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king_buzzo 06.09.2007 04:05 AM

Board Picture.
Who's up for photoshopping everyones faces (from the regulars) into one big group picture? I'm guessing the pics would have to be the same size and done in a same style or we can just take some existing ones. So I'm calling on you photoshop addicts (you know who you are) to do this, it will be fun.

HECKLER SPRAY 06.09.2007 05:24 AM


ZEROpumpkins 06.09.2007 07:23 AM

Yeah I'll do it. My CS3 beta expired though, i'll have to use CS2.

nicfit 06.09.2007 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Yeah I'll do it. My CS3 beta expired though, i'll have to use CS2.

Even photoshop 5 would be enough to handle something like this ;):D:p, you'll have no problems with cs2 (that is, coincidentally, the same version I have installed now).

atsonicpark 06.09.2007 08:33 AM


my picture is on

i'm, hottt

Inhuman 06.09.2007 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Yeah I'll do it. My CS3 beta expired though, i'll have to use CS2.

I'm buying it in a few weeks! I really can't wait, I love the new layout of it, you don't have boxes floating around and have to use Tab less often. I'd be up for doing the board pic sometime too, just later on

cuetzpalin 06.09.2007 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
i'm, hottt


val-holla-ing 06.09.2007 11:45 AM

i want to be in the front.

(how many posts makes one a 'regular'?)

nicfit 06.09.2007 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
i want to be in the front.

It will be a file with thousands people in a single row. No back or front.

val-holla-ing 06.09.2007 11:48 AM

so our photos are gonna be superimposed to make one ultimate SY boardie? jeez. imagine how bad that acne's gonna be.

nicfit 06.09.2007 12:01 PM

Ha! I was simply speculating, I'm not involved in this board picture thing, I've already things to take care of like that Sonic youth tribute blogpage. I'm tempted to post a preview but maybe it's better to "open" it officially when we'll have the songs up. Where's danny? I need him for the files and stuff. /end hijacking

LittlePuppetBoy 06.09.2007 01:21 PM

I can do it. How do I send one?

finding nobody 06.09.2007 01:26 PM

This is gonna ruule

StevOK 06.09.2007 01:46 PM

I guess I don't really count as a regular yet, but if you put me in it, I promise I'll stay here and post forever and ever. Promise.

schizophrenicroom 06.09.2007 01:53 PM

i kind of want to make one, but i only have crappy ms paint.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.09.2007 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
Who's up for photoshopping everyones faces (from the regulars) into one big group picture? I'm guessing the pics would have to be the same size and done in a same style or we can just take some existing ones. So I'm calling on you photoshop addicts (you know who you are) to do this, it will be fun.

Do like Beatles Sgt. Peppers, but photoshop Sonic Youth in, and change the rolling stones sweater to say something about a SY contemporary band.

screamingskull 06.09.2007 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
(how many posts makes one a 'regular'?)


king_buzzo 06.09.2007 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Do like Beatles Sgt. Peppers, but photoshop Sonic Youth in, and change the rolling stones sweater to say something about a SY contemporary band.


Exactly, add the yoof in!

Just post the photos here and those who are willing can photoshop them. But make it only a picture of yourself, in a good size so they can all match.

atsonicpark 06.09.2007 04:44 PM

actually, am i hot? :P

(first and last e-smiley i make on this board)

Trasher02 06.09.2007 05:05 PM

God that sounded so gay.

king_buzzo 06.09.2007 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
God that sounded so gay.

Happy new year.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 06.09.2007 05:28 PM

that'd be rad

SynthethicalY 06.09.2007 06:56 PM

Will I be in there, please don't portray me sucking cock.

StevOK 06.10.2007 09:31 PM

So should we all post large pictures so they can be resized, or should we all post small pictures of about the same size?

king_buzzo 06.11.2007 04:28 PM

I'm guessing they should be the similar size and stuff I guess. And yeah We have to get the youth in as well.

finding nobody 06.11.2007 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Will I be in there, please don't portray me sucking cock.

There's no better way to ask for it...

ZEROpumpkins 06.24.2007 02:31 AM

Ok well can everyone post their pictures in this thread then? I don't want to go to all these different links. Because yeah I'll definately do it if I had the pictures.

val-holla-ing 06.24.2007 02:39 AM

it's never going to happen.

davenotdead 06.24.2007 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
i kind of want to make one, but i only have crappy ms paint.

do it!

davenotdead 06.24.2007 03:02 AM

i wanna be asweep.

ZEROpumpkins 06.24.2007 04:24 AM

Ok i'm saving them under a folder with the users name as the file name. Keep em coming.

king_buzzo 06.24.2007 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Is anyone making this happen? Or has King Buzzo given up already?!

wha? i havent this thread just died. we need moar pictures from people

Trasher02 06.24.2007 06:16 AM

Just take them from the pictures thread.

king_buzzo 06.24.2007 06:19 AM

yeah but they kinda need to be the same size and style.

here's what we should do, get a beach background, and everyone should be photoshoped to look as if they're having fun on the beach.

or another idea, make a SY gossip yearbook '07/

ALIEN ANAL 06.24.2007 06:23 AM

a year book is cool
what if we get people to scan in their yr book pictures and then we photo shop everyones head onto a class photo...

king_buzzo 06.24.2007 06:26 AM

hmm, that would be boring. it would be better if it was a group picture on a photoshopped beach or disco background.

Inhuman 06.24.2007 08:51 AM

I can do a really sweet looking yearbook with indesign and get them printed, but it would cost $$ and we might run into the same problems as last time we tried this

HaydenAsche 06.24.2007 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
a year book is cool
what if we get people to scan in their yr book pictures and then we photo shop everyones head onto a class photo...

I've never gotten a year book.

king_buzzo 06.24.2007 09:25 AM

^We really need the picture of him half naked and turning around and smileing. with the beach backgound it would be kinda funny.


Originally Posted by Inhuman
I can do a really sweet looking yearbook with indesign and get them printed, but it would cost $$ and we might run into the same problems as last time we tried this

hmm? this was done before? Just when I thought i contributed something original!

there is really no need to print it out, but i dont know of another ways of doing

ALIEN ANAL 06.24.2007 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I've never gotten a year book.

yeh stupid of me to suggest that, as i dont have a year book either:D

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