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dazedcola 07.23.2007 08:01 PM

Jon Lovitz Beats up Andy Dick, Everyone Cheers
Comedian Jon Lovitz finally had enough of fellow comic Andy Dick and his immature behavior/act and beat the nimrod up by bashing his head into the bar several times at the Laugh Factory.
Laugh Factory owner Jamie Masada, who witnessed the assault, said, “Jon picked Andy up by the head and smashed him into the bar four or five times, and blood started pouring out of his nose.” Lovitz told Page Six, “All the comedians are glad I did it because this guy is a [bleep]hole.”

Lovitz and Dick have been at loggerheads since a 1997 Christmas party at Hartman’s house, five months before his troubled wife Brynn flipped out, fatally shooting Hartman, then killing herself. “Andy was doing cocaine, and he gave Brynn some after she had been sober for 10 years. Phil was furious about it - and then five months later he’s dead,” said Lovitz, adding that when he filled in on Hartman’s “Newsradio” sitcom, “I told Andy, ‘I wouldn’t be here now if you hadn’t given Brynn that cocaine.’ “

“I grabbed him by the shirt and leaned him over and said, ‘I don’t want to be in your movie! I don’t want to be in your life!’ I pushed him against the rail. Then I pushed him again really hard. A security guard broke it up. I’m not proud of it . . . but he’s a disgusting human being.”

Fuck Andy Dick, I never found him funny and that news about hartman's wife is new to me and just makes me angrier. I hope andy dick dies a horrible death.

Prisstina 07.23.2007 08:28 PM


afterthefact 07.23.2007 08:34 PM

I acutally like Andy Dick (I am one of the few) but still the idea of him getting beat up - by Jon "The Critic" Lovitz, none-the-less - amuses me :)

pbradley 07.23.2007 08:43 PM

Lovitz then said "yeah, that's the ticket" after the beating.

ricechex 07.23.2007 08:45 PM

Andy Dick is hilarious. Jon Lovitz is a loser. He was on Larry King and was an unfunny stiff. Seemed like a poof himself.

Danny Himself 07.23.2007 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
I acutally like Andy Dick (I am one of the few) but still the idea of him getting beat up - by Jon "The Critic" Lovitz, none-the-less - amuses me :)


ALIEN ANAL 07.23.2007 09:24 PM

I guess you could say.. Jon dont lovitz the Dick

SynthethicalY 07.23.2007 09:38 PM

The only thing I ever liked about andy was Daphne Aguilera.

Everyneurotic 07.23.2007 09:45 PM

i like andy dick because he's a cunt, i also like lovitz; it's sad they had to bring phil up on this.

atsonicpark 07.23.2007 11:36 PM

yeah, i like lovitz and andy dick a lot.

though i also think tom green is the greatest comedian of our times, so what do i know? (well, i do know how to say all the states in alphabetical order)
(and i can do the abc's backwards without thinking)
(and i can name every song on every melvins album in order)
(but i think tom green is a great comedian so someone will reply i don't know anything)
(and then they'll proceed to listen to rather ripped and go "man luv that funky ass bassss" )

m^a(t)h 07.24.2007 12:33 AM

andy dick is awesome

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 07.24.2007 12:40 AM

Jon Lovitz still exists?

Andy Dick sounds like an asshole. Giving Phil Hartman's wife cocaine- incredibly not cool.

ALIEN ANAL 07.24.2007 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

though i also think tom green is the greatest comedian of our times

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to atsonicpark again.

ZEROpumpkins 07.24.2007 01:41 AM

Fair enough. It wasn't very nice of Dick to say that about Phil. It's strange because I was just watching Jon on friends.

ZEROpumpkins 07.24.2007 01:44 AM

Oh and here's a cited source on Wikipedia:
On July 23, 2007, Andy Dick, on Tom Green's online show, discredited Lovitz's claims, as well as calling a Lovitz "fat Jew". [10]

davenotdead 07.24.2007 06:08 AM

andy dick annoys the piss out of me....he's a notch above dane cook imo....earning that one notch because he's funny sometimes...but i bet he's a little shit in real life...looks like my hamster could kick the shit out of him...i love Lovitz in a league of their own...tom green is much better than dick, though mostly still annoying...

CHOUT 07.24.2007 01:29 PM

I love Newsradio, and Mr. Dick's character Matthew (i haven't given a shit about what else he's done). When Jon Lovitz took Phil Hartman's place it was never the same though.

Rob Instigator 07.24.2007 02:02 PM

Andy Dick is a stupid ass dumbfuck. Not funny, the even more unfunny (barely)male equivalent of Kathy Griffen, who I fucking hate with all my heart.
Andy Dick was the stupidest least funny part of News radio.

I would have loved to see jon Lovitz smack that weaselly punk against the bar, crushing his face. he did what I have only dreamed of. I bet not a SING:E FUCKING OPERSON at that bar did anything to protect andy dickhead.

what a lucky lucky man.

Lovitz was great in The Great White Hype!

atari 2600 07.24.2007 03:13 PM

I can't stand Kathy Griffin either, and Andy Dick is almost as bad.

I knew a schoizophrenic whose favorite comedian was Tom Green.
He didn't even know his name, but whenever Tom was on TV he would stop flipping channels and exclaim, "There's the funny guy." He always called him "funny guy." Me, I don't give two shits about Tom Green.

As for Lovitz, he had a somewhat forgettable run on SNL (the liar guy, the devil, etc.) and an equally forgettable stint in the movies as a co-star (the City Slickers movies) or bit player. I liked the Jay Sherman movie critic character on The Simpsons, and The Critic series was okay for the most part. Due to perpetual syndication, Lovitz might, in later years, become best-known for his hilarious role of a despicable guy who pretends to have cancer for the perks on an episode of Seinfeld ("The Scoff Law").

I don't doubt that Lovitz has a valid point about Dick giving Brynn Hartman coke, but I also don't doubt that Lovitz is/was a regular partier himself, so he's being a bit of a hypocrite. I imagine he was fucked-up on something at The Laugh Factory to be getting in Andy Dick's face, although, then again, I'm relatively certain that Andy Dick is nerve-wracking to be around.

Disgruntled Youth 07.24.2007 03:23 PM

I could really care less about Andy My kudos to John!!

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