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candymoan 08.14.2009 09:21 AM

chuck norris is so passé...
are you not tired of the chuck norris memes yet?
do you feel compelled to ridicule juvenile attempts at humor utilizing low resolution images of mr. norris?

look no further..

today coming to office in my 17 year old nirvana t-shirt (the one that says "fudge packin' crack smokin' satan worshippin' motherfucker" on the back) and listening to music, i was suddenly mesmerized by a familiar old tune..

it was "the conjuring" from the album peace sells... but who's buying? from the thrash metal giant megadeth..


sudenly i compiled a playlist of my megadeth favorites and started to rock out to them, with the full realization that dave mustaine is the dog's bollocks.. i had even carved MUSTAINE IS GOD on my desk in high school, and got myself into trouble..


and i did these instead of working..


well, it is friday afterall and we deserve some play time occasionally..


so, there you go..
enjoy and propagate...

candymoan 08.14.2009 09:22 AM




floatingslowly 08.14.2009 09:26 AM

I appreciate yr enthusiasm, but Dave Mustaine is NOT a Texas Ranger.

there's just really not much you can do about Chuck.

besides, everybody here knows that Steve Shelley is actually Chuck Norris.

how dare you come in here making fun of Steve Shelley. how DARE you.

atsonicpark 08.14.2009 09:28 AM

Haven't heard of or thought of Chuck Norris in like 10 years, outside of this message board. This "meme" thing is so weird.

Mustaine is one ugly motherfucker.

floatingslowly 08.14.2009 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Haven't heard of or thought of Chuck Norris in like 10 years

are we on the same internet? I don't think so.

best applicational use of Dave Mustaine: a couple years back, my burning-man pseudo-hippie friend invited my other friend to this gig in austin.

it's a burning-man sponsored event called "flip side". well, that year, the theme was Symphony of Construction.

not being a stinkin' hippie, my friend that went to visit felt that the only acceptable way to pull up to that fucking hippie camp was by blaring Megadeth.

nobody fucking "got it". fucking hippies.

SYRFox 08.14.2009 09:34 AM

Clifford > Chuck Norris

TheFoxBen 08.14.2009 09:38 AM

Hum... Everybody knows that Dr. Manhattan beats the shit out of Chuck Norris.


atsonicpark 08.14.2009 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
are we on the same internet? I don't think so.

Note that I said "outside of this board".

This board is really the only gateway for me to learn about all these dumb "memes" and stuff. I don't really go anywhere else on the internet that would allow me to experience these, uh, brilliant, thought-provoking... things.

So, until chuck norris memes start showing up in my Katsumi Takes 6 Big Wart Dicks videos.. I don't know what the fuck is going on.

EVOLghost 08.14.2009 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by candymoan


Kloriel 08.14.2009 09:43 AM

this thread fucking sucks

floatingslowly 08.14.2009 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Note that I said "outside of this board".

yeah, I guess if this is yr only outlet, Chuck is rarely brought up here (if at all--thankfully).

you should visit The Barrens.

lol you just used brilliant and throught-provoking in the same sentence as internet lol

atsonicpark 08.14.2009 09:48 AM

The who?

I saw Chuck Norris on comething irrelevant a few times, a long time ago.

I dunno, he's still just that guy from the fitness advertisements to me.

floatingslowly 08.14.2009 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
The who?

hold tight to this question. never let it go. ignorance is indeed bliss.

it's too late for me.

walker told me; I have AIDS.


SYRFox 08.14.2009 09:55 AM

Yes, but know he knows that he's ignorant. Ignorance of ignorance is bliss in this case. Now that he knows about it, not so much.

This said I don't know what/who the fuck The Barrens are. You've just broken my bliss as well. Thanks.

SYRFox 08.14.2009 09:57 AM

Also, just so you know, in french, mémé means granny. Not that grannies are a meme.

atsonicpark 08.14.2009 10:02 AM

Hold on a sec, I am going to ignore the ignorant ignorance of ignorancy.

SYRFox 08.14.2009 10:04 AM

Sounds like an amazing bliss.

floatingslowly 08.14.2009 10:04 AM

the more that you type it, the less likely that you are to succeed.



it's up to you not to heed the call-up.

Anngella 08.14.2009 10:07 AM

The cat is the best part.

Lamont Cranston 08.14.2009 10:47 AM

I haven't seen any of it for years (and even then I didn't see much of it), I dunno maybe I dont hang out on that part of the internet? I once saw him appearing on some cable tv show, might have been something from spike-I dont know American stations-and anyway they're discussing the phenomenon and eventually they ask him to read out a couple.
And he could barely read them. Just stumbling along like a semi-literate.

Also, hasn't he now made the shift that all has-been washed up b-grade actors make: turning to rightwing politics?

EVOLghost 08.14.2009 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly


it's up to you not to heed the call-up.

haha I didn't know you were talkin about Barren chat.

PS. what is the story with the barren chat...I guess I wasn't around for that since I started like a year late on WoW.

floatingslowly 08.14.2009 12:04 PM

the story with barrens chat: ALL chuck norris ALL the TIME. I believe it to be the root of all internet Chuck Norris talk. if not patient-zero, then someone who knows him.

see also: "lol havf u seen mankriks wife? ware r she?"

it's the reason why I rarely got a horde past 21. I was so beat up after the Barrens that I'd quit.

Toilet & Bowels 08.14.2009 12:14 PM

i've never seen a chuck norris meme

artsygrrl 08.14.2009 01:42 PM

Isn't he the guy who hung himself? Oh wait...I keep getting them mixed up :)

finding nobody 08.14.2009 01:44 PM

Bruce Lee fucks Chuck Norris' day up.. By that I mean he kills him, in Way Of The Dragon


The Mafia boss hires foreign martial artists who have trouble communicating with each other to challenge Tang Lung. Tang defeats them with help from his friends in the countryside near the Colosseum. Tang has an iconic final showdown inside the Colosseum with the Karate fighter Colt, the best of the hired fighters. Tang kills Colt, but he covers the body with Colt's white Gi to show his respect and admiration after the fight.

dirty bunny 08.14.2009 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
the story with barrens chat: ALL chuck norris ALL the TIME. I believe it to be the root of all internet Chuck Norris talk. if not patient-zero, then someone who knows him.

see also: "lol havf u seen mankriks wife? ware r she?"

it's the reason why I rarely got a horde past 21. I was so beat up after the Barrens that I'd quit.

The skill you never learned is the always-useful tool called "ignoring". The first time I levelled up in the Barrens I actually never looked at the chat box, unless somebody was actually speaking to me.

Internet fads (not saying the word y'all are using) are like "funny" t-shirts- useful for people with a poorly-developed sense of humour. :)

sonic sphere 08.14.2009 02:13 PM

i've aslways been more of a van-damme man myself.

floatingslowly 08.14.2009 02:14 PM

my favorite Barrens story: long ago, I decided to try out priest because I actually like healing / buffing people. I would toss fortitude buffs on everyone I saw.

happily making my way down to Ratchet, I saw a lone troll warrior on the road. doing my thing, I ran by, buffed him and waved.

about 2 minutes later, I get a whisper asking "wtf did u do 2 me." [I was busy] "anser me godamit".
I said "lol, newb".
he says "dunt u dare call me a fucking newb. fuck u".
I say "ok, newb".
so he says "ur a fag. i bet ur a beaner 2".
I say "haha? a beaner? because I buffed you? haha newb"
he says "ya fucking fggt beaner. godam mexcan"
I say "enjoy yr vacation, newb!"

and yeah, I'm a "fag" and "a beaner" for fucking giving this guy more hitpoints.

this was the first and only time that I actually took the time to report somebody. haha

fucking barrens.

this post has EVERYTHING to do with CHUCK NORRIS.

dirty bunny 08.14.2009 02:20 PM

Aww. I know how that kinda thing can sour you on people/places. And believe me, lots of people I know absolutely hated The Barrens. They'd never level another toon there, they got so sick of it. The Horde might have Barrens, but the Alliance have to deal with Goldshire.

Do I still have to reply to the original post about Chuck? Chuck Chuck Bo-Buck Banana Fanna Fo...

DeadDiscoDildo 08.14.2009 02:20 PM




EVOLghost 08.14.2009 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
see also: "lol havf u seen mankriks wife? ware r she?"

I'm guess someone is spamming this quest? lol oh god. Some part of me wants to go back sooo bad.

dirty bunny 08.14.2009 03:31 PM

heheh. the world of warcrack. ;)

floatingslowly 08.14.2009 03:40 PM

I'd actually have thoughts of reactivating, but I gave up "the good computer" so that SOMEONE can play sims.

it's debatable as to whether or not this is a good thing.

"just say no" - "one day at a time"

atsonicpark 08.14.2009 04:42 PM

I love that.. "the good computer".

I could tell so many stories right now regarding that but eh. THey're all kinda boring and all have the same beginning and end.

Kloriel 08.14.2009 04:53 PM

this thread isn't about me is it

Toilet & Bowels 08.14.2009 06:46 PM

bruce lee never used a fucking sword, have you ever even seen any of his films?

terriblecanyons 08.14.2009 06:50 PM

Fuck Chuck Norris, Billy Mays is where it's at

Chuck Norris once tried to roundhouse kick Billy Mays. Before his foot even left the ground, Chuck was already on his first of three easy payments of $29.95.

floatingslowly 08.14.2009 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
bruce lee never used a fucking sword, have you ever even seen any of his films?

^^^ I'll have to trust that that's true, but Bruce Lee Quotes .com did a TRRRRBLE photoshop job of Lee in his "ready pose".

nice catch.

Kloriel 08.14.2009 06:57 PM

dragon is a good movie. you can almost see the exact moment when raul julia gets cancer.

Toilet & Bowels 08.14.2009 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
^^^ I'll have to trust that that's true, but Bruce Lee Quotes .com did a TRRRRBLE photoshop job of Lee in his "ready pose".

nice catch.

yeah, not to mention that they've photo shopped him to hold a fucking japanese sword. it's fucking amteur hour for real.

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