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Diesel 01.10.2021 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
You can say how dangerous the stuff they've been posting is but the fact is that not a single person on here has fallen for it (demo was on his own trip I think. A fallen comrade. Thoughts and prayers.) and gone "oh yeah...maybe they DO have a point." They're posting on a tiny forum that has about 15, at the most, regular posters. If they're posting the nonsense they post on Facebook, twitter etc then yeah that's a bit dry but here? Nobody's listening. The last thing I want is this place to turn into an echo chamber.

Ironically the echochamber reason was Demonrails' excuse for having them here as well. It holds zero weight as the history of this place will tell you when these idiots weren't posting this garbage the forum was doing just fine. No-one here was thinking oh man I wish there was some daft cunt posting alt-right conspiracies every day so I could tell them it's wrong like telling off a toddler.

I guess it depends how you like spending your time: the odd stupid post by them you can laugh at but when it's daily spam of conspiracy child sacrifice paedophile rings and Neo-Nazi bullshit etc etc etc quoted directly from hate speech provocateurs I draw the line. Do you seriously think this shit is discussion worthy? Seems to me you just love the drama.

h8kurdt 01.10.2021 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel
Ironically the echochamber reason was Demonrails' excuse for having them here as well. It holds zero weight as the history of this place will tell you when these idiots weren't posting this garbage the forum was doing just fine. No-one here was thinking oh man I wish there was some daft cunt posting alt-right conspiracies every day so I could tell them it's wrong like telling off a toddler.

I guess it depends how you like spending your time: the odd stupid post by them you can laugh at but when it's daily spam of conspiracy child sacrifice paedophile rings and Neo-Nazi bullshit etc etc etc quoted directly from hate speech provocateurs I draw the line. Do you seriously think this shit is discussion worthy? Seems to me you just love the drama.

Discussion worthy? Not particularly. However, like a hypocrite i've argued as much as anyone else on here when they've posted absolute nonsense. Probably too often as has repeatedly been pointed out by others on here. Looking at you !@#$%!. For the most part I've refused to rise to Tesla's baits about 5g, or Bytor's Hunter Biden posts. They're not worth getting into. General politics (whatever that is in this day an age) I've tried to call them out on. End if the day we all have the ability to ignore their postings and just go on talking with other people on here. Nobody is forced to see their posts. The ignore button is right there. Lord knows I've come close to pressing it myself.

I'll also say this in Bytor's defence. Whilst he posts absolute WHAM in these political threads outside his contributions when it comes to music is always interesting. If he's banned there's that element lost. The same can't be said of Robert and Tesla.
I'll be glad of that one month respite when the bet me and Bytor had is settled.

Anyway, it's not up to me whongets banned and who doesn't. Down to the mods wherever they are.

!@#$%! 01.10.2021 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Looking at you !@#$%!.


look, i think giving them attention helps their cause and they'd be best left ignored, but i understand the need to fight back. shit, that's what i've been doing here mostly, to remove the welcome mat to right wing lunatics. this place is not a free shitbox for their mental derangement.


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
End if the day we all have the ability to ignore their postings and just go on talking with other people on here. Nobody is forced to see their posts. The ignore button is right there. Lord knows I've come close to pressing it myself.

in theory sure but i dont appreciate that when i try to ignore them and take a mental vacation you keep quoting their shit and then i have to see it, in spite of many requests for the favor of sparing us the sight. im not going to put you on ignore, but i do have to pay a price for this, so what you do negates what you said above.

and anyway, since you mentioned me here (just when i though i was out they pull me back in) i'll say something i was refraining from saying earlier:

maybe diesel is right and you like the drama? "sexy car crash" you called it.

don't they have a good soap opera in your tv? why stoke one here? :confused:

anyway i appreciate that you made the bet with bytor to fuck off, but a mere 30 day absence is not worth all the noise. nevertheless i'll take my nourishment where i can find it, so i'm looking forward to the delayed aftermath of that pyrrhic victory regardless.

Skuj 01.10.2021 03:27 PM

Well, forgive me for being contrarian, but vile, racist (how many times did he mention "Hussein" when talking about Obama, and not just for completist purposes?) bullshit, and a constant stream of the worst kind of "sources", on an obscure webpage for a band that died over 10 years ago, even if his other discussions are somehow enlightening, does not get a pass from me. I'm appalled even after I ignore him and see some quoted posts. Undoing him yesterday to look at the last few pages in full was sickening. I think he got worse over the years. He needs to be called out for this. And imho, he needs to fuck off.

Skuj 01.10.2021 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
What post?! Basically your entire posting history from the last 4 years, so how long have you got? Lel. Lets pick something more fresh in the memory though eh, like two pages or so ago. Just recently you've been re-posting Lin Woods' hate speech direct from Twitter, the same posts which got him banned from the platfoem and has since got him banned from Parlour. This place is obviously not foken Twitter or Parlour so I don't expect to log in here only to see the same alt-right lies, conspiracist, QAnon bullshit spammed over and over again.

Iike Shunk, you should be banned as you're no worse than him and if he's bannable then you're just as complicit. You're dragging this place down the foken shitta.


Skuj 01.10.2021 03:56 PM

Anyway, back to the topic at hand:

What will Pence do, now that the Trumpanzees hate him? He's got nothing to lose. (Can Trump fire him?)

Will he make a speech soon?

Popular wisdom has it that because he, you know, followed the law (and therefore broke with Trump), he has no political future. He was damned if he did, and damned if he didn't.

Skuj 01.10.2021 04:47 PM

I am beyond thrilled that the effort by some Repukes to challenge the electoral college vote appears to have backfired badly. Hopefully this continues to stick to Cruz et al.

The Soup Nazi 01.10.2021 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
The last thing I want is this place to turn into an echo chamber.

False choice. On politics/economics alone, there's plenty we can and do disagree on, sticking to the facts. The motherfuckers who should be banned forever are in another GALAXY - a fucked-up racist reality-denying one.

Diesel 01.11.2021 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Well, forgive me for being contrarian, but vile, racist (how many times did he mention "Hussein" when talking about Obama, and not just for completist purposes?) bullshit, and a constant stream of the worst kind of "sources", on an obscure webpage for a band that died over 10 years ago, even if his other discussions are somehow enlightening, does not get a pass from me. I'm appalled even after I ignore him and see some quoted posts. Undoing him yesterday to look at the last few pages in full was sickening. I think he got worse over the years. He needs to be called out for this. And imho, he needs to fuck off.

Like many others here I've enjoyed a few of his music and obscure art posts in the past, pre toxicity. However it doesn't excuse the hateful bilge spewing forth all owa the shop since then.

In a hypothetical world Nigel Farage is a huge SY fan and he joins the forum. Would you be inclined to discuss his favourite delectable real ale recipes?* as I hear he has immaculate taste. Or would you be more inclined to glass the divvy with his favourite tankard?

*At which point we may aswell invite Nick Griffin round to discuss his favourite underground Nazi-Punk bands.

!@#$%! 01.11.2021 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel
However it doesn't excuse the hateful bilge spewing forth all owa the shop since then.

indeed. hermann göring had a nice art collection

should we invite his ghost to ask for looting recommendations?

nicfit 01.11.2021 12:22 PM

Well, he's banned now.
I just re-read the first post of the "be nice to each other" thread pinned in this section, and that's probably enough to give guidelines pretty easy to understand, unless you're willingly ignoring the damage / danger that posting certain content without any kind of filter/fact checking poses, especially in these times.

Antagon 01.11.2021 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
Well, he's banned now.

That sweet, sweet sentence. I wanna frame it.

!@#$%! 01.11.2021 01:12 PM

sigh of relief!

h8kurdt 01.11.2021 02:00 PM

In the interest of balance I shall now be posting ramblings and conspiracy theories.

Skuj 01.11.2021 03:55 PM

Wow! He's banned.

1. I'm happy. Thanks Mod(s).
2. I really did not talk to any mods. It was just an idle threat.

Skuj 01.11.2021 08:37 PM

I keep thinking that last Wednesday is the worst that it can get.

But, I worry that even that event is not the bottom.

Trumpism has exposed a dark, ugly side of America that isn't going to crawl back into a hole anytime soon.

Savage Clone 01.11.2021 09:11 PM

Snowflakes on a plane

!@#$%! 01.12.2021 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Snowflakes on a plane

thanks for this. the best part was listening to that racist bastard outing himself by screaming "you're treating me like a […] black person".

well, im glad he knows now how it feels, but he was lying really, i didn't see anyone's knee on his neck.

Rob Instigator 01.12.2021 11:00 AM

1/6/2021 was a demo to show the racists what to do on 1/20.

it will be UGLY.

_tunic_ 01.12.2021 11:49 AM

And not only in DC ...

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