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touch me i'm sick 01.16.2008 07:24 PM

help with hair dye
i'm gonna dye my hair blue and was wondering whether anyone knew of any good permanent blue dye that would show up somewhat on dark brown hair.

i know you guys know about this shit so help me out please.

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 01.16.2008 07:34 PM

You need to bleach your hair first, otherwise it will just make your hair look darker.

touch me i'm sick 01.16.2008 07:35 PM

yeah but i dont want it to be completely blue you know. i want it to shine through my hair!

StevOK 01.16.2008 07:37 PM

If you have hair like me, it won't matter what you do, you won't be able to make your hair blue. Maybe for a day. I remember having to bleach it pretty good, and still within a day and a half my hair was green.

phoenix 01.16.2008 07:43 PM

fudge blue lagoon looks really sexy if you dye it three + times for over a half hour each. You only need to bleach two or three shades lighter than yr natural hair colour, but you do have to bleach first. My hair looked like the girl out of that last harry potter movie. or so I was told. That kind of colouring.

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 01.16.2008 07:45 PM

Blue can often turn to green on bleached hair. It depends on your hair, and you'll only find out by doing it!

phoenix 01.16.2008 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by StevOK
If you have hair like me, it won't matter what you do, you won't be able to make your hair blue. Maybe for a day. I remember having to bleach it pretty good, and still within a day and a half my hair was green.

it has to do with the chlorine in the water you wash your hair with. sadly, if you want to keep yr hair blue, you need to only wash and rinse with mineral water.. cheap stuff will do better, as it is usually filtered more and doesnt have many elements left. dont use evian. pain in the butt but it works.

phoenix 01.16.2008 07:49 PM

I take it back its not called that, its called blue velvet.

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 01.16.2008 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by phoenix
it has to do with the chlorine in the water you wash your hair with. sadly, if you want to keep yr hair blue, you need to only wash and rinse with mineral water.. cheap stuff will do better, as it is usually filtered more and doesnt have many elements left. dont use eveian ffs(isnt it sad that I can only spell eveian by spelling naieve backwards first..) pain in the butt but it works.

It's a complete myth about having to use mineral water. It's purely to do with the type and color hair you have to begin with.

Norma J 01.16.2008 07:55 PM

Oh, why do you want to do that for?

Unnatural colour hair is not my thing.

phoenix 01.16.2008 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Crumb's Crunchy Delights
It's a complete myth about having to use mineral water. It's purely to do with the type and color hair you have to begin with.

so the fact that when I shower under tap water, and it turns green, or fades far more rappidly, and the fact that when I only rinse with bottled water, it stays perfect blue for two months... ?

Im not talking about the water reacting with my hair, Im talking about the water reacting witht he dye that is currently in my hair.

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 01.16.2008 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by phoenix
so the fact that when I shower under tap water, and it turns green, or fades far more rappidly, and the fact that when I only rinse with bottled water, it stays perfect blue for two months... ?

Im not talking about the water reacting with my hair, Im talking about the water reacting witht he dye that is currently in my hair.

Are you're posts being sponsored by Evian?

phoenix 01.16.2008 08:02 PM

no, i said DONT use evian. it has too many trace elements in it.

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 01.16.2008 08:10 PM

Slightly off the point, what is this strange word "naieve" that spelt backwards, spells Evian wrongly?

phoenix 01.16.2008 08:15 PM

suck on my toes.

I have no idea what I'm writing.

floatingslowly 01.16.2008 08:16 PM

all of a sudden, I feel like I've known Crumb....forever.

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 01.16.2008 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
all of a sudden, I feel like I've known Crumb....forever.


floatingslowly 01.16.2008 08:21 PM

yr doppelganger gig is bound to fool the slobbering masses that post here.

keep up the good work.

touch me i'm sick 01.16.2008 09:05 PM

hey crazies stay on topic.

touch me i'm sick 01.16.2008 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Norma J
Oh, why do you want to do that for?

Unnatural colour hair is not my thing.

:( that made me reluctant for jsut a moment. since my hair's dark it won't be too drastic though. i've been down that road (bright orange, piurple etc) don't wanna go so far again

Norma J 01.16.2008 09:10 PM

Your hair looked fine in them photos you posted. Natural is always better.

touch me i'm sick 01.16.2008 09:10 PM

yeh yeah. but i'm bored with it. i mean it will always go bac to normal.

Norma J 01.16.2008 09:27 PM


Anyway. I guess it's all ok if it's subtle. i used to have mahogony hair. I like that. But drastic colours don't do anything for me, but then I'm not someone who likes to stand out that much.

flophousefloozie 01.16.2008 09:48 PM

Do a strand of your hair in the back, on the bottom.

king_buzzo 01.17.2008 03:12 AM

yes get a dye which is the same colour as the board.

Cantankerous 01.17.2008 07:51 PM

they don't make good permanent weird colors
manic panic that shit
bleach first

avantgarde1 01.17.2008 10:22 PM

what is wrong w/ this diesel guy? is he just incapable of typing anything that even resembles words or sentences?!?!

Cantankerous 01.17.2008 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Norma J
Your hair looked fine in them photos you posted. Natural is always better.

not true. i look much better with pale blonde hair.

flophousefloozie 01.17.2008 11:21 PM

I haven't had natural hair in years, but my colour LOOKS natural.

Cantankerous 01.17.2008 11:25 PM

so does mine (in most lighting, fluorescent lighting not included...) until my roots grow in.

Norma J 01.17.2008 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
I haven't had natural hair in years, but my colour LOOKS natural.

Which is what I mean. Blues, red, green, pink, etc etc. It's all shit to me. People can do what they want, of course, but it's not for me. I think it looks silly.

Cantankerous 01.17.2008 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Norma J
Which is what I mean. Blues, red, green, pink, etc etc. It's all shit to me. People can do what they want, of course, but it's not for me. I think it looks silly.

oh yeah i agree. i'm sure everyone on this board remembers my green hair and how ridiculous it was. some people look really cool but i do feel ridiculous with odd colored hair. blonde is adventurous enough for me at this point.

Norma J 01.17.2008 11:43 PM

If it's not a natural colour, it should be subtle.

Cantankerous 01.17.2008 11:52 PM

the difference between my current hair color and my natural hair colour is extreme. my natural hair is nearly black. i can pull off almost any hair color though. red, blonde, black, brown...i still like blonde the best.

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