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soniknirve 06.07.2006 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by SonikJesus
Do you think they would have broken up anyways had Kurt not died?

i think so. there were too many differences between members. i think kurt would've kicked dave to the curb or left nirvana altogether...

soniknirve 06.07.2006 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
I think Kurt wanted the creative license and freedom that SY had/have and just didn't know how to get it.

he wanted out of a shit record label, found some friends and tagged along...

SonikJesus 06.07.2006 12:34 AM

Another cool track.

Radio Friendly Unit Shifter (Instrumental)

Edit: Music Source Studios, Seattle WA (1/1/91)

soniknirve 06.07.2006 12:46 AM

i prefer how that token eastern song sounds than the released version...

SonikJesus 06.07.2006 12:49 AM

I have the whole session too. I got it off of a kick-ass torrent on which had almost nothing but Nirvana torrents. It was this 2-disc compilation called loose ends. Everything was the highest quality possible. I love it. I haven't heard the official release of Token Eastern song but i love this version. Whatever happened to the onemoresolo site.

soniknirve 06.07.2006 12:51 AM

it's still up and running...

alyasa 06.07.2006 12:54 AM

I remember when Nirvana first came out on the radio and on MTV, it united people. Suddenly everyone was tied together by a common love for one band. The generation had been quiet, still hungover from the greed and suicides of the 80s, all the fake hair bands with their sex and drugs and alcohol and pithy rock n roll, which was always secondary to the image, the style anyway. Nirvana brought everyone together, from the freaks to the plebians to the upper crust. The jocks and the geeks were momentarily singing along together to SLTS and everyone loved Nirvana. But I believe this was the overriding factor that overwhelmed Kurt Cobain and the band. They became more than an image, more than a band, more than a style. They became media gods and were worshipped, their every word and action gobbled up by a generation hungry for substance and something different. They were a phenomenon and they wanted to be rock star musicians.

SonikJesus 06.07.2006 12:55 AM

Aww YES!! Wasn't it down for a while? That's why I stopped going there. I checked everyday for a week then I gave up. You guys should check it out. It has almost nothing but Nirvana torrents.

soniknirve 06.07.2006 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Blah. I lie about my first show experience too. I actually say my second concert (Elton John w/my mom at like age 12) was my first. :rolleyes: So, just imagine how horrible my first show really was!

hmm. interesting. come on out with it! my first show was SY last year. this one...

king_buzzo 06.10.2006 05:08 PM


EMMAh 06.10.2006 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Blah. I lie about my first show experience too. I actually say my second concert (Elton John w/my mom at like age 12) was my first. :rolleyes: So, just imagine how horrible my first show really was!

Mine was Britney Spears. Fuck yeah :D

king_buzzo 06.10.2006 05:51 PM

^ buahaha ,mine was motorhead. pwned all your asses

Iain 06.10.2006 06:20 PM

Yes but the Stones suck balls....

Mine was Beck...or more acurately Brainiac who were supporting Beck.

HaydenAsche 06.10.2006 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Saturnine
Beck is horrible.


Iain 06.10.2006 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Saturnine
Beck is horrible.

Well, he wasn't circa Odelay that's for sure. I saw him at a festival during the Midnight Vultures era and then he was horrible for sure.

Rolling Stones are horrible though except for Paint it Black.

Toilet & Bowels 06.10.2006 07:03 PM

my first show was guns n roses. but not by choice.

and motorhead beats the stones for sure.

Savage Clone 06.10.2006 07:24 PM

Motorhead beats a LOT of stuff.
My first show was Men At Work, 1983. I was 12 years old and I went with my aunt.

krastian 06.10.2006 10:08 PM

My first real concert was REM.


alyasa 06.10.2006 10:30 PM

Mine was Red Hot Chili Peppers

EMMAh 06.10.2006 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
^ buahaha ,mine was motorhead. pwned all your asses

I don't think so.

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