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artsygrrl 08.08.2009 08:59 AM

So, let's hear what you suck at.
I really wanted to post in noisereduction's thread. There are things that I'm good at, but I would say I suck in alot more areas. Such as:

Fixing my own car when it craps out.
math/any type of memorization requirements.
burning CD's.
posting my own work in "Post Yr Art or Die".
playing any musical instrument.

Those are just a few and I know I could learn to do them. Just not right now.

EVOLghost 08.08.2009 09:01 AM

everything else...heh.

godsfavoritedog 08.08.2009 09:10 AM

Playing guitar.

Keeping my opinions to myself in situations where it would be in my best interests to do so.

TheFoxBen 08.08.2009 09:19 AM

At everything

artsygrrl 08.08.2009 09:22 AM

Oh....I believe you when you say you suck at EVERYTHING, but everyone sucks at SOME THINGS more than they suck at others.

Dead-Air 08.08.2009 09:57 AM

letting things go
sitting still
being in the same room with mayonaise

EVOLghost 08.08.2009 11:16 AM

I'm an expert at not cooking.

atsonicpark 08.08.2009 11:39 AM

I can't swim, can't fix anything on a car, can't blow bubblegum bubbles, can't whistle, can't hula-hoop.

I suck at being dishonest.

Rob Instigator 08.08.2009 11:42 AM

I suck at providing sympathy. I feel it, but I am so analytical dumbshit that what I think are comforting words are just harsh splashes of cold comfort water

automatic bzooty 08.08.2009 11:43 AM


ploesj 08.08.2009 11:50 AM

saying goodbye

nicfit 08.08.2009 12:11 PM

hitting on girls.

demonrail666 08.08.2009 12:14 PM


_slavo_ 08.08.2009 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
hitting on girls.

plus, talking to a bigger group of people (more than 3 people, actually)
handling conflicts
leading and being superior to people
remember my family's birth days

DeadDiscoDildo 08.08.2009 12:46 PM

Math. So bad. I don't think my left brain exists. I think I have two right brains.

It used to be just things like algebra and anything higher I struggled with in highschool, I've ignored it so much since then sometimes I feel retarded even with basic math.

SO bad.

EVOLghost 08.08.2009 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
plus, talking to a bigger group of people (more than 3 people, actually)

hahaha yeah. me too

dirty bunny 08.08.2009 02:02 PM

I suppose it has to be something I've tried, right? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be any good at ballet, or opera.

I have never been a very gifted athlete. Especially after puberty. I suck at brown-nosing. I gave a half-hearted attempt at playing the guitar. But it was my sister's and when she moved out she took it with her, so I couldn't practise anymore. But I never stuck with the saxophone either.

I'm so fucking lazy. That's one of the biggest hurdles I need to overcome.

GeneticKiss 08.08.2009 02:11 PM

Math. Everyone tells me, "but you're supposed to be good at math since you're a musician," but there isn't really much math involved in music beyond counting.

Trasher02 08.08.2009 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by automatic bzooty


Kylerobert 08.08.2009 02:31 PM

life, yo.

SYRFox 08.08.2009 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
Math. Everyone tells me, "but you're supposed to be good at math since you're a musician," but there isn't really much math involved in music beyond counting.

Music is math

atsonicpark 08.08.2009 02:44 PM

Yeah, really. Music is nothing but numbers, counting, etc.

Kylerobert 08.08.2009 02:51 PM


GeneticKiss 08.08.2009 02:56 PM

Sorry. The two don't translate well for me. I guess since most music comes to me so naturally, I've never really had to think about it.

Count Mecha 08.08.2009 02:57 PM

Nuclear Physics.

Kylerobert 08.08.2009 03:13 PM

I play music with people who do not like the same music I do..
So I guess I suck at finding people to play with.

davenotdead 08.08.2009 04:26 PM

fixing mechanical things
talking loudly at bars

barry swedgin 08.08.2009 04:27 PM

i suck at public speaking, kinda having a stammer and all

FreshChops 08.08.2009 04:51 PM

- Taxes
- Organization
- Auto mechanics (good one artsy)
- big social events
- reading books
- keeping my lawn cut

Dead-Air 08.08.2009 04:52 PM

I suck at blowjobs.

Also watching t.v.

FreshChops 08.08.2009 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Yeah, really. Music is nothing but numbers, counting, etc.

I highly disagree with this. This and that theory that if it isn't classical of Jazz, it isn't music.

All that drives my is pitch, chords, melodies, frequencies and all that sh!t when playing music..... the timing / the math part just happens and falls in place to the melody. There is math involved, but math doesn't give music it's character, it's only a component of it. So, to say music is math, well......

chrome noise tape 08.08.2009 04:58 PM

can't play guitar
can't blowjob myself (i don't suck that!)
can't arrive anywhere soon

!@#$%! 08.08.2009 04:59 PM

i suck these:



but i don't suck AT it

have a good weekend...

floatingslowly 08.08.2009 05:05 PM

!@#$%! doesn't suck at NSFW either. thank fuck it's saturday, huh?

I suck at making friends. I'm far too choosey and discriminate against everyone for the most minor infractions of my rules. I know that it's not their fault. it's just how it's gotta be.

that said, I don't suck at keeping friends. mostly.

Anngella 08.08.2009 05:52 PM

Finishing books
Getting a job
Keeping my room clean for more than a week
Cock and balls
Keeping in touch
Not getting lost

Conrad 08.08.2009 06:04 PM

Yesss, keeping the room clean. Getting it clean is a problem too.

Remembering movies.

Making new friends when I'm all by myself.

Hiding that I'm really pissed off.

atsonicpark 08.08.2009 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by FreshChops
I highly disagree with this. This and that theory that if it isn't classical of Jazz, it isn't music.

All that drives my is pitch, chords, melodies, frequencies and all that sh!t when playing music..... the timing / the math part just happens and falls in place to the melody. There is math involved, but math doesn't give music it's character, it's only a component of it. So, to say music is math, well......

Sure, I don't really completely agree with it either and I know what you're saying. Still doesn't deny that the actual, "classic" definition of music is.. well...

terriblecanyons 08.08.2009 06:07 PM

I suck at being motivated, keeping horrible jobs, however I no longer suck at cello

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.08.2009 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
I really wanted to post in noisereduction's thread. There are things that I'm good at, but I would say I suck in alot more areas. Such as:

Fixing my own car when it craps out.
math/any type of memorization requirements.
burning CD's.
posting my own work in "Post Yr Art or Die".
playing any musical instrument.

Those are just a few and I know I could learn to do them. Just not right now.

answering all these questions. you and kegmama just forward all these to my press agent, I'll have her fax you out the responses by thursday next week.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.08.2009 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
I suck at being motivated, keeping horrible jobs, however I no longer suck at cello


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