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I'm quitting smoking using
![]() and it leaves an unpleasant coating on your teeth. A valid argument for the resumption of smoking. |
Good, there is a 50% chance this will save your life. Sadly only a 50% chance, but quitting smoking is the single best thing I did in my life. I eat better, exercise, and am generally a healthier person since. Smoking leads to all kinds of evils. Of course, I still accept that there is a 50% chance I will still die painfully of cancer, but 50% is a lot better odds than the pretty much 100% for continuing smokers :( |
i quit for 6 months then was paralyzed in bed with the most intense depression. it only went away when i smoked again. before i finished the first smoke i felt this wave go through my body and my entire posture and manner of walking changed. all those nicotine receptors must have roared back to life. it was insane.
i am still smoking, biggest mistake i ever made in life. |
The new Arctic Monkeys album is just brilliant.
It took me two times to quit. The first time I quit for 14 months, cold turkey, and it was horrible. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY I was angry, irritable, and generally pissed off at any and everything. I finally broke down and started smoking again at it was paradise like Ed Reed at the Superbowl in New Orleans last February. However, when I finally settled down to quit again, I acclimatized myself to a life without smoking. I didn't quit cold turkey, I systematically cut back until after about 6 or 8 months I was finally ready to quit more comfortably. Then I just did, and never looked back, haven't touched a cigarette in five solid years, its my most proud accomplishment. |
you need something to keep the dopamine cranking, to ward off depression and anxiety. smoking is a natural self-medicating response to that-- which is why they give you meds like wellbutrin (dopamine reuptake inhibitor) to help quitting. the pill still doesn't resolve the low internal dopamine production though. how to make dopamine "naturally" is the big question. we usually just replace one addiction with another. i'm currently considering degenerate gambling as a viable option. -- ps here's an idea for your soylent-- increase your tirosine (which is a dopamine precursor) and see what happens. |
![]() Exercise, exercise, and exercise. I know its cliched, but the "runner's high" is honestly what helped me quit. I started running daily like Forest Gump (mainly because with my new found stamina I could actually do it) and it really helped me keep it up and quit. Of course, certain other plants also helped significantly, even if they have little impact on dopamine receptors. With nicotine addiction, you just need to let time work its magic. Nicotine destroys the bodies normal dopamine processes, you need to let the body readjust and begin to develop normal levels, and further get used to them. On cigarette floods the dopamine receptors with upwards of 10 times the natural levels, the body simply can never produce that much, so let the brain detox gradually. It does get better. The cravings never really go away by the way, they just subside. You will ALWAYS remember them, it NEVER fully goes away, just gets totally manageable. I haven't had a soda pop in so many years I can't even remember what it tastes like, but I can deeply recall every detail of smoking a cigarette ;) |
i've already stabbed 20 prostitutes and burned down an orphanage, but nothing quite gets that dopamine rush quite like the cool refreshing cancer taste of satans own rolled up pubic hair.
the permanent throat pain and black charcoal lung freshness gives my lumpy mucus that sour chemically tinge that keeps my breath smelling noxious. |
![]() Did you at least capture their essence like the Scentless Apprentice? |
Woman in the 1950's on LSD. hehe..
try stabbing nuns and burning down a bank and call me in the morning. |
God I loved smoking cigarrettes....
When I quit I had to do it cold turkey. I could not keep smokes in my house. I would get the shakes and the antsy nerves and so I ended up drawing obsessively to get over it. It took me 6 weeks to draw this. It helped me quit big time. ![]() |
I quit smoking because it made my hair smell, and I'm terribly vain.
Damn dood. That drawing is rad as fuck.
I've tried selling it, and the other 5 in the series, several times, at solo art shows, and as high quality prints, and no one ever wants to buy. I need to find the druggies/ex-druggies with money for art.
so is jenny mccarthy ![]() she now does ecig commercials |
joaquín there has money |
wittyreply.exe was interrupted by COUGHCOUGHCOUGH.mp3 |
what are the dimensions of this piece? |
22" x 22" on thick watercolor paper. ink (Rollerball pen) with no under-drawing or sketching,
that piece is great, Rob.
i m at a loss.
as i see it, there are only 3 options. smth will happen -if i work a lot- and i will unblock and find a way, during the next 8 days that are left. nothing will happen and i will unblock during the exams. or nothing will happen then either and i ll do shit (in the exams). |
anyone here living in boston? hmu
"And whatever your political views, nobody summed up the state of affairs better than the House Democratic Leader, Nancy Pelosi. “This place,” she said, “is a mess.”
Well done, guys. Help a divide get even worse. |
In Lexington, KY.
Such a fun fucking night.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3vnnc4XPAA first time for me, matching the voice with the visual. |
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Fuck. It. All. Blonde. Redhead.
3 for 3 on setlists this weekend.
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I made out with the cutest girl last night :cool:
she was sooo badass! |
ah, very nice. if i was not poor i would offer to acquire it. perhaps you'll still have it when i have moneys, haha |
Aaaand now my appetite is gone.
I think I just insulted a room full of transexuals
story time?
ha ha, stop teasing and tell |
Haha. No. It's not a great story. My housemate downstairs was having some farewell drinks with some Italian friends staying with her. She saw me in the kitchen and asked me to join them for some shots. So we had some shots, chatted a bit, then these weird vibes from my housemate. I still can't work out what could've caused it. So I thanked them for the shots, wished her friends a safe journey home and went back upstairs, pretty confused.
sounds like a larry david type situation. one of the reaons i hate social life-- people are pests. anyway, were the italians transgender? or is your housemate? any idea what you could have said--or done? you didn't start talking about "that fucking dego, dicanio", did you? ha ha. anyway, i hope you solve the mystery so we can get some closure. |
Rep for that bit alone. |
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