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EVOLghost 04.05.2012 10:09 AM

parallel j00niverse

gast30 04.05.2012 10:16 AM

yeah that is where master is fly'in

EVOLghost 04.05.2012 10:20 AM

I'm flying right now....through ancient ruins.

floatingslowly 04.05.2012 10:31 AM

Beachwood Sparks - Once We Were Trees

rocky 04.05.2012 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by gast30
promise me 1 thing don't laugh
it's called the music that birds like


undersea deer and enormous starpainted fish swimming with the music of two saraswati! :) and that is only a surface description of some components of it... this is really beautiful!! will you place it in your home somewhere as well?...

gast30 04.05.2012 11:12 AM

yes i would
not that it really has to manifest in reality
i have enough fantasy for 1000 years
most stays in the brain
so i have my own entertainment going
much more fun then tv or internet

rocky 04.05.2012 11:14 AM

:0 : ) I have to say, the feeling of this music cycle is like reading a book in several hieroalphabets at once so ... i knew it belonged to be heard right here : )

gast30 04.05.2012 11:18 AM

the birds would like it i think

rocky 04.05.2012 11:22 AM

I don't know that he knows about the unsurprized paradise or the satellite king or the accidental hero but i can pretend to hear nels cline playing along to that music ... :0 <3 : )

gast30 04.05.2012 11:29 AM

thanks for the music
i enjoyed the flute

floatingslowly 04.05.2012 11:42 AM

I was of a mind to post a link to the robotically generated

gast30 04.05.2012 11:45 AM

that's possible if you have 185 years forward knowledge
you can make a platform for that here if you want

in the name of the first light
may the roboticlly generated have contact with flowtingslowly

floatingslowly 04.05.2012 11:48 AM

My phone has stymied my attempts thricefold to finish that sentence.

Key words: Temple of Transition, beauty, sadness, sunrise.

floatingslowly 04.05.2012 11:50 AM

O, I'm crying again.

floatingslowly 04.05.2012 12:00 PM

I would wish to discuss the intense impact of burnable art upon dischordiant time_structures; however, I am too unskilled at words.

Instead, I will think it at you.


rocky 04.05.2012 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
thanks for the music
i enjoyed the flute

There is one from the same album i found that has everything i like about the first one but more flute melodies, i still have only heard some of this album...
this one
peaceful yet driving, a waterfall

gast30 04.06.2012 05:21 PM


floatingslowly 04.06.2012 06:47 PM

Do you know that you are in the TOP 10 of my favorite people in the [strike]world[/strike] multiverse??
It's true.

gast30 04.07.2012 04:36 AM

wauw i made it
somehow into your universe

don't know what it is
the future starts to shape
and i guided you in the path of universums
to where i don't know
as there is no place recognition
not of a world or a universe
nothing but a residue of quantum cohesie
that is holding my dna together
like the ribbon holds a surprize package together

i opened the package
and i was in the universe
in the farest futures ever seen
writing my name in digitalized energy and let it shine from mars

your hero [^] accidental hero [^]

may the love of the order of the first light guide you
and connect in our universums

gast30 04.07.2012 02:59 PM

[^]the samurai sword of invisability was like tree were nothing is afraid of, so death would have a natural way, the way to the amazone crow[^]


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