other day, April through October, regardless of whether it needed it or not. He also had ChemLawn come weekly. I used to let mine grow a foot high just to piss him off.

But I also suspect he was just out there a lot to get away from his wife, who loved to nag him about all kinds of work she wanted done around the house.

infinitemusic 08.19.2009 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
I had a neighbor who mowed his lawn every other day, April through October, regardless of whether it needed it or not. He also had ChemLawn come weekly. I used to let mine grow a foot high just to piss him off.

But I also suspect he was just out there a lot to get away from his wife, who loved to nag him about all kinds of work she wanted done around the house.

So he did work around the house to get away from his wife nagging him about work around the house :D. This is why I don't want to ever get married. But I probably will anyway because I'm stupid.

gmku 08.19.2009 11:36 AM

Yes. Not all marriages are like this though. But probably most in the suburbs are.

infinitemusic 08.19.2009 11:48 AM

And that's why I never wanna live in the Suburbs!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.19.2009 11:51 AM

somebody says big brothers watching you, somebody else says you know its not true.. who do you believe?

gmku 08.19.2009 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by infinitemusic
And that's why I never wanna live in the Suburbs!

But not all marriages in the suburbs are like that. Quit trying to stereotype.

infinitemusic 08.19.2009 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
But not all marriages in the suburbs are like that. Quit trying to stereotype.

Hey, stereotyping is what I do. How dare you try to change me? You're just like the rest of them!!

(I was joking, obviously)

automatic bzooty 08.19.2009 05:00 PM

That Target is some sort of pop art, op art wonder world, not a store.

!@#$%! 08.19.2009 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
it would have me believe that it is ok for old men with corporate sleaze backgrounds to wake up one day and try and be 16 again.

it would also have you believe that 16 is the only age to be. as if!

and it makes 16 year olds believe they will never age. ha! ha ha ha!!

get ready...

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