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terriblecanyons 08.12.2009 08:03 PM

I'm coming for you.


stu666 08.12.2009 08:08 PM

bring it on!

terriblecanyons 08.12.2009 08:09 PM

You cannot defeat me. >:3

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 08:10 PM

my best advice: watch out for nicfit.

stu666 08.12.2009 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
You cannot defeat me. >:3

No you're right, i wouldn't want to, i'm too nice. :)

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 08:12 PM

you would think a single fucking 666'er wouldn't be, but no.

what the fuck's up with that shit?

static-harmony 08.12.2009 08:15 PM

They're actually nines upside down.

terriblecanyons 08.12.2009 08:19 PM


atsonicpark 08.12.2009 08:19 PM


terriblecanyons 08.12.2009 08:21 PM

That's some really nice carpet.

DeadDiscoDildo 08.12.2009 08:23 PM

Well, I'm coming for you!

terriblecanyons 08.12.2009 08:25 PM

Why poor little me? What did I do to you? :(

stu666 08.12.2009 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
They're actually nines upside down.

yeah i was doing a handstand when i signed up. :rolleyes:

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 08:28 PM

you guys are scaring me. well, everyone except for stu666. he's not.

terriblecanyons 08.12.2009 08:30 PM

Do I scare you, floatslows?

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 08:33 PM

yr fierce and I'm a fragile flower, so, yes, of course.

terriblecanyons 08.12.2009 08:34 PM

Is this a "I'm scared for my life" or a "I just saw a shadow pass under my porchlight and I'm listening to current 93" kind of scared?

demonrail666 08.12.2009 08:37 PM

do people in australia dial 666 when they need the police?

stu666 08.12.2009 08:37 PM

i'm going outside to check the meteor shower situation, i might be back.

EDIT: good luck terriblecrayons! ;)

demonrail666 08.12.2009 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons


Be careful of dead air. He can leapfrog you with a single live photo. I've seen it happen.

terriblecanyons 08.12.2009 08:40 PM

I've got my eye on him. If he does post said live picture, all I have to do is put on some slutty lipstick and say something lulzy about Billy Mays.

demonrail666 08.12.2009 08:44 PM

if in doubt, sideboob.

stu666 08.12.2009 08:54 PM

nothing to see here, i'm going to sleep. night all.

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
Is this a "I'm scared for my life" or a "I just saw a shadow pass under my porchlight and I'm listening to current 93" kind of scared?

I wish I had some current 93. I've been too lazy to buy any, but I like it. :(

it's more of a "why can't I beat this game on normal" kind of scared.

fucking whippersnappers.

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 09:05 PM

oh, yes. the sideboob. I almost forgot about that. good call DR999. that would surely push her over the top.

I other girl has dared..................




PS: pms to demonrail DO NOT FUCKING COUNT.

terriblecanyons 08.12.2009 09:08 PM

I'm not sure if I'm desperate enough for sideboob. Even if I was, DR999 would be the recipient.

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 09:16 PM

that's just rude!

dead-air would show it.

demonrail666 08.12.2009 09:23 PM

I was pmed an underboob pic that showed a hint of aureola but never a sideboob.

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 10:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I let my son play wow for awhile. he played on a different server, but I wanted him on mine so I could watch over him.

not long after, his "friend" jumped servers too.

next thing I know, I'm getting forwarded emails from my friend...

From: jenny <>
To: Mr xxxx blah <>
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 01:14:05 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: keyla not flat
lamo ya you be having a HARD time now
--- Mr xxxx blah <> wrote:

> nah that dont prove anything, remove victoria secret
> and we'll see :D
> --- jenny xxxxxx<> wrote:
> > you tell me flat?
> >
> >
> > Be smarter than spam. See how smart
> SpamGuard
> > is at giving junk email the boot with the All-new
> > Yahoo! Mail. Click on Options in Mail and switch
> to
> > New Mail today or register for free at
> >
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around

fucking "you tell me flat".

terriblecanyons 08.12.2009 10:19 PM

She tell you flat.

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 10:32 PM

actually, no. as usual, I'm far too creepy for anyone to tell me flat. I just get the fwds. fml

terriblecanyons 08.12.2009 10:33 PM

I bet if you ask nicely, she'll tell you flat.

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 10:38 PM

yeah, that's part of the problem too. I'm only good for false-demands.

besides, I wouldn't even ask for boobs. I'd ask for feet. but not keylas. I'm just glad she's gone. who knows what kind of shit she sent my son.

terriblecanyons 08.12.2009 10:42 PM

Feet? That's brave of you. She doesn't look like she'll tell you flat when it comes to feet. In fact I bet her feet are overridden with corns and blisters, maybe even a small fetus attached to her big toe.

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 10:43 PM

you had me at fetus. tell me more. but slower this time.

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 10:44 PM

^^^ see? who the fuck in their right mind would ever send me tits. haha

terriblecanyons 08.12.2009 10:45 PM

I tried to google image search for "toe on fetus" but all I got was some lady holding a cat and some unborn babiez. Sorry.

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 10:52 PM

it's the thought that counts.


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