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What gets me about this is he says "may be conducted IF" so at the moment he's got absolutely nothing and is just saying it to look like he's being busy. |
If you can (repeatedly and devoid of provocation) refer to the speaker of the house as “vomit pelosi,” I can say idiot God....
bytoe reeks of a total lack of self-awareness and smarmy hypocrisy, as savage clone’s post highlights
“oh, i’m a poor innocent...” NO YOU’RE NOT |
I stumbled upon that information by accident - it was Estonian PM and apparently, he had to resign due to his conspiring about US election, after public pressure |
I was referring to the Slovenian PM, but both are mentioned in this article: Even as a loser, Trump stirs unrest in Europe |
the sad truth....:/ Everyday I lean more and more left....like borderline socialist. I don't think it's necessarily the answer, but there needs to be some sort of balance here. Things have become so absurd... |
Wow people in this Sonic Youth chat group are really defending Trump, yeah?
Huh. Lol. It doesn’t defy statistical probability. The Republicans made sure to halt early counting of mailed ballots wherever possible just for this purpose: so that, if Trump didn’t win, they could cry fraud. More mail-in ballots than ever, mail-ins favorite Dems, millions of votes uncounted on election night, there was no way anyone should have assumed Allegheny County wouldn’t end up picking Biden. What a crock of shit. Boo Fucking hoo moving on |
Yup. I can’t figure out why the guy comes here. Surely 4chan would be a better fit. |
It's getting more and more confusing:
Washington Post claims that Postal worker recanted allegations of ballot tampering, officials say (I couldn't read that article it's not free, I read a Dutch transcription of it) However Foxnews has embedded a tweet of the whistle-blower where he claims that he did not recant and that WaPo should recant Edit: Here is an analysis by a local reporter about the Erie postal fraud. Even if it's true, it's a very tiny amount of ballots that it would not have made any impact on the total count. Which doesn't mean that it shouldn't have happened, if it did happen at all |
Ok, can a lawyer please explain the following statement:
(sourced from this article ) |
Don't think there are any lawyers on here, are there? :D |
That statement concerns ballot counting in Philadelphia, where Pam Bondi and Corey Lewandowski allege Republican poll watchers were denied MEANINGFUL access to the ballots whose tabulation they were tasked with overseeing. Their allegations are stated in the following impromptu news conference: Trump Campaign News Conference in Philadelphia The Constitutional issue is that the Constitution empowers the legislatures of the several States to establish qualifications for electors and procedures for the casting and tabulation of ballots, in the face of procedures promulgated by executive officers of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania contrary to the laws passed by the legislature. The aim of the Trump campaign is a recount which can meaningfully be overseen by bipartisan election monitors in accordance with Pennsylvania law. The Republican admission that there was a "non-zero number" of observers refered to the minimal obedience to the law, while meaningful access by pollwatchers was denied due to the distance between the pollwatchers and the ballots. The issue with the rule allowing for an extension of time after election day for mail-in ballots to be received is that neither executive officers of the state nor courts may usurp the prerogatives of the state legislature ('The change, recommended by the secretary of state's office and upheld by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, is now the subject of a state GOP request for an emergency injunction by the U.S. Supreme Court."). |
cracked the Democrat cheat code. THEY'VE BEEN MINING STATE VOTER DATABASES FOR MAIDEN NAMES OF MARRIED WOMEN AND PUTTING THE MAIDEN NAMES & SS #'S ON THEIR FAKE BALLOTS. Because if somebody checks, the maiden name is **still** on the voter rolls. married women should check: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1...NEaectiIU/edit |
wtf is that dirty banned link lmao
tessie wants you to download his russian bots? |
The Four Seasons Landscaping company is selling out on their merch, with slogans like:
Make America Rake Again In Sod We Trust Lawn And Order |
In court, Pennsylvania judge asked a lawyer for Trump point-blank whether he was alleging fraud.
The court "Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots?" Mr Goldstein"to my knowledge at present, no" "Are you claiming that there is any undue or improper influence upon the elector with respect to these 592 ballots?" "To my knowledge at present, no" Twitter link Well this is going as well as expected for Trump and co. Think is is this line of conversation with the judge is just going to repeated everywhere else and it'll ends up being a big fat zero. |
One of main things I'm glad about Trump getting the boot is seeing Qanon, Proud Boys, and all the other Nazi groups scarpering. Get back in your hole, fun boys, the party's over.
Tomorrow will be one week since Justice Alito’s ruling. Today, a Pennsylvania Judge ordered the state not to count some mail-in ballots that were missing proof of identification and cured during an extended deadline: ![]() “These ballots had been segregated pending the judge’s decision and have not yet been counted, so their disqualification will not affect the current vote count in Pennsylvania.” HOWEVER “Ms. Boockvar argued to the court that the guidance came from a provision in the commonwealth’s election code that allows voters to prove their identities “within six calendar days following the election.” Because the Pennsylvania Supreme Court extended the ballot deadline to Nov. 6, then the deadline for voters to confirm their ID would also be extended. But the Trump campaign disagreed. “If the deadline is calculated as the statute is written, then as it pertains to the November 3, 2020 General Election, this deadline for voters to resolve proof of identification issues is Monday, November 9, 2020, not November 12, 2020,” the campaign wrote in a filing. They also said Ms. Boockvar lacked the authority to give such guidance. Judge Leavitt sided with the Trump campaign on that argument. In a footnote, she said Ms. Boockvar’s position would have been achievable (IF) there was an amendment to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s order extending the ballot deadline.“ There are numerous reports regarding the mixing of ballots and the envelopes that contained time stamps & signatures being (conveniently?) destroyed. Kyle Becker tweet “ Pennsylvania. State statute forbids destruction of ballot envelopes prior to two years. That illegal act throws into question auditing; thus, it could be argued, those votes cannot be certified. (There are 100K suspect mail-in ballot dates, per the state's official database.)” ![]() Kyle Becker tweet “Suspect mail-in ballot dates (independently verified; PA's official database is cited):” Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date: Researcher “More than 20,000 absentee ballots in Pennsylvania have impossible return dates and another more than 80,000 have return dates that raise questions, according to a researcher’s analysis of the state’s voter database. Over 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just a day after they were sent out—an extraordinary speed, given U.S. Postal Service (USPS) delivery times, while nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out. Another more than 23,000 have a return date earlier than the sent date. More than 9,000 have no sent date |
Meanwhile in Michigan
Michigan State Senators REQUESTING A FULL AUDIT of the 2020 General Election "Every citizen deserves to have faith in the integrity of the election process and its outcome," the letters state. "It is our responsibility, as elected public servants, to assure the people of Michigan of the process's integrity through complete transparency and the faithful investigation of any allegations of wrongdoing, fraud, or abuse." Audits are much more comprehensive than a recount! |
(November 7,2020)
seek medical help
The transfer is happening. Get used to it. Also, the disappointing Senate race happened on the exact same ballot, so why are the Republicans willing to accept that result but not the presidential result?
Regarding President Trump's refusal to share intelligence briefings with former Vice President Biden:
Under the Constitution, there is no President-Elect until the Electors have met in their respective state capitols and cast their votes. This year, the date set for the election of the next President by the Electoral College is 14 December 2020. If Trump is doing something wrong by claiming victory prior to that date, then Biden is guilty of the same offence by setting up his phoney "Office of the President-Elect". Right now, we're still in the tabulation-and-ascertainment period following the popular vote, and, unless the other candidates concede the election prior to that date (as is usually the case, but not this year), it constitutes a violation of diplomatic protocol and interference with internal US affairs for a foreign state to congratulate a presumptive winner prior to the completion of that event, as it constitutes the recognition of a government that has not yet become legitimate according to the US Constitution. As such, the congratulations offered to Biden as "President-Elect" by Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Israel, Ireland, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Australia, South Korea and Japan may be seen as constituting unfriendly acts against the United States, and any discussion by former Vice President Biden with foreign leaders which might be seen as negotiation to influence US policy towards those countries may, possibly, constitute violations of the Logan Act on his part. |
My understanding (admittedly based upon hearsay) is that they concentrated so heavily on the Presidential race that they pretty much ignored the down ballot save for Michigan, where many ballots were unlawfully entered indicating a vote for the Democrat incumbent Gary Peters against his pro-Trump Republican opponent John James. who came fairly close (6.5%) to defeating Democrat incumbent Debbie Stabenow in 2018. |
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Fair enough, yet kindly give me credit for having admitted the fact. |
How so? Better at producing golddigging predator prostitutes who "really don't care, do u?"? |
Any reason you left the 'Mats and the Hüskers out? EH?! |
Kindly state your justification for your characterization of my country's glamorous and gracious First Lady? ![]() |
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I thank you for your courage in admitting that fact! Now, GET HELP!!! https://www.senda.gob.cl/necesitas-ayuda/ Si necesitas ayuda urgente para ti, un familiar o un conocido, llámanos de inmediato al 1412, Fonodrogas y Alcohol. Respondemos a tus consultas gratuitamente las 24 horas del día, 7 días a la semana. Puedes llamarnos desde cualquier parte del país, usando celular o red fija, en una conversación confidencial. |
This basically. You'll be on your deathbed still griping about this won't you, Bytor? Kinda sad to see tbh. Tell you what, I'll do a bet with you. I bet you $50 and a packet of Doritos that absolutely NOTHING will come of this. Deal? |
Here's a piece by Graham Allison, who served under Clinton as an Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy and Plans from 1993 to 1994. Donald Trump's Stealthy Road to Victory This piece includes the following: A Contested Election Structurally Favors Republicans in 2020. I project a 20% chance of a contested election outcome leading to a victory for President Trump. Whereas consensus sees contestation via Constitutional means as a far, remote possibility, a scenario invoking the 12th amendment is an easier path for Republicans to pursue than currently recognized. Trump has consistently during his reelection campaign questioned the legitimacy of mail-in ballots, claiming the election will be “rigged” and “the most corrupt election in the history of our country.” This is most likely part of a strategy to set the stage for a contested outcome. - On Nov. 1 in North Carolina, President Trump decried recent Supreme Court rulings allowing states such as Pennsylvania to continue counting ballots after election day, stating, “We’re going to go in the night of, as soon as that election’s over, we’re going in with our lawyers.” Most significant, President Trump has clearly discussed and been briefed on a strategy to contest the election via Constitutional means, saying at a Sept. 26 rally in—where else—Pennsylvania: “And I don’t want to end up in the Supreme Court and I don’t want to go back to Congress either, even though we have an advantage if we go back to Congress — does everyone understand that? I think it’s 26 to 22 or something because it’s counted one vote per state, so we actually have an advantage. Oh, they’re going to be thrilled to hear that.” Politico reports, “In private, Trump has discussed the possibility of the presidential race being thrown into the House as well, raising the issue with GOP lawmakers, according to Republican sources.” Trump is correct: Republicans currently have 26-state delegation majority to Democrats’ 22 state delegations in a scenario in which the election is decided by a House of Representatives vote on the presidency according to state delegations. |
I already posted all that weeks ago, dipshit. Now it's not gonna happen; it's fucking over, the whole WORLD has recognized Joe Biden as president-elect. Will you shut up, man?! |
No. I won't shut up, and as the Democrat operative has himself stated, there is a 20% chance that President Trump will prove himself to have been re-elected. Those world leaders who have alrealy accepted former Vice President Joseph Biden as President-Elect have committed an unfriendly act against the United States by virtue of their having recongnised a government which has not yet been legitimized by due Constitutional process. |
But look on the bright side:
By the time whichever President has been declared, all population of the mighty US of A has been deceased of Corona because the current President completely ignores the current rise of infections |
So you want all of my people to die that your favorite Presidential candidate might prevail. Your statement smacks of the same sort of genocidal politics of which I warned long ago. |
No, I want your President to take action on the Corona pandemic before it's too late, which it already is. Just looked at his Twitter account, the topics he is tweeting about are voting fraud, senate elections, Fox is crap, and golf. Nothing else.
He doesn't give a f!ck what is actually happening in your country, all he cares about is that he remains in the White House. The hospitals are overflowing and Trump is playing golf. |
First, things are 1000% coming from this. Probably not for this Presidential outcome, but everything is up for scrutinization and I have no doubt changes will be made for future elections. However, I’m down for a little action : ) The odds are too heavily in your favor for a straight up cash wager. Seriously, Biden is close to 86% favorite this 2nd Friday after the election. My counter proposal......if Joe Biden becomes president, you can pick any picture you want (non pornographic) and I’ll make it my SYG profile pic from January 20th (inauguration day) until February 20, 2021. Again, because the odds are so heavily in your favor, if Cheeto finds a way to hold on to his presidency, I’ll pick a picture and you will make it your SYG profile pic until April 20th, 2021. This is a 3/1 wager, let me know if we have action. Edit: if looking for a even money wager......how about a one month banishment from Non-Sonics? Inauguration Day January 20th - February 20th? The other three rooms would still be available, just no posting in Non-Sonics for one full month. |
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