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i blame zemeckis and the fools that turned it into a cult movie for dumb conservos there's a straight line running from forrest gump to dubya. yes, the dubya that nowadays almost looks like a sage by comparison. |
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Hey, I never said anything about Tom Hanks. I don't like him in everything, but come on... Big? The Burbs? Turner & Hooch? A League of Their Own? Classic. Road to Perdition is one of my all-time favorite movies. Not top 10 probably, but top 25, sure. I have nothing against Tom Hanks. But Forrest Gump was SHIT. Pulp Fiction is the goddamn national treasure, and there has never been a more laughable robbery in the history of the Academy Awards. Seriously! Not even when English Patient beat Fargo! Nope. Forrest Gump suuuuuuuuucks. |
Tonight, felt like the original Nightmare on Elm Street.
I don't love/adore Forrest Gump, but I'd have no issue watching it if I passed by it on tv or when the mood strikes in general. |
![]() Shivers My favourite Cronenberg film, and one of my favourite horror films period. Also, relevent to recent talk about Wheatley's High-Rise, this is essentially the same idea but done a 1000 x better. ![]() |
Shivers is awesome. Though I put Videodrome and Rabid above it for sure. But still - super awesome.
Shivers and Rabid I put about equal. Videodrome is probably 'better' than both of them but there's just something about them, and Shivers in particular.
Yeah I get you. "Better" is subjective of course. All great films tho.
I went through a period of loathing Tom Hanks, but I don't remember why anymore. I loved Forrest Gump.
In fact, I have come to actually enjoy Tom Hanks. But then just recently I saw Saving Private Ryan and Bridge of Spies, and didn't like either. I think the last movie I saw was Alien: Covenant and I actually enjoyed it, even though the story was full of holes. But it was a good shoot 'em up. |
All you people hating on Forrest Gump are mad. That film was my go to film when I'd be on a comedown after a night of pills and raving. Niagara falls every time.
Forrest Gump was boring and artless, is all. It's just a pandering piece of tripe. It's like a product. Like a car designed to win those silly JD Power & Associates awards, and then lemon out two years later.
I guess as a dumbass little fairy tale it's fine, but it ain't no great or even good movie. Like I said, David Fincher did the whole thing bigger and better, from better source material and with a better end result, with the Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Big Fish is also basically Forrest Gump, only Tim Burtonized. That one is actually even worse. Ugh. I loathe those kinds of movies. Populist horseshit. Appeal to everyone, unsettle no one, inspire no thought, stand for nothing. At least Benjamin Button was elegant and beautifully filmed. |
I liked it, but I'm biased as I love everything Alien/Predator. It felt like a pretty middle-of-the-road Alien flick. It wasn't as good as Prometheus in my opinion, at least not story-wise. But it was fine as a latter day Xeno pseudo horror flick. I'll watch it again, just like I do w/ the rest of the series. |
I still haven't seen this, but it's out for rent. Maybe I'll check it out. It's weird to me that you lump Alien and Predator together. Their crossover was short lived and is definitely over, right? Or nah? I think of them as entirely separate franchises that just happens to get married for a while, like Freddy and Jason. Makes no sense. It would be cool if Predator was revisited or rebooted in a way that was actually cool. I didn't see (or I don't remember) Robert Rodriguez's "PredatorS" but I don't think it didn't the job right, or it would have sequels and stuff by now. Better director, new look, same great taste... because right now, historically, I consider it a whopping failure of a franchise. |
![]() Watched this last night, its been compared to Let the Right One In. I thought it was pretty solid, certainly worth checking out. |
Alien and Predator had two movies, but was referenced in Predator 2.
But I group them because they have longer been a single universe in the comics and continues to be today. Predators was pretty good actually. And The Predator next year is looking awesome. |
There's a Predator next year? |
Thanks for he rec! I will watch! Let the Right One In = all time top 10 horror films, easy. |
There's no way any reboot will ever top the original Predator. But it'll still be worth checking out I reckon.
Recently seen:
1. Wind River (2017)- Screenwriter Taylor Sheridan ("Sicario", "Hell Or High Water") goes behind the director's chair and knocks out a masterpiece action thriller. Elizabeth Olsen and Jeremy Renner are terrific in a slow-burn murder mystery that fully understands the silence between people is often more dramatic than gunshots. Sheridan is slowly bringing intelligence back to the action film. One of my faves of the year. 2. They Were Expendable (1945)- Still working my way through all of John Ford's films. One of the few to touch on WWII directly, this one feels more fatalistic than anything else because it was made right after he himself returned from the war. 3. Salt and Fire (2016)- The great Werner Herzog directs a true dud. Something about environmental disasters, salt flats and blind Bolivian children. 4. Judge Fayard aka The Sheriff (1978)- France's answer to American workmanlike filmmakers such as Don Siegel and Michael Winner was Yves Boisset. This one is reeeaallly good about a determined judge (Patrick Deware) to bring down a shadow organization of ex-Algerian soldiers and money laundering CEO's. Lots of murders, paranoia and tricky French politics. 5. Whose Streets? (2017)- A timely documentary... a true anatomy of a riot that feels microcosmic of our current times. 6. Caged Heat (1974)- One of the few Jonathan Demme I hadn't seen. Women in prison cult classic that features more nuance than the usual fare. Also, I really love Crystin Sinclaire. Seems like she only did a few things in the 70's than fell off the cinematic radar. 7. The Sunshine Makers (2016)- Documentary about LSD producers in the late 60's. Kinda makes one want to boil up some LSD... until the prison sentences, hefty fines and forced hibernation to Canada. 8. 31 (2015)- I used to like Rob Zombie horror movies. "House of 1,000 Corpses" is all kinds of funky. This one.... terrible. If psychotic dwarf Nazi's are your bag, then have fun. |
Watched KIll Bill I + II back to back last night.
Still love Part I Liked Part II better than I ever have, but FUCK those last 45 minutes DRAG opn and on and on. I recalled to my wife while we atched it that, when it came out at the movies, I went to see it with a friend and he got mad because I kept exclaiming aloud in the theater, "GET TO IT ALREADY!" so fucking boring. and then I remembered that, after the five point palm thing, I said "so we waited all this fucking time for some quick ass rocking-chair swordplay?". |
I like II more than I. I always have. Both great films, but II has more substance.
I find II to be overlong, and the whole character of Bill and his slave assassin concubines to be thin and unbelievable in ways the ridiculousness of the previous 240 minutes were not. I do not understand how the little girl treats someone she never met like a close relative, or how the little girl seems to not give a flying fuck about the fact that the old fart who is her dad suddely is not around anymore. I don;t think there is any "substance" in either part actually, as it is all just a glorious pastiche of about 30 different films. Great entertainment, up to the last 45 minutes. so slow. so boring. so weaksauce.
i thought both movies were shit. sorry guys! XD
shrug. I love them both. But yeah I do prefer the 2nd. Seen em both many times. I also love Deathproof so what-fucking-ever haha.
so one person in the whole multiverse actually liked Deathproof?
the robert rodríguez one was great tho. what was the name of it.
--- PLANET TERROR! i dont remember much of it but i remember i had fun |
well at least two. My wife loves it as well. |
I watched Death Proof again quite recently and, while there's still loads of things about it I can't stand, I did enjoy it a lot more this time round. I think the secret is just to watch it for Kurt Russell and Rose McGowan and try to ignore everything else about it.
I love Planet Terror |
![]() Best part about Deathproof for me, and the one? time I've seen it. Mary Elizabeth Winstead. |
Mary Elizabeth Winstead tho.
Yes. Thank you.
Im pretty sure we've been over this before, so sorry in advance for repeating myself, but I saw the first Kill Bill and I thought, "Tarantino's back, and he doesn't give a FUCK. This is awesome." Waited like everyone else for vol. II, and when I saw it I was so determined to like it I couldn't admit that it felt like a letdown. Only after repeated viewings did I realize that the two movies combined have a little bit of pretty much everything anyone could ever want in a movie. Vol. II is harder because it shows some lows for the protagonist, instead of just showing the protagonist doing nothing but kicking ass after ass after ass. It shows her losing, and it shows her in peril, so it's less of a crowd pleaser. But it has some poignant emotional moments. David Caradine was excellent. The drama was real, not fantasy, and there are some interesting, intimate character studies in there. Five-point palm exploding heart technique is a metaphor for heartbreak, of course.... was it you who was irritated about that? I forget. Anyway, it served its purpose. All things considered, the two movies together are my second favorite Tarantino film. Not that I watch it often. |
The Frighteners
I remember that one being a lot of fun in the theater. |
I ruled it a keeper. Not to mention it's by Peter Jackson, who is underrated/underappreciated beyond his LOTR work.
Whaaaaat? I thought that was by Robert Zemeckis!!! :eek: ETA: Now why the fuck did I think that? Now I feel like I remember being pumped about LOTR partially because of the Frighteners. And Dead Alive. OMG HAVE YOU EVER SEEN DEAD ALIVE? |
Zemeckis is Executive Producer and "Presents" according to IMDB. It's Jackson that directs though. Danny Elfman on the soundtrack.
Yes on Dead Alive...your mom ate my dog! I kick arse for the lord. *insert other quote* Good movie. Not so hot on "Bad Taste", and need to re-watch Heavenly Creatures. |
couple of recent ones
Baby Driver, meh, sorta decent soundtrack but so derivative, female lead looks an awful lot like JJ Leigh. What happened to Monday, not bad, some questionable logic and a little more shoot-em-up than needed, but a decent premise and pretty well executed. |
Films I watched/re-watched during the hurricane while Mrs. Instigator and I were stuck at home for two weeks.
Dune, the extended supercut version, 314 minutes long. Took two days to finish! I love Dune. it is a flawed perfection I guess. Kill Bill I and II Shoot em Up - still as fun and visceral and John Woo magnificent as ever. Monica belluci? yaasssssss Monkey Business - Marx Bros. - One of my fave possessions is a 6 DVD set of the very earliest Marx Bros movies, where they were still so anarchic and young.... I love the fucking Marx bros. |
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