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Oh, and the theme from The Third Man is quite an earworm!
holy shit, i googled "a serbian film" and the review is pretty fucking disturbing. great choice of film to accompany a depression-- not.
fucking shit man, pick up something from criterion to make you feel better. watch the gaudí documentary or something like that. http://www.criterion.com/films/536-antonio-gaudi ------- apa-niemi the reason citizen kane was considered that is because orson welles perfected in that film a lot of techniques he had been working on for a while-- like the use of deep focus (a technical feat back then, now a matter of course with video), or the use of light and shadow after german expressionism, which is what film noir picked up from him. besides, it was a huuuuge, epic movie, massive in scale but not cheesy like gone with the wind which is from the same era. anyway if you think of film in the late 30s/early 40s and put CK in its context, it's pretty fucking awesome, though i like touch of evil and the trial more. |
@ noiseredux - Thanks, man!
@ apa niemi - Haha, don't worry dude. You said more than enough! I've had Pickpocket in my Netflix queue for quite some time now. I've heard Bresson's name a bunch of times, but have never actually checked any of his work out. So, I guess I should definitely give Pickpocket a shot. I haven't seen Los Olvidados, but the one Bunuel that I really enjoyed (and mentioned in the classic films thread) was The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz (Ensayo de un Crimen). It is also bleak, grey, and dreamlike...ha. It's a pretty weird little movie, and my only criticism is that it does feel slow at times. But I'd recommend it if you're gonna get into Bunuel - who I'm not too familiar with. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As for Citizen Kane... "No sir, I don't like it," to quote Mr. Horse from Ren & Stimpy. I can see how it must've been really neat a gazillion years ago to see all of the innovations in the film, but to still consider it the greatest film of all-time is absolutely absurd, in my opinion. There has just been so much done with the artform since 1941. I honestly think that people who praise it so highly must either only be doing so because of the film's/Welles' reputation, or they saw it very early on - like Scorsese (who loves it) or somebody. Because let me tell you, it bored me to tears. |
weird Joe. I love Citizen Kane. Not cuz I should. Just cuz I do.
I stand corrected.
@ eugene - dude you should check out bresson's book "notes on the cinematographer" where he lays out his theory of filmmaking, use of non-actors ("models") etc. it reads like a smarter much much much much much more interesting version of dogme 95 40 years ahead of lars "von" trier. i like lars trier but he ripped off bresson.
^ That sounds really intriguing. I'll have to look into it after I check out at least one of his films. I'd hate to dive in without a frame of reference, ha. Thanks for that though!
Yeah, i know that i shouldn't have tried to write anything when i'm so tired that i can't remember what i've said in previous sentence. of course i should've put CK in its context, timewise, and i truly think that most of the pictures from which the film is assembled, are absolutely stunning. and it's huge, epic, massive, technically fine and worth of many more superlatives - i acknowledge it's status and what it has meant for people in film industry, but i still can't say that it's the greatest movie ever made for me. or something. just watched, and loved: ![]() |
![]() A perfect example of style over substance. The film is mainly comprised of beautiful ladies, beautiful ladies sprawled naked on beds, beautiful ladies fingering themselves, beautiful ladies kissing one another, beautiful ladies dancing, and beautiful lades getting slaughtered, with a plot very loosely tied in. The gore scenes are lackluster, the plot's weak, and the scares are non-existant; but the editing, depth of field, lighting, jump cuts, and use of long lenses are all top-notch. I think the closest thing I could compare it to would be Death Laid an Egg. A much more pornographic Death Laid an Egg... with less chickens. I also liked how it gave the giallo cliche of black gloves the bird, and just made it's killer wear black over his entire body. Oh, and it also stars Klaus Kinski, for all you Herzog nuts out there. |
I haven't watched it yet. I'll post about it when I do. Probably tomorrow.
![]() Bruce Conner's A Movie (10/10) One of those films that obssesses me a bit. One of the most beautiful, powerful things I've ever seen, even if I remain unsure as to quite what it's trying to say. Either way, it's up there for me with Brakhage's Dog Star Man and Anger's Invocation of my Demon Brother. Something I imagine Adam would be a big fan of. |
![]() **SPOILER ALERT** Was it horrific? Yes. Was it perverse? Yeah, that too. But was it clever? Oh, certainly not, I was actually laughing at how stupid it was. The scene where the director character plays a video of a newborn baby getting fucked is about as low-brow as they come. If you're going to show a baby getting fucked, at least do it in a clever way - not just some video being played. Or what about the part where he's fucking that chick and then some guy beheads her? I mean, I guess that was kinda cool... but still, where's the wit in how it was executed? Another one is where they make him fuck a mysterious masked/blanketed person, and you're supposed to be wondering "boy i wonder who's under the mask". Think of the most shocking character to be under the mask... and BINGO!!! YOU GOT IT!!! HE WAS FUCKING HIS KID TO A BLOODY PULP!!! The part where he sticks his dick in some guy's eye was the coolest part of the whole movie - although I can't even say that was innovative, due to the similar bit in the first Scary Movie. It was vulgar, sure, but it just wasn't apt enough for my tastes. I mean, they even used the played-out OMG SO GRITTY David Fincher lighting. Sorry to rip the film to shreds ni'k. I just wasn't much of a fan. |
I've seen hideous things. Like this beastiality video with all these girls playing with, and taking animal cocks. Most of the animals seemed to enjoy getting their rocks off. But there was this one black lab, who was getting his red rocket forced out by this bitch, and she was sucking on it, and he was fighting to get away so wildly. Not a happy camper whatsoever. That not only sickened me, but really depressed me, to be honest. It was just so depraved, and nonetheless - REAL!
But this movie? Man, they could've at least not shown so much footage of that fake ass baby. It would've affected me more had they left more up to the imagination. I mean, I've seen more shocking stuff on www.theync.com |
khal nayak- 8/10
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The Fighter ...I fucking loved it.
Stop Making Sense
Haha, yeah that site is nuts! It used to be better though, there are too many off-site videos now for my liking. Anywho, I finally got around to watching Amer... ![]() This film has been on my mind since first seeing this clip way back in Dec 2009. I recently read a review that described Amer as a modern french rave spin on classic gialli. I think I can agree with that. The film never lets up on it's sleek visual style, and definitely delivered the goods where I expected to. It is a film that is not afraid to boldly proclaim it's influences, yet still manages to speak in a cinematic language all of it's own. The film is more than a bit disorienting though, and the complete lack of dialogue may leave you feeling more than a little lost by the end. It might not be the next Suspiria like I'd been hoping for all these months, but I'll be damned if it's not only one of the best visual treats of 2009/2010, but one of the very best films as well. ![]() |
i actually have a soft spot for hostel, and have yet to see a serbian film (not sure if i even want to from what ive heard about it) but i enjoyed reading that. |
I like Hostel. But I LOVE Hostel 2.
^ I fully agree with that. It's a shame that Hostel 2 tanked, huh? Seems like Eli has been having trouble finding directing work since then. Aside from acting in Inglourious Basterds, almost all of his recent work has been producing. *yawn* Poor guy, I remember him freaking out and blaming internet piracy for the reason Hostel 2 didn't bring in the audience it should have.
Think of all the projects he's been attached to as a director that have never seen the light of day since 2007 (when Hostel 2 bombed) - Trailer Trash, Stephen King's Cell, the feature-length Thanksgiving, and that one Sci-Fi movie he was working on recently. There's a Hostel 3 supposedly coming straight to DVD/Blu-Ray this year. But without Roth attached, I'd be kidding myself if I pretended I had any high hopes for it. Directed by Scott Spiegel, writer on Evil Dead 2, though. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1255916/ |
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