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nature scene 03.23.2006 04:05 PM

They killed Chef!!!
Not just killed him -- they burned him, impaled him, and had a lion and bear fight over who got to eat him. Last night's South Park was pretty much a personal shot at Isaac Hayes as well as another scathing attack on Scientology. What did you guys think about it?

nomadicfollower 03.23.2006 04:06 PM

All I saw was Chef being rescued and then going back across the bridge and having what you described happen to him. I thought it was pretty funny though.

krastian 03.23.2006 04:09 PM

Yeah I saw that. Once again South Park is right on point. I like how they said that group "scrambled Chef's brains," referring to the scientology thing. It was also funny how they just used old clips for Chef's dialogue.

trance feeeedback 03.23.2006 04:11 PM

chef's death was pretty funny, other than that i thought the episode sucked. in the old board I started a thread about issac hayes quiting, and i brought up the thought about killing off chef, but I didn't think they would really do it! I think this is going to piss off a lot of fans, and scientologist. plus that episode really was a pretty mean personal shot at issac hayes.

sellouteater 03.23.2006 04:13 PM

I'm glad they killed him. He deserves it

nature scene 03.23.2006 04:16 PM

I did think the episode kind of sucked, especially the end. But I did like the attack on scientology. I heard from a friend the reason that Isaac Hayes really quit is because he was told too after some scientologists saw the original scientology episode.

krastian 03.23.2006 04:17 PM

Yeah I figured they'd kill him.

trance feeeedback 03.23.2006 04:18 PM

yeah i have noticed the newer south park episodes are getting contoversial again, like when it first came out. first there was the scientology episode that not only pissed off sicentologist, it pissed off the company that owns comedy central, then there was the "bloody mary"(another religious attack) episode which they only showed once or twice and then banned it, and now the killing of chef will probally cause a big deal.

Oh south park, you have become this generations greatest satire.

nomadicfollower 03.23.2006 04:41 PM

Blood Mary was the one of the statue's ass bleeding? all the Christians went crazy and everyone was visiting the statue and it turns out it was her vagina - which is normal?
That one was damn funny.
Did it really get banned?

nature scene 03.23.2006 04:42 PM

yeah that episode got pulled after airing 2 times or something

nomadicfollower 03.23.2006 04:47 PM

Really. Lucky I saw it I suppose.

sellouteater 03.23.2006 04:49 PM

I missed it do you know where i could get it

nature scene 03.23.2006 04:54 PM

look for torrents. The episode is called Bloody Mary.

HaydenAsche 03.23.2006 05:07 PM

That is rad! I wonder if its on youtube yet?

noumenal 03.23.2006 06:04 PM

I thought it was a pretty good episode.

However, my problem with South Park from the beginning is summed up by this:

Stick to the shit jokes, and drop the ham-handed libertarian commentary bullshit.

nature scene 03.23.2006 08:02 PM

I actually enjoy the libertarian commentary more than the shit jokes.

krastian 03.23.2006 08:15 PM

I like their commentary because it sheds light on how fucked up everything is in a humorous way.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 03.23.2006 10:09 PM

I read an editorial about how Isaac Hayes didn't really want to quit, that someone else made him quit.

nature scene 03.23.2006 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I read an editorial about how Isaac Hayes didn't really want to quit, that someone else made him quit.

Yeah that's what I heard too. I think after the Scientology episode aired again, some people in his church (?) (scientology club? cult?) told him he needed to quit.

dietzer123 03.23.2006 11:00 PM

yea, they did kill him pretty brutally but they were kinda nice to him with that last speech that stan makes. it was hilarous though

trainyard bliss 03.24.2006 12:48 AM

yea, i was glad that they were brutal with him. i don't understand how one could be on a show like southpark and not be able to take attacks on your own beliefs. i didn't realize that they used only sound clips from earlier shows--that's clever.

the show annoys me sometimes though because of its "ham-handed" social commentary, even if i am some sort of libertarian.

krastian 03.24.2006 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by trainyard bliss
i don't understand how one could be on a show like southpark and not be able to take attacks on your own beliefs.

I agree. They attack everyone....nobody is safe. Like Trey said, Issac didn't have any problems making all that cash while they were bashing every other religion on earth.

Richard Pryor on Fire 03.24.2006 01:01 AM

I was bummed I missed that, I'm all for free religon...(contradicting my self right here) Scientology is a scam not a religon, and Tom Cruise is out of his ever loving mind.... little known fact... Beck is a scientologist.

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