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Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.13.2009 12:18 PM

Does it really burn that badly when you snort it?
Did you personally enjoy it's effects, and what were they?

Glice 08.13.2009 12:24 PM

Personally, it never did so much to me on its own, but it worked great combined with microdots/ acid/ pills.

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 12:27 PM

What's a microdot?

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.13.2009 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Personally, it never did so much to me on its own, but it worked great combined with microdots/ acid/ pills.

Well the only other substances I'll have access to are PBR, and weed...

How much did you take, and how did you take it? I've heard it can burn the nostrils for up to 5 minutes, and is easily one of the most painful drugs to snort.


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
What's a microdot?


atsonicpark 08.13.2009 12:31 PM

Damn. I wish I lived somewhere with cool drugs.

Glice 08.13.2009 12:38 PM

Acid here has been scarce and, when not scarce, shite for a number of years. Late-90s it was difficult not to find it (south-west England anyway), but it was taken over in the early '00s by MDMA and the like.

I've never snorted 2-cb, always taken it in pill form.

Glice 08.13.2009 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Damn. I wish I lived somewhere with cool drugs.

Also, I haven't been in a place where I could get hold of much for a couple of years now. I'm really hankering for K at the moment. PHONE CALL TIME!

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 12:39 PM

Acid rules. It's scarce as fuck here too. It's mainly just X-T-C and weed around here. Meh.

Glice 08.13.2009 12:40 PM

Weed I haven't done in 6 years. Ecstasy I haven't done in nearly 4 years. Acid and K are the only things that interest me, and even so that's rarely more than once a year. Do you get MDMA in the States? That's all over the show here.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.13.2009 12:41 PM

I can't get my hands on acid either. :(


Originally Posted by Glice
Do you get MDMA in the States? That's all over the show here.

Yes. There's plenty of E to go around.

Toilet & Bowels 08.13.2009 12:41 PM

yeah acid is not that common place, which is a shame becasue i've never taken it but would like to. i do know one person i could get it from but if i did i'd have to take it with them out of politeness and i don't want to do that.

jon boy 08.13.2009 12:42 PM

fuck me boys, come to vancouver ou can get practically anything. oxycontin has been my thing for a few weeks.

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 12:42 PM

Glice, MDMA is just a more pure version of X, right? I've heard of people getting it but .. the X I've done has been cut with coke and meth and shit, and it makes me feel dirty.

Weed doesn't interest me at all, I'm the only person I know who's not a pothead.

Acid is my favorite thing ever.

davenotdead 08.13.2009 12:44 PM

is this thread about pregnancies and abortions and miscarriages?

Glice 08.13.2009 12:45 PM

MDMA, at one point was a purer version of ecstasy, but the last time I did it it just seemed very skaggy and a bit speedy. Personally, I'd rather take speed. Good old pure, gothy speed. The thing with speed is that you get it fairly pure and, while your teeth won't like you for it, at least you know where you are with it (dancing to bad goth music usually).

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 12:45 PM

Dearest one,
Greeting to you, my name is Flora Zokora, I am 23 yrs and I am Ivory Coast nationality and I live in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. I am the daughter of Mr Zokora, a great businessman and farmer from coffee and cocoa. Indeed, my father was assassin by his partners who I believed they profit from his death. And unfortunately for me, I'm orphans child now without my family.
As the only daughter of my parents, I normally bee the beneficiary to the total sum of (US$ 7.800, 000) SEVEN MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS that my father deposited in a Bank here in Cote d'Ivoire ,
So I plead you, please kindly read this letter of my life and have a heart of kindness to help me to transfer my money into your account in your country for investment so that I will be able to come to you to follow up with my high school education.

Glice 08.13.2009 12:45 PM

Coke, meanwhile, can fuck the fuck off.

jon boy 08.13.2009 12:46 PM

mdma is the pure form of e yes. its normally cut with caffeine but these days they put all kinds of shite in it. i have taken acid a few times and the experience was ok but not that great. the reason i stoppped taking it was the effects it had on my moods afterwards and i knew plenty of people who went a bit crazy from too much, two who got sectioned (pschiactric hospital) through acid use.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.13.2009 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I've never snorted 2-cb, always taken it in pill form.

Ah, I see. Well hopefully it kicks in not only much faster, but much harder too when snorted.

floatingslowly 08.13.2009 12:48 PM

gawd, I thought that this thread was going to be about appartment numbers.


atsonicpark 08.13.2009 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Coke, meanwhile, can fuck the fuck off.

This has to be the most pointless fucking drug, to me. It's expensive as fuck, lasts 20 minutes, and the whole time your heart is about to explode. I like drugs that mellow me out or make me think about things in a different way or make me relax.. not drugs where I feel like the world is going to end if I don't go to Taco Bell RIGHT NOW I GOTTAGO RIGHT NOW FUCKING KFDLOGUFLKC COCAINEOVSKPVK COCAINE. COCCOKE MMMM CHALONGD COCAINE COKKKKKKKK.. oh, it's over. Man, I wish I had my $100 back.

davenotdead 08.13.2009 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
gawd, I thought that this thread was going to be about appartment numbers.


i used to live in 312B-D . i chose room D cuz my name starts with D. actually i was the last person to get there cuz i skipped orientation [cuz i'm not fggt] so i didn't get to pick my room, but thats why its awesome, cuz they left D for me

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.13.2009 12:54 PM

I've never spent my own money on coke. What a jip.

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 12:54 PM

Since I'm really religious and there is nothing more beautiful than the holy word of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ, I hope my next appartment in J316.

jon boy 08.13.2009 12:54 PM

i do like the more relaxing drugs too. valium and the like are more what i am into than coke which is pretty pricey most of the tme unless your prepared to take any old crap. in vancouver you can get rocks for $3.

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 12:54 PM

Hey Joesus Christ, where do you live at in Michigan anyway? Odds are you're only 2 or 3 hours from me. We should totally get together and snort some lines and film some shit sometime.

SONIC GAIL 08.13.2009 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
This has to be the most pointless fucking drug, to me. It's expensive as fuck, lasts 20 minutes, and the whole time your heart is about to explode. I like drugs that mellow me out or make me think about things in a different way or make me relax.. not drugs where I feel like the world is going to end if I don't go to Taco Bell RIGHT NOW I GOTTAGO RIGHT NOW FUCKING KFDLOGUFLKC COCAINEOVSKPVK COCAINE. COCCOKE MMMM CHALONGD COCAINE COKKKKKKKK.. oh, it's over. Man, I wish I had my $100 back.

That is soooo true. Coke just makes me pissed and all I can think about is feeling just like I did 15 min ago. Then I'm pissed cause I could a bought 12 hours worth of rolling instead. fuck that shit.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.13.2009 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Hey Joesus Christ, where do you live at in Michigan anyway? Odds are you're only 2 or 3 hours from me. We should totally get together and snort some lines and film some shit sometime.

Livonia, Michigan 48150

That sounds like a plan.
Although I am highly intimidated by the size of yr p3n0r.

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 12:58 PM

Cool, I live in Columbus, Indiana 47201. Since the zip codes are only like 900 numbers apart.. that means something... RIGHT?

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.13.2009 12:59 PM

Ha, I might need a new car first.

stu666 08.13.2009 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Does it really burn that badly when you snort it?
Did you personally enjoy it's effects, and what were they?

it burned for me then felt like i'd been punched in the face, i had to keep remembering to breath but i had the best visuals ever. everything looked like a painting.

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 01:01 PM

340 miles. Not bad. Lemme get a reliable car and fill it with drugs and we'll be set.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.13.2009 01:03 PM

If we fill it with drugs, how will we fit in the virgins, and merzblood?

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by stu666
it burned for me then felt like i'd been punched in the face, i had to keep remembering to breath but i had the best visuals ever. everything looked like a painting.

Back when I was doing dextromethorphen, there'd be this point where, for 2 hours straight, everything I looked at would look like one of those stain glass windows. I believe that's what they're called.. the ones in churches. They'd look like these beautiful, bright stain glass windows with the most abstract, amazing visuals ever. Dex got boring though.

Weirdest trip I ever had was mixing Dex and acid. I was watching a movie and my eyes turned into a camera with the zoom function on, somehow. My eyes zoomed into someone's forhead and I saw a drawing of kids playing basketball, as if it were in a coloring book. Suddenly, my eyes could COLOR the coloring book and I was shaking my head around, while floating on a bed in the sea, and coloring the pages. After I was done coloring with my eyes, the kids started playing basketball on top of this guy's forhead. I really want to put a scene like that in a film. So mindblowing.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.13.2009 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by stu666
it burned for me then felt like i'd been punched in the face, i had to keep remembering to breath but i had the best visuals ever. everything looked like a painting.

I can't wait. :D

Despite the whole, being punched in the face thing...

stu666 08.13.2009 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Back when I was doing dextromethorphen, there'd be this point where, for 2 hours straight, everything I looked at would look like one of those stain glass windows. I believe that's what they're called.. the ones in churches. They'd look like these beautiful, bright stain glass windows with the most abstract, amazing visuals ever. Dex got boring though.

Weirdest trip I ever had was mixing Dex and acid. I was watching a movie and my eyes turned into a camera with the zoom function on, somehow. My eyes zoomed into someone's forhead and I saw a drawing of kids playing basketball, as if it were in a coloring book. Suddenly, my eyes could COLOR the coloring book and I was shaking my head around, while floating on a bed in the sea, and coloring the pages. After I was done coloring with my eyes, the kids started playing basketball on top of this guy's forhead. I really want to put a scene like that in a film. So mindblowing.

haha, i think i've had similar experiences, was everything green/purple tinged?

i had some very weird/cool? things happen when on shrooms or acid, like seeing everything in grid formation and usually involving inca/aztec images. i've seen some lots of strange things!

sometimes i feel like i'm a midget or everyting looks like those funny mirrors you get at fairgrounds/carnivals.

i think i'm getting bored or imune to it now though.

stu666 08.13.2009 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
I can't wait. :D

Despite the whole, being punched in the face thing...

maybe snorting it isn't the best way?

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 01:19 PM

Yeah, everything you said = same here.

Another awesome trip was in the middle of winter, I did dex and smoked weed and I set up 4 HUGE ass speakers that a friend had all around me, at 4 different corners, and I layed down on the floor and stared up at these huge speakers which were positioned perfectly around a window. Beyond the window was the shadow of a tree which kept hitting the window because of the hard snow. I listened to Sunn's "Black1" full blast and it was just fucking earth shattering. It was so fucking loud you could probably hear it reverberate through the woods. I started getting kind of paranoid because I was afraid the cops were going to come because it was so loud. THis is a 3 story house, you could go downstairs and hear it almost perfectly, that's how loud it was. Jesus. It was earth shakingly loud!

But the amps turned into these fucking evil ass druids. I had a little red night light on right underneath the window, and somehow the lights gave the druids red eyes and they kept getting larger and larger while the tree violently smacked the window with snow, and it looked like the limb turned into a giant fucking hand and was throwing snowballs at me. All these 4 amps fucking loomed over me and I thought they were trying to take me into the ground. Dunno if anyone is familiar with the game ICO but there are shadow people in it which will take the princess into the ground, it was like that. All of a sudden, the fucking night light turned into a dancing Satan head!

But yeah I saw all these weird ass Egyptian symbols and my trip buddy turned into a living shadow.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.13.2009 01:22 PM

It can't hurt THAT bad. Can it?

Taking it orally is always an option, but I don't want to have to wait too long for it to kick in, plus the effects seem to be hindered with that method.

stu666 08.13.2009 01:24 PM

it's not like powder though at least what i had wasn't, it was really pastey, and you don't need much but it's yr choice man. for a stronger hit then yeah probably do it up the nose i spose.

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