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Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski 03.22.2006 06:15 PM

I just started working out hardcore and also started taking creatine and protien powder to bulk up. I was skinny as fuck but am putting on poundage pretty quickly.

I know this is an inappropriate topic for a SY board, but has anyone else had good or bad luck with the stuff. I don't know if there are any long term effects or anything...

HaydenAsche 03.22.2006 06:20 PM

Some drug-addict kids in my school say smoking it gives you a meth-like high for a few minutes.

johnnywinternoshow 03.22.2006 07:00 PM

like that old one about banana skins

HaydenAsche 03.22.2006 07:09 PM

Yeah, Kind of like that but these kids are fucking lame.

They'd drink turpentine if I told them it'd make them tweak.

Inhuman 03.22.2006 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Some drug-addict kids in my school say smoking it gives you a meth-like high for a few minutes.

A lot of people claim that eating nutmeg makes you high :S

HaydenAsche 03.22.2006 07:35 PM

Nutmeg fucks you up. You get more sick than high.

Inhuman 03.22.2006 07:37 PM

That's what it claims in the articles about it, but does it actually work?

HaydenAsche 03.22.2006 07:40 PM

Yeah, I guess it does. Some of my friends tried it and were really fucked up. They were sick for like 2 days after that though.

HaydenAsche 03.22.2006 07:40 PM

Check this out.

nature scene 03.22.2006 07:55 PM

I knew some people that took it. Well, it wasn't actually creatine, just protein powder. They bulked up quick, but it looks weird, like it's all water weight. I don't know... they looked kind of like marshmallows to me.

krastian 03.22.2006 07:57 PM friend would take that shit in like 8th grade around 4 in the morning and by the time he was on the bus he was all fucked up.

gmku 10.01.2008 01:02 PM

I like eggs myself. Good protein. Versatile. I like them with salsa on a wrap and a little cheese. Great for breakfast, will keep you going through lunch at least.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 10.01.2008 01:20 PM

I don't think the risk of eggs are worth the protein. Cholesterol and such. I think the best thing is peanut butter, lots of protein and theres almost nothing in it thats bad for you.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 10.01.2008 03:20 PM

The only thing bad in peanut butter is the oils, yes you are right there. But the fats in peanuts are healthy.

!@#$%! 10.01.2008 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
The only thing bad in peanut butter is the oils, yes you are right there. But the fats in peanuts are healthy.


Sheriff Rhys Chatham 10.01.2008 03:34 PM

Health benefits

Peanut butter provides protection against cardiovascular disease due to high levels of monounsaturated fats and resveratrol; butter prepared with the skin of the peanuts has a greater level of resveratrol and other health-aiding agents.[3] Peanut butter (and peanuts) provide protein, vitamins B3 and E, magnesium, folate, dietary fiber, arginine[4], and high levels of the antioxidant p-coumaric acid.
Plumpy'nut is a peanut butter based food used to fight malnutrition in famine stricken countries. A single pack contains 500 calories, can be stored unrefrigerated for 2 years, and requires no cooking or preparation.[5]

!@#$%! 10.01.2008 03:37 PM

mm yeah, the troll is going to take that health information seriously and go buy some. sure. that's what he comes here for-- to learn! how did i miss that.

DeadDiscoDildo 10.01.2008 03:59 PM

This is why I come here and wish I knew more ppl like you in real life.

someone asks a question about creatine.

you all start talking about how it could get you high/thread derails into other things that you could get high off.

ps why would you NOT want to be skinny as fuck?

who cares about muscles true strength comes not from muscles my friend. or at least, the kind of muscles creatine gives you...

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 10.01.2008 04:19 PM

It helps having muscles when a gang trying to kill you.

tps_poop 10.01.2008 05:21 PM

nah creatine is usless
you need some of that hard shit Cell Tech HARDCORE

probably wont be able to get it from stores cos its too strong
you can try going to your local gym and ask the biggest dude there for some Cell Tech HARDCORE

you will be getting wow strong arms in no time

DeadDiscoDildo 10.01.2008 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
It helps having muscles when a gang trying to kill you.

No it doesn't.

Bullets go through muscles...

!@#$%! 10.01.2008 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
It helps having muscles when a gang trying to kill you.

wouldn't an UZI work better? just saying...

DeadDiscoDildo 10.01.2008 08:50 PM

I weigh 170 and used to box and could knock yr teeth down your throat.

or if you're the big, burly type I could just cut your ear with my switchblade.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.01.2008 11:26 PM

Brains > brawn. Working out is good and all, and help you stay healthy, but having a sick fascination with being ripped isn't healthy.

Big guys that push weights all day don't know shit about fighting either.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 10.02.2008 11:27 AM

I do believe brains are greater than brawn but being in good shape is a plus, for me at least.

al shabbray 10.02.2008 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by
uuuh, except for all of the fat and oil that makes up peanuts. good work there einstein. also some of the cholesterol in eggs is actually good for in all instances you are wrong my friend.

much love,

oil is good for you of the best forms of unsaturatedfat

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