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!@#$%! 11.07.2020 03:28 PM


Skuj 11.07.2020 03:42 PM

There was a red mirage early on election day counting. We expected that. The Trumpies didn't mail-in.

We already knew that Trump was going to declare victory early, then cry FRAUD as mail-ins got counted.

Nothing, and I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING has gone off script here.

But it sure would be nice if there wasn't millions upon millions of koolaiders who hang onto every bullshit word that Fuckface spews.

!@#$%! 11.07.2020 04:37 PM

saw this comment online:


Originally Posted by somebody somewhere
Cheeto is now officially TOSTITO

:D :D :D


meanwhile they’re having block parties in new york

Skuj 11.07.2020 04:44 PM

I went to Fox News for 10sec that I will never get back.

There seems to be no social distancing at these parties!!! :)

But seriously though, from what I see, most have masks.

Skuj 11.07.2020 05:08 PM

Donald Trump: 70,598,535 - 47.7%

Joe Biden: 74,857,880 - 50.6%

Not just once, but twice, the American people voted less for Trump.

(In civilized countries we call this "The Vote".)

Severian 11.07.2020 05:41 PM

Happy Christmas, mates, the war is over.

Skuj 11.07.2020 05:45 PM

Kamala Harris' middle name is Devi.


Robert Schunk 11.07.2020 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Kamala Harris' middle name is Devi.


And her first name means "horrible" in Finnish! :p

_tunic_ 11.07.2020 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Happy Christmas, mates, the war is over.

shameless plug:


While you're there, track 14 is also fitting

Every knee shall bow
And every tongue confess
I say, the coming of Joe is near


Skuj 11.07.2020 07:43 PM

Mike Pence sure has been quiet lately, hasn't he?

His Joeness will soon speak!!

!@#$%! 11.07.2020 07:44 PM

now seriously let’s brace ourselves for how many days of rage that will follow?

the obese turtle will pardon himself preemptively, as well as every corrupt acolyte who pays him, destroy whatever he can, maybe start some shit up abroad.

Skuj 11.07.2020 08:13 PM

We are in the fucking Twilight Zone. Trump will ensure that he goes down in flames, instead of shocking us all with some late stage epiphany.

70 fucking days of raging pandemic.

I'm seeing the crowd awaiting Joe. I haven't seen this in 4 years. It's a very different kind of crowd than we see at the Trumpy rallies. It's actually shocking to see this.

_tunic_ 11.07.2020 08:29 PM

Foxnews posted the following article:

Flashback: Trump in October said, 'Could you imagine if I lose?'

That Biden tweet is brilliant (not new, from October 17)!!!

Speech is starting!

Skuj 11.07.2020 08:46 PM

Let's face it: After 4 very depressing/traumatic years, us "blue" people feel liberated. The whole mood is going to change. Joe's giving a great speech.

!@#$%! 11.07.2020 09:01 PM

that was a nice fucking speech. such a relief!

Robert Schunk 11.07.2020 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that was a nice fucking speech. such a relief!

It was a nice speech, speaking of reconciliation and reuniting the people. And at noon today I was at the State House here in Providence, where I saw a small group of Trump supporters with signs saying "Stop the Steal", while a larger group of Biden supporters were peacefully and politely demonstrating without anger or rudeness towards the Trump supporters, thus pleasantly distinguishing themselves from the forty thousand people I witnessed demonstrating in Boston Common against free speech in August of 2017 with a large Antifa contingent. I attended today's demonstration(s) as an observer rather than as a partcipant, and was heartened by what I saw.

And, yet, there's this:

Leftists, Never Trumpers Begin Compiling Lists of Trump Supporters

(And, yes, it's Breitbard, but READ it and tell me which facts are incorrect.)

Robert Schunk 11.07.2020 09:58 PM

Anyways, should litigation fail, there's always the issue of Kamala Harris' Article II, Section 1 eligability for the office of Vice President, as both of her parents were, at the time of her birth on American soil, present in this country on student visas, which, quite explictily, do not grant US domicile, whereas the language of United States v. Wong Kim Ark states, in affirming Mr. Wong's US citizenship under the principle of jus soli (i.e., birthright citizenship due those born within the US of foreign-born non-citizen parents):

"[A] child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the Emperor of China, but have a permanent domicil [sic] and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the Emperor of China [...]".


The issue with Senator Harris' common-law citizenship (elsewhere distinguished from statutory citizenship within the Constitution) is that neither of her parents were US domiciliaries at the time of her birth (i.e., a student visa is not a "green card").

tw2113 11.07.2020 10:13 PM

there's still time for some sort of Ebeneezer Scrooge moment for Trump, but we aren't so lucky.

Robert Schunk 11.07.2020 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
We are in the fucking Twilight Zone. Trump will ensure that he goes down in flames, instead of shocking us all with some late stage epiphany.

70 fucking days of raging pandemic.

I'm seeing the crowd awaiting Joe. I haven't seen this in 4 years. It's a very different kind of crowd than we see at the Trumpy rallies. It's actually shocking to see this.

Actually, the smartest thing that President Trump could do is to complete the construction of the Mexican border wall to the extent he is able given whatever time he might have. That will put the Democrats (and establishment Republicans) in the position of proving their complicity with the corporations in supplying cheap labor by means of their highly visible dismantling of the wall, which will not be reported by the corporate media, but will reach the Amereican people via alternative media.

h8kurdt 11.08.2020 03:24 AM

Considering he's had four years to do that I can't see it happening somehow.

_tunic_ 11.08.2020 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by tw2113
there's still time for some sort of Ebeneezer Scrooge moment for Trump, but we aren't so lucky.

I already posted this in the Trump thread, here's the probably original source, from Wall Street Journal:
Trump Fundraising for Legal Challenges Would Also Pay Down Debt
So we have a millionaire asking money from lower income people. Sounds like Scrooge to me !! And a too large portion is not used for what they claim it to be used for. Sounds like fraudulent to me.

Completely unrelated, but Trump supporters dancing along with Rage Against The Machine should pay better attention to what they're singing along with
Rage Against The Machine’s Tom Morello thinks Trump supporters have missed the point of Killing In The Name

Kuhb 11.08.2020 07:14 AM

Congratulations on defeating fascism at the ballot box. If only the Germans had thought of that

h8kurdt 11.08.2020 08:50 AM

This four seasons landscaping press conference has to be one of the funniest things this year. Admittedly there hasn't been much to laugh about but my fucking god. If they'd written that in the thick of it you'd have said it was too far-fetched.


_tunic_ 11.08.2020 09:18 AM


Four Seasons: Donald Trump's campaign team mocked for booking wrong venue

Donald Trump and his team have been ridiculed online after appearing to accidentally book a gardening center for a "big press conference." The campaign repeated claims of fraud from a parking lot instead of a hotel.

!@#$%! 11.08.2020 09:25 AM

i know what the fraud is—someone told the stupid bastards they were “smart” and they’ve been operating on that false assumption ever since. (you know how trump likes to claim he’s “smart.”)

goobers please pack your shit up and go home.

!@#$%! 11.08.2020 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by fox news
[...] During an Oct. 16 rally at the Middle Georgia Regional Airport in Macon, Ga., Trump broached the specter of him losing to Biden in front of hundreds of supporters.

"I shouldn’t joke, I shouldn’t joke because you know what? Running against the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics puts pressure on me. Could you imagine if I lose?" Trump said at the time.

"My whole life — what am I going to do? I’m going to say, I lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics! I’m not going to feel so good. Maybe I’ll have to leave the country, I don’t know."

The moment was snipped and weaved into a Biden campaign, with Biden posting the video on Twitter with the caption "Promise?"

Bytor Peltor 11.08.2020 11:17 AM

Today is the begging of an EPIC week before us. The Trump campaign in Pennsylvania has obtained a court order which effectively means thousands of provisional ballots will be set aside for up to 6 days.



Bytor Peltor 11.08.2020 11:17 AM

The above court order was a result of a signed affidavit from Erie, Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins:





The Richard Hopkins affidavit is now in the hands of Sen. Lindsey Graham and the Senate Judiciary Committee. Lindsey Graham calls for DOJ investigation after USPS whistleblower affidavit alleges ballot fraud

Bytor Peltor 11.08.2020 11:18 AM

Mail-in/Absentee votes for Biden in those states DWARFED margins of other swing states: Ohio, Arizona, Georgia, Minnesota, North Carolina, Florida

Pennsylvania 59.1%
Michigan 37.9%

This is considered a statistical improbability and highly suspicious!


6,000 Trump votes given to Biden in Michigan County “glitch”

Javier Oliveros tweet (76k follower......just for _tunic_)

“Laura Cox, Presidente del Partido Republicano de Michigan asegura que Docenas de condados utilizaron un software que provocó que 6.000 votos en un condado cambiaran de Trump a Biden. "Estos condados deben examinar de cerca sus resultados en busca de discrepancias similares”

Watch the video _tunic_

“Laura Cox, Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, says
DOZENS OF COUNTIES used software that caused 6,000 votes in ONE COUNTY to switch from Trump to Biden. "These counties should closely examine their results for similar discrepancies."

“Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states.”

“Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated.”



EVOLghost 11.08.2020 11:22 AM

Recount the votes! Trump can lose a second time!

Savage Clone 11.08.2020 11:38 AM

Minnesota is not a swing state by any measure, despite recent minor shifts in red neck counties.

_tunic_ 11.08.2020 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Minnesota is not a swinging state by any measure


you've got Bob Dylan, Prince, Low, Dark Dark Dark,
is than not swinging enough?


Savage Clone 11.08.2020 01:05 PM


Severian 11.08.2020 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that was a nice fucking speech. such a relief!

Bit heavy on the God shit for me, but yeah.

When he said, “My fellow Americans,” I might have feared up a little.

Skuj 11.08.2020 02:14 PM

I think Trump needs to go to fucking jail for what he has been doing recently, and for what he will undoubtedly do in the coming days/weeks.

I'm curious about something: What percentage of the 70+ million Magabillies actually buys this "widespread voter fraud / stolen election" narrative? Surely it cannot be 100% or 75%, can it?

Let me guess: We'll see (well...I won't see it!) posts about Voter Fraud / Stolen Election conspiracy theories, "sourced from" New York Post, Breitbart, etc, etc, presented by Byteme, Skunk, Demon, etc, etc, complete with graphics and memes, but no actual evidence, for years to come. Right?

tw2113 11.08.2020 02:51 PM

There's only so many straws!

Skuj 11.08.2020 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
There's only so many straws!

But don't they gulp the koolaid?

Skuj 11.08.2020 05:26 PM

Lindsey Graham won re-election, and now he has completely lost it:

tw2113 11.08.2020 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
But don't they gulp the koolaid?

They probably sip it through the straws

tw2113 11.08.2020 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Lindsey Graham won re-election, and now he has completely lost it:

Maybe not in Graham's lifetime, but I can't say I believe there will never be another republican president ever again

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