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Rob Instigator 06.18.2008 09:32 AM

I thought Event Horizon worked better as a horror movie than a sci fi movie, but there were parts that really freaked me out.

Alex's Trip 06.18.2008 09:40 AM

I haven't seen the Shining. Am I a bad person?

demonrail666 06.18.2008 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
I haven't seen the Shining. Am I a bad person?


ALIEN ANAL 06.18.2008 10:22 AM

haha i knew i would find a massive list of movies in this thread

MellySingsDoom 06.18.2008 10:46 AM

How about everyone's favourite Joe D'Amato film, "Anthropophagous":


demonrail666 06.18.2008 11:02 AM

Shut up Melly. You know as well as everyone that Anthropopho-however you spell it, is, until the final bit when he's climbing out of the well, one of the most boring films ever. Joe D'Amato couldn't even make his porn half-way watchable, ffs!

MellySingsDoom 06.18.2008 11:07 AM

You can throw what you want at me, demonrail, but Joe "Pedro, The Wonder Horse" D'Amato still commands respect in this household. So there!

So, moving onto "proper" horro movies, here's another:


atsonicpark 06.18.2008 11:09 AM

That movie's pretty good, as long as its the uncensored version. The guy who plays the antropophagus is one of the criminals in Rabid Dogs/Kidnapped, a good Mario Bava film.

Joe D'Amato mostly made shit, though Alien Dead was entertaining, and Beyond the Darkness is one of my favorite films of all time.

mangajunky 06.18.2008 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

Anyway, if I were to make a top 10, it'd be:

6. Street Trash

Ha ha - I know one of the guys in Street Trash.
His name is Mike Lackey.

oh and your list totally reminded me how fucked up Untold Story is.
That movie looks like they were totally torturing children.

atsonicpark 06.18.2008 11:17 AM

Yeah, that movie's great! I need to see the sequel.

The dude in that, Anthony Wong, is fucking great in everything he's in. Ebola Syndrome was made with a lot of the same people and in the first 5 minutes features a kid getting killed and a chick getting pissed on! Then the main dude rapes a chick with a disease and then cums in a bunch of meat and serves it to people and then people start dying and then he goes insane and kills everyone on the streets.

mangajunky 06.18.2008 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Yeah, that movie's great! I need to see the sequel.

The dude in that, Anthony Wong, is fucking great in everything he's in. Ebola Syndrome was made with a lot of the same people and in the first 5 minutes features a kid getting killed and a chick getting pissed on! Then the main dude rapes a chick with a disease and then cums in a bunch of meat and serves it to people and then people start dying and then he goes insane and kills everyone on the streets.

Ebola Syndrome is another one of my faves, but despite the description above I still think it's a gross-out comedy...does that mean that I'm totally fucked up? I love when he's running around in the streets sneezing on people screaming "ebola ebola!!!".

atsonicpark 06.18.2008 11:29 AM

Haha, no, I agree. Then again, I think many horror films are hilarious... intentional or not.

Tokolosh 06.18.2008 12:26 PM



LifeDistortion 06.18.2008 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
What is the criteria for "underrated" in this case? Poultergeist was a hugely successful and well-remembered film that spawned many sequels, parodies, and even a video game! In fact, I could be wrong here (and somebody can look this up on wikipedia and prove me right or wrong), but I'd say it was easily one of the most successful horror films ever made.. not just fianancially but in its legacy/inspiration to others as well.

I say its underrated as far as "horrer/suspense" films go. I really is a horrer film but the fact that Speilberg's name is associated with it, even overshadows Tobe Hopper as director I think people often forget or overlook it for more traditional horrer fare. The film works on the level that "The Excorcist" does. A slow burn. Where intially the family is amused by this prescene and each time something happens it just builds and builds to much more darker and disturbing fare. Thus making for a very effective scare film.

mangajunky 06.19.2008 09:54 AM

I was just reminded of "Shadow of the Vampire" with Willem Dafoe, Udo Kier, and Cary Elwes. A horror film about making Nosferatu...Implying that Max Schreck is actually a vampire. I love it!!

And thinking about Udo - every horror movie fan needs to see "Blood for Dracula" and "Flesh for Frankenstein".

demonrail666 06.19.2008 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh


The Burning was one of my favourite films period when i was growing up. Nice one.

MellySingsDoom 06.19.2008 10:06 AM

In case no-one's mentioned it, I think thath "Ichi The Killer" is one of the better Japanese horror-trash efforts:


demonrail666 06.19.2008 10:09 AM

I've got that and still haven't managed to sit all the way through it. I really must try harder.


Now that's what I call a movie poster. And the film's even better!

Everyneurotic 06.19.2008 10:12 AM

i'm so uncool, i love the shining and have no intention of ever watching the exorcist.

tons of horror movies are awesome to me, i love the original texas chainsaw massacre, don't know if it qualifies but battle royale definitely one of my favs.

ichi the killer is high on my "to watch" list, probably the one i'm most looking forward to see.

MellySingsDoom 06.19.2008 10:14 AM

Ah, god bless Joe Spinell and his scenery-chewing. I have the above image on a T-shirt, which is v nice indeed. And talkig of T-shirts and horror, I recently got one for this film:


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