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sarramkrop 02.12.2008 09:13 AM

Some more questions
Dr Kegmama will sort you out.

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks
- Shirts
- Trousers
- Shoes

3. What is you favourite bell sound?

4. Do you like frogs?

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).

6. Do you recycle?

7. How many hours do you sleep at night?

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?

10. Do you talk a lot in public?

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?

15. How much water do you drink on average per day?

16. What's your views on piercing?

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?

18. How many days or hours can you go without food?

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?

20. What are your plans for this world?


sonicl 02.12.2008 09:31 AM

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?
Two more than an indecent one

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks
- Shirts
- Trousers
- Shoes

3. What is you favourite bell sound?

4. Do you like frogs?
I like all God's creatures

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?
Once, generally from 9 am to 5 pm.

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).
No, but I've had several embarassing ones

6. Do you recycle?
No, but I've had several embarassing ones

7. How many hours do you sleep at night?
I don't know. Every time I look at the clock to see what time it was when I fell aslepp, I wake up again

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?
Only if there were a lot of people there

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?
Love triangle

10. Do you talk a lot in public?
I'm not generally allowed out in public

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?
I don't know. What do you think?

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?
No, I have it outside

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?
I have never had relationships with that household pet

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?

15. How much water do you drink on average per day?

16. What's your views on piercing?
It's the best way for a shriek to be

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?
What are you trying to say?

18. How many days or hours can you go without food?
Stop trying to change the subject. What are you trying to say?

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?
Answering questionnaires

20. What are your plans for this world?
I have a special plan for this world. Would you like to hear it?

floatingslowly 02.12.2008 09:37 AM

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?


2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks
- Shirts
- Trousers
- Shoes

BLACK, like my heart

3. What is you favourite bell sound?

a light tinkle

4. Do you like frogs?

sure. anything that morphs sex like that is weird. and by weird, I mean rad.

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?

it depends more on the listener's ability to grasp said concept.

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?

95% of my waking hours are spent bored.

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).

disastrous? like fucking someone who dies midway? no.

6. Do you recycle?

hell no. pave the planet in trash imo.

7. How many hours do you sleep at night?

about 7

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?

I don't talk to people. period.

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?

the RHOMBUS. it's just fun to say. RHOMBUS.

10. Do you talk a lot in public?

no. it's strictly business.

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?

I'm unsure how to answer that.

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?

I live a few short miles from hell. of course we do.

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?

animals > people

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?


15. How much water do you drink on average per day?

does coffee count? if so, about 3 gallons. if not, no.

16. What's your views on piercing?

I have none, but they can be hot. I'm not that partial to girls with noserings though.

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?

I'm a pacifistic lil' lamb.

18. How many days or hours can you go without food?

42 days.

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?

I have no idea what yr talking about.

20. What are your plans for this world?

fashion designer escape pods.

tesla69 02.12.2008 09:43 AM

you kids really need to go outside and get some fresh air.

sarramkrop 02.12.2008 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?


2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks
- Shirts
- Trousers
- Shoes

BLACK, like my heart

3. What is you favourite bell sound?

a light tinkle

4. Do you like frogs?

sure. anything that morphs sex like that is weird. and by weird, I mean rad.

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?

it depends more on the listener's ability to grasp said concept.

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?

95% of my waking hours are spent bored.

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).

disastrous? like fucking someone who dies midway? no.

6. Do you recycle?

hell no. pave the planet in trash imo.

7. How many hours do you sleep at night?

about 7

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?

I don't talk to people. period.

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?

the RHOMBUS. it's just fun to say. RHOMBUS.

10. Do you talk a lot in public?

no. it's strictly business.

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?

I'm unsure how to answer that.

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?

I live a few short miles from hell. of course we do.

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?

animals > people

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?


15. How much water do you drink on average per day?

does coffee count? if so, about 3 gallons. if not, no.

16. What's your views on piercing?

I have none, but they can be hot. I'm not that partial to girls with noserings though.

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?

I'm a pacifistic lil' lamb.

18. How many days or hours can you go without food?

42 days.

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?

I have no idea what yr talking about.

20. What are your plans for this world?

fashion designer escape pods.


floatingslowly 02.12.2008 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
you kids really need to go outside and get some fresh air.

fresh air is overrated.

nicfit 02.12.2008 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
fresh air is overrated.

you should rep dead-air, then.

floatingslowly 02.12.2008 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
floating i quoted you inside my brilliant replies!

each one of yr replies are brilliant. I hate to see you sully them with my name.


Originally Posted by nicfit
you should rep dead-air, then.

thank you for the suggestion, I try to often. :)

are you working on yr questions for pr0kkrap now?

sonicl 02.12.2008 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
you kids really need to go outside and get some fresh air.

Please see my answer to question 6

ChocolateJesus 02.12.2008 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Dr Kegmama will sort you out.

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?

This is a difficult question, but I find that most very good books are between 300-500 pages. This rule does not apply to biographies or works of history.

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks - Black
- Shirts - Black
- Trousers - Black
- Shoes - Black

3. What is you favourite bell sound?

The sound of the sales bell that I stole from one of my dramatic quits. It has intertwined hearts on it, so it is the sound of not only love, but sticking it to that stupid cunt of a boss.

4. Do you like frogs?

I do.

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?

Yes. I have to fight the temptation to be verbose, however.

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?

Several times daily, especially at the office. Which explains why I am doing this.

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).

I have. I was injured. In my mouth.

6. Do you recycle?

I do.

7. How many hours do you sleep at night?

On average, six hours.

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?


9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?


10. Do you talk a lot in public?

I talk a lot, period.

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?

I have been told that I fake it well.

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?

I live in Oklahoma, so yes. It gets quite hot.

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?

Yes. I like some pets, but I have no interest in owning a pet or being responsible for one. Same reason I don't have children.

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?

I actively avoid taking any sort of medication.

15. How much water do you drink on average per day?

at least 96 oz a day.

16. What's your views on piercing?

Facial piercings = Ick. Almost as bad as neck tats.

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?

Not any longer.

18. How many days or hours can you go without food?

The longest I have gone is probably 3 days.

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?

I am going to have to go with yes.

20. What are your plans for this world?




sonicl 02.12.2008 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
whats NK?

It seemed to be quite a popular answer on Kegnurse's question threads, so I used it in order to be down with the kids.

floatingslowly 02.12.2008 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Please see my answer to question 6

which 6?

sarramkrop 02.12.2008 10:06 AM

CadburyJesus says:
I live in Oklahoma, so yes. It gets quite hot.

I would imagine Oklahomo getting hot at any time.

floatingslowly 02.12.2008 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop

Is this a gay state or what?

█████████ 02.12.2008 10:16 AM

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:
- Socks
- Shirts
- Trousers
- Shoes
anything that looks good

3. What is you favourite bell sound?
i prefer knocks

4. Do you like frogs?

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?
too bored to count

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).
sort of

6. Do you recycle?

7. How many hours do you sleep at night?
depends on the mood, on average 6 to 7

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?
at the start, yes.

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?
all of them

10. Do you talk a lot in public?
i dont know

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?
in certain aspects yes, others no

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?
which house?

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?

15. How much water do you drink on average per day?
i have no idea

16. What's your views on piercing?

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?

18. How many days or hours can you go without food?
i have no idea

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?

20. What are your plans for this world?
no plans

pantophobia 02.12.2008 10:17 AM

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?
atleast 200 i would guess

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks - grey
- Shirts - purple
- Trousers - blue
- Shoes - black

3. What is you favourite bell sound?
4. Do you like frogs?
5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?
6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?
7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).
none of the publics business
6. Do you recycle?
i am anally retentive about recycling
7. How many hours do you sleep at night?
on avg 8 hours
8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?
most likely
9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?
10. Do you talk a lot in public?
11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?
12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?
13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?
no comment right now
14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?
i don't take them in the severest of headaches
15. How much water do you drink on average per day?
3-4 glasses
16. What's your views on piercing?
ok in moderation, got rid of one of mine
17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?
18. How many days or hours can you go without food?
i went all of yesterday without food or even water
19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?
OCD, but nothing to specific
20. What are your plans for this world?
you'll see

sarramkrop 02.12.2008 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Is this a gay state or what?

Believe it or not some kind kind soul at the triga studios made a porn version of the musical.

king_buzzo 02.12.2008 10:19 AM

Dr Kegmama will sort you out.

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have? 1

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks - black
- Shirts - black,blue,maroon,green
- Trousers - blue/black
- Shoes - any except bright bright colours.

3. What is you favourite bell sound? IDK.

4. Do you like frogs? yes

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words? no

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort). no

6. Do you recycle? glass and paper

7. How many hours do you sleep at night? idk

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd? i wouldn't stop laughing.

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape? hexagon

10. Do you talk a lot in public? w/ever

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person? no

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house? yes

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general? yes

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches? yes, i took 2 aspirins today. but that was an annoying hedache.

15. How much water do you drink on average per day? a lot

16. What's your views on piercing? govno! ( which means shit in russian )

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being? sometimes.

18. How many days or hours can you go without food? never

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything? your mom.

20. What are your plans for this world? carpe diem, or whatever.

ChocolateJesus 02.12.2008 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Is this a gay state or what?

Hahaha. Ogle.

sarramkrop 02.12.2008 10:26 AM

Oklahomo must be a laugh to live in........

floatingslowly 02.12.2008 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by ChocolateJesus

you mean GAYlen Culver.

sorry for the derailment, porkchops.

choo choo!

ChocolateJesus 02.12.2008 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
you mean GAYlen Culver.

Proof of Oklahomo = Van Shay Ivan

I know you can't hear me, but I just did a hilarious impression.....hilarious.

floatingslowly 02.12.2008 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by ChocolateJesus
Proof of Oklahomo = Van Ghay Ivan


jennthebenn 02.12.2008 11:08 AM

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks WHITE
- Shirts RED
- Trousers BLACK
- Shoes BLACK

3. What is you favourite bell sound?
Christmas bells

4. Do you like frogs?
They are allright by me.

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?
In writing, yes; verbally, most likely not.

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?
3/4 times

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).

Of course. That's all you get.

6. Do you recycle?

7. How many hours do you sleep at night?

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?
Absolutely. I'd probably memorize the speech and approach the
podium with my glasses off, so the entire crowd became a blur.

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?

10. Do you talk a lot in public?
No. I listen a lot, though.

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?
Only regarding my writing. Other than that, eh...

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?
I'd say so.

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?
Actually, I never take pills for headaches, no matter the severity. I
just let 'em pass.

15. How much water do you drink on average per day?
3 bottles

16. What's your views on piercing?
For myself, I don't see that happening. No real appeal.

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?

18. How many days or hours can you go without food?
'Bout 30.

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?
No. And no, Snoopy is not "detrimental". Bite ya tongue.

20. What are your plans for this world?
Give it some entertainment and inspiration.

jennthebenn 02.12.2008 11:11 AM

I put "rhombus" before I even saw floatingslowly and nefeli did likewise.
It's just plain to see that there is no greater shape name.

Like my favorite ingredient is "riboflavin". Why? Say it. RIBOFLAVIN.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 02.12.2008 11:31 AM

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have? 300

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks wtf cares? nobody see them
- Shirts plaid
- Trousers brown
- Shoes black

3. What is you favourite bell sound? big church bells, not those tiny ones

4. Do you like frogs? yes

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words? No

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day? I don't keep count, guess I'm not bored enough

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort). No

6. Do you recycle? Yes

7. How many hours do you sleep at night? 8-10

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd? I'd feel awkward

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape? circle

10. Do you talk a lot in public? sometimes

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person? not at all

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house? no

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general? Yes, cats can't come inside because they make mess, but I feel bad leaving them outside

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches? No, only for really bad ones

15. How much water do you drink on average per day? I don't know, a lot.

16. What's your views on piercing? Why do something irreversible? That's a big decision

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being? Not Generally

18. How many days or hours can you go without food? I try not to test that

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything? Not at the moment

20. What are your plans for this world? I'd like to keep it around for awhile

girlgun 02.12.2008 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by ChocolateJesus
Proof of Oklahomo = Van Shay Ivan

I know you can't hear me, but I just did a hilarious impression.....hilarious.


!@#$%! 02.12.2008 01:47 PM

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have? 6, including the cover

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks - pest
- Shirts - blood
- Trousers - shit
- Shoes - mud

3. What is you favourite bell sound? - ding. or clang.

4. Do you like frogs? yes, both in the sense of french people, and in the actual animal-- frog legs: yummy

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).
the wrong whore

6. Do you recycle?

7. How many hours do you sleep at night?
as many as i can

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?
the liger.
sorry, wrong question.

10. Do you talk a lot in public?
loudly too. overwhelm the enemy.

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?
more of a diffident person

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?
mmmm m yes english, yes

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?
not ambivalent, polivalent. friends, beasts, meals.

these questions are getting dull

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?

15. How much water do you drink on average per day?
im finished

16. What's your views on piercing?

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?

18. How many days or hours can you go without food?

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?

20. What are your plans for this world?


dull. DULL.

Torn Curtain 02.12.2008 01:57 PM

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have? 200

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks navy
- Shirts brown
- Trousers blue
- Shoes black

3. What is you favourite bell sound? Not an agressive-sounding one

4. Do you like frogs? As food or as an animal ? No anyway.

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words? I can try but the result may very probably be awful (making speeches is not my forte)

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day? Not that often (once or twice)

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort). No.

6. Do you recycle? Yes, we have special bins/bags for that here

7. How many hours do you sleep at night? 8

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd? Yes

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape? No idea

10. Do you talk a lot in public? No

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person? No (at least one thing that I'm sure of :D)

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house? No

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general? I quite like them but still prefer human beings (my friends at least)

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches? No

15. How much water do you drink on average per day? 1 litre (not enough I know)

16. What's your views on piercing? Can be cute, not a fan of big nose-rings or tit-rings that make you look like a cow though

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being? No, usually

18. How many days or hours can you go without food? Not more than 12 hours I think

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything? I was at the limit of alcoholism as a teenager but fortunately stopped before it was too late

20. What are your plans for this world? I'm not a politician

Tokolosh 02.12.2008 02:15 PM

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have? 200

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks Black <not a colour
- Shirts Black
- Trousers Black
- Shoes Black

3. What is you favourite bell sound? Pring!!!

4. Do you like frogs? I like all animals. Did you watch Life in Cold Blood last night?

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words? Quantum mechanics is magic.

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day? I never think of boredom.

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort). Never.

6. Do you recycle? Yes.

7. How many hours do you sleep at night? 6 on a good day.

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd? Yes.

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape? Cubes.

10. Do you talk a lot in public? No.

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person? Quite.

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house? No.

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general? No.

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches? Not at all.

15. How much water do you drink on average per day? In the winter I drink half of what I'm supposed to. 1 liter. 2 or more in the summertime.

16. What's your views on piercing? Only on tribesmen in a traditional sense.

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being? Sometimes.

18. How many days or hours can you go without food? 3-4 days.

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything? At least 3 things.

20. What are your plans for this world? Grab it by the vagina.

These threads are starting to get a little tedious.

girlgun 02.12.2008 03:40 PM

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?
length has nothing to do with something's worth.

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks
- Shirts
- Trousers
- Shoes
- skirts
- dresses
- panties
- bras

3. What is you favourite bell sound? i have no fave bell sound.

4. Do you like frogs? sure.

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words? yes. in fact, i've never written a paper that was as long as it was supposed to be... and was never penalized for it.

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day? after about 8 p.m. and i'm home... about 100% of the time.

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort). uhh yeah.

6. Do you recycle? recycling is for hippies!

7. How many hours do you sleep at night? depends. i prefer 8, but i don't sleep well at all, so i usually get half that

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd? intimidated? a little. but i'm not very bothered by speaking like that.

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape? circle.

10. Do you talk a lot in public? have i been drinking? if so.. then yes.. and i'm probably saying something offensive

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person? i'm an egomaniac and completely insecure all at the same time.

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house? fuck yeah. i'm an okie. you die without it.

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general? i would say no. i love me some pussy.

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches? no. if i did that, i'd take something all the time. that said... i take shit pretty frequently because i have a headache 95% of the time. sucks, it does.

15. How much water do you drink on average per day? depends if i've gone to the gym or drank the night before... then it's lots. some days i don't drink shit for water.

16. What's your views on piercing? i really don't like facial piercings at all. or stretched earlobes.

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being? i'm actually relatively aggressive and confrontational, but not violent.

18. How many days or hours can you go without food? hah. not very many. i get a raging headache when i'm hungry.

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything? i would say so.

20. What are your plans for this world? i'm fucking aimless.

Glice 02.12.2008 04:03 PM


1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?
2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks
- Shirts
- Trousers
- Shoes

Socks: preferably black, but I spend minimal time thinking about them and rarely pair them.

Shirts, it depends on the cut - work shirts I tend to prefer dark blues, purples, reds or good old white; evening shirts should be loose with an unobtrusive collar; I tend to prefer where the buttons are hidden by a flap, but otherwise largely unnoticable (i.e. black); Collars never buttoned but with buttons; a simple and non-garish design; one breast pocket on the left, preferably tailored; it's important to get the seam between the back on the sleeves right - this isn't about my size, it's about how a shirt should hang - and a little bit of fabric on the insides of the collars doesn't go awry. Colour-wise, I tend towards darker shades with a pattern, usually stripes going downwards - I'm lucky to be thin.

Trousers: For work I wear bog-standard work trousers, black and ironed. Casual are black or green, a good fit but not skinny. A good belt, but not necessarily anything fancy. It's very important that the length is right - there's little more annoying than dragging trousers, except trousers that expose your shins when one sits down. Pockets are tricky ones - I have some that I hate the pockets on, but I never think to look when I'm shopping (especially as I largely shop in charity shops).

Shoes: I'm very particular about these. Very particular. I used to settle for DMs, but I'm glad that dark period is over. They will be black leather. They will have a buckle that's noticable but not ostentatious. They will have rounded toes but not 'square-rounded' or 'pointy-rounded'. I don't like when the seam between the bottom and the upper has that pokey-uppy finish. It's a neccesity of shoe-making to have some, but they're hideous if it's noticible. Poor shoe-manship if you ask me. The heel should be just shy of an inch. This means my heels wear out a lot (with the dancing) but that's better than walking on stilts. If it's too flat then it's a ballroom dancing shoe, and while I'd love some, unless they're hand-made, they'll die in 2 months. If a pair of shoes are agonising to wear for the first fortnight, then stick with them - they'll be the most comfortable shoes you've ever worn. I have no preferences over shoes horns, although I have a lovely rosewood one.

EDIT: Indian or Italian leather.

3. What is you favourite bell sound?

Generally the lead bell at the church round the corner. Hideous overtones if you get close enough.

4. Do you like frogs?

No strong feelings.

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?

Yes; this isn't one.

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?

Haven't been bored for years now.

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).


6. Do you recycle?


7. How many hours do you sleep at night?


8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?

No; actually, the bigger the crowd the less nerve-wracking it is.

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?

Can I come back to this one?

10. Do you talk a lot in public?

On and off.

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?

Sometimes yes, sometimes, no.

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?

Where do you think I live, Doha?

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?

Not ambivalent, no. I fucking hate them.

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?

I have a personal motto - "all medication should be recreational"

15. How much water do you drink on average per day?

4-8 pints, but not on drinking days.

16. What's your views on piercing?

Ambivalent. Perhaps I should have a piercing as a pet.

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?

Violent and aggressive, but not physically.

18. How many days or hours can you go without food?

Have gone 3 days, but I hope to never have to do that again.

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?

I don't believe so; others disagree.

20. What are your plans for this world?


sonicl 02.12.2008 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
10. Do you talk a lot in public?

On and off.

You lying fucking bastard! On and on more fucking like it!

Glice 02.12.2008 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by sonicl
You lying fucking bastard! On and on more fucking like it!

Hehe. Depends on the audience, my dear man.

Glice 02.12.2008 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Hehe. Depends on the audience, my dear man.

You lying fucking bastard! Depends on how pissed you are, you cunt.

Everyneurotic 02.12.2008 05:21 PM

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?

doesn't matter as long as the book is consistent and delivers it's message.

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks: white
- Shirts: black
- Trousers: plaid
- Shoes: tennis

3. What is you favourite bell sound?

a massive one.

4. Do you like frogs?

not particular fond of them but i don't hate them.

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?

probably, but it requires a maximum amount of alcohol.

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?

not bored, but tired and sleepy; plenty.

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).

not disastrous knock on wood, i heard some pretty shitty (both figuratively and literally) stories this weekend.

6. Do you recycle?

no, damn hippie!

7. How many hours do you sleep at night?

probably 6 on average, sometimes more, sometimes less.

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?


9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?

dodecahedron, ask me again tomorrow.

10. Do you talk a lot in public?

depends who i'm with or talking to.

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?


12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?


13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?

i think dogs are fun and funny and i think a lot of them are beautiful, but i don't have them around in my regular life.

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?

not in general, sometimes i do because the mildest headache can grow a lot if not attacked timely.

15. How much water do you drink on average per day?

around two liters.

16. What's your views on piercing?

on me, it would take a special moment and an assured decision to make me one; on others, i don't mind as long as it looks good and it's not excessive.

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?

violent no, aggressive rarely. of course, onstage...

18. How many days or hours can you go without food?

25 hours.

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?

i don't think so.

20. What are your plans for this world?

don't ask me.

the ikara cult 02.12.2008 05:25 PM

I hate this sort of thing normally, but im in that sort of mood

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks Dark blue
- Shirts Black and white stripes
- Trousers dark brown
- Shoes black

3. What is you favourite bell sound?
Big Ben

4. Do you like frogs?
Bloody French

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?
Stereotype Threat - When a negative attribute about yourself, generally seen by society as being indicitave of a particular level of performance, is made saliant by the percieved demands of a task, you feel anxious that despite your efforts you will perform as the stereotype predicts.

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?
Im never bored, just to inactive

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).
I dont think so

6. Do you recycle?
I dont put myself out, neither do most people i imagine, which is why government should make it easier

7. How many hours do you sleep at night?

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?
If it involves reciting a script as me

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?

10. Do you talk a lot in public?

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?
In a good mood, yes

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?

13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?
Yeah, ive never had a pet.

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?
No no.

15. How much water do you drink on average per day?
Too much

16. What's your views on piercing?
Im ambivolant to it, i dont find it particularly attractive on girls but it can be.

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?
Im not violent but i think i am aggressive

18. How many days or hours can you go without food?
Never tested that one

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?

20. What are your plans for this world?
Continue Imagination

_slavo_ 02.12.2008 05:37 PM

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?

Up to 200 pages. I like it brief and striking.

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks: white
- Shirts: black
- Trousers: denim
- Shoes: skate shoes

3. What is you favourite bell sound?


4. Do you like frogs?

I did not have many close encounters with frogs in my life yet, so I say I don't know

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?

no, I usually talk much rubbish and go around in circles

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?

I barely get bored

7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).


6. Do you recycle?


7. How many hours do you sleep at night?

6 on average

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?

absoultely yes. I have serious stage-fright. I'm trying to battle it though.

9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?

a yellow rectangle.

10. Do you talk a lot in public?

no, I prefer to keep it quiet in public. but, it depends on the mood, basically. I have talkative times too.

11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?

depends on confident with what. I have innermost fears that sometimes capture my whole I and can fuck me up real bad, but in some ways I can call myself confident - like, I trust my beliefs and ambitions

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?


13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?

I used to have a dog Bobina that stayed with me for about 12 years, then she died of cancer. It was a serious loss, I loved her to death. Dogs are unbelievably faithful, loving and pure and, however weird this may sound, I admire them for this

14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?

no. I try to avoid medication.

15. How much water do you drink on average per day?

around two liters.

16. What's your views on piercing?

no, I'm not fond of it. tattoos are okay, but piercing is meh.

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?

I can be aggressive, I can't be violent.

18. How many days or hours can you go without food?

shit I'm always hungry. 3 hours without food would kill me.

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?

I do, however just a psychic kind of addiction.

20. What are your plans for this world?

I will be free one day.

Cantankerous 02.12.2008 06:00 PM

i'm going to be a prat and answer them all truthfully!

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks
- Shirts
- Trousers
- Shoes
various colours will do

3. What is you favourite bell sound?
i am unfamiliar with bells
4. Do you like frogs?
no, i fucking hate the nasty things
5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?
6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?
if i'm not playing music i'm bored. most of the day. i can't give you a number of times because i never learned to count.
7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).
6. Do you recycle?
7. How many hours do you sleep at night?
it varies.
8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?
9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?
all shapes are geometric. that's what geometry is: shapes.
10. Do you talk a lot in public?
11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?
12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?
13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?
i suppose
14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?
15. How much water do you drink on average per day?
not much
16. What's your views on piercing?
17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?
no, not really
18. How many days or hours can you go without food?
several weeks, apparently.
19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?
physically, nicotine and caffeine.
20. What are your plans for this world?
to live for awhile and then die.

Toilet & Bowels 02.12.2008 07:06 PM

1. How many pages do you think a decent book should ideally have?

about 200 to 300

2. What's you favourite colour on the following:

- Socks

I'm very particular about socks, and all my pairs are multicoloured, i prefer these brands: burlington, duchamp, tabio, paul smith & kenzo.

- Shirts

I like floral print shirts, kenzo, paul smith & dries van noten are reliable excellent shirt designers

- Trousers

herringbone, charcoal grey, or brown tweed for suit trousers, black or blue for jeans

- Shoes

not black for trainers, black for non-trainers

3. What is you favourite bell sound?

i don't care, i don't like doorbells though

4. Do you like frogs?

yes, particularly computer game frogs

5. Can you explain a complex concept using the minimum amount of words?

i reckon so

6. How many times do you find yourself bored on average per day?


7. Have you ever had a disatrous sexual experience (keep the details to a minimum, if you must give an account of some sort).

well i've never knocked a girl up, so no

6. Do you recycle?

yes, but not by choice

7. How many hours do you sleep at night?

5 or 6 on weekdays, 8 to 10 on weekends

8. Would you be intimidated by giving a speech in front of a numerous crowd?


9. What's your favourite geometrical shape?

i have no preference

10. Do you talk a lot in public?


11. Would you consider yourself to be a confident person?

it depends at what

12. Do you have air conditioning in the house?


13. Do you have an ambivalent relationship with pets or animals in general?


14. Are you the sort of person who takes medication for the mildest of headaches?


15. How much water do you drink on average per day?

don't count, quite a bit as there's a water cooler right by my desk at work

16. What's your views on piercing?

it can look nice on some girls, but it's still kind of played out

17. Are you a violent or aggressive human being?

no, although in my mind i am

18. How many days or hours can you go without food?

probably quite a few, i can ignore hunger without much difficulty, but if i'm in a bad mood hunger just aggrovates it

19. Have you got a major and detrimental addiction to anything?

cigs, procrastinating, spend thriftery

20. What are your plans for this world?

to watch it sink in to the sea

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