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auto-aim 01.11.2008 08:32 AM

though i rarely do - i quite enjoy wearing make up now and then... I've got into too many fights for it though - even for nail varnish - people can get really hostile unless you're gay.

gmku 01.11.2008 09:57 AM

I have to confess, I tried it this morning, and I like it. It's just a thin line, barely noticeable, beginning mid-eye on the lower lid to the corner. You can barely see it. But I like the effect. I want it so subtle that it would take at least a triple-take for someone to tell for sure. What it does is somehow bring just a little color into my graying features.

Rob Instigator 01.11.2008 10:18 AM

get yr lady to rouge her nipples and pretend you are the pussy-master of mesopotamia

ALIEN ANAL 01.11.2008 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
What I'm talking about definitely is the subtle Depp fine-line look, not the Cure raccoon look. How silly do you think I am?

I think rob stingstigator said it best--I'm free to do what I want any old time. And actually, Tanky, for your info, Keef and I share a lot in common, thank you very much.

oh fuck off
what did i say from the start

gmku 01.11.2008 12:17 PM

hey, I like you. You're a nice lady.

Kina 01.19.2008 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
I have to confess, I tried it this morning, and I like it. It's just a thin line, barely noticeable, beginning mid-eye on the lower lid to the corner. You can barely see it. But I like the effect. I want it so subtle that it would take at least a triple-take for someone to tell for sure. What it does is somehow bring just a little color into my graying features.

That's great! Eyeliner can bring a little definition too which is nice, and I think if it's done right it can make a person look a bit bohemian, just like a cool hat or scarf can

gmku 01.19.2008 07:54 PM


gmku 01.19.2008 08:17 PM

oh, how droll... terribly, terribly droll...


gmku 01.19.2008 08:33 PM


Keef says, "Wot's all this then about gmku and eyeliner? If the fucker wants to wear liner let the fucker wear the fucking shit. Live and let live, wot? Wankers..."

Cantankerous 01.19.2008 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Crumb's Crunchy Delights

"Midlife crisis is a term used to describe a period of dramatic self-doubt that is typically felt in the "middle years" of life, as gmku senses the passing of youth and the imminence of old age. Sometimes, transitions experienced in these years, such as aging in general, menopause, the death of parents, or children leaving home can trigger such a crisis. The result may be a desire to make significant changes in core aspects of day to day life or situation, such as in career, marriage, one-sided romantic relationships with teenage girls on the internet, or wearing eyeliner..."


spot on
i was waiting for someone to say it

dionysusundone 01.20.2008 01:54 AM

I still don't get why this is such a big deal on this board. Seems like most of the guys on here are really uncomfortable with their sexuality.

The fact that I wear eyeliner has been discussed on here already, so there's one person that does. (I don't do it always, or even often, mainly for shows)
When I do it, it can be anything from simple Depp-ish to the racoon look to full on exotic bird colors painted on all over my face and neck...though the last is usually actually facepaint, not makeup. (Is there really a difference?)

Then again I'm a goth-fag according to the rules of the forum, so who cares what I have to say.

Norma J 01.20.2008 02:01 AM

But! is that the rules of a Good Charlotte forum?

✌➬ 01.20.2008 02:33 AM

Who cares old fart, wear whatever.

Cantankerous 01.20.2008 02:50 AM

it works for some people, not for others. accept it and move on.

gmku 01.20.2008 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by dionysusundone
I still don't get why this is such a big deal on this board. Seems like most of the guys on here are really uncomfortable with their sexuality.

The fact that I wear eyeliner has been discussed on here already, so there's one person that does. (I don't do it always, or even often, mainly for shows)
When I do it, it can be anything from simple Depp-ish to the racoon look to full on exotic bird colors painted on all over my face and neck...though the last is usually actually facepaint, not makeup. (Is there really a difference?)

Then again I'm a goth-fag according to the rules of the forum, so who cares what I have to say.

All right! Man after me own heart! And that you get away with it in Atlanta--there is hope for this land.

gmku 01.20.2008 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
spot on
i was waiting for someone to say it

Yeah, but it was too easy. On the other hand, I've learned not to expect a whole lot more from this forum.

gmku 01.20.2008 03:47 PM

It seems to have become fashionable around here to parody what people think of me.

!@#$%! 01.20.2008 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
It seems to have become fashionable around here to parody what people think of me.

i think your one and only mistake was to ask what to do to a bunch of internet strangers via a poll in which you don't even ask directly but you ask "males" if they do/don't do something. i don't do makeup/tattoos/piercings but if other people wanna have them, great, it adds to the landscape.

fact is, what other people do has/should have no bearing on your decisions, and jackamamas in this board take fashion as a matter of life and death anyway--as if-- so my suggestion is, if you wanna wear makeup, or cross dress, or be a nudist, or sing in a choir, more power to you sir, please be it & enjoy, but asking people whose sense of self worth comes from what others think of them has gotta be a social minefield if i ever saw one.

from that perspective i admire atsonicpark's finger-up-the-ass thread where he "discovers" his anus and declares enjoying deliveries at the rear port-- he didn't ask "do you do it" or "what do you think" but just came out & paraded himself. now there is certainly an exhibitionistic aspect to all that which is "meh" to wise and clever me, but in the world of public discourse the bold and the nonchalant win every time.

anyway i'm having a fine cup of green tea chai this morning ("green tea tea", would that be?) and a cinnamon roll that is not too sweet, so these thoughts are powered by quality ingredients and a great, great morning. please accept as such.

and again, asking about is one thing, giving a shit about what some anonymous tithead thinks is another. the reason for your current position is that they saw a weakness, smelled blood, and went after you like a pack of hyenas. such is nature.

anyway if you think this is for you, go for it. if you don't, don't. as long as you enjoy it, do whatever the fuck you wanna do.

gmku 01.20.2008 04:45 PM

I know. I just thought it might be fun to quote the Tank.

!@#$%! 01.20.2008 04:49 PM

oh. you lost me there.

anyway i am HUNGRY and i need a real breakfast now. can't write on an empty stomach.

might be a day for buckwheat pancakes.


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