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Bytor Peltor 12.12.2020 06:25 AM

Where was all this spunky wit when our Government was wasting $30+ million on the Muller report? Oh well, make sure you remember to quote and reply to yourself when Hunter and Jim start accumulating hefty legal fees. After all, dear ole papa Joe is just a Government employee and can’t afford millions on legal fees. Maybe Aunt Kamala will pardon them???


Originally Posted by _tunic_
I wonder how much money is wasted with all these lawsuits. Money that could be spent on to name one or two, resolving poverty or on education or on bombing Korea even.

The Gates Foundation adds $250M gift to fight COVID-19 worldwide, The Trump Foundation spends (mostly) other people's money on himself, me me me me me.

_tunic_ 12.12.2020 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
There is no doubt about it, Donald Trump easily won the 2020 Election.


According to that picture Trump has won California. I will quote from a Newsweek article titled:
Aubrey Huff Claims Trump Wins California if Illegal Votes Tossed, Despite Biden Winning State by Nearly 5 Million

Data from the National Election Pool and Edison Research shows that with 95 percent of votes reported, Biden had received 10.2 million votes, with Trump's tally standing at 5.37 million votes.

So if you and Aubrey are right, it would mean that at least 5 million Biden votes in California are illegal, and of course all of the Trump votes are legal?

according to my very brief investigation it was the Republicans that were accused of illegal activities in California:
California Republican Party Admits It Placed Misleading Ballot Boxes Around State

I could not find any evidence of the 5 million illegal Biden votes though

Skuj 12.12.2020 02:57 PM

Some of you be qouting the Magabillies. I don't know how to feel about them, really. They really do believe what they have been reading on their Magabilly sites, don't they?

_tunic_ 12.12.2020 03:52 PM

Seems to me that picture I quoted comes from a Russian Troll!

Yeah, don't listen to the US press anymore, they're all FAKE, Russian trolls photoshopping US maps are totally telling the truth!

The real Al Wright passed away in September! So you are believing dead trolls too?
Also look at the top of the picture, that timestamp is made in Russia!!!!

demonrail666 12.12.2020 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
classes will be taught in our Universities about the fraud that occurred for years to come.

If there's one place you won't be taught that, it's your universities.

_tunic_ 12.12.2020 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
If there's one place you won't be taught that, it's your universities.

Except for this one



Skuj 12.12.2020 04:46 PM

Ah yes, Demonrail666.

Anti-intellectualism at its finest.

h8kurdt 12.12.2020 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
If there's one place you won't be taught that, it's your universities.

Be interested to see if you believe in the fraud accusations.
The only reason it'd be taught in universities is to highlight the prevalence in fake news and how dangerous it will be democracy as a whole.

Skuj 12.12.2020 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Be interested to see if you believe in the fraud accusations.

Although I only catch glimpses of him when he is quoted now, I can assure you that he believes!!

demonrail666 12.12.2020 06:25 PM

I do believe that fraud went on, and on a large scale. Whether it was large enough to swing an entire election, I'll never know, but there are still too many anomalies for me not to think something very iffy went on.

Universities won't touch it because frankly they're sole interest in this election was in seeing Trump lose, regardless of how. My guess is that politica and history departments will simply lock step behind the line that Biden won legitimately, Trump's just a bad loser and there's no need to go into details. 99% of their students will be of a similar mindset so it'll just be allowed to become a settled issue.

The Soup Nazi 12.12.2020 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!


Brilliant. Gotta love a deep fake as long as you know it's a deep fake.

tw2113 12.12.2020 09:09 PM

We're still screwed, one way or another, aren't we?

Skuj 12.12.2020 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
We're still screwed, one way or another, aren't we?

Thanks to the GOP, it is now OK to completely discredit democratic election results without one iota of evidence. The reverberations from this will be quite damaging and long lasting. America is now a bad joke. (Sorry. Don't take that personally.)

(Have I mentioned that Trump should go to jail over this? This is treason.)

tw2113 12.12.2020 09:39 PM

I'm the one that asked, i ain't taking anything personally :)

The Soup Nazi 12.13.2020 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Maggie Haberman
At the White House Christmas Party, guests were informed about 10 minutes ago that the president won't be joining them to make remarks

Aww, the toddler is sulking and won't come out of his room.


h8kurdt 12.13.2020 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I do believe that fraud went on, and on a large scale. Whether it was large enough to swing an entire election, I'll never know, but there are still too many anomalies for me not to think something very iffy went on.

Universities won't touch it because frankly they're sole interest in this election was in seeing Trump lose, regardless of how. My guess is that politica and history departments will simply lock step behind the line that Biden won legitimately, Trump's just a bad loser and there's no need to go into details. 99% of their students will be of a similar mindset so it'll just be allowed to become a settled issue.

Just like when Bush stole Florida?

I dunno, I figure that if fraud was happening I'm sure they'd go the whole hog and do it to swing the election. Otherwise what would be the point in doing it? Makes zero sense. If Biden was going to win the election already then there's no need for fraud.

Severian 12.13.2020 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
There is no doubt about it, Donald Trump easily won the 2020 Election. Fraud and digital manipulation may very well give the Presidency to Kamala Harris, but classes will be taught in our Universities about the fraud that occurred for years to come.


How is this not a violation of several different community guidelines for the board? It’s spam, it’s misinformation, it’s basically advertising for a bogus and dangerously baseless claim.
This should be reported. There’s no reasonable excuse. You’ve gone way beyond “expressing an opinion,” and you’re well into trolling on the back of outright lies at this point, so I don’t see any reason to continue to treat you as someone who merits the benefit of the doubt.

You should just go.
Did you hear there’s a whole social media app for your brand of insanity? It’s called Parler, and militia members, police, and crooked Texas legislators love it. Sounds like your kind of party.

Skuj 12.13.2020 02:01 PM

I tried to unsee that Bytor "source", but I could not unsee it.

The real tragedy is not that he posts it. He actually believes it. This is the kind of "news" he consumes daily, and millions upon millions of Americans do the same.

God bless America.

Skuj 12.13.2020 02:06 PM

Look what these GOP clowns are going to do next:

Trump's grip on the GOP remains firm. I keep hoping that history will judge all of this very harshly, but I should know better.

Edit: I actually hope they go through with this, and force Pence's hand.

More details:

Debaser 12.13.2020 09:13 PM

I'm not from the US, is this normal? It's very third reich-esque from an outsider!

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