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schizophrenicroom 03.22.2006 05:17 PM

Discussion about myspace, and/or post your link.

porkmarras 03.22.2006 05:21 PM

I live i a very big house.It has red walls and cats running around the place a lot.The kitchen is rather freezing in the winter time and i dont like to go there often unless i have to.My bedroom is very small but the wardrobes can store up loads of stuff......

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 03.22.2006 05:33 PM

its good for promoting stuff

i live in a two storty house. the first fllor is a bathroom, ascessory free kitchen and my bedroom. it has a decent yard nice porch.

HaydenAsche 03.22.2006 06:09 PM

I rarely accept adds though. I try to keep it to less than 50 friends with only about 10 that I haven't met in person.

Hip Priest 03.22.2006 06:11 PM

Apart from the Murdoch thing, I'm concerned about having a lot of information up there.

Has myspace been exploited by i-d fraudsters and the like?

qprogeny79 03.22.2006 07:02 PM

chabib 03.22.2006 07:03 PM

i have one, but i don't use it. i did for a while, but it got boring fast.

porkmarras 03.22.2006 07:09 PM

i didnt even get to put anything on it ,music or artwork related.It seems all the rage these days.If anyone wants to know anything about myself or my space ill happily give them directions to my house where theyll be able to find me at certain times of the day.Oh, and i can always show you around if you like.

Inhuman 03.22.2006 07:13 PM

There's a lot of scripting on the page, so don't go in if you have dial-up or you'll be waiting a while before it's done loading

krastian 03.22.2006 07:53 PM

I like yr Avatar thingy qprogeny79.

Laila 03.22.2006 08:29 PM

i like myspace. it's fun when you're bored, but all the myspace murders are freakin me out. anyway my link is

Everyneurotic 03.22.2006 08:35 PM

noise band thing:

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 03.22.2006 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Inhuman

There's a lot of scripting on the page, so don't go in if you have dial-up or you'll be waiting a while before it's done loading

looks good man.

truncated 03.22.2006 08:43 PM

I have a myspace just for voyeur purposes. But it overwhelms me - it just inundates you with people and random information. And this Tom guy, how'd he get nominated to be everybody and their cousin's best friend? Is he real? That's got to take a lot of work.

One thing that pisses me off is when you go to music pages and the tracks play automatically. Why does this piss me off? I know not.

I'm fuckin crabby today.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 03.22.2006 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
I have a myspace just for voyeur purposes. But it overwhelms me - it just inundates you with people and random information. And this Tom guy, how'd he get nominated to be everybody and their cousin's best friend? Is he real? That's got to take a lot of work.

One thing that pisses me off is when you go to music pages and the tracks play automatically. Why does this piss me off? I know not.

I'm fuckin crabby today.

that bugs me too, bot not just music profiles all the profiles with their videos and such.

schizophrenicroom 03.22.2006 08:48 PM

I'm pretty sick of Tom. It's even worse when people send those "clever" bulletins making up stuff like "Tom died!" and pretend to be serious then put "lmao" at the end.

HaydenAsche 03.22.2006 08:52 PM

I hate the "Tom Is Serious" Bulletins. Where they say if you don't repost it he'll delete your account. First off, Tom would never get my bulletins because I deleted him from my friends within seconds of registering. And second off, I usually repost them with the heading "Tom Is a Faggot" or "Eat A Dick, Tom" and I never get my account deleted.

Everyneurotic 03.22.2006 08:55 PM

tom is the most retarded looking person in myspace who is not wearing make up or excessive hair gel

the only thing i have myspace for is to check out bands and for other people to check out my stuff

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 03.22.2006 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
the only thing i have myspace for is to check out bands and for other people to check out my stuff

its the way to go!:)

truncated 03.22.2006 08:57 PM

I'm rather tired of porn solicitations on there as well. Hell, I can download that for free.

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