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yo! thanks dude. holy shit. that was 8 years ago. ive done little of note since.
i have a mild crush on my father's cardiologist.
no worries, it will go away soon. its just he is so sweet, kind and approachable. we arent used to doctors being human. we have been lucky though; our pathologist used to be a saint. he has passed away. didnt have a crush on him. i m not that weirdo. ok, perhaps i only wished i had hugged him once. |
Is this a set-up for an obvious "heart" pun? |
at least she doesn't have a crush on her dad's proctologist....
really no. rob! no work is shame! :) editagain oh fuck i mean any job is shamless? whatever! you know what i mean. anyway, seriously. a huge shitball is over my father's head, or heart if you like and near future will be very crucial..among other very dangerous stuff. and i have been deprived myself from posting about that too. but had somehow to justify mypoor sense of humor atm. |
thank you.
Hope for the best for you and yours Nef....
But best of luck to your dad! And it's good that you have a doctor that you can talk to and who can explain what's going on in human language |
Hope all is well dude
I replaced a faucet in my mom's kitchen today. I'm so proud of myself :)
Fixing the old one by a professional would have cost 120 euros in labour costs alone, and ordering the missing parts would take another month. So we bought a cheap replacement for just over 30 Euros. Yes we're Dutch! only problem is that the cold and warm water lines are now reversed, so I'll still need to fix that ;) |
waiting around all day not eating or drinking waiting to have a tube stuck down your throat to see how fucked up your stomach is
My second stint as a DJ turned out to be even better than the first time around. Got to talk to the host of another event called "Totentanz/Gallow Dance". She said she might consider working with me in the future.
Oh damn, i just saw panto's post!!
Get better brother p!!! |
dudes suck
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hahaha. basically, i'm in this sort of non-relationship with a guy who i like and we get along great, but he's really too eager to push me to get on with life and get my shit together when honestly right now just getting through the day is a carefully calibrated measure... not like i'm not trying and eager to move on, but i don't think he understands a very fundamental aspect of my situation. and i'm in love with someone else i can't have, and that sorta makes things painful because i feel like i'm settling for stuff, but in reality not because i have no shot there... i dunno. male perspective?
Male perspective... If you are in love with a person who used to love you, i have to confess that you will ALWAYS love them, so you have to learn how to grow and move on in accepting your feelings. Just because you love somebody, doesn't mean y'all can be or are meant to be together. Love is weird like that.. you need to work toward getting to having love without "being in love" which really is just a matter of time healing wounds
yeah, I'm trying to get into that love the one you're with thing. we have a fairly substantial age difference which, that's not a huge deal to me but I want a career path (English PhD) that I just don't know if I can see someone waiting for me to be 30 to be establishes when they'll be almost 50
Don't try and love anyone. LIKE the one you're with and leave it at that. Love is an art not a skill. It either is there or its not. It will develop on its own terms or it won't, but "trying" to love really is doomed to fail. Ive always noticed myself that women tend to fluctuate with love whereas for most men ive known love is permanent, no fluctuations. That is why often we see that its women who break of relationships where "they were in love" and ive known too many men with sincerely broken hearts. If anything its probably why so many men become assholes to women, retaliation. |
i never thought of it all that way. and I see that. I definitely can get to tempestuous levels of on/off with people... hm. I appreciate it, dude
maybe tomorrow, if you stick around Quote:
and congrats! sorry i didn't say that earlier but pantophobia's post shook me up |
I'll be around
a congrats from me too, antagon. that's wicked! |
That is what many men find the most confusing aspect of women, shit for a man even grandma can be hard to understand because y'all aren't simple like math. I also believe some men become assholes with women because it creates an artificial barrier to real and vulnerable intimacy and so really the relationships they have aren't with the women but with a construction which of course then men can pretend to understand because its not the actual mind and soul of the real woman. Me, i approach women like the mystifying force of nature y'all are. Some men try to study the hydrology that formed the Grand Canyon (eg do the math) but me id rather enjoy the view while riding the rapids wherever they go.. Quote:
i just have issues falling for dudes who I feel are looking for a girl to complete them or have some idealized notion of that, if that makes sense. like, I've lived with an SO once and we had so many issues of control because I surpassed him in a lot of ways and he was mad that I wasn't the girl on his level so to speak. not the dude I'm seeing, but the guy I think I love... I don't have to be anything to him and that's a very liberating aspect of our friendship. he just seems to be so aloof and guarded (same age difference as the other guy, if it makes a difference.) y'all guys are just as mystifying. I've tried.
heating system broke where I work.
so, i have off for the rest of the week. I'm not used to have time. what do people do in these situations? post on message boards? |
maybe in 2005, but these days message boards are superslow if you wanna stay home & do nothing you could read a big fat book, binge on all 5 seasons on "the wire" or play a computer game non-stop until your metabolism shuts down. alternatively you could go on vacation. or-- you could look for some temp work replacing someone somewhere and make some money while the place reopens. Quote:
okay. i have to get to work but i'll reread & reply. |
I second the wire and add battlestar galactica. |
Who in the right mind would do that?! |
someone who needs the cash, likes their work, and is looking to make "industry" connections i mean, the guy said he doesn't know what to do with his free time and if the heater broke and they have to close for a week-- who knows what will happen to the place next? i'd line me up some interviews... |
if even a fraction of the people whose jobs will be taken by computers within the next few decades were aware of it...
you can sit and ask me "BUT HOW DOES IT KNOW??" when i try and explain self driving cars to you, and you can ask me this over and over again until you nearly crash your own, these things actually exist. nothing in the brain that makes you special or supernatural and that cant be replicated as machinic function. adapt or whine bitches. |
ATT is a restaurant cook, if i recall fortunately that won't be replaced by robots for a while-- too chaotic, thank fuck |
there is nothing supernatural. everything in nature is natural. The city is a natural scape. HOWEVER, no machine yet has willpower to create a new image or story or song. You can program machines to "write" a song or a book, but it does not get inspiration by itself and do so. THAT is the difference. humans rule. |
sure thing but technology rules the economy and this is the source of the increasing economic inequality we're seeing e.g. amazon putting stores out of business google angling to knock uber out of their racket after they put a hurt on taxis etc |
im gonna find a jpeg of an actual real life burger flipping robot in one sec.
then your next move is to say either: that it wont progress towards more complex cooking tasks, which is incorrect. or to change your mind. you can play the whole "its not gonna happen for centuries if at all" move which is a bluff that is thankfully running out of time in which to appear credible or you can say there are some limits that make the brain a mysterious object science will never understand, which is absolutely 100% untrue. - "inspiration" - doesnt mean anything except a word you use to describe neuro-mechanical processes you cant see. plenty of ai's already writing newspaper stories, making music. |
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no, you miss my point. i don't care if we'll have cyber-chefs 50 years from now. sure, they can be. the future will take care of itself. we really don't know where it's going. anything can happen. tactical decisions however need to deal with what's immediate. a chef is in less danger of losing their job due to technology than a taxi driver. the lesser restaurant minions already lost their jobs to various machines. more reasonable is to say-- as the middle class shrinks, how many will be able to support restaurants? not "the terminator chef is coming for your job." |
i am not actually trying to be a douche about this despite saying "adapt or whine bitches"
its important to point out the realities here especially to working class people. i try and explain to people about to be parents some simple steps they could make to allow their kids to learn it skills early on and they arent interested. willful illiteracy is what it is. asian societies are adapting better than we will. the rage and contempt we should have for the compu-phobic rentiers of our gerontocracy who will see us all starve in poverty in order to stay on the wrong side of the uncanny valley! |
the terminator IS coming for your job! for so many jobs that exist right now. |
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