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soniknirve 06.04.2006 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Why didn't Kurt Cobain ever drive? He preferred to ride shotgun.

haha. how many times have you used that one before?:fuckyou:

LifeDistortion 06.04.2006 03:15 AM

Damn you Kegmama, shortly after Kurt's death I was pretty determined to get all the recorded Nirvana songs I could find. I wanted b-sides, import stuff, all that. And I only really ended up getting a couple singles, I bought the Nirvana/Jesus Lizard split with Nirvana's "Oh the Guilt" and one Sub Pop comp. I kind of just gave up after awhile. That split is probobly the most obscure Nirvana I own, and I'm not even sure its that rare.

h8kurdt 06.04.2006 04:03 AM

*bos down to Kegmama* we're not worthy. I few years ago I would've probably creamed myself at seeing them boots.

I recently got MSN back after ditching it and some random person named crash wanted to me to agree to having him on le list. At first I ignored them but eventually I decided to let him in. He started talking to me and i'm likw "who the hell are you" so, he replies "I'm crash and I collect Nirvana bootlegs". "Where the hell did you get my e-mail address?!" "Live Nirvana website". That was a pretty bizzare experiance.

Why the hell did I just tell you that?

king_buzzo 06.04.2006 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
I thought I was one of the only Nirvana fans left on this forum... :)
I am a big Nirvana bootleg/show collector. I have about 200 live shows and shit. Some of the albums in my collection I paid $60-80 for. Ridiculous, huh? But anyone who has only heard their commercially released stuff has never really heard Nirvana.

This is just SOME of my collection. Other cds, my vinyls, books and videos/dvd's are in another room...




holy fucking shit!! where did you get all of that man??? i like you posters too

alyasa 06.04.2006 08:15 AM

Oh yeah.

PAULYBEE2656 06.04.2006 08:25 AM

nirvana were good, will always be good, will always be revered. not the greatest band ever but by fuck did they rock.

SonikJesus 06.04.2006 10:17 PM

Here is a different version of Lithium. I like it because it doesn't have a shitload of production on Kurt's voice. It just sounds raw. Kurt's voice sounds better live to me.

Smart Studios, Madison WI (4/2-6/90)

soniknirve 06.05.2006 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Actually, I was able to score a lot of it online. Some of it was found at some local record stores many years ago. Some of it I got by trading. But mostly ordering online is how I built up the collection.

you should always try and trade for shit. leave buying as a last resort. too many fuckers out there making a profit on ebay and shit for stuff that can be found through trading...

umjammer atomsk 06.05.2006 12:04 AM

kegmama collection: fucking ace
me three years ago: biggest nirvana freak ever


kurt = king of lyrics "penny royalty"

remeber the notes on the back of the TV-SHIT ep. It talked about spewing
vocals/soiunds untill they mutated and poo. Moist vagina being the most obvious example. BUt how about ze excellent lines in "paper cuts"

sad son what is that line anyways????????

and anyways isn't it nir van aaa not the blissfull oriental crap.

LifeDistortion 06.05.2006 12:48 AM

Kegmama do you have the In Utero import with the song (I think its called) something like "Gallons of gasoline on the Sunset Strip?" I saw that once, and at the time I didn't buy it because its was a lot for just one song from an album I already owned. Just curious if you own it.

soniknirve 06.05.2006 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
I also have a live version- January 22, 1993 - Ariola Ltda BMG, Rio de Janeiro.

that's actuallly the full studio version. before it was chopped and edited...

soniknirve 06.05.2006 12:57 AM

it also features a cool kurt solo at the end...

LifeDistortion 06.05.2006 01:02 AM

Damn, I think I'm going to have to get an ipod if I want to ever obtain all these rare Nirvana tracks.

LifeDistortion 06.05.2006 01:16 AM

I think my brother might have Incesticide on vynial, lucky bastard.

soniknirve 06.05.2006 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Saturnine
Oooh so it was pressed with Gallons on it. I was right!
Clear vinyl is gorgeous, the only other one I have is SYR3, which I have played numerous times. Truthfully I don't like listening to In Utero because Steve Albini is terrible at mixing.

i think on the boxset there are some songs pre-albini. either that or i have 'em elsewhere...

soniknirve 06.05.2006 01:28 AM

i have the swirly blue Sliver 7". released as a sub pop single of the month...

krastian 06.05.2006 01:32 AM

I have all the cd singles from Nevermind and In Utero and the all the Outcesticides....nothing compared to Kegmama though, seriously that is great!!!

finding nobody 06.05.2006 01:34 AM

i seen bleach on vinyl at hot topic.. shoulda bought it

finding nobody 06.05.2006 01:38 AM

shit! dont even play that game. kegmama will win everytime

krastian 06.05.2006 01:48 AM

The Lithium single was great because of 3 things:

1. Curmudgeon
2. The artwork
3. The lyrics to Nevermind

soniknirve 06.05.2006 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Yeah, I have: Smells Like Teen Spirit, Come As You Are, In Bloom, Lithium, All Apologies and Heart-Shaped Box. I would bust a nut (if I had nuts) for this one though. Love Buzz/Big Cheese single.


It's out of print. 1000 w/ hand-numbered sleeves. 100-200 w/ unnumbered sleeves.

i have the love buzz from that single if you want to hear it...

soniknirve 06.05.2006 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Saturnine
it's the same, though isn't it? just w/ some extra noise at the beginning?

yeah. it's a short sound collage. one of many he did. some i think were over 20 mins long...

soniknirve 06.05.2006 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Do you have the original you can mail me? ;)

ha ha ha. i wouldn't part with that if i did...

finding nobody 06.05.2006 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by soniknirve
yeah. it's a short sound collage. one of many he did. some i think were over 20 mins long...

i read thought i read it was from some kids show.. but i could be wrong

soniknirve 06.05.2006 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Haha. Thanks man. I have the version from the single too. How/On-What do you own yours?!

mine came from a number of boots put together by one of the folks at includes do you love me?, montage of heck (short and long versions), some radio sessions left off of the boxset...

krastian 06.05.2006 02:12 AM


Krist has the best sense of humor.....well they all did:p

finding nobody 06.05.2006 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Saturnine
have you seen the stoned interview? it's funny as shit.

yeah i love that one.
"well, trees came before logs right?"

krastian 06.05.2006 02:16 AM

Yeah that's pretty've seen Live! Tonight! Sold Out! right? That and TYPB were like my Bibles:D

finding nobody 06.05.2006 02:18 AM

i've only seen a clip of live sold out tonight. kurt was singing come as you fucking beautifully

krastian 06.05.2006 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by finding nobody
i've only seen a clip of live sold out tonight. kurt was singing come as you fucking beautifully

Damn B, buy that VHS on ebay or something sucka!!!:D

candymoan 06.05.2006 03:34 AM

the problem is, when nirvana did the unplugged show, the mainstream thought they were a mellow, hippyish band..
they were noisy and loud, beautiful, beautiful songs on every album..
incesticide pairs off with bleach, and nevermind pairs off with in utero, but they are solid as music can get..

kurt was great, and sad..

DemonBox 06.05.2006 10:23 AM

I am greatful to Nirvana for opening my eyes for good music. I remeber being a little kid in 6th grade, having no taste or interest in music. Then a older mate borrowed me Nirvana - Nevermind, and I got fucking obssesed with their music, I bougth everthing I could find by Nirvana, and it was the only band I ever listened to for a whole year. After reading the KC bio and countless interviews I checked out some of the bands Nirvana had mentioned, or covered (SY being one of them). And with every new band, I found out about some other band, and it just dominoed from there. They were also the reason for me picking up a guitar, because the music got me so fucking stoked that I wanted to rawk out myself. Sad to say I dont listen to Nirvana so much these days, but every once in a while when I'm down for some dirty pop, I crank out one of their records, they have my lifetime respect..

And that's my personal excperince with the band.

alyasa 06.05.2006 10:27 AM

I remember hanging out at Tower Records everyday and just reading Come As You Are by Michael Azzerad, end to end. Months passed like this. I even shoplifted a Seattle compilation disc that had Negative Creep on it, as well as Tad, Mudhoney, Green River... Negative Creep and School are two of the best rock songs ever written I think and Bleach definitely deserves more attention. :)

EMMAh 06.05.2006 10:46 AM

How have I not seen this thread????
Nirvana was awesome, they will always be one of my favorite bands :D

porkmarras 06.05.2006 10:50 AM


king_buzzo 06.05.2006 11:14 AM

o rly?


EMMAh 06.05.2006 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Saturnine
the best part is when he starts talking about escalators.

Hahaha I agree :D

king_buzzo 06.05.2006 11:32 AM

yeah.krist rules.

alyasa 06.05.2006 11:33 AM


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