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don't you agree with me about Kristen Bell? |
I know exactly what you mean, Derek. It almost seems like everyone I know IRL make all of their life's decisions based on what'd look cool on their Facebook page.
I mean, is a relationship even official anymore unless it's on Facebook? I hate to say it, but I truly think the answer is - "hardly". The sad thing is, there are so many trendy-fucks (I'm not saying I'm completely innocent...but I'm a Juggalo, c'mon...I can't be that trendy) that post on, and on, and on about how cool they are. When really, they're just so oblivious, and their knowledge is pety. I guess it's better than being glued to the TV though. There's not much more that infuriates me than scheduled, and often-censored programming. |
so nobody else RE: Kristen Bell?
where's davesnotdead? My boy dave would be in full creep mode right now. |
speaking of which, Joe you realize yr in the same movie as Kristen Bell? How hot is that?
oh shit! He is??? Arrgh! This is what I get for wasting time on a forum with you jerks. Laterzzz |
Never had a cellphone, never will have one. Don't see the point, honestly, unless I'm going on a long road trip where they absolutely will not be phones anywhere on the highway. I only use Facebook now for email, mainly. I've hid nearly everyone's status except about 5 people, a few of which who post on here anyway!... Most people are so cold, distant, desesntized, impersonal, etc. now. That's the stupid grown up toy/cell phone "culture". I don't relate with anyone. I grew up with NOTHING so I've had to work hard; nearly all my peers have had everything handed to them, yet post every other day about how broke they are, how they're in debt big time, and it makes no sense to me. I can't relate with anyone, and if you have any success, anything going on for you, you're an "asshole" since you're not hanging out and getting drunk and acting like a retard... and wallowing in the same self-loathing feeling-sorry-for-yourself depressive little hole with all your cool buddies, who can only comprehend shitty 3 chord awful punk rock and automatically write off anything that they might have to listen to more than once, meanwhile insulting everyone else's tastes even though they're 32 and live at fuckng home and have nothing going on for themselves so they have to insult other people to feel good about their own shitty lives, thier fucking claim to fame being a fucking E WRESTLING CHAMPINO, stupid fucking prick. So many people only care about simple things that get in, do its simple easy-to-understand thing, and get out. Fuck anything "intellectual", fuck anything that might make someone actually ,y'know, think. THat might take a bit of work to fully comprehend and appreciate. These people only bother with things they can "get" immediately.. if not, they're usually the exact opposite, fucking elitist pricks who act like they're sooooooo smart... what the fuck? Why can't people just like what they like and stop worrying about their fucing "status", what their liking of something says about them as a person? Who gives a fuck? Why does just about everyone have the SAME EXACT TASTE? It's like, most people don't have a real opinion, or only say things that are contrary (for example, "OH, A BUNCH OF LAMEASS PEOPLE LIKE SLIPKNOT SO, THEY SUCK! EVEN THOUGH I'VE NEVER HEARD ANY OF THEIR SONGS!"). It's hard to find honest, cool people. My real life "best friend" can't return my fucking phone calls or emails because he's 24 and has never held a girl's hand so he's now reccomending movies he hates and pretends to like them to get the attention of some ugly ass stupid girl he needs the attention of to feel like less of a loser, even though his own family hates him because he's such a horrible son/nephew and won't even get ahold of them unless he needs money, and everyone makes fun of him for going to art school since he's a shitty artist, I have spent years doing so many wonderful amazing things for him and I was in the hospital recently and he hasn't even CALLED me to check and see how I'm doing because he's too busy making horrible paintings, fucking around on his iphone (which he has no reason to have, since he doesn't have any friends to call, except me, and he doesn't call me). People make me sick. He lives in some fucking pretend world. What a joke. I didn't put him in my latest movies or my latest albums and he bitches about them but I honestly asked him a thousand fucking times and he wouldn't even take 2 seconds to reply. I have a concert next Saturday and he always makes a big deal about how he loooooooooves to play live -- probably in the hopes that if he talks loud enough, a girl might accidentally hear him and think he's "kewl" even though the only thing he likes is shit I got him into and he only gets ahold of me when he is runnin' low on culture and entertainment, knowing I'm going to burn him a thousand cd's and dvd's to sustain his existence for anoter few months... but, hey, he won't even fucking get ahold of me despite LOVIN' TO PLAY LIVEEEEEEEEEE, cuz you know, he's so busy, he works at a library 10 hours a week making minimum wage nad sits on his ass, he's never had to work a day in his life, his aunt ran into me last week and just made fun of him and said how awful of a human being he is and how his MILLIONAIRE mom is going to be cutting him off really soon and how happy she was. His aunt actually told me that she wishes I was his nephew, which was fucking hilarious, but also sad! He's probably just waiting for me to die since I'm leaving all my movies to him.
Anyway Anyway.. |
I always know what friends you're talking about straight off the bat, it's like I'm in some secret club or something hah.
Fuck the world basically. |
basically, Derek. We need to be real life friends! Hahaha. Just fucking sit around and chat Kayo dot and Jon Jost all day. Fcuk!
![]() ASHES OF TIME - 6/10 The only Wong Kar Wai film I hadn't already seen. It's all over the place. It's nuts. I dunno what to think! His films usually have really odd editing, see also Chunking Express and 2046. He makes some stylistic choices I don't always approve of, but what can I say? He's a masterful director, and it's always a pleasure to watch his films. This is a mess, but an interesting one. |
I don't even know who that is. |
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no hotlinking noisered. how ironic, no hotlinking when you're linking a girl you think is hot.
Hah, I'm actually nicer in real life than on the internet, but isn't that true for everyone? |
![]() (Kristen Bell, right) |
Can't we just make it a threesome? :(
(@ Derek + Mada Yelooc) |
NR, I still don't know who that is. But I'd definitely fuck her face, if single, and given the opportunity.
We could listen to tons of ICP, Kayo Dot and Beefheart and all will be well. |
shutters island
a film full of surprises and difficult thought procesing all in the mind of the fear of beening labeld psychiatric day-night confusion moments of drifting away side of the care takers on the island the paranoia of never getting out (same as beeing born < just joking) great movie |
You may have opened a huge can of worms by saying this... |
Maybe if Adam and I get high enough we can just fly over to Scotland to see your sober, and unimaginably even friendlier than your online persona, ass :). Doesn't ni'k astral project himself all over the world or something? Maybe he'll have some sort of solution. But, back on the subject of Facebook & cell phones (since it's sooooooo much more interesting than movies :rolleyes: ) Here's a perfect example of the shit I have to put up with every time I check my page, which was posted "about an hour ago". So I read this... Quote:
...waiting for the attached image to load, naively thinking that maybe, just maybe, the picture will actually be something intriguing and understandably life-changing. .... You know what I get? Quote:
WHAT?! WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF POST IS THAT? I swear, Facebook is the worst online community of all-time. This girl legitimately spends her whole existence taking pictures of herself, and uploading them online. Her profile picture literally changes multiple times a day. Even in high school, when she was an aspiring photographer, all she would do was take kewt MySpace picz =) <3!!! Sadly, this person is at the forefront of the local alternative crowd. EVERYONE knows her, and even worse EVERYONE loooooves her!!! Meanwhile, myself, and the few other local cats, who are actually trying to make a name for ourselves by actually creating... well....something!!!, have to bust our asses to get any recognition whatsoever. I just don't get it. But yeah, I also have to disagree with Adam on the cell phone issue though. I think it's a remarkable advancement in technology! I'm actually surprised that landlines aren't completely obsolete by now. Sure, some people go overboard on the texting, and whatnot. But most people I know seem to have developed decent texting etiquette by now. [/rant] |
In this day and age of QWERTY keyboards, texting shit like "R u mad @ me 4 sumthing" instead of actually taking the time to type out "Are you mad at me for something?" is just immature. I don't even have a phone with a QWERTY keyboard and I've moved beyond that. |
she's in Veronica Mars, Pulse, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, etc. |
damn, I wanted to read bout some films you guys have seen. instead of that I read from you about, telephones, hot girls, cute girls, strange girls and shutter island (which is great :))
this board is nuts, hahaha |
![]() Saw a pretty scratched up copy of this, I think it could be a great movie, but I can only say it was a good movie. Sometimes Netflix pisses me off. |
6/10 Semi-embarrased to say that it's taken me this long to finally got around to watching this. I felt a bit bad because I couldn't distinguish most of the cast. Just lots of really similar looking boys and girls killing one another. I'm sort of intrigued to see the sequel, though. Sad that Beat Takeshi isn't in it. Atleast I could tell him apart from everyone else - if only because of his tracksuit. |
Haha, I've seen the first Battle Royale probably a hundred times (probably because it was my ex-girlfriend's favorite movie of all time). It's really good! Silly concept and all, and it feels like it'd get old, but something makes it compelling.. just brilliant performances by the children; they really do a lot of cool shit with the concept... The sequel is THE WORST FUCKING FILM EVER, though. Just about, at least. It's like a war movie! It's horrible.
![]() Tide and Time - 8/10 ![]() Stairway to a Distant Past - 9/10 |
Since it was buried almost instantly, I figured I'd quote these so people can get them ,since there's tons of interesting stuff here!
Thanks for that ^
I'm about to watch Sour Grapes. ![]() |
It's funny, cos I sort of liked the idea a lot, although it did feel more like the premise for a video game than a movie. I'm actually surprised it hasn't been turned into one - unless it has. I just couldn't get beyond the whole, "ok, so who's this Japanese looking fucker in relation to the fifteen other Japanese looking fuckers I've just been looking at?" It didn't help that they were all in school uniforms, although I should atleast be grateful that it was a mixed school so I could distinguish those in trousers from those in skirts - and the two outright baddies, who they managed to get to stand out by having not wear school uniforms at all. And Takeshi, of course. It's weird, I never have this problem watching regular war films, where people look even more alike. I just think I hasve a real problem with Japanese faces. If they're fat they all look like odd job and if they're skinny they all look like Ruichi Sakamoto, and if they're female they all really do look identical to me. I'll stop on that though, before I make myself seem even more racist than I actually am. Anyway, I'll watch BR2 today. The fact you've described it as being so bad makes me all the more intrigued. I just looked at some stills and it seems like they've recognised my problem of 'they all look the bleedin' same' by varying the haircuts a bit, which should help matters on that end, anyway. |
Visitor Q.
![]() the whole movie kinda smells like blade runner without the futureesque setting. I love it. |
Oh yeah, Demon, it's still worth a watch -- then again, I think most things are worth a watch -- I just didn't like it at all.
Wow, al, BLACK RAIN.. I've never even heard of that, Michael Douglas looks ridiculous, it even has the same initials as Blade Runner, haha. Will d/l that. |
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I got half baked and watched half baked. And I watched the original Toxic Avenger with the commentary a few days ago.
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