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Really? They're not THAT awful. |
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I mean the greatest thing about smokes is that you can choose not to smoke them. The same principle doesn't apply to air, food or water tho.
2) Not necessarily. Tried walking into a shopping centre lately? Not easy to do without inhaling the smoke of the stupid people. |
hang out in an ICU for a month watching people suffer and inevitably get wheeled out in a body bag for smoking related diseases and you just might feel a bit different (this is my experience at least). Listen, I know it is ridiculously cliched, but in this instance it happens to be quite true. In reality, dying of smoking related cancers is a privilege, its far worse too live for weeks, months, even years with the debilitating, horrifying even, effects :( Quote:
(Sorry for the tirade, I've grown a bit more sensitive to smoking issues lately) |
You can smoke in shopping centres? Since when? Yay!
I know how bad smokes are suchfriends and I have tried to quit many times and failed. However, you smoke weed so I don't think you should be talking much. Despite the benefits that tobacco certainly doesn't have, and perhaps certain chemicals that aren't added (which you can't be sure of in most parts of the world, as samples of illegal weed have shown the craziest of things) smoking weed is also inhaling carbon monoxide. Of course most people don't do that 20 times a day, I don't smoke that much either.
And btw, I was talking about non-smokers. They can choose not to start. As a smoker, I pay a lot of money for my addiction, 75% of which is tax. I am informed and aware of the dangers. Now, people have no choice about the carbon monoxide they breathe and are not as clearly informed about the chemicals and harmful substances added in their food. I understand everyone is eager to jump into it and start accusing smokers of being the most horrible monsters on earth but seriously. |
No, I haven't. Better give us a nice private garden then. |
Now I'm confused. In theory, I can choose not to smoke them. But I get cranky. Yes, more. So I stand out in the cold. |
it's been one year (just about to the day) since I've had a cigarette.
I stopped at about the time I decided that I really did want to love forever. |
its not a tit for tat game, regardless if I even still smoked cigarettes or not could not discredit my argument about the obvious dangers of smoking. Further, please don't make illogical inferences about my herb smoking, you may not know all the details, and while I am not in the mood to air out my laundry, you should know that I am not using herb like a drug, but quite sincerely for medicinal purposes. Also, I am very aware about the dangers of shady weed growers, that is why I have always dealt with strictly local, strictly trustable sources who are ital about their cultivation so that I can avoid both the chemicals, the mafias, and of course the CIA ;) Quote:
dude, where did you miss where I said I was a passionate cigarette smoker for a decade? Honestly, I loved tobacco, the way it tasted, smelled, smoked, made you feel, but in the end, it was illusory. Fantasy is fine so long as its not dangerous :) PS, I don't think any less of anyone who smokes, but it seems silly to even remotely try to justify it :) |
But you do know that when you smoke weed you inhale carbon monoxide, right?
Whether people do drugs for medicinal purposes, fun or whatever, I truly don't care, it's none of my business. Now, while the numbers of smokers is increasingly going down, more and more people have cancer. |
We all have access to the information, and we can do our best to navigate ourselves in the direction we want to (chances of life without lung cancer, CHANCES, no guarantees), but in the end, we'll do what we like, and we like it that way.
Depends. There are many things out there we can't tell. Scientists are trying to find out exactly why people are getting more and more cancer and they can't come up with definite answers. Most of those people aren't smokers.
Others say that living in a urban area is the equivalent of living in a farm and smoking 5 a day, in terms of inhaling carbon monoxide. I for one have been trying to find out whether aspartame and other artificial sweeteners I use can cause cancer and some claim the industries are not disclosing all that they know about it, while others think we just didn't have enough time to really figure it out. It took us a long time to realise exactly how bad smokes were. We don't know enough about chemicals in our food, hormones given to animals, pesticides etc. A lot of people stopped drinking coffee in the 80's because people said it was bad for you, now they said it's really good for you. I'm not saying smokes aren't awful, they are. I'm just saying I'm glad I know exactly how awful they can be. |
Yes, it's nice to have awareness, for sure.
About aspartame: I dont know about the cancer bit, but from what I understand, aspartame and other artificial sweeteners prevent the hormone leptin from being released, which normally tells us to slow down on the calorie consumption, so you'll still be hungry/thirsty/whatever. And for some reason, since its not sugar it doesnt increase blood-sugar, but it still signals insulin to be released in excess. Also, it converts to methanol, which has some controversy attached regarding neurological diseases. |
5% of all hospital admissions are attributed to smoking. 13% of cancer cases are smoking related. 18% of deaths (35 years+) are smoking related. 29% of cancer deaths are attributable to smoking. Figures from the latest research by ONS. FYI |
Some say it can cause brain tumors. I don't know.
There are many theories about how it makes you hungry, and it certainly does. |
Why does it make me want to shit ?
But from let's say from the 80's to 2007 I'm pretty sure it decreased a lot. Because that's when the harshest policies against smoking came about, if I'm not mistaken. Especially the increases in price, which seem to be quite effective. But I guess you're talking about older people who smoked most of their lives? I did this huge assignment on smoking the other day (worldwide data) and it said that less and less people are taking up smoking. It makes a lot of sense that 29% of cancer deaths are related to smoking, but sometimes I have the impression that people think that not smoking means no cancer. I'm actually surprised only 13% of cancer cases are smoking related, I thought it'd be a lot more. |
Because it wants you to eat more. |
"Impact of the smokefree legislation:
On the 1st July 2007, smokefree legislation was introduced in England, banning smoking in enclosed public places.
I should just eat cigarettes and convert all meals to tobacco. Until thats not satisfying enough and I start eating the money instead. When the money runs out and I'm in emergency I'll move on to digest my brain and my organs, like what sea anemones do when they have found their place and dont need to move anymore.
the point of non smoking in enclosed spaces is to enable those who dont want to be exposed to reduce how much smoke they need to inhale.
well, in that case I don't know which report is more bias. Where did you get that from? Perhaps I shouldn't have believed what I read. Although there's a significant difference there, from 1980 to 2007. I don't think banning smoking in enclosed places is a policy to make people smoke less.??? They claim that the governments increase tax on cigarettes to use that money for health care, which kind of makes sense. |
This is something I've HEARD, but I cant remember the last time anyone bothered to inject some funds into heathcare...here, anyway. |
yeah but now they want to complain about us standing outside the shopping centre! It's never enough.
how long until the concentration camps? |
Hehheh. The cigarettes in cuba are wonderful tasting. And there are no chemicals, they cant afford to use em :o |
Well, smokers AND communists are equally bad so why not?
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quick question. The Martian Chronicles by Bradbury is a collection of short stories right or not?
The Martian Chronicles is a 1950 science fiction short story collection by Ray Bradbury ..... |
Yes, one of my all-time favorites. I love that book to death. :p |
awesome. Now does anyone know where I can find The Million year Picnic (the last short story)online? I'm trying to look for it and can't seem to find it.
yay I found it, now time for a whole day full of homework.
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