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alteredcourse 11.16.2010 02:44 AM

I really WANT to understand you, but I dont.

You know those are words, right ? What will happen if you keep "using" them?

cryptowonderdruginvogue 11.16.2010 04:36 AM

What's going on here? I don't even...

DeadDiscoDildo 11.16.2010 04:44 AM

^^This party's kicked man, let's move on to the next one!

cryptowonderdruginvogue 11.16.2010 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
^^This party's kicked man, let's move on to the next one!


Satan 11.16.2010 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Let thje placenta do it's job

RIGHT, it's works like a filter. not saying it's a good idea to smoke but jesus christ.

and i will continue to smoke in my house (sorry not going down 14 floors for a cigarette) but i will not smoke around the kid. absolutely not, even though when i was a kid i was exposed to a hell of a lot of second hand smoke because there were 6 smokers in the house and i turned out fine, it's really not fair.

ni'k 11.16.2010 06:20 AM

what a load of crap. you know you need to quit but you don't want to so you come on here with this narcissistic self justifying bullshit to avoid the fact that you need to quit. "come on guys, tell me im not a terrible person!" irrelevant. stop wasting time because you don't want to quit.

"oh, i'll just cut down and i won't do this drug but i'll maybe just do this one every other month at the most..." blah blah fucking blah. bullshit excuse. ive said it and heard it a hundred times before and so have you.

were is the father in all this? he should have quit everything already. granted its difficult if he won't do it since you need to keep his ass around and you would be afraid of pushing him away. this is usually were a good ass kicking or at the very least a pre ass kicking pep talk comes in. where is your dad and other male relatives that can do this? were are his friends too? they should have already told him to get the fuck off all substances. he needs to have done this already. anything else is weak bullshit.

so you won't smoke around the kid, but what about when the kids in his room sleeping, you'll smoke in the living room then, and he'll come in there the next morning. how long will it be before you've broke all the meagre rules and conditions you are using to deny doing what needs to be done? not long.

you need to extricate yourself from the guilt/pleasure trap. or else you will just be oscillating between depression/guilt - the only remedy being the pleasure of giving in which causes more depression and guilt - the only remedy being the pleasure of giving in etc. etc. on and on until you get some serious illness from it.

the way out isn't some half assed discipline based on guilt. that doesn't work. you have to remove yourself from the hedonistic framework of your thinking. not actually hard. stop pursuing pleasure. pleasure is misery. look for something else. just entails not doing cigs drugs booze. something else comes eventually.

anything else is just crap. how long will it be before you are back here making another thread looking for sympathy or just talking about your problems or whatever, anything to avoid doing what needs to be done, then waiting for someone like hevusa to give you shit so you can project and start bitching at them.

and if you are smoking while pregnant and on a shit load of drugs then no, you didn't turn out all that perfect and you will quite likely pass these things on if you don't quit.

quitting takes no narcissistic self reflection, because that is not quitting. it takes no actual thought other than "i need to quit". you know as well as i do why you made this thread and how many more you'll make with the same tired excuses unless you quit. what age are you now? mid-late 20's? you are no longer little miss bad ass. time to grow up and realise you are mrs. mommy now. no more of this crap.

don't listen to the pathetic bs of a bunch of softass stoners "oh it must be so hard! you need emotional support!" blah blah fucking blah. anything to avoid doing what needs to be done. anything to make themselves feel better about what a load of hedonists they are.

unless you quit you will still carry around that permanently unsatisfied feeling, that twitchiness, your health will just get worse and worse and so so will depression and all other crap. you will be back here making another thread that doesn't end in you solving any of your problems or feeling any better.

like you don't know any of this already... like you don't know there is nothing else you could possibly say that isn't just repeating the same old tired crap.

here is a simple diagram to explain things:


then the next box i'm going to leave blank so you can fill it with any other possible thought you could ever have that isn't the word quit.

"_______________" -----> QUIT

quitting only entails not doing certain things. this is all it is. i mean you essentially just lie there. that's it. not hard. thinking about how hard it is or whatever is not actually doing it and part of the problem. you just do it.

Satan 11.16.2010 06:43 AM

i'm not looking for sympathy, pity, any of that bullshit. can i really not make a joke without it being taken completely out of context and being accused of all kinds of nefarious shit? what the fuck do you think i'm doing, swigging jack daniels and smoking crack?

i'm not projecting. i'm 20 years old. i'm not on drugs, to the extent that i quit taking every prescription i was on and sucked it up and dealt with it. i don't need fucking emotional support, i am self sufficient. if i want emotional support i will go to my close personal friends.

no, my husband has not quit smoking and has no intentions of doing so.

smoke does not linger in the air overnight. it might smell like an ashtray but the smoke clears out. we are not living in a fucking hut, we have ventilation.
if you're going to say i didn't turn out okay despite my upbringing, fine, that's your opinion, but you need to look at some very basic facts before you pass judgement. i have not taken hard drugs in nearly a year, i have no interest. that part of my life is over. we have the financial means to care for a child properly and i will raise MY child how i see fit. you wanna take a stab at it? be my guest.

i will feel no guilt. i do what i can and you can kill yourself if you have some kind of objection to my lifestyle.

quit being so fucking dogmatic about it. everyone. i don't care, i will bitch you out all day. i don't know why i constantly have to be put into a position that i have to defend myself but i'm used to being crucified by now so get your hammers and nails.

Satan 11.16.2010 06:48 AM

i am not going to post anything more about this because there are better ways to kill time. you can all speculate and come to your own conclusions.

Genteel Death 11.16.2010 06:54 AM

It's a bit rich to say that you don't care when this is the second thread about your pregnancy that you make on this forum. Not that i think you shouldn't make 3 if you like, i'm just pointing it out. Some people will disagree with your stance, get over it. It's your son, not anybody else's, so I'm sure that if anything goes wrong you will be mature enough to deal with the consequences. Good luck.

pbradley 11.16.2010 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
from the back-patters to the blatant and rude

No response from the verbally apathetic?

Satan 11.16.2010 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
It's a bit rich to say that you don't care when this is the second thread about your pregnancy that you make on this forum. Not that i think you shouldn't make 3 if you like, i'm just pointing it out. Some people will disagree with your stance, get over it. It's your son, not anybody else's, so I'm sure that if anything goes wrong you will be mature enough to deal with the consequences. Good luck.

thank you, this is a very articulate response.
by "i don't care" i mean, go ahead and say whatever you want. it's not my problem if you're an asshole.

ni'k 11.16.2010 07:01 AM

you put yourself in the position because you want to bitch instead of facing up to the fact you need to quit.

don't pretend i said you turned out bad or any of the rest of that crap. i said you're smoking when pregnant. which you are. whats the point of even going through the rest of what you said or what you might say after this. of course you realise i wasnt trying to guilt trip you, of course you realise noone is saying you are on crack. blah blah blah. you know this as well as i do. of course i know as well as you do you made this thread so someone like me or hevusa could call you on it and you could project it onto them and bitch.

don't care about you or your life or your kid or any of the rest of it, like not really. did care enough to call you on your shit and remind you of what that little voice in your head is already saying: "quit." either you listen to it or you remain in this misery spouting this crap. there is no other solution.

all the rest is crap except the quitting hard drugs. well good. now quit the rest or else you are only going to be rotating them.

now i won't reply anymore either since there's nothing more to be said.

Satan 11.16.2010 07:04 AM

i don't do any drugs, i smoke pot. it's a fucking plant.

ni'k 11.16.2010 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
have you ever been a smoker?

the diagram, i think, its much simplier than what you wrote.

if you really-really want to quit, you do it. you get helpwhatever and do it.
its because we love smoking, we like the movement (this needs fighting, cuz its 100% psychological habit) and we think we need the movement,which makes it in our heads almost impossible to happen.
of course you can call it weakness, cuz thats what it is and def its a pleasure. (i dont get why you have to attack like this, but whatever).
probably the only guilty pleasure, along with booze. i dont get musical related guilty pleasures, so.
thats why we -some of us- only want to cut down..its not because we cant quit.

don't give a shit.

i was a smoker. i quit.

you "love smoking?". if its true now it won't be true in the end. you haven't smoked for long enough. it eventually kills you. it eventually does a lot of damage to your health. eventually makes you feel very ill. eventually you won't love it anymore, or you will be a fool in denial.

still don't care and don't want to know.

Satan 11.16.2010 07:33 AM

i love smoking. i've been smoking for 8 years. i still love it.

ex smokers are so dogmatic riding around on some high horse.

ni'k 11.16.2010 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Satan
i love smoking. i've been smoking for 8 years. i still love it.

ex smokers are so dogmatic riding around on some high horse.

nope. smokers are so desperate to project onto someone else because they want to say fuck you i'm enjoying myself! they need to say this precisely because they know they aren't. why would then need to even say anything at all if their pleasure was really worth it?

have fun with your attitude. why don't you go listen to bill hicks. worked for him.

i mean his recordings obviously because he died of cancer because he was a coward who would rather bitch about non smokers being nazis than face up to the fact he was just projecting in order to avoid the fact he smoked himself to death.

Satan 11.16.2010 07:45 AM

i wouldn't do it if i didn't like it. simple fucking facts.

ni'k 11.16.2010 07:55 AM

yeah and life is about enjoyment right?

that's why you're never depressed and have never had any drug problems.

anything other than enjoyment is bullshit being forced on you by assholes you just want to steal all the fun away from you.

Genteel Death 11.16.2010 08:11 AM

To be fair, nobody forces anyone to smoke.

ni'k 11.16.2010 08:27 AM

that was not implied by what i said.

not meant to be anyway

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