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Ignoring me is not an option, guy.
Don't ever forget that. |
can you beat R-Type on GB Joe?
BTW I just scored one of these f'ers off eBay:
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:i...roller.jpg&t=1 SNES Super GB controller -- made by Hori who is the absolute greatest maker of controllers. All Japan only stuff, but so high quality. They made the GameCube "snes style" pad too, and they made the amazing arcade stick I have for GameCube. Anyway, this was made back in the day for people playing GB on their SNES using the the Super-GB. It looks so comfy. So I found a boxed one at reasonable price finally, ordered it and then ordered a SNES/GCN adapter from Retro-USB. Looking forward to it. |
Not yet, since I just picked it up! I haven't gotten further than the 2nd level yet. ha
:) $2.99!!!!! I couldn't believe how cheap it was! It's actually pretty rare for me to beat a game. Especially these days. No matter how much I enjoy a title, my attention usually fizzes out and I'll start playing something else. Or I'll get stuck, and annoyed to the point where I no longer have the will power to give it another go. I have a passion for gaming deeply rooted in my veins, but I've just never been amazingly good at most of them when compared to other hardcore gamers. |
I'm the same way Joe. I usually get distracted. But I beat 14 so far this year. Been keeping track on RB:
1. Phantasy Star (GBA) 2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall Of The Foot Clan (GB) 3. Super Mario Bros. 2 (GBA) 4. OutRun (GBA) 5. Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival (GBA) 6. Mortal Kombat II (GB) 7. Viper Phase I (arcade) 8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles In Time (SNES) 9. Godzilla: Domination (GBA) 10. Iridion II (GBA) 11. Scooby-Doo! Classic Creep Capers (GBC) 12. Trax (GB) 13. Super Mario World (GBA) 14. Super Puzzle Fighter II you SHOULD be able to beat R-Type though, it' s pretty short. $3 is a good price. It's probably worth around $6 or $7 anyway. If you see DX available for GBC anywhere, grab it. It combines I and II from GB (II was Japanese exclusive) and colorizes them and they really look AMAZING in color. |
I'm pretty surprised I got it so cheaply. The prices at the store I picked it up from tend to be unusually high.
And yes, I will definitely keep an eye out. |
??? I'm just saying I've played a million games and owned nearly every console. But nowadays I've narrowed down my collection to my favorite GB/GBC/GBA. So that's what I'm excited about. That's all. |
Uh, cool, man. Didn't have anything to do with my post though.
Damn! The DC really had some nutty, minimal games released for it in Japan. I take it you've already looked into RoomMania #203.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbzzRX20Ie8 I haven't played it yet. But it'll probably be the next DC .iso that I burn. I've still been playing Chrono Trigger for the most part. But I did go out game hunting today, and picked up both Super R-Type (SNES) and Gradius III (SNES) at my favorite pawn shop for only $6 total (VIP discount, they like me there). It's really nice to have my own physical copy of Super R-Type now. Then I checked out the local trade center, and stole Dark Cloud 2 (PS2) from an unmanned stand. I'm really tempted to start it up, but I'd like to finish up my current file in Chrono Trigger first. Here's some pics to make the thread pretty... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
alright I think I took it the wrong way. |
![]() FINALLY beat the original Mega Man games (had no problem with em on the ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION; unfortunately, the graphical update for the Genesis version slows them way the fuck down)... and am now playing the WILY TOWER, which is exclusive to this game, and only this game, and has never been released in any way, shape, or form elsewhere! And it's disappointing! |
^really? That sucks. :(
![]() my wallpaper |
Yeah the first game was pretty fucking abysmal. I don't remember much about Dark Cloud 2, other than it being very fun, very colorful (cel-shaded, obviously), and the plot line being pretty generic.....hey, in a sense it's a lot like Tales of Symphonia! hardy har har hahahaha ooooooh hahahahahaha lolololol oooooooooooooo weeeeee hahahahaha
But, I just think it's cool that you have friends who are interested in that sort of shit. I seriously don't have a single friend who I could talk about RPGs with. I was watching that Disabled show that Kyle does, and I was just looking at everyone's shirts within your peer group, and they're all into the Residents, and that sorta shit. You know how much I would kill to have someone to legitimately talk about the Residents, or any of the weird/experimental shit we talk about here, with in person!?!?! Even Lauren, as sweet as she may be, really only gets into stuff after I introduce it to her, and I don't think she really sees the beauty of the Residents just yet. Man the Residents rule.... BEST EXPERIMENTAL BAND EVER!!! They make Zappa and Beefheart eat rotting dog shit. That is all. |
Haha, uhh? I dont' really know anyone into interesting/experimental music in real life, except for a few local people who saw Cerberus Shoal a few years back (who moved far, far away from here a long time ago). I don't think me knowing people who have kewl t-shirts of a hugely popular band (The Residents are HUGE -- they invented the music video, they have had HUGE tours, they have their stuff in art museums, etc. They're not obscure in the least) is really that noteworthy; I gurantee there are people in your town with way more interesting tastes than that.. most of those people are into Animal Collective and crap, mainly, just like everyone else. Also, no offense, but comparing Beefheart to the Residents is laughable -- Beefheart is a musical genius, who invented music as we know it, and read any interview with the Residents and they'll tell you THEY wouldnt' exist without his music. I'm a Residents fan, but they're more of an art collective, now, though their early albums are certainly interesting in their wrongness (the original band included Fred Frith, Renaldo and the Loaf, Snakefinger, and a few other musical geniuses -- none of those people work with 'em anymore, hence why their music fails to impress me anymore. Simple). I personally have given up on trying to get people into the music and movies I like -- I know a couple cool online people, and that's about it. It's no big deal, really, people are into what they're into. I guess I know one dude who is into experimental music and movies and shit, a really cool dude named Mike (also, coincedentally, might be the only person I know in real life who isn't a complete fuckhead), I'm going to try to collborate with him soon. But I live in a town of 44,000 people -- it's no surprise that most people here are into garbage. Anyway, no reason to be jealous of me, the only people I really know who are into interesting music and movies are like 5 or 6 people on the internet.
No dude. There really isn't anyone around here. haha The weirdest people get around here is like Broken Social Scene or whatever. Then there's the crustmincegrindpowerviolence punks. That's about it. I know the Residents are pretty well-known within their genre, but I've never seen a human being wearing a Residents shirt in my entire life. It would seriously blow my mind.
Yes, I realize that Beefheart is a huge inspiration to the Residents (even possibly a member at one point?). Blah, blah, blah, and yes I can be quite an ignoramus at times...BUT that doesn't change the fact that to me the Residents are much, much, more pleasing to my ears/brain/wiener than what I've heard of Beefheart (and I'll admit - it really isn't much - a few random tunes here and there). I know it's hard to imagine your hero in life eating a buffet full of disintegrating, white dog turds... but he definitely does in comparison to the Residents. I mean, they certainly don't eat that stuff... I don't know if you know this Adam, but they have fucking eyeballs for heads....they don't have any mouths! |
"a few random tunes here or there"? He has 13 albums, at least 7 of them completely groundbreaking. He hasn't just inspired the Residents, he's inspired every noteworthy band of the last 40 years, and has invented like 4 musical genres. He's also my biggest influence, PERIOD, not that that matters, but he's the only person I would call an absolute genius. John Peel, of course, also says he's the only genius in the history of music. Filmmakers, tv show makers (Xavier, Mighty Boosh, 12 Oz Mouse), even DAVID LYNCH acknowledges that Beefheart is what inspired them to do what they do. I have a documentary where Lynch and Beefheart talk for 15 minutes. It's amazing. "A few random tunes"... This is a guy where one SONG doesn't do the man justice since there is so much going on.. you really have to delve in. Absolute genius.
I went to Florida a few months ago and saw a person in a Mr. bungle shirt, and two people in Residents shirts. Huge band, especially overseas. We're in the internet age, everyone downloads everything, everyone has heard everything! Hell, the Residents were one of the influences for the Simpsons theme. Everyone knows everything. Nothing surprises me anymore. But, no, in my town I don't know anyone into anything interesting, unless Animal Collective is interesting. Also, I've been to Michigan, and the most receptive, friendly, interesting, knowledgable, and cool people i've EVER met lived there. Granted, it was in Flint, but.. no, wait, Royal Oak was the place I played and I was asked to do an encore because people were so into it. Had an hour long discussion with someone about Boredoms and their offshoots. |
Haha that makes a bit more sense in Royal Oak... college hippies - you know the deal. Royal Oak isn't exactly representative of this area though. Even so, I've never met anyone down there who was into...well.....
LMFAO, yeah that about sums it up. Most people around here struggle to even know who Sonic Youth is, aside from "that one Guitar Hero song" or maybe Rather Ripped. Oh, and you know who makes the Residents smear fresh elephant feces all over their pupils? BOREDOMS AND YES. "a few random tunes" is all I've heard. I mean, I get how he, and Zappa are obviously inspirational and all that - but they honestly sound a little...how do I say this without pissing you off at my ignorance... dated to me? Maybe I just haven't been listening to the right stuff of his. I'd be sure to check out an album or two to see if maybe I'm missing something though. I really was kinda just jesting moreso than saying that Beefheart blows. I do obviously prefer the Residents to Beefheart though. Nothing I've heard has ever really made me wanna dwell deeper into his material. At least he's not boring like Bob Dylan! Oh, and also, isn't God in 3 Persons (your claimed favorite) a more recent Residents album? Does it have any of those people (Fred Frith, Renaldo and the Loaf, Snakefinger) on it? Which is the one that Les Claypool vocally impersonates on every album ever? Teach me, Adam, TEACH ME THE WAY OF THE COOLEY. And oh... you sold it for $30 online? That makes more sense. I can't wait to play it again. |
Caroliner is a perfect example of what I'm talking about: I'm not a musician whatsoever... so is there really a point for me to be listening to Beefheart when groups like that exist now-a-days? It just seems like so many more recent bands I've heard have taken his ideas, and built upon them to the point where... once again, don't slit my throat ... he almost seems irrelevant to me.
I feel the same way about Orson Welles, and film. He's really influential to cinema as we know it today. But I saw Citizen Kane. SHIT SUCKED. I'm not biased against older films - I love me some Casablanca, or any of the Universal monster flicks; but give me Mean Girls or Nightmare on Elm Street 3 over that crap any day. |
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Beefheart and Caroliner don't sound anything alike. And there's no such as "irrelevant music". And Beefheart blows away 99% of bands out there. And you've never even listened to a Beefheart album so why do you keep talking about him anyway? You seem obsessed with proving some non-point by mentioning some musician you aren't the least bit familiar with. ALlso, Beefheart sounds nothing like ZAPPA, either, who only made one album I'd reccomend -- we're only in it for the money. I don't see how music can be "dated". Film, yes, because movies use dated stylistic techniques (Godard inventd modern film as we know it); there is a feeling to movies, a look, that can be extremely dated. Music.. nothing beats a great song. A good chord sequence is just that. Obviously, some production tricks are dated. Also, yeah, God in 3 persons is like 20 years old instead of 30, if that's what you mean by "recent". But, look, I have 70-80 Residents ablums, and more than half aren't very noteworthy. So they made 2 great albums in the 80's, so what? They made like 15 great albums in the 70's. They still haven't done anything particularly interesting in a long long time. Which has to do with their collaborators not collaborating with them anymore. Residents has only been one constant guy (Hardee Fox).
I'm talking about him because you started crying when I said he pours himself a big bowl of dog turds for breakfast every morning (moreso before you edited your post).
And how doesn't Caroliner or Zappa compare? I mean they all hit odd chords, have weird time signatures... actually you know what? I really don't know what I'm talking about from a technical standpoint - but you can't deny that they have more similarities than say Beefheart and Justin Bieber. Oh and I disagree with you completely, movies can be just as timeless/dated as music. It's all a matter of each individual subject. BUT, this is the video game thread. Let's stop tugging at eachother's chest hairs, and just talk about how awesome Super Nintendo is. |
Sorry man, the metadata for the God in 3 Persons rip you sent me dates it as coming from 2000. My bad for not looking into that more, honestly.
Last post about this from me. |
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Adventure Island II: Aliens In Paradise (GB), which is based more on Adventure Island 3 for NES.
I'm hooked. |
yeah Puyo games are great. I got Puyo Pop (GBA) and Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (GCN) via the Sonic Mega Collection.
since I got the gameboy player now I will enhance my metroid prime with the suit from metroid fusion via the savegame, yeehaw, totally forgot about that!
Mean Bean Machine is my favorite iteration of the series, though I have all the ps1 japan-only puyo puyo games, as well as the dreamcast "fever"; they're all pretty similiar, except the ps1 has some rpg's where, instead of "battles", you fight people with rounds of puyo puyo for experience. Surprisingly addictive. also you get to be a skeleton man.
Mean Bean Machine proves once again why the genesis is a much better system than the snes (when comparing the game to Kirby's Avalanche; mean bean machine is dark and hardcore, kirby's avalanche is a kiddy game for puyo puyo babies) TECMO STACKERS is a fun puyo puyo ish game for the ps1 also... the ps1 had tons of great puzzlers: puzzle fighter, intelligent qube, devil dice, gunpey, etc. The ps1 is pretty much a perfect system, they had something for everybody. |
The way I see it nowdays is that Nintendo may have made better hardware, but SEGA made better software, and in the end that's what counts the most. I mean, if the tables had been reversed and Nintendo had gone third party instead of SEGA, would they really have enough first party gems for a Mario's Ultimate Super Nintendo Collection? I think not. |
I've always said I thought the Genesis was a way better system -- it just, overall, had better games. More, better games. Like, I can think of 400 really really good Genesis games. I can think of 100 or so on the SNES; lemme put it like this, I have every SNES and Genesis game ever made on my Dreamcast, and the Genesis disc gets played by me every day... the SNES one has only been played a few times. I think some developers got it right; for example, THE ADVENTURES OF BATMAN AND ROBIN on the SNES is fucking incredible. But, man, the Genesis just had SO MANY really really good games. The only problem was that it didn't have Tetris Attack and Super Metroid and Yoshi's Island. But it did have Super Turrican, Contra Hard Corps, Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier, Dynamite Headdy, Universal Soldier (which is actually Turrican 2, and a DAMN good game), RANGER X!, Mazin Saga, Vectorman 1-2, Streets of Rage 3; the list goes on and and on and on and on. I think the SNES really benfitted from all the wonderful Square and Enix games -- and both systems were incredible in their own way -- but there's just something about the Genesis that was cooler. The games were always a billion times faster, the music was always cooler (it didnt "sound" as good -- in other words, it didn't have string samples and all that stuff... but there are games like Biohazard Battle where the music is so fucking good, it's worth playing the game just to hear the music). SNES had better RPG's (though I'd take Landstalker and Beyond Oasis over any SNES RPG, aside from Chrono and FFIII), but the Genesis did everything else better, especially shoot em ups (the Thunder Force games/Lightening Force and ESPECIALLY that game MERCS, which is one of the top 10 best games for the system).
Goddamn, I love the Genesis. GUNSTAR HEROES 2-PLAYER. *drool* A game I played 50000 times was the X-Men game, the one where you had to literally reset your game in order to get to the last level. There's no way to emulate the game, properly, is there? Besides just using the cheat? (which is no biggy; when you make it to the last level, all your characters are restored) That game became really easy once you realized that you could just be Nighcrawler and teleport through the entire fucking game. Remember X-Men 2, though? How the game started as soon as you turned it on? That really blew me away, haha. No Sega logo.. it just started right up. In fact, things were shooting at you and shit as soon as you turned the game on. Insane! BTW, Joe, you know how you were talking about DEATH DUEL the other day? I remember going to buy it with my grandpa as a kid and there was a note on the front of the box that said "WARNING: THIS GAME HAS DISTURBING SOUND EFFECTS." that an employee had written. Weird. |
I cant rep you enogh for keeping up the genesis flag!!! its always good to read your words about my favourite system, almost on a weekly basis, hahaha btw are you talking bout the standard x-men game, where you start in the jungle (after going outside the lab) if so, then I really should start a playthrough, cause I remember buying it as a youngster in a 10 bucks genesis bin almost 15 years ago |
Anyway, been playing PULSEMAN, which is fun as hell
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This is another one of those games the Genesis did really really well -- the fast-as-fuck platformer where you jump/fly around and destroy tons of shit. Also see: Vectorman 1-2, Ranger X, Rocket Knight Adventures, Sparkster, Mega Turrican, Contra Hard Corps, and more. Also, speaking of great Genesis games, I finally beat splatterhouse 3 this morning. Goddamn that game RULES. |
Yes, the x-men genesis game, the one where -- in order to do a level cheat -- you had to plug in a 2nd controller at the title screen and hold down A+C+start. The music in that game freaked me out, like when Magneto talked.. also, level 3 with the Sentinels and shit.. oh fuck, level 5 with that creepy music and shit.. oh my god. But yeah, you destroy a gigantic floating tv in level 5 and then you have to actually hit "reset" on the game machine itself, and then it shows a bunch of comic book pages (!) that look BEAUTIFUL and then you go fight Magneto. Just fucking amazing. |
Okay, yeah, I just discovered the most badass Genesis game, folks: TWINKLE TALE.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Just started playing this monster, and it RULES. BTW my favorite website HARDCOREGAMING101 just did an article on one of my all time favorite games, LSD: http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/lsd/lsd.htm .. great writing/screens as usual. Best website ever. |
why the fuck is windows 7 the slowest thing ever? it's ruining everything. |
![]() You heard. |
Alright SEGA boys... it's time for me to reinstate that bitter rivalry of the early 90's once more. OH NR, WHERE ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU MOST? Probably playing Gameboy...
I grew up a Nintendo fanboy. Starting with the toploader NES when I was 2, and eventually moving on to the SNES, N64, etc. I now own a Genesis of my own, as well as a Dreamcast (with all the ROMs AC constantly boasts about). The SNES has just as many top-notch exclusives as the Genesis did. First thing is first. We all know the SNES wins in the RPG department. There's just no denying the Super Nintendo's stellar lineup when it comes to that. I'd list 'em all, but it'd just be redundant at this point (for those not in the know, check mine and ASP's lists a few pages back). Second of all, Sonic the Hedgehog blows in comparison to the platformers that the SNES is most well-known for. I've never really liked the series all that much. The speed gimmick quickly wears thin for me, and often times the levels blare by much too quickly for their own good. Also, unless you're very familiar with a level, the speed gimmick won't even work as well as you'd think it would; leaving you with a very awkward stop n' go platforming experience. Very much unlike the Super Mario World, and Donkey Kong Country franchises where the level design is beyond brilliant, and stomping enemies is an absolute blast, whether you're a seasoned pro, or it's your first time ever playing a video game. Let's also not forget that the SNES is home to Super Metroid, the greatest platformer of all-time. ![]() Like I said, I own both systems now, and the SNES still triumphs over the Genesis in my eyes anyday. It's my favorite system of all-time, and I don't think SEGA even came close to dethroning it until they released the Dreamcast (my 2nd favorite console of all-time). But, the Genesis does have the definitive version of Beavis & Butthead. I haven't touched my SNES version once since I acquired that. Quote:
Absolutely! Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, Super Mario All-Stars, Super Metroid, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Starfox, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country 2, Donkey Kong Country 3, Earthbound, Killer Instinct, Pilotwings, F-Zero, Super Mario Kart, Kirby Superstar, Stunt Race FX, Yoshi's Safari, Mario Paint, Wario's Woods... And the fact of the matter is, the tables AREN'T turned because Nintendo wasn't as naive as SEGA was, and didn't release more hardware than their loyal customers could keep up with. Think about it - within the era of the SNES, SEGA had released various models of the Genesis (3 of them right?), the SEGA CD, the 32x, and the Saturn. That's literally 4 consoles (not including the various versions of the Genesis) with completely different sets of games within 6 years (from '89 - '95). I think that's where SEGA really fucked up, gamers couldn't keep up with the company! But yeah, Super Nintendo FTFW. :cool: Oh, and Adam, that's a very neat little story about Death Duel. Thanks for that. |
Donkey Kong Country is absolute garbage. Those gams are so terrible. So so so terrible. You know who hates those games? MIYAMOTO! Shigeru Miyamoto said the reason he made Yoshi's Island was in response to how awful Donkey Kong Country is. A lot of people made a big deal about those games at the time, sicne they were pretty, but NO ONE reeally likes em nowadays. I played through all 3 about 4 years ago, just to have played through them. Then I sold all 3 at the same time on ebay ande mde $50. So, for making me $50 and inspiring Yoshi's Island to be a masterpiece, I congratulate it... otherwise, well, it sucks. If you want to talk good platformers for the SNES, check out Skyblazer, which is what platforming is all about (jumping, flipping, flying, etc). Of course Mario World and Yoshi's Island are better than most Genesis platformers -- but the Genesis has Ristar, Tinhead (both underrated), and the aformeentioned Pulseman... let's not forget KID CHAMELEON, my favorite platformer of all time; 100 weird ass levels of fun. Platofrming perfection, basically.
I noted that SNES had great Enix/Square games, but unfortunately niether company made Beyond Oasis (one of the beat em up games ever.. meets an RPG. GENIUS!) or Landstalker (like A LINK TO THE PAST but way more fun). Can't forget Light Crusader. Phantasy Star IV is one of my favorite RPG's ever, as ar ethe Shining Force games. Funnily enough, the best SNES RPG's (Treasure Hunter G, Tales of Phantasia, Secret of Mana 2) never made it here. But I'd still agree that the SNES has better RPG's.. but that's it. That's the whole genre it exceeds in, but if you're going to play RPG's, most people are going to play the PS1. The different models of the Genesis were to lower the cost, by removing the headphone jack and soem other components. Most successful game system has had re-releases -- the ps1, ps2, ps3, xbox360, etc. all have had re-released; even the Dreamcast did, in its short time. Of course Sega is a stupid company -- but that doesn't take away from the Genesis being an awesome system. The Sega CD actully was an AMAZING system, with that Out of this World sequel, Popful Mail, the AMAZING Silpheed, Snatcher, and 2 Lunar games, which justified the price of the system. The Saturn is probably Sega's best system, period. But only in Japan. Unfortunately, the only game that really rocked that came out here was Panzer Dragoon Saga and Guardian Heroes. Sega of America dropped the ball repeatedly; many of PS1's best games (Gradia, Silhouette Mirage) were Saturn ports. Saturn is, bar none, the best system of all time for shoot em ups; there are like 100 great ones for the Saturn. It's relatively easy to get a Japanese Saturn, or to use the 4mb Expansion Cart or a gameshaerk to paly imported Saturn games (and burnt ones). The Saturn ruled. The only misstep was the 32X... I would count it as Sega's Virtual Boy, in its shittiness. Your list of games was a joke, btw. Stunt Race FX? Yoshi's Safari? Piltowings? KILLER INSTINCT (horrible game, unless you have no interest in fighting games as a serious genre)?! Those are not games you want to throw in someone's face when trying to defend the SNES (which, btw, is a great system, one I still own -- though, only for Tetris Attack, Metroid, and Yoshi's Island). Also, Wario's Woods was on the NES originally, and was a lot better. My list on the last page had lots of great SNES games that were somewhat obscure, but I could easily, at the top of my head, make a list of 300-400 great Genesis games with no problem. I thin you seem to to only talk about the most mainstream, obvious choices -- for both systems. Not many people know the game Ranger X, but everyone who has played it for the Genesis will say that it's better than just about any SNES game ever. Also, ALISIA DRAGOON is better than most SNES platformers. Have you even played Gunstar Heroes, BTW? Also, Contra Hard Corps, once again, is an experinece you just can't get anywhere else. SNES had Square and Enix, but the Genesis had Treasure (keep in mind Treasure was an offshoot of a Konami team, the one who developed Bloodlines and Hard Corps and Rocket Knight Adventures -- 3 of the best games ever made!). The Genesis is my favorite system of all time, though the PS1 is DEFINITELY the best system of all time, by far (it has 4000 games for it... I only own about 250 games for it -- and none of them is shit like Crash Bandicoot.. it's all strategies/puzzle/fighting/platforming.. and of course, games which can't even be described). SNES would probably be # 3, if only for Tetris Attack and Metroid. I'd say there are about 10-15 completely indispensable games for the SNES, ones that are impossible to live wiuthout, that every gamer needs to play through. I think, in that case, it definitely has more games than the Genesis in that field. But if you just want to talk about an extremely complete, brilliant, amazing system, encompassing all genres... THE GENESIS is where it's at. I highly reccomend playing some Genesis games that are a bit more obscure, like Twinkle Tale up there, DeCap Attack, Ranger X, the Haunting starring Poulterguy, and even something that is well known like Streets of Rage 3. The Genesis was fast as hell, always had amazing music, and some truly dark, fucked up games (Chakan: The Forever Man STILL creeps m e out.. can't beat that). No offense, but I really would not use Killer Instinct or the Donkey Kong Country games in any kind of argument if you expect to try to makea case for the quality of the SNES. Those games are embarassing. Funnily enough, Donkey Kong Country looks like a masterpiece next to Donkey Kong 64, maybe my most hated game of all time. One more thing I'd like to focus on is EXCLUSIVES: the reason to own the Genesis is because of all the EXCLUSIVES; most of those games never ended up anywhere else (except for that recent ps3/xbox port and in some Japanese collections). You can't find Gunstar Heroes or Dynammite Heady or Light Crusader or Landstalker or Beyond Oasis or Ranger X or Pulseman or Granda or Truxton or Subterania anywhere else! Ever! But the SNES? The GBA version of Yoshi's Island is better. The DS version of Tetris Attack is better. The GBA version of Mario World is better. The GBA version of Breath of Fire II is better. The DS version of Chrono Trigger is better. Link to the Past on GBA is better. It goes on and on and on and on (though Super Metroid has never had any re-releases, strangely -- neither did Earthbound, aexcept in Japan, and Super Mario RPG -- the Paper Mario games arew better than Mario RPG, BTW). So, really, the Genesis is a smarter choice of a system to buy if you want some exclusive games. Anyway, if you want your mind blown bt the snes, play that R2 game I was talking about a few days ago, play some Enix classics like EVO, Terranigma, Illusion of Gaia, etc. It will hopefully make you forget about Rare. (and don't get me wrong, I thought donkey Kong Country was awesome when I was 10 years old but...) Sega was basically the best releaser in the world of truly hardcore games, which is why they failed, since most peopel wouldr ather play boring, obvious crap. Also, you don't like Sonic games? Haha.. what?! YOU'D RATHER PLAY DONKEY KONG COUNTRY THAN SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2? Sorry, man, no one's going to take you seriously after that one, bro. As for Dreamcast, it's better than any system Nintendo has made aside from the NES or SNES. I LOVE Ogre Battle 64, both Zeldas (which I'd rather play on my GameCube disc), Space Station Silicon Valley, Mario 64, Goldeneye, Blast corps, Jet Force Gemini, Star Soldier, and Sin and Punishment........... hmmm. I think that's it, really. The GameCube was about as successful, with Pikmin and Animal Crossing and.. well... all the other games I liked for it were on the PS2 or the Dreamcast. The Wii is probably about as successful, with Madworld and 2 No More Heroes games.. and... well.. hm. THANK GOD FOR THE DS, EH? ... But, yeah, I guess I just tend to like systems with games in every single genre that are good (like the ps1 and ps2; CASTLEVANIA: SYMPHONY OF THE NIGHT, Persona 2, Internal Section, Adventures of little Ralph blow away the entire N64 lineup; Tales of the Abyss, Dragon Quest VIII, Disgaea 2, Okami, Zone of the Enders 2, Chaos Legion, and literaly 500000 more blow away the GameCube). Quote:
I really can NOT believe you didn't put Tetris Attack in that list. Mindblowing. At least we can all agree that the XBOX is probably the worst system ever made. |
I don't feel like thinking/typing right now. But I had every system from 2600 thru PS2. I've definitely played a lot of games. Short response: Genesis had great Shmups. SNES is a better system. Nintendo is better than Sega. Sega still makes some good games. Sonic blows. Donkey Country games are fun.
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