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check this dickhead!
Thursday Jun 01, 2006</B>
Arts and Entertainment
New Sonic Youth album too toned down for some By Patrick Dolan Staff Writer Sonic Youth is back in action yet again with one of its most toned-down albums to date. Gone is the moody, effervescent feel that soothed via "Sonic Nurse," and the onslaught of dissonant guitars that helped define a generation of drug-addled hipsters in the '80s is a thing of the past. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that the band still can't make semi-interesting music. Songwriting duties are divvyed up in the same similar fashion fans have come to love. Guitarist and singer Thurston Moore takes the cake with a handful of upbeat singsong tracks, and bassist/singer Kim Deal comes out swinging with her usual flamboyant bombast. "Rats," Lee Ronaldo's contribution to the album, is another shining epic, but is overshadowed by catchier songs found elsewhere on the album. The trick to liking Sonic Youth is to just lose oneself and not care about what's playing, no matter how absurd it may sound. But this delivery of songs seems to overreach and in a way negates the band's original mantra: to defeat the oversimplified melody machine and give a swift kick in the arse. In essence, that's what the title of the album suggests. "Rather Ripped" probably stands for a drunken or disheveled state of mind, and the loud, droning guitars found on "Turquoise Boy" definitely point to an unnerving sense of liberation. But is it always OK to play loud and not care about the consequences? While the streaming flutter of notes on "Incinerate" and "Reena" have an indelible charm and might be enough for some diehard fans, many of the songs fall short and seem to lack that tumult of inspiration that once drove the band to soaring heights. Here's a tip: Skip the first half of the album. What's found on the second half is much more redeeming and consistently fun. patrick.dolan@mail.wvu.edu he thinks Kim Deal is in Sonic Youth everybody point and laugh! we should all send him angry emails disputing his untrue facts. |
Nah just leave to carry on making stupid music mistakes in front of.....Fuck it. Send him sodding e-mails.
I've gotta break this apart...
Sonic Youth is back in action yet again with one of its most toned-down albums to date. Okay. I agree with that. Gone is the moody, effervescent feel that soothed via "Sonic Nurse," Loved Nurse but I don't think moody is the best adjective. Songwriting duties are divvyed up in the same similar fashion fans have come to love. Guitarist and singer Thurston Moore takes the cake with a handful of upbeat singsong tracks, and bassist/singer Kim Deal comes out swinging with her usual flamboyant bombast. Yes, because the Kims look and sound so much alike. He should be demoted for that "oversight" "Rats," Lee Ronaldo's contribution to the album, is another shining epic, but is overshadowed Whoa whoa...overshadowed? Rats is as good as any other song on the album. I think we can all agree on that, regardless of our actual favorite. The trick to liking Sonic Youth is to just lose oneself and not care about what's playing, no matter how absurd it may sound. Maybe the Whitey album, but a few songs aside there's nothing absurd. And if I didn't care what was playing, I might as well be listening to the Bee-Gees. But I'm not. But this delivery of songs seems to overreach and in a way negates the band's original mantra: to defeat the oversimplified melody machine and give a swift kick in the arse. Does any band sound the same after 25 years? and the loud, droning guitars found on "Turquoise Boy" definitely point to an unnerving sense of liberation. What a minute, didn't I just read that you missed that part of SY? But is it always OK to play loud and not care about the consequences? Fucking make up your mind already. While the streaming flutter of notes on "Incinerate" and "Reena" have an indelible charm and might be enough for some diehard fans Actually a lot of die-hard fans are rather pissed about SY's new "indelible charm" many of the songs fall short and seem to lack that tumult of inspiration that once drove the band to soaring heights. They have new inspirations and they still can soar. Here's a tip: Skip the first half of the album. What's found on the second half is much more redeeming and consistently fun. Here's a tip: Know what you're talking about before you write your review. At least know the fucking band members name. I want my 5 minutes back. |
id always like to ask these journalists how they'd define good and innovative rock music nowdays?
It's just some student at West Virginia University. Give him a fucking break. Jesus.
http://www.da.wvu.edu/XMLParser/prin...phtml?id=22824 http://www.da.wvu.edu/ BTW, he also misspelled 'Ranaldo'. |
Fuck that...if he's going to persue a career in journalism, he needs to know that getting facts wrong (especially the band members' names) as well as going against his own opinion that he stated two sentences prior that he isn't going to amount to shit. I stand by that. |
Most likely he's not pursuing a career in journalism, he's just an ignorant young music fan/college student.
I wrote a couple music reviews for a campus magazine at my university, and I certainly wasn't pursuing a career in journalism. The review is terrible, I agree. But flaming this guy with emails is super lame. Tear the review apart, fine. Sending him emails is a little over-the-top, I think. |
No emails from me, FYI. I agree with you completely on that. My criticism remains solely on this forum. |
Didn't you hear? Thurston fired Steve on bass and replaced him with Kim Deal.
Oh, OK. That's what I was getting at originally, sending him emails. Not tearing him a new one here.
Anyway, it's hard for me to believe that nobody at WVU has read the review and told somebody at the paper. I mean, colleges are full of SY fans, right? I also don't see why it's necessary to have their paper online. |
ha ha |
right on.. nothing else to say.. |
sending him Emails was totally over the top, 100% over the top, but i didnt actually mean we should do it, i was joking-looking for something to write really, i could of easily said we "should gather all the villagers with torches and march to his house and burn his house to the ground while his wife and kids are in bed" but on a different note - career in journalism or not if your gonna write an "in depth" review of Rather Ripped you should at least be able to get the names of the band members right, like i mean, who in this day and age with the internet at everyones fingertips can say.."i could'nt actually find out the correct name of Sonic Youth's bass player" the mispelling of Lee's name is trivial, i have terrible spelling myself and this comes from eating paint chips off the walls when i was a young lad, but i dunno about you guys, if i'm gonna put something up online for people to see (apart from this forum - which would be the exception cuz i dont really care to much if i get a spelling wrong here or there, you guys now know about my paint-chip obsession) i'm gonna have the facts right. otherwise, whats the point? a little of this may be my fault though, my name is Jerry, but if i see it spelt Gerry i fuckin loose my mind, i'm probably only guessing Kim GORDON thinks the same. but yr right, sending him e-mails is totally over the top - but i didnt really mean we should do it, i just love to shock, lets send him SYPHILIS instead. |
you shouldn't be offended jerry.. we knew it was a joke, but some didn't and it kinda snowballed from there.. and syphilis is a good idea.. |
cheers Candy, nice one man. |
"What would Europe been without the syphilis"
Jens Bjørneboe |
What a fucking retard...
HA... HA |
kim deal.......lee rOnaldo.........he forgot the thrustnon moore,,,the steven shelly,,,,,and 'the brand new guy' jimmy o'roke...........................................[some times when i'm talking very quick and exited a mistake the girls names too]
Yeah, that's a pretty big mistake to make. Kim Deal is in Pixies, not Sonic Youth. What a dumb fuck. He's right about the album, though. It does come across as uninspired in some parts. Mostly the beginning of the album. There are some parts that are just lacking.
"Ranaldo" is misspelled. Ostensibly, he was trying to allude to the fact that Lee only has one song on the record. Use of the word "overshadowed" is not exactly the best way to make his point. |
Lee is still present in the songs, but I do get the sense that Lee's work on the album, besides the one song he contributed, he really is rather overshadowed. I was expecting a little more out of him. On "Do You Believe in Rapture", the guitar noise that is coming from Lee's guitar is mixed a little too low. It should have been a little bit louder. The album has this toned down feeling through some of it that just doesnt seem to work all the time.
Yes Atari...that point has been brought up. I didn't write the review. Only quoting him... Quote:
It is a poor choice of words. I think I'll mail him a thesaurus. |
kill all the staff writers!!!!!!!!!! thats so stupid,,,he wanted to be writing something bout the white stripes or strokes,,i think he knows better about them
If he doesn't want emails bashing his poor writing then he shouldn't have put his email addy on the review.
Patrick Dolan is a nerf herder
But is he scruffy-looking?
Well, he is right, the album sucks.
But yeah.. Kim Deal, haha.. |
give him a break, no way!!! inaccuracy is one of the major crimes of journalism. his review is misinformed and completely poorly written. email sent, politely stating his inaccuracys! |
^^^EXACTLY^^^^^^^^^^^ |
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