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HaydenAsche 10.11.2006 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous

Chris is going to love it.

blue sunlover 10.11.2006 08:42 AM

everything is ok as long as you know your own borders.But if you take to much of whatever your mind doesn t work anymore.(you get depressions fears,lost of reality paranoia etc.......)
mary is ok, if you don t use it every day (i mean as long as you don t think need it, your mind can be addicted and you have the impression that you can t function whithout it)

alkohol is even worse .you can get a physical addiction,that desrtroys your hole nervoussystem,and it really makes you sick.especially strong alkohol .

mary+ alc together makes you go crazy and kids should naver use these together.

i don t know much about chemical drugs but i known that i hate them,becuz no matter how much you take they will destroy you one day,and it s difficult to stop your addiction.

ALIEN ANAL 10.18.2006 12:49 PM

weell i tell you, im feeling pretty beansed about now.
whats going on.

Rob Instigator 10.18.2006 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Gulasch Noir
me too, me too

me too me too me too

jon boy 10.18.2006 12:56 PM

why would anyone wanna brag or talk about dope?

ALIEN ANAL 10.18.2006 12:58 PM

im not bragging, whats with the hatred, i find many topics of the world interesting, especially understanding and learning how other peoples minds work. interesting topic to me, thats alls i gotta say

jon boy 10.18.2006 01:02 PM

your stoned right?

HaydenAsche 10.18.2006 01:03 PM

Jon Boy,

Don't try to converse with Alien Anal. S/He is clearly a fucking idiot. I suppose being from Australia doesn't help.


ALIEN ANAL 10.18.2006 01:04 PM


ALIEN ANAL 10.18.2006 01:04 PM

what the beans. Why am i being judged so quickly

gmku 10.18.2006 01:06 PM

this thread title makes me think of that old blues song line. I think Clapton does it. Paraphrasing: "Talk about your ganga, well, you should see mine... "

HaydenAsche 10.18.2006 01:06 PM

I'll break it down quickly for you, genius.

1) You're high.
2) Your name is ALIEN ANAL
3) You're obviously a fucking moron
4) You're from Australia.


gmku 10.18.2006 01:08 PM

whoa. that's a harsh toke, dude... ^

HaydenAsche 10.18.2006 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
whoa. that's a harsh toke, dude... ^

Yes. As per usual.

gmku 10.18.2006 01:10 PM

Okay, I have to go get lunch. I'm on a liquid diet. Tooth repaired this morning. Go ahead and make an "old man" joke out of that, I know you will, so have it about how all my teeth are falling out because I'm an old crusty fart.

ALIEN ANAL 10.18.2006 01:10 PM

Dude, i have come on the message board, havnt abused anyone of said anything out of line, where i come from has nothing to do with what my personality is like. Alien Anal is a joke, its the title of some stupid porno my and my friend passed in a movie shop. cheer up


gmku 10.18.2006 01:12 PM

Apparently you didn't read the fine print. Everyone is subject to harassment at any time from anyone. There will be no exceptions.

Savage Clone 10.18.2006 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
this thread title makes me think of that old blues song line. I think Clapton bastardizes it, shits all over it, then chews it up and spits it out to be lauded as "genius" by zillions of worshipping baby-boomers.

Such a great critique of the hermetically-sealed timewarp one's own generation lives within has never been spoken. Good job, gmku!

HaydenAsche 10.18.2006 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Okay, I have to go get lunch. I'm on a liquid diet. Tooth repaired this morning. Go ahead and make an "old man" joke out of that, I know you will, so have it about how all my teeth are falling out because I'm an old crusty fart.

Ah, you've ruined the fun.


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
Dude, i have come on the message board, havnt abused anyone of said anything out of line, where i come from has nothing to do with what my personality is like. Alien Anal is a joke, its the title of some stupid porno my and my friend passed in a movie shop. cheer up


I don't care about abusing the forum. I do that quite frequently. Saying stuff out of line? You've discovered my 'thing', dear. I don't give a fuck who you are. I can think you're an idiot for no reason at all and I do.

Savage Clone 10.18.2006 01:14 PM


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