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atsonicpark 04.08.2010 03:16 AM

sounds genteel.

!@#$%! 04.08.2010 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I can post, read, listen to music, watch videos, pictures and download from my phone.

of course you CAN, nobody said you can't, but i have a comfortable chair, my feet up, a drink on my side, a sufficiently big screen, a large chunky keyboard i don't need to henpeck, and i can swap screens and run shit simultaneously and don't need to be looking at a fucking 2x4 cm screen or whatever-- plus i don't need to pay "data charges" or whatever the fuck on top of the phone rates, fuck the cellphone companies, i'd rather spend my money on booze, and a fat unlimited internet pipe that doesn't throttle and lets me watch HD movies on the bigass TV.

also i like to listen to music on big fucking speakers-- those shitty little earbuds fuck me up. otherwise i enjoy silence.

then again i live on a cave that i rarely exit. i have last seen the sun maybe 2 weeks ago. nah, that's not true. i was out today but ran back inside when the sun scorched me. no that's not true either.

actually, when i need a cellphone call i ask my wife to make it. she handles the little gadgets & the social connections, the facebook, all that annoying crap that bugs the fuck out of me-- i really don't like people much--or should i say, i like them, but in small doses-- a few friends is all i can handle comfortably. also she has the ipod touch (iphone sans the phone) and it's annoying. i like a few, fundamental things--- the rest is noise and irritation. firewall: UP.

Glice 04.08.2010 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you dont need a Steve Pad. sony makes a reader-- way cheaper than the Steve pad-- sold at barnes & noble here in the u.s.-- i'm sure there's a limey equivalent, if k-mart or whoever owns b&n hasn't invaded yet. amazon has had the kindle for what, a couple of years now-- (with whatever partner that actually handles the electronix). but if you're willing to wait a little, i think either samsung or LG are testing out some kind of electronic paper-- yes-- a sheet of fucking paper that will display whatever text you wanna.

the real object of the ipad is to attach you to the noose of the itunes store. it's nice andit could be a great device if it was-- freer. a sort of "laptop light". but fuck them and their monopolistic ways-- really.

re: flash support (for those who complained about it)-- i think it has more to do with battery life as it eats up resources (or so they say). video is going html5 anyway and many people are making stevePad apps-- they KNOW people are going to buy this in troves just based on hype alone, regardless of the merits of the thing itself. hence, "apps". isn't there a youtube app on the fucking iphone already? more is coming. 1 steve to rule them all. fuck that shit.

but that shit is peanuts compared to the death of net neutrality--here in 'merica anyway-- looks like we're going to a system of feudal tollroads on the internet-- i hope the rest of the world doesn't follow-- DIE FUCKING COMCAST DIE. bitthrottled!

The lack of free updates and the general shitness (yet curious ubiquity) of itunes would definitely stop me buying it. Don't get me wrong, I can't imagine me joining the hordes of macfags any time soon, I was just getting in that 'this sort of thing' could broadly be quite useful to me. Specifically this thing, however, probably won't.

demonrail666 04.08.2010 06:32 AM

i'm still not that sure what it is.

Toilet & Bowels 04.08.2010 08:58 AM

someone told me today that using an ipad you can not put attachments on your emails

Pookie 04.08.2010 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
i'm still not that sure what it is.

Same here. I feel that if what it does can't be summed up in a couple of sentences then there can't be anything about it that would improve my life any.

I've heard loads about what it doesn't do mind.

Tokolosh 04.08.2010 12:27 PM

There are DPs who use the iPad as a camera monitor on film sets.
Way cheaper than any current 5" lcd screen on the market.

Other than that, I can't think of much use for it.

FreshChops 04.08.2010 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
wow, someone took our personal choice to un-phone personally!
"y'all" must be in need of validation from the herd.
and this is my vomitorium.
inhale deeply-- you'll feel.


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Yeah, I don't think checking a message board 3 times a day is the same as being glued to a phone 24/7.

Nothing personal at all, just ironic that the folks that have shunned the use of cell phones are the most digitally, socially glued to a forum.

I bet both of "yous guys" would shit yourself if you couldn't get to a forum in a habitual manor.... so couldn't you spare the self-righteous rant? Is one better than the other, really?

At least cell phones allow people to be mobile, as in, get out and do things, go places.... Forums are a more stagnant way to pass time.

I personally don't care if you use cell phones or not, I don't care that you live in a forum, but if you're going to shun one over the other, you might hear contrary opinions, eh? I also would be willing to bet that either of you spend more time socializing on this forum than anybody here does talking on their evil cell phones.... so, to each their own....

...and $@fuck#*face#*, if you're implying that my posts is get approval or "validation" from the herd, that's about as backwards as your cellphone logic.... why would I be calling "you" out? track my post, I think it's clear, I'm not here to kiss anyone's ass and can't help but speak my mind, sorry. Isn't a little pretentious to assume someones trying to validate themselves just by questioning one of your post?

Inhuman 04.09.2010 12:37 PM

Was thinking if it would be useful for me with it's code editor app and FTP, but just as transportable & stealable as my macbook. Gadget consumption is so out of hand these days

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