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gast30 11.13.2011 04:04 PM

i have seen a piece of meteorite fall nearby
it was yesterday night
i was at work
went for a smoke at the roof
then i seen a blue/green colourd flash come down
and then at 100 meters from the ground it went out

it was amazing

i don't think it's space garbige like a piece of a satellite

a few day before there was a meteorite passing by the earth and moon
i think it can be a piece from that ??

don't know
i'm not a meteorite expert

tommorow i'm going to search for it

i sort of now where it falled down

with good luck i can find it

and then?

maybe keep it for myself or sell it to space research peoples
it can have high value of space information

for a few millions that is :cool:

EVOLghost 11.13.2011 04:12 PM

It could've been a small transport pod with a baby inside. Kal-El is inside. You must take care of him, so that one day he can become.....Superman.

gast30 11.13.2011 04:17 PM

lol superman

gast30 11.13.2011 04:18 PM

i have just cheked google maps and there is a good change that i can find it
the place where it falled is a forest with a lot of trees

stu666 11.13.2011 04:38 PM

aren't they radioactive? you shouldn't touch it man!

also, what were you smoking :D

EVOLghost 11.13.2011 04:42 PM


Also, it could be a frozen piece of poo.

jon boy 11.13.2011 09:48 PM


floatingslowly 11.13.2011 10:17 PM

meteorite's are often very very small and unless you see it land, can be deceptively difficult to judge where they fell. it could be hundreds of miles away (assuming the unlikely event it didn't burn up completely).

best of luck (lol).

gast30 11.14.2011 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
gast30 is forever high

not true
the opposite

it's the 90% of sapian population that is halucinating at 5000 mph
the only thing is no one believe me or want to see the ugly truth

so i smoke a little weed to have a little fun on this planet

gast30 11.14.2011 02:45 AM

g'moring i'm of to search the meteorite

ps those are not medication, for my vegetarian lifestyle i take iron pills and magnesium capsules
ps fuck the pharma industry that corrupts doctors and pumps medication into by origin unstable animals


gast30 11.14.2011 05:41 AM

found nothing
searched the woods for an hour in the name of sience
to dificult to find anything, need 3 months to found that meteorite residue




gast30 11.14.2011 05:44 AM




gast30 11.14.2011 05:47 AM

my shoes are wet and it was cold
have a day off
gonna watch a dvd of family guy
relax for the rest of the day

and forget about finding the meteorite

~ The end ~

floatingslowly 11.14.2011 08:14 AM

who is taking your picture? the squirrels??

gast30 11.14.2011 08:25 AM

no a witch i payed 5 euro

computer age? does that ring a bell flowt?
i have a digital photocamera since my last birthday
it has a timer that automaticly take pictures of 10 seconds

the human eye speed is about 24 pictures a second to capture movement of .................PREY
ha ha ha ha ha haa (evil laugh)

if we are animals and hunt down a dear
then food is prey
meat is murder
prey is murder
need calm nature

if you are confused that because of satellite / phone / radio frequency on your brain

call a politicians to do something about that
and save the world
rainbow nation peace

floatingslowly 11.14.2011 08:40 AM

it seems as if it's a very nice camera. I know that I would not set such a thing down, by itself in the woods, for fear that it'd be stolen by a squirrel.

$5 you say? damned euro witches crashing the market.

gast30 11.14.2011 01:42 PM

no, i won't nef just eaten vegtables
in the future that would be insects as some people say that predict food shortige and so an alternative as eating insects is recommended

no ofcourse you don't need an excuse
that's the spirit

floatingslowly 11.14.2011 04:24 PM

everytime you see a falling star, it means a witch has died.

Rod Serling taught me that.

gast30 11.14.2011 06:54 PM

it's 00:30 i can't sleep
i wish i was dead maybe a star will fall then out of the skies

i'm die'ing because of the thoughts how to pass this winter
it's extreemly dead around here
no fun at all
no cool girls nothing

that is just killing me
no fun

i'm 34 i have done all the things i freely wanted to do in life
i know it's animal life that is boring
i know 90% of sapians don't know that they are animals

i know i know i know

still that doesn't give me no fun

that's here in europe were i live
don't know what america is like or china or india, russia africa australia northpole

all earth peoples divides by borders from countries religions, royal families, multinationals, banks and wallstreet

one fucking nightmare

you see that is why i'm not motivated
can't communicate with anyone
mainstream is entertain by lowbrain industry

going to try to sleep
so i can live another day as an animal
don't care if the world doesn't communicate back in a modern way
all fucking bored by luxury animals

probably have to live in 2200 to have a modern world
maybe then 90% of the animals know finally that they are animals

i know this is my own private war on earth that i have in my head
need some sleep and then i can maybe laugh about it

gast30 11.14.2011 07:05 PM

i thought we had won the modern world
that modern information would open the eyes of peoples
that there would be fast a better world

i just thought that

peoples turn their back to modern information
they only want to play fancy with technology, labtops computers, cars
only ego play, fancy clothes all the time on tv, power play

soo wierd and stupid

the modern world has won
darwin was rite
the 1960 warnings about climate change were rite too
chernobil, fukuchima, 6000 atombombs, millions of guns, granades, landmines and rockets

no one wanted to listen

all were powerblind
animals have no power
it's only a fictional happing between the ears

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