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Genteel Death 02.06.2014 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
sy are amazing for doing that.

thanks guys.

Yes, nice gesture.

Rob Instigator 02.06.2014 04:16 PM

This was real good dawg.

Derek 02.06.2014 04:19 PM

I think Moshe runs the SY facebook. Thank you for doing that Moshe.

Phlegmscope 02.06.2014 04:27 PM

I remember him being the obsessive music dude since I first joined the forum in '03. At the time I was about 18 and just discovering all the "weird" music. He was a year younger and had gone through it all already. I don't think I ever talked to him, aside maybe few exchanged words on soulseek almost a decade ago.

I haven't been an active forum member in several years anymore and thus never really followed his endeavors, but his insane prolificness was always obvious, and something to be envious of. I do wish I had even a fraction of that kind of creative energy.


Rob Instigator 02.06.2014 04:36 PM

Forgive if this has been posted already.

Genteel Death 02.06.2014 04:57 PM

8-Bit's own Kurt.

Dead-Air 02.06.2014 05:35 PM

SY love their fans. Who wouldn't love getting approval from such a brilliant meta-critic as Adam? He was a serious instigator in his own right.

LimitlessLovingCasper 02.06.2014 10:01 PM

7. Would you rather drink a pint of diarrhea straight from the source, or a pint of garbage juice fresh-squeezed from the truck?

I guess it depends on what the garbage and the diarrhea are made of. Generally, I'd like to think diarrhea is a little healthier than garbage... garbage is a broad term, right? I mean, that could include oils and other weird chemicals... yeah, diarrhea, definitely.

From the indieville interview

Everyneurotic 02.06.2014 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

I got swamped with work and couldn't do an english version proper. Will do it in a couple of hours.

Gracias, Roberto.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.06.2014 11:31 PM

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

fuck. I totally didn't realize what was going, and now? Sucks. I liked that dude quite a bit, and I remember him liking me, and we had too much fun here. stay blessed atsonicpark, we will miss whatever the fuck you were :(

Everyneurotic 02.06.2014 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli

In this post, he mentions Magik Markers and all the hateful words he used to say about them. I did too, we both used to talk here about how "untalented" and crappy they were.

Funny thing is, I actually appreciate them now, a lot more than I used to. We never talked about it.

I'm glad I'm not that negative jerk I used to be.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.06.2014 11:53 PM


the ikara cult 02.07.2014 02:30 AM

Its been really lovely reading everyones reminiscences and memorials, you've all written some really sweet things.

ann ashtray 02.07.2014 04:38 AM

Having a difficult time believing the dude's gone. Of course I accept it, shit just seems unreal in a way. Serves as a reminder, to me personally, that it's important to consider the things we say to others. Probably, in some sense, especially those we just know over the internet. Easy to make light of the situation of someone else when the reality is ya really have no idea what they deal with on a day to day basis. Thinking back on the countless hours I've spent here in the past, reconsidering some of the conversations I've had and some of my old bullshit aimed strictly at getting reactions and emotion out of others (in all fairness I was quite literally a kid when I started posting here. And like some of you others, remember the old board quite well). Addiction is serious (something I know all to well via my own person and shit I've dealt with, as well as close friends). Almost embarrassing the light I used to make of it. Same goes for suicide and all sorts of other shit. Life's fucking hard. Life's fucking chaotic. Some might argue, and I might agree, that at times life should be both...however, when someone is dealing with something it's never really fair to try and worsen though poking fun or just being a total bitter asshole toward, whatever it is they are dealing with. The golden rule and all that shit.

And as far as Adam, thoughts are lingering toward some of the things others here have said. There are those who demonstrate lots of in the way of creative potential, but everyone sorta knows they will go on to do little with it. This is OK. That said, I truly believe...due to this urge he had to just do things, despite the size of budget, his ability to just have an idea and just get it out there in some tangible way...I always thought, and currently feel I know, he could have went some serious places. I'm thankful for all the material, music, art, film...he does have out there. Very prolific. I don't think he's anyone that's going to be forgotten soon. It's sad when any one goes, I've always felt especially bad for the artists though. Especially those that just never really seemed to stop creating.

But anyway, yeah. I've never been the best w/ words or anything. Shits just weird.

Haven't ranted on here in a while ha. Old school swa(y)

floatingslowly 02.07.2014 05:34 AM

all too true.

I'm sorry for ever treating you poorly at times. I'm not evil. I just get bored.

Tokolosh 02.07.2014 05:42 AM

I haven't posted here in a while. It's sad and shocking to read about Adams death here today.

My condolences to all his family and friends.

R.I.P. Adam!

Genteel Death 02.07.2014 06:06 AM

Has anyone ever heard from Laila?

dead_battery 02.07.2014 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
all too true.

I'm sorry for ever treating you poorly at times. I'm not evil. I just get bored.


sorry for being a douche, sway. same goes for everyone else.

ann ashtray 02.07.2014 07:26 AM

No sweats. It's not like I didn't deserve that shit most of the time. haha

noisereductions 02.07.2014 08:05 AM

that's the thing about this place though.

Back in the pre-Ashtray-days, I used to give Sway such a hard time. Now I'm happy whenever I see he's posted.

floslo trolls hard, but everyone knows he's a sweetheart.

Genteel has given me plenty of grief in the past, but I have no hard feelings.

And on and on. We have a lovely dysfunctional family here. Much love and respect y'all.

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