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Adam's visitation starts in one hour (0900 EST) and the funeral starts in two hours (1000 EST).
When you think about the person / people who will speak at Adam's funeral later today, I wonder if they knew him better or we knew him better? I'm guessing the personality that jumped through our computer screens probably radiated in person......sure wish I could be in attendance. Down the hall, Mr. Kenneth Roger Baker is in the parlor......wonder if any of his family will venture in to Adam's service? ![]() |
His band mates Kyle, Booe and some close friends will be the pall bearers at his funeral. Not sure who will be speaking. Anyone associated with Adam's drug life from the past year is forbidden from attending. I hope he has a nice ceremony. I somehow managed to not burst into tears as soon as I woke up this morning, I'm sure that will change as I will be thinking hard about him today.
I'm not sure that we knew him better than his friends but he was definitely more open with us whether on the board or in private. I think he was embarrassed by his problems and found it hard to speak about in person. Kyle had to get the story of Adam's last year from his mom but somehow I already knew everything that was relayed back to me. That didn't feel right. |
I disagreed with Adam on a load of things, in the best possible way - he always listened to recommendations and took the time to think about stuff properly. Rarely reactionary, often hysterical, often a proper wind-up merchant. He was fucking awesome. I'm particularly sad for Derek.
Finding positives - I'm sure a lot of people would like to see some of his releases put out there, is anyone interested in putting some money together to get a proper record put out or something? There's obviously a shitload of music he made (and films, obviously) that it'd be really nice to get out there, and maybe think about profits going to a suitable charity? Anyway - overwhelmingly, rest in peace dude, you were fucking awesome. |
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Glice again.
Hell of an idea. Id be willing to chip in |
^^^As would I......
Good to know his band mates were taking part......thanks for sharing that bit of news. |
This was posted on a Facebook page about Adam's films.
"His funereal was packed guys. They buried him in a sonic t shirt, jeans, and a red flannel. The graveyard were they buried him was a place he and Kyle had filmed part of fracture. I made sure to mention all the people who loved him from the his online life and all the people he touched with his art that he had never met in person. I wanted all you wonderful people to be represented." Don;t know if this person who posted this is on SYG or what. His name is Paul Michael Wayne Norton |
Norton was a good early local friend of Adam's. I burst out crying when I read that he was buried in his Sonic t-shirt.
on here for the first time in ages since finding out via fb about adam's passing.. such a depressingly tragic loss of an extremely talented guy..
I thought it was interesting to see so many of y'all "real life" facebooks on that tribute. It was very meaningful, especially the Diamond Sea post. I'm glad that this brought us all back even for short while, to remember how this forum has actually been a part of our real lives, not just virtual fun. We have real friendships, real family connections, some us even married each other and started new families. Sonic Youth is a band that we get such few opportunities to talk about with other people outside of the SYG community, we're like Deadheads in that regard. Also, atsonicpark shows that most of us battle the same demons. I've fought mine, and for now, I've been clean for several years, long enough to have even totally forgot what the sensation and feeling of hard drugs even feels like. However, not long enoug to be naive enough to pretend I'm out of the woods. If anything, atsonicpark's passing at 27 reminds me why I so sincerely and passionately celebrating my 28th b-day a few years ago, when you play with drugs, its "buy the ticket take the ride" wherever it goes, and for many, it doesn't get past that :( We love and miss you atsonicpark, and will celebrate your life and how we have all shared in it together. |
love this post. so true.. and awesome that you are clean and doing well my old friend! are you still in LA? anything new and exciting going on? |
Yes I'm in LA and that is why I'm clean. Doing drugs is so 1990s for LA, somebody should have told Justin Beiber yo |
Sort of befitting that Adam was laid to rest on the same day as Philip Seymour Hoffman.
I didn't realize who you were talking about, sounds like he had a real impact on people even for all his problems. 27 is so young but he seemed to live as full a life as he could get. Isn't that a message to all of us? RIP.
It's beautiful to see all of this on here. I loved Adam Cooley more than most people I know in real life. If this board has ever done anything for me it's introduce me to him and Derek. I'm still finding it hard to deal with this week in general. Adam, even in death, has a way of putting everything into perspective.
Doods, I love the love in this thread. Seeing so many folks show up I haven't talked to in a while is a testament to what Adam meant to this board. |
i stick to tumblr and being depressing and whiny elsewhere nowadays. i wanted to see what was happening here. as soon as i heard, i contacted derek. it's been a rough week. when him and hoffman died 2 days after i had a close call it was a wake-up call. i probably still won't be here much, though.
based hayden, what's yr tumblr these days?
mines pretty much for my wife to post pictures of witches and fairies, but I still look from time to time. |
i think its officialhayden or haydenofficial or something one of those. it's mostly text-posts and gay porn and me clearly losing my mind
All these names I haven't seen for so long.
I only keep occasional contact with Drone and talk to Derek regularly when he isn't deleting all social media and shit. missed you, old man
same |
Surely the most prolific SYG'er. Anyone know the circumstances of his death?
We have gossip and suspicions and needless to say they aren't nice, so lets focus on his life instead, celebrating death is for commemorating Saints and Martyrs, something I don't think atsonicpark would have wanted in the least.. |
I can never rep you enough Habte. |
Derek mentioned something to that effect earlier in the thread. Derek was very close to Adam, so if you want to know i suggest you ask respectfully. |
All I know is that he choked on his own vomit while he slept. I also happen to know that he had a bad opiate problem in the past few months so you can put two and two together I'd hope. I can't confirm that as the whole truth though.
Went down to Boots today to get a photo of Adam printed out. Here's a photo of a photo of a photo... of a photo. He'll be glad he has classic Simpsons seasons to keep him company. ![]() |
I remember that photo. That's a nice one Derek.
Also printed out a picture of him with a member of POLYSICS. He's blu-tacked on my wall next to a postcard that says THE ART OF SHINTARO KAGO on it.
the pic I always think of w/ Adam is the one as him dressed as Link.
^^^ I tried to find that (hence the "bonus points for elf cosplay" in my first post), but then again, I thought he was dressed as Zelda....:o
That picture was on his myspace but alas myspace has revamped so many times that I don't think I can access his pictures there anymore.
nooooooooooo I think we lost it!! :( http://sonicyouth.com/gossip/showpos...ostcount=33337 |
I think this is the "classic" picture of him:
![]() Then again... ![]() |
Adam's friends are doing a retrospective of his work on the 15th. I've been asked to request that anyone who wishes to submit a video for screening or perhaps some music dedicated to Adam should direct themselves to Kyle Willey at tragiccreature@gmail.com.
Derek - I've got an MP3 of a track I recorded w/Cantankerous/Satan 5 years ago - would you consider this an appropriate song to contribute to Kyle's retrospective? - https://soundcloud.com/mellysingsdoo...-radiator-song |
Definitely. Please send it along to Kyle.
Derek - have just sent to Kyle right now. :)
I deleted my earlier post. Don't really know why.
And I still don't really quite know what to say. This fucking sucks. My thoughts are with everyone who was close to Adam. It was really heartwarming to see all the facebook posts and messages in this thread. Derek, i think you did a great Job with your words and thoughts on your friend. He would've really appreciated it. I kinda knew him a bit through exchanging messages with him on this board a few years ago. What can one say about him? He was absolutely ace! open, honest, funny, enthusiastic. It's hard to think of one person who knows his shit like adam did. Got exposed to tons and tons of interesting stuff through him. |
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