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Derek 02.25.2014 01:48 PM

I've never heard of that photo and I am Adam's official representative.

!@#$%! 02.25.2014 02:01 PM

there was one of him and then-girlfriend w/ blood in their mouths

Derek 02.25.2014 02:35 PM

Yeah, you're either thinking of that one or this one:


Derek 03.05.2014 11:54 AM

"I am sincerely looking for friends of Adam's as well of fans of his work to consider even the smallest of donations to his family. Every dollar helps. It will go toward the expense of getting him a stone at his grave site. It is a huge expense if you have never had to deal with that aspect of a loss and nothing a mother should have to do on her own for her son. I think together we can all help. I informed his family I was going to attempt to do this for them and they are very grateful for any and all support at this time. Don't feel obligated in any way. But if you do donate know that it will be going to help in this tragic time. I will be using PayPal to collect the funds and am in contact with the family on a regular basis. Send any donations through PayPal to and PM me ( ) so I can verify funds were received correctly. Thanks again for any help. I will make sure every dime goes to good use."

Rob Instigator 03.05.2014 12:04 PM

Done. I sent what I could to Mr. Wiley. Thanks for the info Derek.

Derek 03.05.2014 12:07 PM

I think we're already at the $400 point. I sent $100 myself but every little amount goes a long way.

me. 03.09.2014 04:37 PM

Not visited SYG for sometime, but this is really bad news to hear, not too sure how many years have passed since we used to exchange posts on Japanese films and stuff, RIP ASP.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 03.10.2014 03:13 AM

Oh wow
Just now reading this thread..

Hope everyone's hanging in there, my condolences to those of you who were close with him

Derek 03.10.2014 06:22 PM

For those of you who care, his toxicology report came through. His death was through sedation of a prescribed anti-depressant and his acid reflux acting up when he slept.

EVOLghost 03.10.2014 06:56 PM

:/ .

Derek 03.10.2014 09:24 PM

I'm kinda glad that it wasn't any hard drugs that caused this. He was apparently clean for the last month of his life but.. super depressed. His mum added me on facebook and I cried so hard at some of her posts.

Rob Instigator 03.11.2014 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
For those of you who care, his toxicology report came through. His death was through sedation of a prescribed anti-depressant and his acid reflux acting up when he slept.

Thanks for the info D

Derek 03.20.2014 11:00 AM

"We got half way to a stone for Adam. All together between money given to the family and money collected here we got 600 dollars! That is really awesome. There was enough money to put down to get it made but, the stone is still 1,200 dollars. So we need to try to raise another 600 bucks. We did it in less than a week last time. Let us repeat that. Donations can be made to via paypal. You can help! Thanks."

Anngella 04.27.2014 11:28 PM

Fuck. This has just been brought to my attention. It's been so long since I spoke with him but I had always put him in my category of "favorite people" in my head. We hardly even talked except briefly in PM's because I once helped him with one of his (many) art projects.

One of the most interesting people I have ever encountered. RIP.

DeadDiscoDildo 07.06.2014 04:54 PM

This is very sad news. I always really respected Adam. An odd bird, a great writer and music enthusiast and highly creative. We always spoke in private messages sharing music and he even used a demo of one of my songs for his Blaze the pot smoking deer videos. I have not visited the board in years and was very sad to see this news. I wish you all well. Embrace life and appreciate every day (especially in good health). Cheers

Jeremy 07.07.2014 08:58 AM

Adam was his own man. Whether you agreed with his opinions or not, the guy was unique and never tried to be someone he wasn't. Everybody and anybody can respect that.

He was a good guy and always stirred up good discussion. I feel when SY disbanded and he stopped posting as much was when the board really changed from how we used to know it. Regardless, I hope he's at peace. He's in a better place. I hope you all are doing well.

Nefeli 10.08.2014 04:52 PM

Rob Instigator 02.06.2015 10:59 AM

It has been a year now. damn. Time sure flies.

SpaceCadetHayden 10.12.2015 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
I've never heard of that photo and I am Adam's official representative.

miss you derek.

miss you tons, adam <3

SpaceCadetHayden 10.12.2015 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
It has been a year now. damn. Time sure flies.

we lost one of the best.

noisereductions 02.06.2016 12:15 AM

I still think of Adam.

I can pinpoint this moment that he had this great effect on me. We were talking once about Korn, and he went on and on about the brilliance of their debut album. Like pointing out these little things. And I feel like it was a band most dudes would call a guilty pleasure. But he was just into it. He appreciated it.

At that moment I realized that any shit that I might be in to that I felt like I should be embarrassed to admit, or consider a guilty pleasure: Fuck that. I like what I like.

Adam taught me that. And I've been okay with it ever since.

RIP, my friend.

dead_battery 02.06.2016 01:44 PM

that exact same thing happened to me when he posted about korn on here one time

you site is down nr, if you need any tech support let me know

Kuhb 02.18.2016 02:03 AM

I've lurked on this site since around 2007, posting only sporadically, but atsonicpark/Adam was one main reasons I'd check here most weeks... the guy had a fascinating energy and pretty inspirational enthusiasm for consuming and creating art. I was turned onto so many great bands and artists by just lurking and seeing what this random guy from across the world would come up with next. It seems like, reading this, a lot of people feel a similar way about him.

EVOLghost 02.28.2016 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
This is terrible tidings indeed.

Holy shit, you.

I started watching El Topo last night. And of course I think of Adam.

PAULYBEE2656 03.07.2016 12:40 PM

Reading and remembering in 2016.......

Seems like yesterday we were all on here blabbing about shit for hours.....

Miss this place, miss the simple pre facebook twitter snapchat internet....

Miss yousendit files, megauploads, hours trying to pist a fucking album art picture...... pre spotify....

Most of all miss AC........

greenlight 03.07.2016 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
Reading and remembering in 2016.......

Seems like yesterday we were all on here blabbing about shit for hours.....

Miss this place, miss the simple pre facebook twitter snapchat internet....

Miss yousendit files, megauploads, hours trying to pist a fucking album art picture...... pre spotify....

Most of all miss AC........

yo Pauly! what's the craic? nice to see you around.

nicely said. same here!

Genteel Death 03.10.2016 01:08 PM

Bless you Adam. xxx

tesla69 06.02.2016 02:05 PM
Autopsy results show that Prince died of a self-administered overdose of Fentanyl, and his death was ruled accidental.

The autopsy report released by the Midwest Medical Examiner’s Office listed his weight at the time of death as 112 pounds.

An attorney said Prince had agreed to an intervention for painkiller addiction the day before he died.

Sheila E. has told the AP that Prince had physical issues from performing, citing hip and knee problems that she said came from years of jumping off risers and stage speakers in heels.

I'm not sure how they can say self-administered FENTANYL is accidental. If I drive a car at 130 mph and then flip it over, is that an accident?

nicfit 06.02.2016 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Autopsy results show that Prince died of a self-administered overdose of Fentanyl, and his death was ruled accidental.

The autopsy report released by the Midwest Medical Examiner’s Office listed his weight at the time of death as 112 pounds.

An attorney said Prince had agreed to an intervention for painkiller addiction the day before he died.

Sheila E. has told the AP that Prince had physical issues from performing, citing hip and knee problems that she said came from years of jumping off risers and stage speakers in heels.

I'm not sure how they can say self-administered FENTANYL is accidental. If I drive a car at 130 mph and then flip it over, is that an accident?

Adam would have laughed sooo much at this misplaced post.

Rob Instigator 11.14.2018 05:03 PM

Just ran into this. had to share. discussed atsonicpark's passing and his influence on one of our SYG folks.

!@#$%! 11.14.2018 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Just ran into this. had to share. discussed atsonicpark's passing and his influence on one of our SYG folks.


a nice read

i know it’s supposed to be sad but i want to laugh because he lives on

and that makes me happy


Rob Instigator 11.30.2018 10:30 AM


Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.30.2018 11:22 AM

Funny how that kid thought ASP was mocking him just because he recommended over 400 bands at once. That was his shtick. Dude kept word documents full of bands, movies, etc. Some better than others, admittedly.

I feel ASP would appreciate the fact that he was so revered around here, but ultimately would likely call us all loons for putting him on such a pedestal - this article being a prime example of that.

Still, I'd love to find out whatever blogs he frequented while discovering new things. I'd go through his post history, but it always makes me too sad.

Diesel 11.30.2018 03:19 PM

“Diesel” was a heavy-drinking British guy named Craig with a home recording project and a drinking problem.

I remember Adam calling me - something along the lines of - the biggest tosser on the entire forum. ..err..

Rob Instigator 11.30.2018 03:57 PM

I once got into a massive, multi-post argument with atsonicpark regarding what I perceived as an inability to truly judge cinematic works if you are only watching them on a small screen, or running in the background while you do other work. Some films are art only if experienced ina dark room, with a large bright screen in full focus, and with the audience all along for the same ride. Then again, you watch what you can when you can. He was always good for a lively discourse.....

Diesel 11.30.2018 07:59 PM

I'd agree with all you said apart from the audience participation part. People, eww! Foken commoners. lel.
I know someone who watches movies at 2x speed on his mobile phone whilst in the office and apparently it's things he's into, well, apparently... Utterly baffling.

Reet. Adam - I think he stole my craic about using a 10 year old pc mic for recording and used it for his bands overview on their website once. I was fuming ...or mildly put-out, can't remember which, and then must've forgot about it. There, I was meant to mention this 5 years ago when I first read it but only just got round to it now, obviously. L the o to the foken L. Probably just a coincidence.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.30.2018 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
Reet. Adam - I think he stole my craic about using a 10 year old pc mic for recording and used it for his bands overview on their website once. I was fuming ...or mildly put-out, can't remember which, and then must've forgot about it. There, I was meant to mention this 5 years ago when I first read it but only just got round to it now, obviously. L the o to the foken L. Probably just a coincidence.

He also worked at Wal-Mart, and shot all of his videos on some bizarre cheap toy camera, and edited them in Windows Movie Maker.

I think Adam just didn't have much $$ to play with and used the lo-fi aesthetic to his advantage. So likely a coincidence.

floatingslowly 04.17.2019 10:58 PM

Derek 04.17.2019 11:13 PM

Awesome, I have some DEATH-ADDER stuff somewhere but I think they're just myspace rips (also R.I.P.)

Derek 04.17.2019 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Just ran into this. had to share. discussed atsonicpark's passing and his influence on one of our SYG folks.

Good find, I remember exploding plastic candle funnily enough.

This tho..

Aside from a few Facebook messages, I never reached out to him personally. I knew him well enough to know he probably wouldn’t like me very much.
That's a shame because I didn't think he would like me either cause I was a 14 year old kid bothering him on MSN messenger but we ended up great (no, best) friends eventually. I told him once that my first non-SYG message to him was "hey man where can I download some Robe. tapes?" and he was like "yeah I probably found you annoying hah"

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