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do it. i did. |
A few days after September 11th, 2001, I was directed to visit Alternative Tentacles' web site and told that I would not believe the idiocy that I found there. And such was the case. As the front page opened, I saw what might be the most depressing comment on the intelligence of the young punk rock generation that I have ever seen. Right there on the front page read the statement: "Many people have written in asking what Jello thinks about the terrorist attacks." ... Say that slowly to yourself. "Many people have written in asking what Jello thinks about the terrorist attacks." What exactly does it mean? Here's what it means: Punk rockers saw it on the news and were completely unable to figure out how they were SUPPOSED TO RESPOND. People are dead! That's bad! But... they were terminal preppies in the World Trade Center. So that's good! No but... pain was caused to people. That's bad! But... but the Pentagon was hit, and those are the guys I'm not supposed to like. So that's good! Oh, I can't figure it out on my own --- WWJD?
punk rock = christianity. i think by the 90's we were only interested in a pre packaged SELF since the media had made any space were it could happen into a reference to something else. then 9/11 ended that era and everyone went apeshit since they couldnt pretend they were immortal anymore. thats my relegious interpretation of it anyway. were's my media career? we got general electric to measure the twinkling of an eye for the rapture! robits! http://vimeo.com/7072682 it all makes sense to me now. |
in case you didn't already know rock was dead and 2010 is not the time to pretend there is anything left in it watch the ulitmate explanation
that embarrassed part at the end, when she pulls back in self disgust and embarrassment, thats all that needs to be said. |
I'm looonging for your touch, and I welcome your sweet 666 in my heeeeaaarrrtt!!!!!!!
all i can say is her nose looks like shit why did she mutilate herself like that the fucking dunce |
I thought I saw knox for the fourth time yesterday in one of my local pubs. She was with a female friend talking about booking tickets for one of this years music festivals. I heard the Leeds Festival being mentioned. She looked as ravishing as ever.
Are you one of those guys who look at security cameras footage for a living?
*scratches asshole*
*sniffs poop under fingernail* |
You think I work for the police? |
Not necessarily, but every time you mention your "knox sightings" sounds like there's no way you could get closer for a better look and solve the mistery, like she was behing a window/a screen or something.
I'll take a blurred photo of her next time like the ones people take of UFOs, Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster etc. |
he doesn't work for the police, but im sure his wacky stalking escapades keep many of them in the job
Here's one of my "knox sightings" photos.
![]() Is it knox? It's hard to tell. |
No, it's not hard to tell.
maybe it's early on set alzhiemers, from drinking too much piss? |
my eyebrow hairs are getting very long. These 'old age' changes are annoying
I really wish that I knew some of you guys in real life. Just one big SYG clique.
i think it's funny that only now i've seen i have been mentioned.
joe, we will hang eventually... definitely.
Forgive me if I cum.
feel woozy. want to sleep 8 hrs. don't want to work tomorrow. want tummy pains gone.
I'm at the LA county sheriif's office so that my liitle sister can drop off her daughter to spend the day with her violent father.
saw another (hot) mom just do the same thing. dude was gross looking. dads are awesome!! |
Last night I was drinking with my drummer and a bunch of friends and one of his drunk roomates tried to fight me.
I'm real sick with asthma right now (my own fault due to smoking) and have/getting over a virus so i've been exhausted and achey and tired and out of breath all week. I beat his ass. I dont believe in violence and didnt want to punch him (he was just waaaay drunk, hes usually a pretty cool dude dunno how it even started)... so I just kept dodging him and then finally just grabbed him by the throat and slammed him to the ground and then grabbed his hair and held his face into the ground and yelled at him to calm down...fucking ridiculous sick as hell and I still held it down, plus I was drunk too... weird energy lately, apparently another friend of mine got into a fight at a bar the other night...some bro grinded up on him and then called him gay and my friend tried to ignore it while he was talkin to a girl, happened again and my friend punched the bro in the face haha the bartenders let him finish his drink b4 he got kicked out too hahaha... noone likes a bro. |
what has this board become?
my sweetest troll everyone that posts, goes away, in the end and you could have it all, my empire of neg rep, i would neg you down if you made one single football thread the football threads tear a hole an allfamiliar boredom try to kill it, with non football threads but it just keeps coming back again what has this board become? my sweetest troll everyone that posts, give a shit about kicketyball and they should all realise their folly, or at least have their legs sawn off, and have a football sowed on instead of a head, in the end the terrorists wont let us down, they'll bomb a stadium eventually or the oil leak will explodify the earth like in one of teslas sweet libertarian apocalypse fantasies anything to free us, from this tyranny the tyranny of kicketyball with all the ball kickers acting like theys all worth paying attention to for just kicking balls they are teh suxxor. but at least you can feel honoured being privy to my masterpiece. |
I'm thinkin' about goin' to see Rush on their Time Machine tour....
You must spread some hurt around before giving it to ni'k again.
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I love it when chicks shave their snatches. |
this is for an anonymous bizcard thing, quiet improvised acoustic folk song about my stepmom raping me and my dad holding a gun to my head! |
I need a cat.
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Cruising through the city after hours
With me fusing all our powers Heres to all our dreams Take me one more time Take me one more wave Take me for one last ride I'm out of my head Tonight, Tonight |
I assume this requires a special kind of meth? Where does one obtain this? I kinda think it might be fun to get buttfucked by ET.... |
I'm not sure that he buttfucks you so much as shoves a glowing finger up yr ass.
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