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finding nobody 04.05.2006 03:30 PM

all i really know is that the religion is based on the teachings of a science fiction author. but then again, arent pretty much all religions? also! this guy gives scientology a reeeaaaally bad name...

sellouteater 04.05.2006 03:32 PM

could some one exsplain it i dont understand

finding nobody 04.05.2006 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by sellouteater
could some one exsplain it i dont understand

dont understand scientology?

sellouteater 04.05.2006 03:36 PM

yes. I never really heard of it till now

finding nobody 04.05.2006 03:37 PM
this might help

sellouteater 04.05.2006 03:39 PM

oh yeah, i'm so dumb, i could have done that myshelf, thanks

finding nobody 04.05.2006 03:42 PM

heehee, its all good. wikipedia has eeevvverrrrything. did you know that coco hayley gordon moore has her own wikipedia page?

sellouteater 04.05.2006 03:48 PM

crazy, can you post a link to it

Edit: thanks

finding nobody 04.05.2006 03:50 PM

why sure

Soundtrax 04.05.2006 05:18 PM

religion is a process of non-thinking. its plain stupid... everybody watch documentary Root Of All Evil ... it explains very well why religion is plain unreasonable stupidity ... :) i was quite tolerant towards religious people until my ex-gf left me becouse i said "i think there is too much pope on TV" when he died. then i started to look around and think, and it was like "have i ever met any sane religious person?" well, i cant remember, which means i have never met any sane resonable religious person :) fuck religion, i just hate it!

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.05.2006 05:36 PM

Watching a documentary and becoming an intolerant asshole is the root of all evil and a process of non-thinking.

chabib 04.05.2006 05:40 PM

orthodoxy is orthodoxy.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.05.2006 08:20 PM

Your point Chabib?

Soundtrax, I'm assuming you are athiest and believe humans evolved from apes (I'm not saying they didn't, I'm just saying that I don't really care). Chimpanzees start wars with each other and massacre other species of primates. They don't prescribe to any religions as far as I know. When I got robbed at gunpoint, the guy didn't know who I was or what religion I believed in, he just wanted my money because he wanted some crack.

Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism teach love, non-violence, and acceptance. How can they be the root of all evil? You don't believe that Huxley's Brave New World is the ideal for utopia do you?

chabib 04.05.2006 08:26 PM

my point is that i dislike any orthodoxy that doesn't put the individual first.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.05.2006 09:08 PM

Damnit Chabib, you are so vague it is impossible to argue with you. I'd say that I agree with that. The Catholic Church won't let non Catholics take communion, which pretty much goes against the values of acceptance.

I can't say I dislike catholics though because of it.

soapbars 04.05.2006 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Soundtrax
"have i ever met any sane religious person?"

this question alone holds the most weight in this thread,

on one hand i thnk religion is entirely bullshit on the other we cannot and definately will not come to any peaceful conclusions discussing it on this board or anywhere else so i tend to keep my mouth shut,

chabib 04.05.2006 09:20 PM

exactly. the people aren't the problem. orthodoxy that doesn't put the individual first is the problem.

for example, straight-edge and veganism are completely orthodox systems to adhere to, but essentially, they're just stupid labels that people throw on being healthy. i could fit into either of those systems, but i don't make a big deal about it, cos i don't give a shit about the politics of either. i've just done enough research to know that animal proteins aren't good for me and i have very little interest in consuming poison. i make decisions that make me stronger as an individual.

it makes little sense to me to put my faith in myths and legends when i can put that energy into myself. religion, blind political groupthink, nationalism, corporate fraternity, fanatacism--orthodoxy that puts someone or something else higher than the individual, is a waste of my time.

max 04.05.2006 09:23 PM

amen to that, bro.

oh wait ...ahahah!

naah seriously. well said mr. Habib. very well said.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.05.2006 09:44 PM

So, you are saying I am insane for being a Christian? That Ghandi, Einstein, CS Lewis, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Johnny Cash, Pasteur, Newton and George Harrison are all insane for believing in God?

Your completely stereotyping religious people.

chabib 04.05.2006 10:01 PM

did i say any of that, or are you being hypersensitive and putting words in my mouth?

you'd better re-read what i wrote before i make a public assessment of yr reading comprehension skills.

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