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:p i'm still proud you consider me a threath that girls might like ME one day
and your little world where you have a big penis crumbels down to what is nothing more then air :p |
you sonic youth people and their talks
flowty (some time ago) to gast : 'we protect you with guns' we help you here, we help you there we are there for you once i ask for a sleeping place for 1 night i'm suddently NOT WELCOME no reason people turn analphabetic like they don't understand you for some kind of reason the problem with most people, and that involves people who want to be alternative rock grunge woodstock kinda thing is ... that they are more narrow minded then that they want to believe of themself voila, here you go think about that for a change |
the alternative courthouse calls for order
please answer honestly on the questions given 1. did you or did you not start the music evolution of blues from the slave culture of picking cotton in america? 2. did you or did you not help to put woodstock on the map? if you answerd 2x no, then don't pretend that you are the godfather of all that is cool out there |
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This may be the most delusional post yet. I tried to be your friend, but your psychosis requires professional attention. Your stalkerish posts in regards to any woman who comes into the briefest of contact with you is disturbing in the least, potentially worthy of notification to authorities, and clearly why you will likely never make a woman feel enough at ease so as to spend time with you alone. I truly hope the best for you, but I've begun to suspect the worst. |
![]() then i hope jim that you empty your bank account and give it to me with your big mansion with swimming pool so i can be convinced of your theory lol c'mon jim! you know this is rediculious who don't want to be rich? |
wtf happened to "don't shun the poor reaturd, he's human too" and being his white knight? |
anyway, back to moe
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i know i'm blowing things up, i'm just play'ing and the reason i do this with you is that i like you or else i would not play with you did yo mama told you not play with monsters, play with friends ) yes friends what does that mean 'friend' ? not someone who judges you that you are psychotic insaine ok flowty look more at your own behaviour towards me so you have a insight on your 'high & mighty flowty is looking down at people' |
look down on me
feel empowerd feel high & mighty i will never be impressed by basic ape behaviour how hard the ape might try |
shall we turn the game around
gast30 is now going to see flowty as someone who's psychosis needs serious professional attention you defentively need help flowty i start to raise money so you can get a psychiater that will help you out anyone want to help raise money to pay flowty a psychiater? |
You've obviously missed my apology, so for your specific benefit, I will reiterate. YOU WERE RIGHT. I WAS WRONG. I AM VERY VERY SORRY. I WILL NEVER BEFRIEND ANOTHER KOOK AGAIN!!! although I do not often admit mistake, I couldn't be more sincere. ...... I was right about one thing though. Placing gast onto an ignore list is far more personally fulfilling than attempting any sort of conversation. |
yeah, yeah what ever professor psychology from the university of oxford
i write some stuff online and someone "knows" me nows my psychological record or what ever are you that fucking bored flowty you start to dissapiont me is that what you are now going the hide after i thought we were open and free your mind peace loving people but you are a " i know things and it starts with... you have problems, you are problematic " - kinda person don't hide don't live in fear feel good be open flowty, now i had to correct you there be thankfull i did or be thankfull for it later :) peeaaceee peace & love :) you apes can't bring me down no matter what |
and seriously fuck you flowty
there is nothing wrong with me if you don't like it then go ape stare into someone else his / her life and make your phethetic psychological records of them in your bored moments with your wife and kids if you flowty come into my life with a negative focus towards me then i would like to say fuck off out of my life ok i have real friends not many but they are real and that is what makes a friend the realness of a friend the positivity of liking eachother understanding eachother, having fun together billion peoples with a negative focus towards me flowty won't make you that special, or does it? |
The moment that I suspect you of not being less than sane is the moment my sympathy drops.
Right! Back on the list you go and back to spam-free threads! :) |
thanks flowty i'm feeling better
i almost want to give you a hug but .. because it is full moon i take the safe before the unsafe and not hug you :p |
flowty flowty :)
i know you didn't specifically called him a retard but you did treat him like a defenseless infant in need of protection-- which he isn't. anyway, no need to apologize, to me or anyone else i reckon-- and it's not me who was right, it was uncle bill. (the relevant part starts at 1:50). anyway. etcetera. |
Boys are icky.
Good times. |
i'll order a background check on the accursed pokemon and get back to you |
a backround chek from dady!
do some of you remember that MTV show were a girl or boy invites two persons and then the parents comment on the son/daughter in law unbelieveable how they got insulted during those shows i can't believe MTV is bring out this show it is like eeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh the same for these market/meeting places in china were parents fix dates marriages for their childeren everywhere there are papers with pictures of their childeren my son good good worky hard worky worky good student good good wanna marrie? this is also eeuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh you see how ugly parents make the life of their kids and not to speak of their love life because they don't have a lovelife their parents choose everthing |
my parents try'd to make me married long time ago
i made clear that they coud shove their bride into their retarded baboon ass fucking retarded backward folks |
my parents are one of those retarded apes that don't believe in evolution theory
I am not paid to listen to this drivel.
You are a terminal fool. |
raccoons are gay. |
wha wha wha wha wha bla bla bla bla bla
what is this a political arena?
what is the win here? sex with bandmembers of SY shut up you fools and come to yourself just joking no go out of yourself lol |
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Lucky Jose! can I watch? :D
it was you who choose to come here on SG and hangaround in the non-sonic to cool around in the scene mister or misses( don't know what gender you have so.. ) =!@#$%! well well you all forgot that i played the part of the psychiatric patient to make you all feel better don't you feel better when some is totally insaine totally psychiatric then you can start to give those looks like "man this dude is insaine :rolleyes: " and then you can talk to me and try to explain me things of life and all the things that are wrong with me, there is especially something wrong with me ( and never with you, not a moment in your life, not from since you were a virgin life that is called baby till your last day, there will be nothing wrong with you but for me, i will be this psychiatric patient till the end of your life so you will never have the intention in your hole life to question yourself if there is nothing wrong with that attitude of yours towards other no self questioning of ethics and then... you can use me to score sex so you tell girls: ' i'm tolerant with psychiatric patients, you know, i try to help them, you know, i try to talk to them but sometimes it is difficult, bou hou hou ' and then the girl sez 'ohhh you sweethearth, you are soo nice, here is my vagina, put your penis in it' and then... you two go ' OOUUU oooohhh AAAHHHH ooouu OOOHH AAHHH uuh uhh ooo ooh oh oh AAAAAA' |
why is my fucking signature not showing
oh yes, it's showing now! |
You need to change fool to boob.... |
i originally had "boob" from the online lyrics but because of my non-gringo ear i always heard "fool" anyway and some versions have it that way. oh what to do... i like boobs (of a kind), but i have no patience for fools of any kind WORDS OF ADVICE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE |
ps i just relissenned and it's definitely an FFFF
gast30 is going to 2013 yes yes he is on his way we gonna be there we will make it we even will make it to 2030 universal man of the universal |
in the name of the first light a*beam
i'm going to sleep good night |
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