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floatingslowly 06.13.2012 03:18 PM

I would like to make the sex to !@#$%%%!.

His attempts to explain-away our sorted rendezvous with plaintive cries of "never having done this before" prove false as he takes joyous leisure in his skillful administrations toward my lovemissile.

We part at 3am; he, asleep on a cowskin rug depicting a southwestern motiff, and I, stealing-away into the warm New Mexican night, satiated yet never willing to forget our time together on Ballbreak Montaňa.

I leave $2.75 in change on the nightstand as a way of saying "thank you".

!@#$%! 06.13.2012 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I would like to make the sex to !@#$%%%!.

in your dreams, skeletor

truncated 06.13.2012 05:05 PM

^^^I laughed.

floatingslowly 06.13.2012 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
in your dreams, skeletor

By the power of gayskull, I've never been called that name before, She-Ra.

truncated 06.14.2012 05:46 AM

I always wanted to be her when I was a kid:


I still do.

EVOLghost 06.14.2012 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by halfeatencake
Adam Cooley

I'd love to stick a finger in his butt too.

EVOLghost 06.14.2012 06:48 AM

Slavo's butt <3

floatingslowly 06.14.2012 06:52 AM

Now you've gone too too far.

That's disgusting.

SONIC GAIL 06.18.2012 08:38 PM

I would fuck most of you. i would fuck yr souls.

floatingslowly 06.18.2012 08:54 PM

What if we have no soul? What if we're all machine?

I'd machine-fuck you. :(

ink. 06.18.2012 08:55 PM

what the fuck

floatingslowly 06.18.2012 08:58 PM

Shut up and fuck, now.

ink. 06.18.2012 08:58 PM

w/robot parts.

floatingslowly 06.18.2012 09:03 PM

Or whatever's handy.

EVOLghost 06.18.2012 09:09 PM

I like to think both of you are right next to each other...posting...on a message board.

ink. 06.18.2012 09:24 PM

we were. Then floating farted and left the room.

ink. 06.18.2012 09:24 PM

and came back with animal crackers.

ink. 06.20.2012 10:35 AM

The cat animal crackers have udders/breasts. It's kind of sick.

floatingslowly 06.20.2012 11:04 AM

It's fur.

That doesn't stop me from nibbling them off first.

ink. 06.20.2012 11:08 AM

my cat keeps farting. and theyre stinky.

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