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That INFERNAL AFFAIRS one is great. Someone should post more.
BTW, did you guys know the sped-up sex scene in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE was originally 28 minutes long, one take? That's so cool. I think the finished version is 28 seconds. For noisereductions: http://www.screenjunkies.com/general...antino-moments ... 11 most bizarre tarantino moments, some funny and some making him look really bad, haha. Watch his American Idol (?!) appearance clip from that article. He is such a douchebag. BTW, saw Jackass 3D last night. Had a few cool scenes, but it was pretty tired all in all. You can tell they just decided to do the 3D thing after filming 99% of the film, since only the opening sequence and end sequence are in 3D. Oh well. Mindless entertainment, certainly nothing as unique, genuinely hilarious, absurd, or great as Tom GReen or Buzzkill. Also, Bam is an idiot. Bam Margera is the worst human being ever. He is such a fucking pussy. He doesn't even DO anything except bitch in this movie, and in the 2nd movie. Why is he even in these films? Because he has an ugly mole?! And a HIM tattoo? STEVE-O is a total retard, but at least he does stupid shit -- look, you guys, you're getting paid millions of dollars, who wouldn't eat shit and drink cum for that? About 30% of the film is people laughing. 10% is people vomitting. 10% is Bam crying or whining. Ultmately, the "Knoxville as an old man making out with granddaughter" sequence and the "port-a-potty bungee jump filled with dog shit" and the "midgits in the bar" were fun, the rest sucked. 5/10. edit: oh, wonderful, just read the main reason Bam didn't do anything in the film is because he called a black woman a racist slur, and she (! a 59 year old woman!) beat the shit out of him with a bat. I give her a 10/10. edit 2: Best thing about jackass 3 was beavis n butthead showing up. Mike Judge had a horrible year, with the so-so Goode Family cancelled immediately, the most consistently great animated series ever King of the Hill being cancelled, and the no-one-saw-it-not-even-me! Extract being one of the biggest bombs of all time.... oh, also, his ANIMATION SHOW festival is supposedly dead too. Did anyone seen Extract? |
BTW, for those who can't pony up the $5 or so for the tom green complete canadian box set, here it is: http://btjunkie.org/torrent/The-Tom-...35f4d7dd57ed8d .. I HIGHLY RECCOMEND buying the 3 disc set, but this is a good way to go too. seriously amazing, the best thing that ever aired on tv.
Also, a brand new director's cut 10 year anniversary edition of freddy got fingered is in the works, with 35 minutes of new footage. I'll be preordering it. |
I'm dying to see it. I think everyone knows Craven is one of my favorite directors. |
that's crazy about the Clockwork Orange scene. Haha thanks for the QT clip. |
Dude Where's... got a critereon release?
fake criterion covers |
Robin Hood (Ridley Scott's version...)
The Groundhog Day cover is so awesome. I wish it existed
I haven't seen "My Soul To Take" but from some of the reviewers who are even major fans of Craven's, have said this one is not good. |
![]() Just saw this. So entertainingly campy, gory, and full of nudity. I was pretty much laughing all the way through. |
![]() ![]() The Most Terrible Time in My Life - 9/10 |
The plot was not awesome. But, it worked. It didn't end up being as predictable as I thought it would be. There was a okay amount of gore. Could've used more of course.. I would like to see a unrated version. Oh, and I don't think I remember seeing very many 3D parts I'd probably give it a 7.5.. or maybe 8.0.. something like that |
![]() 6/10 |
![]() ![]() EMBRYO HUNTS IN SECRET - 7/10 ![]() ![]() VIOLATED ANGELS - 6/10 |
Also watched the hilarious Vincent Gallo interview recreation thing, 48 PEOPLE IN HOLLYWOOD WHO SHOULD BE DEAD. It's only 30 minutes long so it's worth seeking out. It's basically tons of quotes of him insulting a bunch of big Hollywood people he's encountered and hates. And he hates them with a vengeance! Not surprisingly, two of his biggest targets are his BUFFALO '66 co-star Christina Ricci and Quentin Tarantino... who is just.. you know.. Quentin Tarantino. Hilarious documentary.
Gonna have to watch some Wakamatsu soon...
wow. being a gallo fan, i really want to check this out. Have you seen Tetro? what did you think of it? |
being a major fan of Craven's MEANS liking films that are "not good." :) I'm still excited. |
![]() IRON TRIANGLE - 7/10 3 of the best directors of all time make one movie. And you know, of course it's not going to be as good as you would think with that kind of cast and directors involved, but it's still pretty awesome.. |
Anyone suggest me some good pinku movies?
There aren't too many. I guess the Hisayasu Sato stuff... survey map of a paradise lost, splatter: naked blood, love minus zero equals infinity, and so on. Everything else I've seen has been GARBAGE. No point in bothering, imo.
re-watched both of gallo's films
![]() ![]() and ![]() ![]() Both are 8/10's. BUFFALO '66 is more easy-to-please-the-indie-film-audience, but even it is a bit weird, disjointed, and seems like a mashup of Jon Jost/Godardian styles with a very Americanized storyline that doesn't reach for anything too grand and can even be a bit goofy in its characertization and plot -- a frustrating film, but ultimately, a damn good one, especially for a first-time director -- and it looks damn good, to boot. Most of the best ideas are reused from better films, but it's worth seeing for the first 5 minutes alone (the shots of the snow and seagulls). Also, gotta love any film with bowling! As for Brown Bunny, I'm sure I'm in the minority who prefers it to Buffalo, but not by much (again, both 8's). Rarely do I see a film so haunting, so uncaring about the audience watching it -- it felt like a private journal of events more than a "movie" and it doesn't progress like a "movie" at all (granted, Buffalo doesn't really, either, in any conventional sense -- but it still has a pretty straightforward plot). This film is positively ghostly; "hauntingly beautiful" and, other times, just beautiful. A good 40 minutes of the film is just a guy driving. But man, those scenes were amazing! I was so engaged.. it was like I was traveling to somewhere new, where I'd never been. I was never bored once. And Gallo isn't as in-your-face and assholeish as in Buffalo, so it makes the film a lot easier to get through. A brilliantly minimal, misunderstood, epic. Fucking great! Too bad most people just watched it for the unsexiest blowjob ever. |
Really though, all my asian porn just lacked a certain artiness I enjoy while jacking it. |
Eh, maybe try LOLITA VIBRATOR TORTURE then. THat one's pretty classy.
I LOVE Glamourous Life Of Sachiko Hanai... but I guess I never really considered it a "pinku" film until recently. It's far more inventive and funny and well made, all in all, than a lot of that stuff. |
saw infinity - 0/10
Got in free. Last movie we saw, they fucked up the projection, so we got into this free. I guess we should've seen Red. Did I mention this was a 3D movie but we had to see it in 2D? Haha. My score is a joke, this movie's about a 3 or something. It's actually the most violent, mean spirited, cruel movie in the series, or at least of the ones I've seen. So, if you actually care about that kinda stuff and dont' want to actually watch a good movie like Don't Go in the House of Maniac or Nightmare in a Damaged Brain or something... by all means, still don't go see it! ![]() match point - 6/10 Scarlett Johannson is the wost actress of our generation. THere, I said it. I don't care which hole you want to stick it in, she is A FUCKING HORRIBLE ACTRESS. It sounds like she's struggling to exist in every movie she's in. She's painful to watch! Yeah, yeah, she's got big boobs -- she sucks. I'm a Woody Allen fan, though, and this movie is not Woody Allen at his best, obviously, but it's still good. Funny that this movie is called his "comeback" film (when did he leave? He's been making good movies, and bad movies, his whole career) and Whatever Works was a "horrible film", even though I'd sit through some of that movie's painful 30-year-old dialogue (I mean, it was a sloppy, uneven, lazy, silly film at times, but Larry David is charismatic and Evan Rachel Wood proves you can be both extremely talented AND VERY annoying) forever than have to endure one more of Scarlett Johannson's "look at me.. I'm acting!" I mean, she's like the female verse of Keanu Reeves. She's such an airhead. Anyway, pretty cool movie. But she sucks. Though this isn't as bad as Scoop, which I'd give a 3/10. ALSO, SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD LEAKED ON DVD. YES, A DVD RIP OF THE BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR. GO TO BTJUNKIE AND DOWNLOAD IT, IT LITERALLY HAS 100,000 SEEDERS OR SOMETHING. THIS MOVIE WAS AMAZING. SURE, IT WAS THE BIGGEST BOMB OF ALL TIME. BUT THAT'S BECAUSE IT'S AHEAD OF THE PACK. SUCH A SMART, CLEVER MOVIE. I DON'T LIKE THAT GUY'S PREVIOUS MOVIES. I DON'T LIKE MICHAEL CERA. I DON'T LIKE JASON SCHWARTZMANN. I DON'T LIKE THE BANDS ON THE SOUNDTRACK. I DON'T LIKE MACALUAY CULKIN'S BROTHER. AND IT'S STILL, HANDS DOWN, THE FUNNIEST, SMARTEST, MOST CLEVER MAINSTREAM FILM OF THE YEAR. MAYBE OF THE DECADE. YES, IT'S THE MAINSTREAM REFLECTIONS OF EVIL FOLKS. GO DOWNLOAD THAT MOVIE. (or buy it when it comes out) MY HIGHEST ENDORSEMENT. |
ASP, care to post more about Violated Angels? Looks cooler than a 6/10 from the screens.
I'm not sure what that means. 6/10 is a good score.
Glad we're on a new page, though, so I can say: EVERYONE GO TO BTJUNKIE.ORG AND DOWNLOAD SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD IF YOU'RE ON THE FENCE ABOUT IT IN ANY WAY. I have a feeling it'll do just fine in DVD sales, but if anyone doesn't know and wants to see it, there's a DVD rip on there with 200,000 seeders or something ridiculous, you'll get the movie in about 2 seconds. This is the best mainstream film of the past decade. As I said on my last post, I hate so many people involved with this film, but I can't hate this film because it's so fucking GREAT! |
lol. after that piece of shit was made caine appeared in all these press conferences with david cameron and the tories when they were campaigning for the election. even the itv news which usually loves dave cameron was making fun of caine because he didn't have a fucking clue what was going on. interviewers were asking him questions about why he supported the tories and he came across like a clueless idiot. obviously the tories thought it was great PR having this actor who was in a film were he shoots tons of poor people on drugs and benefits.
i read an interview with him and he was talking shit about hanging in the hood in london with all these crims and gangstas who thought his film was cool and how he was reflecting the urban life and all this SHIT like he was down with da kids. lol old people. anyway i just watched the uninvited and worked out that her sister wasn't real as soon as she appeared on screen. then i imdb and find out its a remake of a probably superior japanese film which i could have watched instead. are people really as racist as studios seem to think that they need things remade with white people speaking english? they should have done the add campaign for this film as if it was a remake with english actors but then when people get to the cinema they just play the original with subtitles. anyone who complains gets a punch in the face instead of a refund. it would be a great marketing gimmick. and they could have saved us all having to sit thru annoying skinny american females being ironic and cutesy who cannot fucking act whatsoever. |
Hahaha. That's hilarious about Michael Caine. I'd never even heard of the movie until someone said "hey man you like taxi driver right? isn't that your all time favorite film? I saw a film that's just like it!" He should have added -- after all that -- "....but retarded!" Just think of that... "I saw a film that's just like it!.....but retarded!" It works so well. Sadly, I think the film blew his mind, so I'm just going to quietly "no comment" on it, to him. But fuck I'll tear it a new asshole on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............and now I'm done.
Seriously, all the best films I've seen in the past decade have come from Japan. Either that, or DEEP in the underground here (Jost, Fotopolous, Packard, Andrews, Trecartin, etc). But, man, RAMPO NOIR, TASTE OF TEA, FUNKY FOREST, LOVE EXPOSURE, INVISIBLE WAVES, BRIGHT FUTURE, LAST LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE are all mainstream films there (and a lot of those starred Tadanobou Asano, the world's greatest director -- I mean, seriously, 95% of the roles this guy chooses are ACE; he must have the best agent in the entire world or something, I mean FUCK! He's worked with Sogo Ishii, Kitano, Shinji Aoyanama, Tsukamoto, and uh... that one hack who made that amazing film Izo that no one knows and we'll never speak of again... But, yeah, FUCK! Even Kitano's films get theatrical releases. Blows my fucking MIND. Sadly, I still read on facebook all the time, and know people, who go "I HATE SUBTITLEZZZ." Because, you know, learning to read was just a skill everyone in the world learned in kindergarten. But apparently, being forced to read now is just horrifying. The thing is, Japanese cinema is usually contemplative, meditative, and... well, point is, there usually isn't much dialogue to begin with! I probably would have blown my brains out years ago if it wasn't for inventive, unique, mindfuckingly good Japanese cinema. I can always count on it to give me a pleasure boner. |
return of the living dead
one of the better and funner zombie movies that i have seen. |
well the japanese have one of the highest iq's in the world.
1. hong kong with an average of 107 2. south korea with an average of 106 3. japan with an average of 105 then its taiwan, singapore. the uk is joint 12th and the usa is 19th ireland is 36th. living in northern ireland i count as part of the uk but i bet if they did a study just on us we'd be nearly as low as southern ireland. uk cinema has always dissapointed me. its always seemed underconfident, like "omg we aren't americans we can't live up to their glorious hollywood blockbusters" the way the press talk about uk film, its as if it has some sort of a handicap because its not american. as for northern ireland, well we have fuck all. sometimes hollywood shoots here for the scenery, but we have basically next to nothing of our own going on. i was surprised by that film hunger in 08 that came out of nowhere and is really a fucking classic. i obviously havent seen everything, but there has been so little i can safely assume its the greatest film ever to be made in this country. the tone of the thing sums up what life here was like during the troubles and in many ways still is. the prison guard checking under his car for explosives, that's what some of my relatives had to do, and probably still would do in certain occasions. and the way the street and the houses look in that scene, thats pretty much the way most of the country still looks. and there is a scene were 2 people just talk, a single shot for what must be over 20 minutes. it surprised the hell out of me watching it, because it really is unbelievably good. like it feels like an actual part of history instead of a movie if you know what i mean. there is a northern ireland film site here so i guess i will see if there are any torrents of any of them. down south there's a dublin heroin film called adam and paul which is pretty good. |
the first ROTLD is one of my all time favorites. |
i think also that part of the reason for the crappy cinema is that america and the uk are 2 countries were people are PROUD of their own ignorance, and they actually get aggressively pissy at film and culture that is not designed to please them as if they were moronic children. i think this has something to do with their cultural hegemony in the 20th century, and how they feel superior to the rest of the planet and don't feel the need to learn other languages or branch out into other cultures.
you see it on, well, the entire internet. it manifests itself in the constant accusations of "pretentious hipsterism" when really there isn't any going on. in a liberal culture that values enjoyment above all else, where everybodys opinion is just as valuable as everyone elses, people end up simply unchallenged. it becomes acceptable to mouth off the stupidest shit about something as there are no expected standards in discourse and the idea you might want to learn something is like, oppression, mannnn. and even in so called journals of professional opinion, like if you look on metacritic. oh my fucking god. the reviews people actually get PAID to write. harrowing! redemptive! moving! performance! mesmerizing! adjectives! then they'll top that off with some dazzling witticism like "who says X can't be X?" nooone said anything you cunt. "terrific fun, the 2 hours just fly by!" as if being chirpy about the film with happy words counts as a review or critique. and then you have studios that actually make films by audience deed poll. "what do you want to happen next?" "lets remake the movie with a happy ending since this audience survey doesn't like it." like this isn't the fastest way to ensure giving the lowest common denominator absolute garbage. like this doesn't in the end HURT profits since noone is being challenged and so noone is having any experiences in the cinema that might make them think later on and give them something to remember. when you stop doing that, nobody goes BACK to the cinema next week after having seeing adam sandler, megan fox and jar jar binks in seth mcfarlane's DOOBIEBRO'S DEFEAT THE TERRORISTS! whatever, i cant come up with a good parody but you get the point. one of the biggest/coolest films over in the uk is called "this is england". its one of those films that isnt just popular and widely loved, but is like regarded as highly cool and deep. i think its just utter SHIT. anybody else here seen it? its about these 80's kids who run into the bad old BNP but in the end learn a lesson about friendship and being happy and not being racist but we get to see an asian guy get the shit kicked out of him so its like, you know, DEEP. its about us all learning a lesson in multiculturalism so its ok for us to enjoy the absolutely laughably demonic portrayal of racism as some sort of brain spasm that makes you get violent for absolutely no discernable reason. its just laughable to me because ive seen people say they love it and its an absolutely brilliant film, but the message obviously didn't sink in since they still want the bnp in charge of the country. |
i also saw monsters last night. yawn. the only interesting characters were the mexicans, who of course have to die so the americans can get back to americaland and share an intimate moment. yawn.
it actually starts off like it could be really good, then the ending is just atrocious. as if someone read lovecraft and said "i know what we need to do! we need to have those monsters in a film, only instead of destroying most of humanity and the planet they have a nice kiss and we all learn something about the importance of family and our relationships!" 5/10 for the first 3/4 of the film. 0 for the ending. |
i absolutely agree. its here as well (a very western centric mindset) like a band or film has to justify itself or making you think and not just passing two hours of your life. and i am glad that i am not the only who didnt like this is england. it actually started out as a cool film about a kid who gets attached to these nice punks. but when the whole BNP thing started and the corny music and terrible ending i just couldnt stand it. |
Yeah, but it's not a great score... and those screens you posted look fantastic. I was just wondering what you'd say kept it from being a GREAT movie. By the way, I'm really digging this ACS album you sent me. Especially the opening cartoon-industrial track, which reminds me a lot of Thrill Kill Kult. So... yeah, thanks! ;) |
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